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Pokémon Moon RPG Version 2.0

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why is there a limit to the beta testers please i have been on this game since 15 feb 2009 and i have nothing to do on tpm anymore

It's not like you know why I'm quitting.
You aren't psychic.
I'm not quitting because of that.
I'm quitting because I want to.
I'm quitting because I can.
I'm quitting because it's getting boring.
I'm quitting because I just dislike it.
Me making Sprites is a waste of time.


Originally Posted by Pikachu4444
why is there a limit to the beta testers please i have been on this game since 15 feb 2009 and i have nothing to do on tpm anymore

Because I've been on 2.0 one day before you <3

No need to act so cocky towards me.
Ryan, this person is just looking for attention, don't bother.
It's not like you know why I'm quitting.
You aren't psychic.
I'm not quitting because of that.
I'm quitting because I want to.
I'm quitting because I can.
I'm quitting because it's getting boring.
I'm quitting because I just dislike it.
Me making Sprites is a waste of time.

well, it's a good thing you got rejected. Wouldn't want you giving up halfway through development.
Ha! Second Dark's post!
Ontopic: Are seriously gonna spend time with Java on this. x_X

If only you people came to TPM. Would make me so much happier with the infestations that exist.
@jc: Before we can consider anything, we need examples of your work.

@baobao: I like the map, but there are a few things that could be better. Namely, the water flow makes no sense.

@me2hack: Java?
I changed the water a little.
Also since did the trainer back sprite thing. I got bored so I recolored so you can ignore the Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Trainer. The face was the hardest to do since I couldn't recolor anything or add something.

No comma
Oh, and I will get a few sprites up at least so I may have a chance at the spot.
You don't use MS Paint to do the Crystal sprites, do you, Neko? They look a bit complex.
Neko does use MS Paint for ALL of her spriting. She is a firm believer that no other program is needed for true spriting. (Though Mac People have to find alternates)

Im a graphic designer
i can do everything u need
not only sprites or layouts maps custom sprites all kinds of sprites
Can make a whole website out of scratch (Design).
but i can make everything that has to do with graphic designing i can work on anything starting from pics editing "photoshop" till
3d rendering and modeling "3DS MAX" i can code but im not pro at it
i know css,php,html
i know a lil bit of flash (really a little bit)
so thats quite all if i learn something new il message u and btw i have all the pokemon black and white sprites u need . I dont need nothing in return i just need to fill up my free time and mainly work on something cool and make it a challenge.

Tell me anykind of examples u need and il post it
even if it is a 3d model of a pokemon !

Plz reply thnx


Crystal or any other type coloring is so easy
You just get the palette and work on it lol i'll make u any sprite in under 1min..
You seem to misunderstand what the crystal pallete is. It is a pallete, but requires lots of editing. It is no mere recolor, hence it takes me up to an hour or more to make them sometimes.

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Moon RPG Version 2.0
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Moon RPG Version 2.0

Note the reshading and transparency. Crystal Sprites require the skills of reshading, knowledge of the Dark/Light rule, and minor scratching.

Do one of Crystal Kyogre!
The one I made looks stupid
I tried to copy from Neko's Groudon
No comma
I'd rather you ask me before using ANY of my palletes in the future. I consider the use of any of my palletes or sprites without my permission art theft. Thank you.
Shading? Oh, it's my weakness, Anyway, is there any more unique colored type? Will Legacy in the new version, anyway is there a strength difference between crystal and normal?
MS Paint for spriting!?

I use iDraw3 (not the mac remake). It's a very good spriting program, only supports 256 colours in the pallet at a time,


Has cool tools that really help spriting, like being able to change every instance of colours, manipulate colours directly from the pallet, deselect/select specific colours from selections, grids, selection boxes, infinite undo (havent hit the limit yet, plus goes over multiple files, so if you overwrote a picture, then just ctrl-z until you get back to the original), load pallet from another file.

It's a simple program. isn't a resorce hog like the big programs.
can i be an idea person by the way i have made some splices my youtube user is merphy1
Ryan, this person is just looking for attention, don't bother.

Is this referring to me? Because I've had enough of people saying I'm looking for attention when I'm not. :/
Let's just make this straight.
I don't really care about the position. I seriously don't care about it.
I'm quitting spriting for personal reasons, so don't go assuming it's because of the position.

@Neko and the Crystal thing -

I did attempt a Crystal Murkrow with your pallette and such, but I never uploaded it and deleted it as I had no permission.

EDIT: Edit about the Murkrow thing.
I'm not too sure if I deleted it or not, it's lost in thousands of pictures anyway. o3o
Last edited:
@jc: Before we can consider anything, we need examples of your work.

@baobao: I like the map, but there are a few things that could be better. Namely, the water flow makes no sense.

@me2hack: Java?

Ok so here's an example of a webpagedesign (no comma)

Fusion Example : ( No Comma)

Fakemon Example: (No Comma)

I will post A map, titles and a 3d model later cant upload to much anymore
Is this referring to me? Because I've had enough of people saying I'm looking for attention when I'm not. :/
Let's just make this straight.
I don't really care about the position. I seriously don't care about it.
I'm quitting spriting for personal reasons, so don't go assuming it's because of the position.

@Neko and the Crystal thing -

I did attempt a Crystal Murkrow with your pallette and such, but I never uploaded it and deleted it as I had no permission.

EDIT: Edit about the Murkrow thing.
I'm not too sure if I deleted it or not, it's lost in thousands of pictures anyway. o3o
I think Neko was referring to me since I didn't ask for permission
i made a map
it's the one that's in the screenshots but it looks more like the game versions
it's my first one so i know it's bad
but if you like it i could make more i guess
Ok so here's an example of a webpagedesign (no comma)

Fusion Example : ( No Comma)

Fakemon Example: (No Comma)

I will post A map, titles and a 3d model later cant upload to much anymore

Not being mean, but going by your fusions, that can't be your Fakemon. You're Fusions aren't as good quality as your Fakemon. :/
*Waits for Neko for pro crit. *
Not being mean, but going by your fusions, that can't be your Fakemon. You're Fusions aren't as good quality as your Fakemon. :/
*Waits for Neko for pro crit. *

Fusions are way more easy to do than normal fakemon, so don't be surprised if you see people being able to make them look different in quality.
i made a map
it's the one that's in the screenshots but it looks more like the game versions
it's my first one so i know it's bad
but if you like it i could make more i guess
That is way better than mine
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