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HeartGold hack: Pokémon Pure Heart & Pokémon True Soul

Loving Pure Heart, great job

I've been training up Haunter & Graveler and just got to the PokeAthlon Dome and can't find the linking cord in the prizes shop, is it only available on a certain day like some other items or is this a bug?

Also, will it be reusable or will I need to save 3,000 for each evolution?
Glad you're enjoying it. The Linking Cord is available in the Pokéathlon Prize Shop on Fridays, and also on Sunday after receiving the National Pokédex, taking the place of the Nugget for 3,000 points. The Linking Cord is single-use.
Hi! Really Love the game so far! I do however think there's a bug with Eusine. The game froze first when I met him outside mt. Mortar, couldn't get in to the apricorntrees without it freezing so I just stayed outta there. But now, after the fight with him at route 26, I flew back to change Pokémon's and i can't get passed the bridge. An exclamation point appears every time at the same place and then the game freezes. So I'm stuck in Johto haha, I need help, any ideas?
Hi! Really Love the game so far! I do however think there's a bug with Eusine. The game froze first when I met him outside mt. Mortar, couldn't get in to the apricorntrees without it freezing so I just stayed outta there. But now, after the fight with him at route 26, I flew back to change Pokémon's and i can't get passed the bridge. An exclamation point appears every time at the same place and then the game freezes. So I'm stuck in Johto haha, I need help, any ideas?
That's strange. I've never encountered a freeze like that. Would it be possible for you to send your save file in DMs?
have you found out if it works with Twilight Menu? i kinda...forgot.
The upcoming update will work with TM!
That's strange. I've never encountered a freeze like that. Would it be possible for you to send your save file in DMs?

The upcoming update will work with TM!
Sure, here you go!


  • [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Pure Heart & Pokémon True Soul
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Hi! I was wondering if TMs are reusable in this hack? I'll be playing either way, but I haven't been able to find mention of it and I'd love to hear it straight from the horse's mouth.
I'd love to try these but the website to patch them won't give me the option. (I'm on my phone and don't have a computer atm to try to use the included .exe for patching)
I'd love to try these but the website to patch them won't give me the option. (I'm on my phone and don't have a computer atm to try to use the included .exe for patching)
Try UniPatcher.
View attachment 156374

Pokémon Pure Heart and Pokémon True Soul are my ROM hacks of Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver.
HeartGold and SoulSilver are by far my favourite and most cherished games in the Pokémon series, and
I wanted to make a ROM hack that would elevate these wonderful games into what I'd describe as my perfect Pokémon games.
The purpose of this hack isn't to introduce a bunch of QOL from newer games, make all 496 Pokémon available to obtain
before taking on the Pokémon League, or change the base stats of various weaker Pokémon, but instead to simply make a
number of edits ranging from minor changes to substantial additions. In essence, Pure Heart and True Soul are my
"dream Pokémon games", and my realised vision for the Johto remakes. I had never planned to share my
creation outside of a small circle, but I have come to realise that there are many people who share my ideals, specifically
regarding HeartGold and SoulSilver, who may appreciate my vision for these games. Please note that Pure Heart
and True Soul are ROM hacks solely made for my pleasure, but in choosing to share them with the public, I am
making them open to suggestions and ideas. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the changes I made to HeartGold and
SoulSilver, and I hope you enjoy reading my post, and maybe even playing through my ROM hack!

View attachment 156134

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Random but will the dna mystery gift exploit work with this rom hack? And will transferring Pokemon via the poke transport via black work? I've never played heart gold but from what I've read about this cool hack is the quality of life changes it has!
I have a couple of questions:

1) Will TMs be of limited usage, or unlimited use or otherwise farmable?
2) Will HMs be needed or will there be a substitute for them?
3) Will it have Fairy type or excluded?
4) Since it's two games must I assume that you cannot get all mons in each hack or it's just made harder?

Thanks game idea looks cool.
Hi! Really Love the game so far! I do however think there's a bug with Eusine. The game froze first when I met him outside mt. Mortar, couldn't get in to the apricorntrees without it freezing so I just stayed outta there. But now, after the fight with him at route 26, I flew back to change Pokémon's and i can't get passed the bridge. An exclamation point appears every time at the same place and then the game freezes. So I'm stuck in Johto haha, I need help, any ideas?
I also have this bug, has there been any work around found as I've been loving playing this and don't particularly wanna replay the majority of the game in order to progress.

Thank you!
I've noticed that the game crashes/freezes on some suicune encounters. I've managed to just get past the one before Elite Four (Johto) by just not going back around. However right after hopping off the SS ANNE to embark on Vermillion City, I get another exclamation mark and the game just freezes. So far I have just gotten off the ship and flew straight to Vermillion's pokemon centre but I'm afraid my suicine questline is done for and can't continue the game. Do you HAVE to go through all the suicune encounters to finish the game anyway ( beat Elite Four after Kanto )?
Yo, I got softlocked (I think by the game this rom patch?) Was playing gold, and just got the strength HM, then I surfed across the water and entered the area with suicune and the 3 apricorn trees, which triggered the cutscene. Then, after the cutscene was over, I tried walking to go pick up the apricorns in the area suicune was just in. That's when it happened - the game played the suicune cry sound, and then I was frozen. No access to the menu, no moving, no nothing. My theory is that there's a missing check to remove the tile that triggers the cutscene after it plays the first time, so when you step on the tile the second time the cutscene tries to play again, but there's no suicune this time, and thus the suicune sound and softlock.
Hey I was wondering how you evolve scyther into scizor? I have him holding a metal coat and he's level 40
Hi, I was thinking of using Magmortar during my playthrough. I was wondering where I would be able to find the magmarizer?