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[PSDK] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment

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    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment

    When a Legend falls into one of the eternal human conflicts, the Mythical King will lose his Guardian and will no longer be worthy of Arceus' Throne. From this fall will be reborn the curse of the Sovereign of Kalos. Then utter Shadow will plunge the Divine Pokémon into a tormented sleep, subjecting it to dark servitude.

    From this Shadow that puts many Pokémons' souls to sleep, the Rebirth will shine with the Rainbow Bird. Blessed by the flames of the Sacred Fire and the unconditional Love of the Phoenix Prophet, the Pokémons of Light will restore the balance of the Legendaries ... For from the Shadow type is born the Light, the balance of the world will never be broken.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment

    Here is the recruitment topic for my fangame project: Pokémon Sacred Phoenix.
    Currently developed since June 23, 2018 on a heavily modded old version of PSDK (24.87), this ambitious project aims to bring audacity and originality both in terms of the scenario and Pokémon gameplay while retaining the very essence of this famous license. In the long term, it is on the open-source Godot engine that I want to develop on, because it is the only way to make a fangame worthy of my ambitions.

    🫵 By joining us, you will work on:

    • a project of some seniority (already 5 years)
    • a project that has a large artbook accumulated over the years (see our Deviantart gallery)
    • a project with an original universe based on the Celtic civilization in the ancient times of Pokémon (medieval-fantasy atmosphere)
    • a project which wants to think outside the box and innovate on the gameplay with many features (realistic death system, hax smoother, field effects, friendship influence, crafting, use of magic, stance battle, energy system instead of PP...)
    • a project that wants to be open source and wants to promote the sharing of its assets (Any original work that is made for this game is released under a Creatives Commons License, so you can use what's in it for your work, including your own Pokémon fangame when the credits are correctly awarded)

    🫵 Proof that we have been implemented for a long time, we have:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment
    Our presentation in Games Showcase in this forum - The complete description of our project can be found here
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment
    Our Official Discord - go here to contact us and join our Team, or just watch real-time news about the game
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment
    A Deviantart gallery to see our art (more than 300 pictures !).
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment
    An official website
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment
    Several socials networks (Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Youtube)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment
    And of course a playable public demo! (Download here)

    If you are interested to join the project, contact me (Amras Anárion#8553) or Thunungu (Thunungu#8369) in Discord, or join the fangame's Discord (link juste above) then apply on the "Recruitement" channel.
    The list of open positions is below the screenshots and credits.

    About the language:
    The project has French origins 🇫🇷. It is therefore the language used in majority on our Discord. That said, English 🇬🇧 is also welcome in our social networks: we systematically communicate in both languages; and over time, our team has been enriched with English-speaking members.
    The proof is that in our devs' channels, English and French cohabit in equal measure.
    The game is also fully translated into these two languages and even into Spanish! 🇪🇸

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment


    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment


    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment


    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment

    The priority recruitment: we need is one or two pixel artists. Your role will be to:

    • Transcribing the artworks of our OCs into overworld sprites in a Gen 4 style
    • Transcribing the artworks of our Fakemons, regional forms and Mega Evolutions into sprites (front, back, OW or animated icon) in a Gen 4 style with our template (larger frame size is possible with large creatures for OWs and icon)
    • Be comfortable with the idea of starting from a fixed concept (artworks)
    • Be comfortable with the idea of working in collaboration (collabs are not uncommon with us)
    • You are free in terms of palettes and the number of colors (no limit of 16 colors - it is not uncommon for our Fakemons to exceed 32 colors) from the moment your palette is mastered (each color is chosen manually - basis of pixel art).

    Example of work:
    Artwork character to its OWs. One complex example (Augur Awena) and one simple example (a Falconer):
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment

    Artwork Fakemon to its full set of sprites. One complex example (Regional form of Milotic with semi-opaque colors) and one simple example (Furfang, a young wild boar Fakemon):
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment

    Our universe is based on a medieval-fantasy atmosphere. Pokémon-style tiles corresponding to this universe are very rare, so we need to create them. Therefore, we need one tile maker. Your role will be to:
    • Imagine, create and draw buildings and other large decorative elements in Gen 4 style pixel art from a written description. (Sorry, no artwork as base for the tiles, we don't have a landscape game artist yet, but that's another recruiting position.) Colosseums (arena), shrines and ancient temples are notably planned.
    • Create sprites respecting the size constraints and optimizing the number of tiles used (an element is 16x16 pixels)
    • Create furniture and other small decorative elements corresponding to a Celtic or medieval-fantasy universe in Gen 4 style
    • Create animated sprites in a charset
    • You are free in terms of palettes and the number of colors (no limit of 16 colors) from the moment your palette is mastered (each color is chosen manually - basis of pixel art).

    Example of work:
    Animated charset of windmill blade:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment

    Tiles sample used in our game:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment

    Due to the medieval-fantasy universe of this Pokémon game, many original characters are to be created. The story does not take place in modern times and therefore does not allow the use of the emblematic characters of this license (with a few exceptions such as AZ).
    We also have some Fakemons or Mega concepts that need to be cleaned up and finalized by an illustrator.
    Finally, the world of Keltios deserves to be illustrated. With Field Effects, several dozen battlebacks will be performed in a artwork style, sometimes in emblematic and unique places such as the arenas of the Augurs. There are also a few cutscenes that will require illustrating scenes.

    So we need one or two game artists. As an game artist, you role will be to:
    • Create the concepts of characters with an appearance adapted to the Celtic or medieval-fantasy atmosphere.
    • Illustrate these concepts in artworks
    • For illustrators of OCs: try to get closer to the style of our senior artist, Eysselia, faithful and present since the beginning of the project. (We are more flexible on the Fakemons, but the characters having mugshots during the dialogues, a difference of style is easily felt. We also reassure you, it remains an amateur fangame, so we do not ask for a strictly identical style.)
    • Help us finalize some Fakemons or Mega Evolutions that have remained at the idea or sketch stage.
    • If your vocation is to draw landscapes, realize the battlebacks of our game or represent emblematic places or scenes of Keltios to bring this universe to life.
    • You may also be required to create UI design elements (mainly Celtic style) when the game can go to HD.
    • Thanks to the possibility of collaboration with existing artists, this is the most flexible position. You can focus on the concepts or the illustrations depending on what appeals to you the most. Of course, this requires being comfortable with the idea of drawing with others.

    Example of work:
    Ourobud : from first concept to final version - note that the final version can evolve from the first concept:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment

    Hero Aranel: from first concept to its remastered final version:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment

    A illustration of a king with a background:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment

    Example of UI:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment

    Currently, I'm in the middle of a database migration: I'm redoing them all from scratch. It's a task that I find it very difficult to delegate. Nevertheless, I'm already opening this position to applications, because there will always be a menu to code on the current demo in parallel of my work. In the long term, I wish to change the game engine and migrate to Godot after reaching the first badge milestone and mapping the whole Alienor.

    Thus, if you are a coder and want to apply, you role will be to:
    ... if you want to work with the current game engine (PSDK).
    • Have a good knowledge of the Ruby language
    • Find your bearings in an already programmed game.
    • Code missing game features (as the craft menu)
    • Help with debugging (potentially the easiest task if you're just testing the game's private demo)
    • Help to switch the game to HD with a higher resolution (this will require recalibrating a lot of menus)

    ... if you want to work on Godot Engine
    • Have a good knowledge of the GDScript language and Godot Engine
    • Think about the basic programming of a game (title screen, main menu, movement, map display, collisions) - Some prototypes were made in-house
    • Pre shot a first prototype with this game engine

    In both cases :
    • Don't be afraid to read game design documents. (You'll have some reading , but it is important to understand how the features are or will be implemented.)
    • Teach me to work in a team for the coding (because I've been alone on it for more than two years!)

    Note : There are currently nearly 2 megabytes of custom scripts in the current demo and these changes mainly affect the Battle Engine. That's why I was stuck on an old version 24.87 of PSDK which can be compared to the version 18 of Pokémon Essentials. Appearing in 2021, version 25 took the Battle Engine from scratch with a totally different structure; and 90% of all my mods were completely incompatible. If I would have migrated, it would have meant loss of nearly 2 years of coding work and all the features that made my game unique.
    If you have to start from a clean base, you might as well migrate to Godot. It will also be easier to inject my custom databases into it, since Ruby and GDScript are two very similar programming languages based on Python.

    Example of work - a sample of the new database:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sacred Phoenix - Recruitment

    Sacred Phoenix has a lot of Pokémon music remixed in orchestral form. However, there is almost no original music and we need sound effects such as background sounds or cries for our Fakemons. So if you wish apply an a musician, you role will be to:
    • Create ambient sounds such as a forge, market, wind, rain, or water noise.
    • Create cries for our Fakemons
    • Create original themes or Pokémon remix in a Celtic or medieval atmosphere with orchestral instruments. (I have a small preference for original themes, because some places would need unique music.)

    Example of work:
    Remix of a famous battle theme:

    One of the rare original compositions:
    Last edited:
    One month after, We've had a few successful recruitments, including 1 coder and 1 game artist. Congratulations to Sulucnal and Blizz who have joined the gates of the phoenix. 👏
    + Sipondo's promise to join our team of programmers if we migrate to its Ulix Dexflow game engine (an option we're considering).
    At the same time, Dracoyan, our long-standing pixel artist has regained all his motivation and is busy working on Fakemon sprites. Our social networks are running at full speed to reveal these new arts to you. 🖌️

    The list of positions sought is therefore updated.
    Today we are looking for:
    • A musician
    • A sound designer
    • A tile maker (pixel artist specialized in creating tiles)

    I'm still open to a new pixel artist specializing in monster or human sprites, as well as a game artist, although this is no longer a priority.
    I need a musician/composer. Ours is struggling to find the right artistic direction artistic direction that would correspond to our fangame (medieval/celtic/viking/orchestral), and is considering leaving the team.
    The help of an artist (artwork) will also be welcome to draws artworks of item, originals characters or finishing some Fakemon concepts.
    Bump, we no longer have any musicians on our team.
    As our main artist is unavailable for a long time, artists are also welcome.

    Remember that our project is open source, so anything created for us will need to be open source as well. :giggle: