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Pokémon Snap 2 Ideas Thread!

  • 11
    • Seen Dec 8, 2016
    Hey guys, feel free to comment and discuss any ideas for a Pokemon Snap 2 game, in the mean time ill say my ideas
    1: It should have various pokemon from each generation [ill get into more details after].
    2: There should be a set of maps pertaining to each region. So there would probably be like 50 long lvls.
    3: Each map should have one or more hidden Legendary Pokemon from that region, for example mewtwo in a laboratory map...
    4: It should have at least half of that regions mascot/famous pokemon, and all of the legendaries released [yes you genesect too].
    5: Maybe have it for 3ds where there is a mode where the 3ds camera uses AR to make pokemon appear on the 3ds camera.
    6:It would also be an interesting idea if there were two versions of the game (similar to the main handheld series) featuring version-exclusive Pokémon, which can only be found by connecting with a friend who has the other version.~Healixius
    7: Players could make custom levels and graphics and share them with friends, like minecraft.~Bonfire411 (edited)
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    Hey guys, feel free to comment and discuss any ideas for a Pokemon Snap 2 game, in the mean time ill say my ideas
    1: It should have various pokemon from each generation [ill get into more details after].
    2: There should be a set of maps pertaining to each region. So there would probably be like 50 long lvls.
    3: Each map should have a hidden Legendary Poke from that region, for example mewtwo in a laboratory map...
    4: It should have at least half of that regions mascot/famous pokemon, and all of the legendaries released [yes you genesect too].
    5: Maybe have it for 3ds where there is a mode where the 3ds camera uses AR to make pokemon appear on the 3ds camera.
    Thats all for now!
    I actually like the idea of a new Pokémon Snap game, as I enjoyed the original game on the Nintendo 64 and it would probably play quite well on the Nintendo 3DS, too.

    If it were released on the 3DS, it would more than likely make full use of the built-in gyroscope feature to take pictures of Pokémon. It would also be an interesting idea if there were two versions of the game (similar to the main handheld series) featuring version-exclusive Pokémon, which can only be found by connecting with a friend who has the other version.
    Taking pictures of Pokémon using the augmented reality feature would also be pretty cool. Just imagine, 3D photos of Pokémon in your backyard! :3

    I approve of this idea. ^^
    I actually like the idea of a new Pokémon Snap game, as I enjoyed the original game on the Nintendo 64 and it would probably play quite well on the Nintendo 3DS, too.

    If it were released on the 3DS, it would more than likely make full use of the built-in gyroscope feature to take pictures of Pokémon. It would also be an interesting idea if there were two versions of the game (similar to the main handheld series) featuring version-exclusive Pokémon, which can only be found by connecting with a friend who has the other version.
    Taking pictures of Pokémon using the augmented reality feature would also be pretty cool. Just imagine, 3D photos of Pokémon in your backyard! :3

    I approve of this idea. ^^
    Thanks! I added your idea to the OP.
    Instead of making an entire sequel.
    I'd rather have it as the original, and have an extra few levels for 'newer' generation of pokémon.
    A remake on the 3DS, since they've remade a few N64 games.
    Weird, my friend and I were just talking about how a Pokemon Snap sequel on the Wii U would be epic.
    Then I go to make a thread about our ideas and I find this thread.
    Almost made me think there might be a Pokemon Snap sequel rumored. xD

    We thought a Pokemon Snap sequel would be a great game from the Wii U.
    Though, after reading your posts, it would be cool on the 3DS too.
    For a Wii U version, we thought that you would mainly play the game with the Wii U controller.
    Being able to relatively free roam throughout an area would be great.
    I would also be nice to have an area for each region from the main games.
    And being able to unlock access to every pokemon would be a smart feature.
    It could probably have regional and/or global rankings over the WFC. (could work for both versions)
    Maybe special boss levels for certain legendaries, like with Mew in the original.
    For a 3DS version, a time challenge mode with friends.
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    I'd buy a Wii-U if they brought out a Snap sequel where you could use the controller like that, Not just for nostalgias sake either; It'd be amazing.

    First and foremost I'd ask for more hidden/secret photo opportunities, along with more interactivity with the environment and pokemon.
    Snap was my favorite Pokemon game aside from the main games. So it would be an understatement if I said I've been thinking of ideas for a sequel for over a decade.

    For the ideas in the OP, my thoughts:

    1. Definitely agree on the need for more Pokemon, and Pokemon from newer generations. One of the major downfalls of the original game, besides it's overall length, was that there weren't many different breeds in the game compared to the 151 available.

    2. That's an interesting idea, especially since certain Pokemon are only found in certain regions. However, it would be hard to distinguish a water level in one region from another - water/oceans in the main games are very similar. Of course that's where imagination comes in. As for "long levels", I'm not too big on that. One of the best parts of Snap was the appropriate length of each level and the challenge of being limited to 60 snaps a level. Keeping the levels relatively short is the right move to not scare players into taking photos because they are worried about running out.

    Also, for example: If I'm missing Charizard on the Volcano level, I have to wait all the way until the end of the level to snap him. Even with the speed bost upgrade it takes a while, especially when I'm doing the run solely for Charizard. If the levels were super long in Pokemon Snap 2, it would be terribly annoying to re-run through the levels.

    3. I like this concept, and it was pretty much like this in the original game:

    Beach - None
    Tunnel - Zapdos
    Volcano - Moltres
    River - None
    Cave - Articuno
    Valley - Dragonite
    Rainbow Cloud - Mew

    Of course Gen 1 had a limited stock of Legendary Pokemon, so it wouldn't be a change to incorporate Legendaries

    4. Makes sense. The game needs to cater to the casual fans as well.

    6. Seems a bit aggressive. This isn't the main series with die-hard fans waiting for each release, 1 version of the game is probably sufficient. Besides, I can't think of many game series' that aren't Pokemon that release multiple games at the same time. If you want multiple versions, I'd suggest one being the sequel to the other. This would help in exposure and sales. Even 1 year apart is ideal.

    7. That sounds really fun. The way I envision the game, however (see below), it may be hard.

    So my ideas/suggestions:

    • 2 player mode. Both cooperative mode (work together snapping pics for the professor), and battle mode (battle against each other to get the higher score that level).
    • More "upgrades". Expand on the apple, pester ball, pokeflute. There should be several more items and tools to use. Since buttons are limited, one button should open the item menu then you select what you want to use from there.
    • More novelty shots (i.e. Surfing Pikachu, Singing Jigglpuff), perhaps an undefined/unlimited amount. See next point:
    • Interaction between Pokemon, and on that note, a smarter game interface. If the player gets a Skitty to cuddle with a Houndour for example, the game notices that and awards points.
    • Different difficulty levels (more pictures per level in easier modes, more leniency in having the Pokemon in the center of the frame in easier modes, etc.)
    • NPC characters! For example: Youngster Joey wants a picture of a Rattata, or Mr. Briney lost his Wingull and wants the player to take a picture of it's last known location. Stuff like that.
    • More complex system to rate pictures. In the original game, it was known what the max score on most - if not all Pokemon - was. By making it more complex, it urges people to keep playing.
    • REPLAY VALUE!!! The biggest issue in the original game was that once you were done the game, you really didn't want to start over, since it's the same thing over again. So how do we increase replay value? Maybe you get to choose a starting Pokemon and each one has a special ability you can use once per level. Maybe Bulbasaur can use Vine Whip to "freeze" a Pokemon in place for 5 seconds while you attempt to get the perfect shot. Or Togepi uses attract to bring Pokemon closer to the player. Maybe adding in side quests, specific novelty shots that actually require time to get.
    • Make each level impossible to be completed in one run. In the original game, each time you restarted a level, everything restarted - the Pokemon, triggers, etc. Maybe have certain parts on each level where you gain progress in something and have to keep playing the level to continue that progress. Like maybe a Vulpix is trapped under boulders and you have to get rid of those boulders to get a picture of it. And it's impossible to free the Vulpix in one run, for whatever reason. Maybe also incorporate detours on some of the levels. I kind of envision it like on the Beach level, you could maybe have the option to move to the shore of the water for better Lapras shots.
    • Have many Pokemon feature on different levels. In the original, I think Pikachu was the only Pokemon that could be snapped on different levels.
    • Expand on the "Pokemon Signs" concept

    I have many more ideas but I think this is already enough to grasp for now.
    I have always thought that there should be a Pokemon Snap 2! The original was a incredibly fun game and it would be awesome to see it get a sequel.

    Even if the basic gameplay remained the same, as long as we would get more Pokemon and more maps, I'd be happy!
    A new snap would be awesome! I'd like more throwable items, more novelty shots. I would love to see all the pokemon act like their personalities. Like a Piplup getting furious when it's hit. And a decent storyline so it doesn't feel like a carnival game. I'm not asking for Shakespeare, just something satisfying. And Easter Eggs. Gotta have Easter Eggs.
    However, I would be darn near devastated if it came out on 3DS, I loathe that thing, I have a perfectly good DSi, and I would feel lower than low if my parents spent that much money on my b-day for a 3DS so I can play two or three games. My little bro HAD one, but he broke it. BROKE IT.
    A job. I so desperately want a job it's not even funny.