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Pokémon TPP Version released


🔥 Fluffy Fire Fox
  • Team Magma (GT 2024)
  • 985
    • Age 32
    • They/Them
    • UK
    • Seen today

    Thought this was worthy of a plug because I did that cover design. :P


    LightningXCE over on reddit wanted to release the recent TPP version (based on Pokémon Red 151) as a physical cartridge. He asked for covers and this is the one I did. It's not exactly the original (he made some changes to the background) but its more-or-less intact. 8bitgaming added the embossing which is a good idea but it goes through Charizard's face... plus they've included an outdated cover on the inside. Hopefully that'll be fixed for the next run.

    Full-quality version of the cover (including back) here

    My original version before adjustments were made here