New update! I'll give a longer description here since I couldn't fit all of it on the changelog:
- New Move!! "Fairy Slap", 60 BST and a 40% chance to confuse the enemy. Learnable my most fairy types, mostly clutch for Azumarill, snubbul, Mawile, etc. as a weaker physical fairy move was desperately needed prior to play rough access.
- The final battle simulator for the game can also be accessed in the World Tournament lobby to help the player level before the tournament. This simulator has custom commissioned art and can be accessed after the tournament in the Phenac City PokeCenter.
Smaller fixes:
- New moves added for Breloom, Skarmory, Lilligant, Whimsicott, Ludicolo. Always good to check the move reminder, especially after evolving your pokemon!
- Toxic Orb and Flame Orb are obtainable now
- Tailwind, spikes, and stealth rock are available in Cove Town via Oran Tutor
- Clobbopus would sometimes be invisible in the wild, fixed now
- The decision of which legendary to catch in the summer route can be deferred now, just speak again to the NPC guarding the cave when ready.
- I had many reports that starter snorunt was male. Many perceived a bug here because I would force it to become female after the cutscene, but when nicknaming the pokemon it shows the gender. The avoid any confusion and players resetting the game unnecessarily, Snorunt has been changed to be "always female", similar to Kangaskhan. Snorunt can still evolve into Glalie or Frosslass as normal, with both having mega stones later on.
- New Move!! "Fairy Slap", 60 BST and a 40% chance to confuse the enemy. Learnable my most fairy types, mostly clutch for Azumarill, snubbul, Mawile, etc. as a weaker physical fairy move was desperately needed prior to play rough access.
- The final battle simulator for the game can also be accessed in the World Tournament lobby to help the player level before the tournament. This simulator has custom commissioned art and can be accessed after the tournament in the Phenac City PokeCenter.
Smaller fixes:
- New moves added for Breloom, Skarmory, Lilligant, Whimsicott, Ludicolo. Always good to check the move reminder, especially after evolving your pokemon!
- Toxic Orb and Flame Orb are obtainable now
- Tailwind, spikes, and stealth rock are available in Cove Town via Oran Tutor
- Clobbopus would sometimes be invisible in the wild, fixed now
- The decision of which legendary to catch in the summer route can be deferred now, just speak again to the NPC guarding the cave when ready.
- I had many reports that starter snorunt was male. Many perceived a bug here because I would force it to become female after the cutscene, but when nicknaming the pokemon it shows the gender. The avoid any confusion and players resetting the game unnecessarily, Snorunt has been changed to be "always female", similar to Kangaskhan. Snorunt can still evolve into Glalie or Frosslass as normal, with both having mega stones later on.