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Pokemon FireRed Blaze

  • 8
    • Seen Nov 24, 2018
    Team Name
    Team Blaze

    I want to work on a FireRed ROM hack with later Generation features. It can have a new story, optionally. It can have a new region, optionally. The main thing is later Generation features because those bring it a fresh perspective.

    Application Form
    Skill(s), Proof of Work, Past Experience, Contact Information, Time Zone, Discord

    Current Team Members
    Apple Dinner 93

    Current Progress

    Skills I Have: Tool using, hex editing, ASM insertion

    My Contact Information: Apple Dinner 93#2041 on Discord

    My Time Zone: EST

    Other Notes: The Launchpad Forum Rules state that I'm not allowed to use the [Team] Category until I've been a member for a month. Since that's the case, I'm posting an [Idea] thread instead. However, I am looking for members of a team. I already have ROM hacking experience, so there's no need to worry about me not putting in effort. I'll be the main contributor.

    Discord: https://discord.gg/SP78uTh
    Last edited:
    I can't add this to the thread, and I don't know why:

    My Contact Information: Apple Dinner 93#2041 on Discord

    My Time Zone: EST
    Mate I would love to be a writer for your game
    I have written a story for a game that will begin development
    The Story
    The story begins with the professor, she was an archaeologist and while exploring a cave where a mystical pokemon were found she was with her crew but suddenly a big blast and it was done by the Evil Team Of The Region (Name Not Decided) and the evil team then manages to catch it. After that incident she was never the same so she became a pokemon professor and wants the character to be played with to fulfill her dreams to fight the evil team and to get the mystical pokemon back safe to place the pokemon lived. But then rival joins hands with the evil team and helps them. So you form a crew to fight against them. In the end you of course win but the evil team is not done yet they will again come back with stronger pokemon and people in the postgame.
    I will add you on discord for contact
    Time Zone- IST