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Pokemon Impact

Chapter 5

Both trainers were down to their last pokemon. Black Jack was using Tyranitar and Ash was using Pikachu.

?Black Jack,? Ash called.
?Ketchum?? Black Jack asked.
?It has been a real honour battling you.?
?Likewise. And I?m sure our pokemon feel the same way. But now, we must finsh this match to see who gets to battle Mane!?

At the audience balcony, tensions were so high that you could cut the atmosphere with a knife.
?Both of them are down to their last pokemon,? Max said.
?There will be some heavy fighting,? Brock said.
?Pikachu shouldn?t be counted out here,? Cecilia said. ?Despite Tyranitar?s size and power advantage, Pikachu?s electric attacks are effective against him and his speed is much higher.?
?I?m getting so nervous, just watching this,? Mrs Ketchum said, knowing what was on the line in this battle.
?I feel it too,? Misty replied, also knowing what was the line.

?Tyranitar!? Black Jack yelled. ?Dynamic Punch!?
?Pikachu! Ash cried. ?Dodge it!?

Tyranitar clenched paw glowed energetically as he aimed it to slam Pikachu. But missed as Pikachu leapt into the air to dodge it, making him punch ground instead, creating a deep hole.

Pikachu safely landed on Tyranitar?s head. ?We got them now, Pikachu!? Ash cried. ?Thunderbolt it!?

Pikachu gave a massive cry as his electricity spread onto Tyranitar?s body! ?Tyranitar!? Black Jack yelled. ?Shake it off!?

Tyranitar ran round the field like a madman as he tried desperately tried to shake Pikachu off and his electric powers. After a long run, Tyranitar began to slow down.

Tyranitar fell to his knees and then on his front. Pikachu was still wearing out Tyranitar with his electric attack. ?That?s enough, Pikachu!? Ash cried. ?You can come off now!?
?Pika!? Pikachu cried as he leapt off Tyranitar?s back.

Black Jack?s face became emotionless, even after seeing his Tyranitar lying unconscious on the floor.

The ref raised his flag. ?Tyranitar is??

Suddenly, Tyranitar quickly stood straight up as Black Jack smiled confidently.

?? Standing up!? the ref cried in shock. Pikachu and Ash were also shocked.

?You should?ve used Pikachu against Feraligatr!? Black Jack said in a confident tone. ?Now get ready for a pounding of a lifetime!?

?Tyranitar!? he ordered. ?Dynamic Punch again!?

Tyranitar?s clenched paw glowed again as he aimed his attack on Pikachu.

?Pikachu, dodge it!? Ash yelled.

Pikachu leapt into the air and was about land on Tyranitar again but the opposition saw it coming. ?The same trick doesn?t work twice,? Black Jack said. ?Tyranitar grab it!?

Tyranitar quickly stopped his Dynamic Punch attack to successfully grab Pikachu in mid-air.

?Now? Body Slam and Fissure attack!? Black Jack yelled.
?Fissure!?? Ash cried.

?Oh no!? Brock yelled from the audience balcony. ?A one-hit attack like fissure and it?s all over!?
?That means Ash won?t be able to save the pokemon,? Misty cried.

?TAAAR!? Tyranitar cried, which meant ?Big one!?

Tyranitar slammed Pikachu hard on the floor like he was nothing. The impact was so hard that it made a huge crack on the floor.

After the slam, Tyranitar looked down on Pikachu and smiled, thinking that he?s knocked out. But to everyone?s shock, Pikachu slowly started to get his feet. Unlike Tyranitar, he was battered and bruised. ?I?m impressed, Pikachu,? Black Jack said. ?You do have a lot of guts.?

?Pikachu?? Ash whispered with worry. Pikachu instinctively sensed Ash?s worry and turned to give a determined look.

?Pika Pikachu! Pika Pipi Pikachu!? Pikachu cried, which meant, ?Ash, don?t give up because of me! We can?t let Mane get away like this!?

Ash couldn?t understand what Pikachu was saying but by the tone of Pikachu?s voice, he knows that Pikachu wouldn?t give up when something very important was on the line. He gathered his courage again. ?Okay!? he cried. ?Pikachu, quick attack!?

Pikachu ran at Tyranitar with the speed of a speeding bullet. ?Tyranitar!? Black Jack yelled. ?Mega Punch attack!?

Tyranitar aimed his punches at Pikachu but kept on missing as Pikachu kept on dodging and attacking at the same time.

?Pikachu!? Ash cried. ?Jump on Tyranitar?s arm and paralyse it with your Thunder Wave!?

Pikachu leapt on Tyranitar?s left arm and shocked it until the arm was paralysed, while Tyranitar let out a huge roar in pain. After Pikachu?s Thunder Wave attack, Tyranitar quickly grabbed him and slammed him on the ground, injuring it even further.

Pikachu quickly stood up, trying to ignore the aching pain with every inch of his body, while Tyranitar was suffering the paralysing pain on his left arm.

?Tyranitar!? Black Jack yelled. ?Dynamic Punch attack!?
?Pikachu!? Ash yelled. ?Thunder attack!?

Tyranitar?s clenched paw glowed more energetically than his previous Dynamic Punch attacks as he charged forward at Pikachu, while Pikachu gathered his electric powers as he charged at him. A huge explosion came upon impact. The explosion was the same size as the explosion a battle with Feraligatr and Swellow!

After the impact, Tyranitar and Pikachu were knocked down but they slowly got back up to their feet, much to the surprise of the audience.

?I never thought Ash and his Pikachu would be so tough against Black Jack and his Tyranitar,? Gary thought. ?He has certainly came a long way since the Johto League!?

Both Tyranitar and Pikachu were breathing heavily for air. Both pokemon were sweating, they have been battered, bloodied and bruised.

Suddenly, a strange dark and light aura surrounded Black Jack. The same aura also surrounded Tyranitar. But neither of them could feel it nor see it.

A strange aura also surrounded Ash and Pikachu, but it was mixture of the colours of the rainbow but they, too, couldn?t feel it or see it.

Everyone in the audience couldn?t believe their eyes as they stared in bewilderment and shock, seeing what was happening between the trainers and their pokemon.

?What?s going on?? Misty asked in shock.
?Could it be?? Cecilia said. ?Are they???

?This has been an awesome match, Black Jack,? Ash said.
?Yeah,? Black Jack replied. ?You fought well, Ketchum, and I don?t want this to end. But it must end now!?
?Good idea! Let?s end this with one final attack to see who gets to battle Mane!?

Both trainers yelled their attack at the same time.

?Tyranitar!? Hyper Beam attack!?
?Pikachu!? Thunder attack!?

Tyranitar quickly shot out a gigantic and powerful Hyper Beam out of his mouth while Pikachu screamed his battle cry as he shot out an enormous lightning out of his body.

?What the??? Max cried in astonishment. ?I?ve never seen a Hyper Beam that big!?
?I never a Thunder attack that big in my entire life!? Prof. Oak cried, also in astonishment.

Before anyone could say another word, both attacks collided and caused a massive explosion upon impact! The explosion was much bigger than the collision impact caused by Swellow and Feraligatr earlier as it knocked Black Jack and Ash off their feet. Everyone covered their eyes to protect themselves from the blinding light and dust of the explosion.

As the dust cleared, Black Jack and Ash slowly picked themselves up and saw their pokemon unconscious on the field. No one knew who was knocked out first. Even the replay cameras had no idea of who fainted first because the explosion covered up the cameras.

Everyone seemed confused about the whole situation, except the Black Jack and Ash as they ran to their unconscious pokemon.

?Pikachu!? Ash cried as he ran to him.
?Tyranitar!? Black Jack cried as he ran to him.

As they touched their pokemon, both pokemon slowly opened their eyes as they woke up from their unconsciousness. Both trainers became relieved after seeing that.

?Looks like we have healing hands, Ketchum,? Black Jack said. Ash smiled at that remark.

?Both pokemon are no longer able to battle!? the ref cried. ?This means that this battle is a draw!?

A short old man walked out on the battlefield with a confused look on his face. He had long white beard and long white hair. He also wore shorts, trainers and cap. ?This never happened before,? he said.

?President Goodshow!? Ash said. ?It?s been a while.?
?A long while if you ask me, Ash,? Goodshow replied. ?I like to have a chat, but I have to decide to pick the winner of this league since we never had a draw before.?
?Let Black Jack have it,? Ash said. ?He has been away for so long from pokemon leagues. Now it?s his turn to take the glory.?

?I don?t think so, kid,? Black Jack replied. He took Ash a few distances away from Goodshow so that he wouldn?t be able to hear what he was about to say. ?I had my reasons why I participated this tournament,? he said. ?One of them was to find someone who was to find someone worthy challenge me. After what you have done in this battle, Ketchum, I knew that you were the one.?

?Another reason why you should take the title is because of what I have done in the past. I was a grunt of Team Rocket, I have been injuring pokemon and people and stealing and selling stolen goods. Even though I knew that everything I did was wrong, I did those to protect my pokemon. After the pokemon have been toughened up, we decided to give up our wrong ways and started our winning streak by battling trainers who had the potential to become pokemon masters, but they were all small fries to us. We saw ourselves as tough nuts to crack, but after helping Cassandra out with the kids, I had second doubts about it??

Black Jack then remained silent for a few seconds, thinking about the questions that he asked himself a lot. ?So until I can find myself, I want you to take the title. I won?t be needing it anyway, I don?t need a title to make a name for myself.?

Ash smiled. ?I admire you, Black Jack,? he said. ?And besides, I heard everything last night. For a trainer who looks like a bad guy, you?re not all bad.?

Black Jack smiled at remark. ?Tell you what,? Ash said. ?Why don?t we let Goodshow decide. After all, we could arguing about who keeps the title all day.?

?Good idea,? Black Jack replied as Ash offered his hand of friendship to him. Black Jack accepted it as they both shook hands. What sportsmanship!

They both walked back and told him about their discussion. ?This is going to be tricky,? Goodshow said as he scratched his head. Then he had an idea. ?I know! How about I make you both joint champions!?

The trainers, ref and announcer gasped at that announcement. ?Who?s going to keep the cup?? Ash asked.
?I can?t take it,? Black Jack replied. ?I have no where to put it anyway.?
?Well, it can?t remain here,? Goodshow said.
?I have an idea,? Ash said with a smile.

After he, Black Jack and Goodshow discussed the idea, they all nodded in agreement. ?President Goodshow has made both Ash and Black Jack joint Hoenn League champions!? the announcer cried.

Back on the audience balcony, the crowd went wild, except Misty, Brock, May, Max, Lao Ping, Cassandra, Cecilia, John, Prof. Oak, Gary and Delia.

?So now that Ash and Black Jack have drawn,? May said. ?Who is going to face Mane??

A tear was dropped from John?s eyes as he began to sob again. ?Even if Black Jack doesn?t get to face Mane,? he thought to himself. ?I can?t help but thanking him for trying his best??

The others couldn?t help but feel sad for John.

Elsewhere, Mane smiled as his henchman, who was sitting next to him asked, ?Sir, now that Ketchum and Black Jack have drawn in this match, should we cancel your match??
?No,? Mane replied. ?I have a better idea? I?ll challenge them both!?

His henchman became shocked at that announcement. ?Sir? But why??? he asked.
?I like a little bit of challenge,? Mane replied confidently. ?Hmhmhm??

The next day, an old janitor was sweeping around inside a corridor. The corridor he was sweeping was famously known as the Hoenn League?s Hall of Fame. The janitor stopped to look at the photo that contained Ash and Black Jack and all the pokemon that they used in battle. Behind the photo was the cup that was given to the joint champions. ?I have never seen a match that was good as that,? he said with a smile. ?And there won?t be another one like it. He he.?

Next episode: Black Jack and Ash gets invited by Mane into his base for one last battle before John?s family and the legendary pokemon can be released. What does Mane have up his sleeve?
More coming! Reviews please!
Episode 8: Two birds versus one stone

Chapter 1

It was a sunny morning and Black Jack was standing outside a luxury mansion. The mansion belonged to his brother John and he invited him to be a guest, along with Ash, Pikachu and others.

It was nearly a week after he and Ash fought each other to determine the champion and Mane?s opponent for the freedom of either John?s family or the pokemon. It turned out that Black Jack and Ash came to a draw in the grand final match and they both became joint Hoenn League Champions. Even more good news was that Mane decided that both Black Jack and Ash can challenge him. Everyone was happy about that but Black Jack had his suspicions.

?Mane must have something up his dirty sleeve, setting up a two-on-one pokemon battle,? Black Jack thought as he looked up into the blue sky. ?No matter what, I?m the one who?s gonna put him out of his misery.?

He had been standing outside of the mansion for quite sometime. One of the reasons why he was because he didn?t want to disturb the others sleeping, he was also waiting for one of Mane?s henchmen to arrive.

?Black Jack,? said a voice. Black Jack turned round to see the person catching his attention. It was Cassandra.
?I?m just waiting for one of Mane?s bozos to come pick me up,? Black Jack replied, as he knew what Cassandra was going to ask him.
?Aren?t you going to wait for Ash?? Cassandra asked.
?If he comes late, that?s his loss. I spotted him leaving earlier to go to the nearest pokemon center to check on his Meganium after what Salamence did.?
?Treating Meganium like that wasn?t really necessary.?
?I know. But Ash needs to know about the cruelty of our upcoming battle like Mane showed us when he battled John.?

Whether Cassandra liked it or not, Black Jack made a good point. Both Ash and Black Jack love pokemon but with a difference. Ash trains his pokemon in a healthy kind of way: spending time with his pokemon, training them without hurting them, learning from them, etc. But Black Jack, he trains his pokemon in a harsh way because he takes battling more seriously than Ash, although Black Jack and his pokemon do share times of friendship bonding, as they like to fight a lot for fun, whether it?s against themselves or others.

?Hmm? I?m going to the pokemon center,? Cassandra said.
?Suit yourself,? Black Jack replied.

Meanwhile, Ash, Pikachu, Lao Ping and Misty were walking to the pokemon center. Ash looked down in a sad manner.

?I knew that Black Jack wouldn?t want to go easy on me,? Ash said. ?But I never knew that he would go that far??
?Pika pikachu,? Pikachu said, comforting his human friend.
?I know, no one did,? Lao Ping replied. ?I never thought that he would use such violence, even with his brother?s family on the line.?

While Lao Ping was concerned about Black Jack?s behaviour, Misty couldn?t stop noticing Ash?s sorry feelings about Meganium. ?Ash, are you okay?? Misty asked. ?Meganium?s going to be fine. You know that and I know that. Because she is strong, just like you.?

Ash smiled in response and said. ?Thanks, Mist.?

They arrived at the pokemon center, with Ash leading the way. ?Nurse Joy,? Ash said as he made it to the desk. ?How?s my Meganium doing??
?She?s still recovering, Ash,? the nurse replied. ?She still needs time.?

Ash remembered that since he had drawn with Black Jack in the grand final, Mane gave them both the opportunity to defeat him for the freedom of the pokemon and Black Jack?s family in a two-on-one trainer battle. That match would happen on that very day.

?Can I see her?? he asked.
?Sure you can,? she replied as she granted them entrance.

Ash and the others went into one of the rooms to see how Meganium was doing. She was wrapped in bandages, and she was heavily bruised caused by Salamence. Ash kneeled down to look at Meganium?s sleepy face.

?Poor Meganium?? Misty said sadly.

Meganium slowly opened her eyes to see Ash, her best friend and trainer. ?Meg?? she said weakly.
?Meganium,? Ash said with a small smile. ?Are you okay, buddy??

Meganium nodded her head slightly. Her face then showed that she realized something and tried to turn away from him, feeling rather ashamed of herself.

?It?s okay, Meganium,? Ash said. ?It?s not your fault? it was my fault? I?ve made a mistake??
?Ash, you shouldn?t blame yourself,? Misty said.

Ash remained silent. He remembered what Black Jack said regarding the match against Mane.


Salamence dropped Meganium a hundred feet while flying in the air. Ash had a look of shock and fear in his eyes, so did everyone else.

?Now do you see how I battle other trainers?? Black Jack shouted. ?I treat them with no mercy? that?s exactly what I plan to do when I face Mane!!?

-Flashback ended-

?Er? Ash,? Lao Ping said. ?If Meganium is going to stay here for the next few days, who is going to replace her??

Meganium became shocked of what Lao Ping said. ?Meganium!? she cried. She struggled to get out of bed, but every time she tried to move, she felt the aches and pains in her body. Ash and Pikachu hurried to calm her down.

?Meganium!? Ash cried, getting her attention. ?I know how much you want to battle. But after what Black Jack has done to you, I want you to stay and rest. Even though you can?t battle today, you?ll always be part of the team.?

Meganium felt happy when Ash mentioned those words as she nuzzled her head against his. Misty was also happy, as she felt a great bond between those two. Somehow, this made her feel that she had a completely different bond with him but that was also special.

Suddenly, a loud thud can be heard from outside. Ash and the others ran to the entrance of the pokemon center. They saw Black Jack holding an unconscious man in a suit on his shoulder. Cassandra, May, Max and Brock were standing beside him.

?This brat thinks that he can take me to Mane without you, Ketchum,? Black Jack complained as he dropped the man in the suit.
?Ash, how?s Meganium doing?? Brock asked worryingly.
?Not good,? Ash replied. ?Meganium still needs to stay here for a few days.?
?If Meganium?s injured,? Cassandra said. ?Why not use another pokemon??

Ash looked at Black Jack, who had an evil smile one his face as he looked down on the man in the suit. Ash had one pokemon in mind, a pokemon who always had the mind to fight.

Ash called Prof. Oak by videophone. After the Hoenn League tournament was finished, Professor Oak immediately went back to Pallet town along with Tracey.

?Hello, Professor,? Ash said.
?Oh, hello Ash!? Prof. Oak replied.
?Listen, Professor. I need a pokemon from you.?
?Oh? Don?t you already have six on you??
?Yeah, but after what happened to Meganium, she needs to stay here in the pokemon center for a few days.?
?Oh, I see.?
?So, can I get a pokemon from you??
?Alright, who do you need??
?Hmm? yes, Sceptile will be fine. He was fully recovered yesterday, but since then he has been picking fights with the other pokemon, so I think it would be best that he would be sent to you.?
?Great! Thanks, Professor.?

A few moments after getting Sceptile from Prof. Oak, he released him. Sceptile looked around and found that he was in the pokemon center. ?Great to see you again, Sceptile,? Ash said happily.

Sceptile turned his back on Ash, not wanting to look at him. Ash fully understood why Sceptile was being like this. ?Sceptile,? Ash said. ?I?m sorry for replacing you for Charizard, but I haven?t seen him for a long time, please try to understand.?
?Pika pika!? Pikachu cried trying to get Sceptile to listen to him.

(Author?s note: Another pokemon translation)

Sceptile?s eyes turned towards Pikachu.
?C?mon, Sceptile,? Pikachu said. ?You don?t know how much you mean to Ash.?

Sceptile remained silent, but he listened to Pikachu intently. ?Ash always gives you what you want. I know it was a bit hard on you not taking part in the grand final of the Hoenn League, but Ash hasn?t seen Charizard for a while. Besides, the beatings you took in the first round weren?t helping you heal well.?
Sceptile smiled and said, ?You?re right, bud. Maybe I have been looking forward to it too much.?

Sceptile looked down in guilt. Charizard wasn?t the only pokemon that Ash cared about. Sceptile himself, Pikachu, Heracross, Swellow, Bulbasaur, and all the other pokemon Ash has on him and back at Prof Oak?s lab in Pallet Town.

Sceptile turned round to face Ash and gave a thumb?s up.

(Author?s note: Translation ended.)

?Ha! This is great! Great to have you back with us!? Ash said.
?You had us worried there, Sceptile,? Brock said.
Suddenly, a fist came charging at the back of Sceptile?s head. Sceptile confidently moved his head at a side to avoid the attack.
?Black Jack!? Ash shouted. ?What are you doing??
?Just testing,? Black Jack replied, as it was him who attacked Sceptile.

Sceptile turned round to see Black Jack standing near him. ?Not bad,? Black Jack said while smiling. ?I just hope you?re good enough to battle Mane.?

?Scept?? Sceptile croaked.
?Pika pikachu,? Pikachu replied, which meant, ?I?ll explain everything.?

After some explanation, Sceptile understood why Black Jack and Ash needed his help at that very moment. Sceptile clenched his paw, as he couldn?t wait to battle.

?Just one problem,? Brock said. ?What about that guy??

Black Jack grabbed the collar of the man?s suit and began slapping him. ?Wake up, you dimwit!? Black Jack shouted.
?Ow! Stop hitting me!? cried the man in the suit.
?Take us to Mane! Now!?
More coming! Reviews please!
*Looks round* Hey! Where is everybody?
Chapter 2

Back at John?s mansion, the man in the suit walked Ash and Black Jack to his car. ?This better not be a trap,? Black Jack warned.
?Why would anyone set up a trap for this occasion?? the man asked.
?I?ll take my motorcycle,? Black Jack said. ?I?ll follow you from behind.?
?I?ll go with you,? Ash said.
?Pikachu!? Pikachu said.
?You two are very suspicious,? the man said smiling.

As the man got into the car, Black Jack, Ash and Pikachu got onto the motorcycle. The car drove off while they followed. Little did Ash and Black Jack knew that they were being spied upon.

A helicopter was hovering high in the sky as the man driving it was looking down on them. ?Sir,? he said, communicating into a walkie-talkie. ?Black Jack and Ash are following Johnson by motorcycle.?
?Let them be,? replied the man, who had a posh accent. ?Don?t follow them in case they get suspicious. Return to base.?
?Yes sir,? replied the helicopter driver. ?Over and out.?

He drove the helicopter away from John?s mansion and into the direction of the base.

John looked outside of the window and saw the helicopter that was spying on Black Jack and Ash flying away. Brock, Misty, Delia, Cassandra, her Gardevior and Lao Ping were also there. ?I?m going there,? he said.

It wasn?t long until Black Jack, Ash and Pikachu made it to a base, which was surrounded by a forest full of trees and bushes. ?This place looks familiar,? Black Jack thought. As they got off the motorcycle, the man came out of the car. ?Welcome to one of Team Missile?s headquarters,? said the man.
?Team Missile?? Black Jack asked curiously.
?Correct, a team of organised terrorists who steal pokemon and merchandise and sell them for money.?
?That?s what Team Rocket does,? Ash thought.
?Now proceed into the??
?Hold it!? interrupted a voice.

Ash and Black Jack?s friends came out from the bushes. The man was shocked seeing them. ?I didn?t expect your friends to come here,? he said. ?Under my master?s orders, I will not allow anyone else but Ash Ketchum and Black Jack to enter.?
?Ha!? John said. ?This has everything to do with us, cos we are family!?
?Your boss shouldn?t worry about us!? May continued. ?He should worry about Ash instead!?
?Ahem!? Black Jack coughed.
?And Black Jack??
?We won?t interfere, we won?t even lift a finger,? Lao Ping said confidently. ?Cos they are more than a match for him.?
Ash and Black Jack couldn?t help but smile, appreciating the support they?re getting from their friends and families. ?Thanks, you guys,? Ash said quietly as he looked down.
?Ready?? Black Jack asked.
?Ready!? Ash replied.
?Pika!? Pikachu replied in a determined tone.

Their friends gave their last words of encouragement as they entered the base. Suddenly, the door quickly shut behind Black Jack, Ash and Pikachu, sealing them in. There was only one path in front of them. The whole corridor was made of metal and electricity, like the corridors you?d see in industrial places. As they walked down the corridor, a voice was heard from a hidden speaker.

?Good morning, Ash and Black Jack,? said a man with a posh accent.
?Mane?? Black Jack snarled.
?Pi Pikachu!? Pikachu cried angrily.
?And welcome to Team Missile?s base. I know that I?m scheduled to battle you in a two-on-one pokemon battle. But I also set up some challenges for you two, you know, so you two can warm up.?
?Either that or Mane is trying to weaken us,? Ash said.
?Now why would I do a thing like that?? Mane asked.
?Cos you?re a thieving scumbag?? Black Jack asked in reply.
?Hmhm, Black Jack, you and your sarcasm, enjoy your training.?

They saw a huge room up ahead. As they entered, they looked around. The room made them looked like that they were inside a dome, big enough to fit a battlefield for pokemon battles. At the other end of the room was another corridor.

Suddenly, a small but thundering earthquake was felt and heard. Ash and Pikachu cautiously looked round to see where the earthquake was coming from, while Black Jack stayed calm. Soon, an eight-foot muscular man came from the other side of the corridor.

?My name is Brickster Tomb!? he shouted in a huge voice. ?I?ve heard and seen a lot about you two. But to me, you two are not fit to become league champions, let alone beat the true master of strength like me!?
?Huh! Who paid you to become a critic?? Black Jack snarled.
?I know, the truth hurts, doesn?t it?? Brickster asked. ?Now which one of you two will battle me first??
?Hold on!? Ash said. ?We don?t know the stipulations of this match yet!?
?Only one of you will battle me! If you win, you can continue to the next room. If you lose, and you will, you can get the boot out of this base and be the laughing stock of the pokemon world!?
?Sounds good to me,? Black Jack replied. ?Got a coin, Ketchum??
Ash shrugged in response, meaning he has no money on him. ?I think I must?ve some money at John?s place,? he confessed.
?Only one thing for it. Rock, paper, and scissors it is.?

And they started playing that game. During twenty minutes of playing, they kept on getting a draw. Mane was watching them on a huge via a spy camera and was getting confused about the whole situation. Brickster was also getting confused until finally Black Jack won the match when he showed his hand in a form of a stone while Ash showed his in a form of some scissors.

?Looks like I?ll be going first,? said Black Jack confidently.
?We?ll use one pokemon each for this battle,? Brickster said.
?Agreed, and since you want to see if I?m good or not, I?ll choose my pokemon first.?

Black Jack picked out a pokeball and tossed it. ?Time to whip some, Feraligatr!? he cried.

Feraligatr popped out of his pokeball and prepared himself ready for battle.

?Too bad you won?t be able to beat my fighting pokemon,? Brickster replied. ?Go! Machamp!?

Black Jack stood calm and confident with his arms folded. ?A Machamp,? he said. ?All muscle, I bet his brain is made of muscle as well.?
?No matter!? Brickster shouted. ?Machamp will pound your Feraligatr and you all the way to oblivion!?
?Then call your attack and find out.?
?You asked for it! Machamp! Comet Punch!?

Machamp dashed at and swung many punches at Feraligatr but kept on missing as Feraligatr kept on dodging without moving from where he stood.

?Slowpoke,? Black Jack said. ?Keep on swinging like that and Feraligatr might catch a cold.?

Machamp jumped away from Feraligatr, not knowing what to do after several of his punches missed.

?Machamp,? Brickster yelled as he was sweating. ?High Jump Kick!?

Machamp leapt into the air and dive kicked at Feraligatr but Feraligatr and Black Jack saw it coming. ?Too predictable,? Black Jack said. ?Feraligatr! Mega Punch attack!?

Feraligatr dodged Machamp?s attack and punched him in the gut. Machamp fell to the floor holding it.

?But? how can this be?!?? Brickster yelled.
?You relied on nothing except physical strength and ruthless fighting,? Ash replied, who was standing by the sideline. ?You forgot one small thing that would make a pokemon even stronger, and that is your heart connected to your Machamp?s.?
?Not to mention other abilities and statistics like smarts,? Black Jack continued, mocking his opponents. ?Speaking of ruthless and physical strength, I?ll show you how Feraligatr fights his opponents! Feraligatr! Focus punch attack!?

Feraligatr ducked down while he charged himself up. Brickster and Machamp saw this as a chance to attack him, as they knew the weakness of the Focus Punch attack. The weakness was that no pokemon could move while charging up until they are fully powered up. ?Machamp!? Brickster yelled. ?Mega Punch! Now!?

Machamp ran at Feraligatr to punch him, but surprisingly Feraligatr barely dodged out of the way and heavily punched Machmap in the gut again. This time the punch knocked him unconscious.

?NO! WHY! HOW COME!? Brickster yelled as he saw his Machamp defeated, meaning that Black Jack and Feraligatr won the battle.
?Let?s just say that I have my own ways of training pokemon,? Black Jack said.

Brickster fell on his knees in disbelief. ?No one has beaten me this easily before,? he thought to himself.

Black Jack looked at him with disappointment. ?Huh! Waste of time,? Black Jack snarled quietly as he walked over to Brickster. He kneeled down and said. ?And yes, the truth does hurt.?

Black Jack picked himself up and looked at Ash. ?C?mon, Ketchum,? he said. ?Another victim awaits us.?

Ash looked at Black Jack with mixture of feelings. ?There?s something weird about this guy,? he thought to himself as they walked into the corridor.
More coming! Reviews please!
Sharp said:
This is without doubt one of the most kickass fanfictions ever writen. Kickass plot and characters. Keep up the good work.

Finally! Someone reviewed after... *tries to do the math* a lot of chapters! Thank u! Thank u so much!

Chapter 3

As Black Jack and Ash walked down the corridor, Mane?s voice came on again. ?Congratulations, Black Jack,? he said. ?For your victory over Brickster, though he can be a bit slow sometimes.?

Black Jack gave a small snigger at that remark.

?Now since Black Jack has participated in his battle, how about you take the next challenge, Mr. Ketchum??
?Huh! I thought fairness wasn?t in your vocabulary,? Ash replied. ?You captured a man?s wife and daughter, challenged him in an unfair battle, set up a stipulation that no one was happy about and now you?re trying to weaken us before we can take you on. What are you afraid of, Mane??
?Oh, nothing much, a few bug and ghost pokemon here and there. But let me give you a little tip about your upcoming battle, Mr. Ketchum. This trainer has met you on one but memorial occasion.?
?Huh? Anything else??
?Pika?? Pikachu wondered.
?That?s all I can give you for now. If I give you anymore, I might ruin the surprise,? Mane said as he laughed.
?We will see who surprises whom, Mane!?
?Haha! Enjoy your battle, Mr. Ketchum!?

As they finished talking, Black Jack couldn?t help but seeing everything around him so familiar. Even Mane looked familiar to him the last time he saw him. Before he could think any further they entered into another room.

The room looked exactly the same as it did before when Black Jack battled Brickster. In front of Ash and Black Jack, stood a middle-aged man wearing a lab coat. He was almost completely bald but he had ginger hair and moustache. Ash and Black Jack became shocked at the man?s appearance.

?Nanba!? they both cried.
?Pikachu!? Pikachu cried.
?Hello, my young friends,? the professor said. ?It has been a while.?

?Huh!? Black Jack thought. ?Something?s fishy here. Everything here look?s like a Team Rocket base and Nanba is one of the professors of Team Rocket. Unless??

?You may have beaten me last time, young one,? Nanba said as he pointed at Ash. ?But not this time! I?ll defeat you and finish you off for good!?
?What have you got this time, Nanba?? Ash demanded.
?I?ll be pleased to answer that to you! Last time, you defeated Electabuzz who was boosted by the power of Lugia?s pure rage! This time, I?ll be using both Lugia and Mewtwo?s pure rage to boost even more power!?

?Pure rage, huh?? Black Jack thought. ?Big mistake there, Nanba.?

Nanba picked a pokeball off his belt. ?With this kind of power at my disposal, you don?t stand a chance!? he said confidently as he tossed out his pokeball. ?Go! Electabuzz!?

Electabuzz popped out his pokeball and let out a large battle cry. He had a small gadget attached to his head.

?You still haven?t learned you?re lesson!? Ash yelled. ?Go! Pikachu!?
?Pika!? Pikachu cried as he ran into battle.

?Electabuzz! Use your raging Thunderpunch!? Nanba ordered as he took out a controller.

Electabuzz?s fist glowed as he aimed it at Pikachu. Luckily, Pikachu barely dodged out of harm?s way, making Electabuzz?s attack hit the floor instead, making a huge crack on the floor.

Black Jack, who was observing the match, became amazed at Electabuzz?s strength. ?Impressive,? he thought.

?Pikachu!? Ash yelled. ?Thunderbolt attack!?

Pikachu leapt into the air as he charged up his attack, and released it while giving out a large cry.

?A waste of energy!? Nanba taunted. ?Electabuzz! Light Screen!?

Electabuzz created a glass like barrier to protect himself as the electric attack bounced off the other way.

Ash saw that coming as he smiled. ?I knew that you?d use that move!? he said. ?Pikachu! Quick attack!?

?What!? Nanba cried, as Pikachu tackled the mid-section of Electabuzz, making him staggering backwards but he quickly recovered.

Nanba growled in an annoyed tone. ?Electabuzz! Enraged Thuderbolt!?

Electabuzz charged up his electrical powers, and let out a huge shout as he released it, but Pikachu saw it coming and dodge out of the way.

?Electabuzz, we cannot be defeated this way!? Nanba snarled as he pressed a button on the controller. ?Enraged Thunderpunch! Show him no mercy!?

Electabuzz kept on aiming his punches at Pikachu but kept on missing as Pikachu kept on dodging.

Black Jack gave a small snigger and Nanba noticed it.
?Hey!? Nanba said as he noticed. ?What?s so funny??
?You?ve made a grave mistake. Even though that gadget powers up you?re Electabuzz, you haven?t trained your pokemon properly,? Black Jack replied. ?The chances of you winning this are zero.?
?We?ll find out, won?t we??
?You?ve spent so much time on that thingamajig that you have been stuck with your old tactics and moves while Ash and Pikachu has gained experience as he learned other tactics and moves. All the moves that you and your Electabuzz has are Thunderpunch, Light Screen and Thunderbolt.?

Nanba was beginning to sweat as he heard Black Jack?s ?theory?. ?No matter,? he yelled. ?I?ll still finish that Pikachu and off and it?ll be game over for you two!?

As Nanba pressed another one of the buttons on his controller, the gadget on Electabuzz?s head turned from blue to red, meaning the powers has increased. Electabuzz roared with anger. ?Electabuzz! Finish it now! Thunderbolt attack!?

As Electabuzz charged up his powers, Pikachu and Ash waited for Electabuzz to shoot out his attack so that Pikachu can dodge the attack. Just as Electabuzz was about to release his full power, the gadget on his head exploded! So did the controller in Nanba?s hands! The devices couldn?t control anymore of Electabuzz?s power!

Nanba screamed in shock as that happened. Electabuzz?s felt dizzied by the explosion and his head was covered with burnt marks and dirt.

?You?ve increased too much power that your little toys couldn?t take anymore,? Black Jack said. ?This is what happens when you don?t train your Electabuzz properly.?
?You also never believed in nothing but winning at all costs!? Ash shouted. ?If you had trust in your pokemon, you don?t need those stupid gadgets! Let me show how you can bring out a pokemon?s true power!?

Nanba had a frightened look on his face, as he knew what was coming. ?Pikachu!? Ash cried. ?Iron Tail attack!?

Pikachu?s tail glowed as he swiped his tail at Electabuzz?s weakened head, knocking him down. As Electabuzz slowly picked himself up, Ash called for another attack.

?Pikachu!? Ash cried. ?Thunder attack now!?

Pikachu once again charged himself to his fullest. He then let out a large cry and he shot out his strongest attack, shocking Electabuzz and sending him flying, falling unconsciously on Nanba.

?Not again?? Nanba groaned and fainted with swirly eyes.

Ash smiled for his victory with Pikachu. ?Like old times, eh, Pikachu?? he asked.
?Pikapi! Pi Pikachu!? Pikachu happily cried as he held up a ?V? sign on his paws.

?Not bad, Ketchum,? Black Jack commented. ?Not bad.?

He looked down on at the unconscious Nanba. He walked over to him and shook by the collar of his lab coat, waking him up.

?Nanba!? Black Jack snarled. ?Why did you leave Team Rocket? Was it about the money??
?It?s? it?s a little confusing?? Nanba replied. ?There was this raid from a police force in one of our bases with Giovanni in it. After he was arrested, William Mane came took over as the new boss and changed the organisation?s name from Team Rocket to Team Missile.?

?I knew I saw Mane?s face somewhere before,? Black Jack thought. ?He was one of Giovanni?s assistants.?

?Team Missile?? Ash thought deeply. ?With Mane as their new boss, they could be more trouble than Team Rocket. Mane may have really rare pokemon by his side, but we cannot be beaten! No matter what!?

After hearing everything Nanba said, Black Jack smiled. ?Night night,? he said as he squeezed Nanba?s shoulder to put him to sleep.

Black Jack picked himself up and walked into the next corridor with Ash to find and battle their next opponent.
More coming! Reviews please!
Chapter 4

Black Jack, Ash and Pikachu were walking through another corridor. ?So that?s why this place looks so familiar,? Black Jack said. ?Nothing but Team Rocket scrap.?
?Don?t you mean Team Missile?? asked a voice, who spoke through a hidden speaker. ?I thank you not to insult my life?s work that way.?
?What about my brother?s, Mane?? Black Jack snarled in reply. ?Why can?t you just do your own real work instead of taking others, like Giovanni?s??
?Excuse me, but I work real hard. Stealing, selling, advertising, those kind of things. Those things were pretty dull, so I wanted to get a promotion such as taking over the organisation, but Giovanni wouldn?t let me have it, so I decided to play? a little bit rough.?
?So you?re the one who phoned the police? how surprising??
?You?re lower than Giovanni ever was!? Ash said.
?Oh, I wouldn?t call that low,? Mane replied. ?By the way, congratulations on your victory with Professor Nanba. And Black Jack was right, that Electabuzz was getting chubby. On your next challenge, it?ll involve you two to act as a team. And your opponents are very familiar to both of you.?

?If Black Jack was once with Team Rocket, then he must know the two that?s always causing me trouble,? Ash thought.
?Let?s see?? Black Jack thought, trying to remember if any Team Rocket grunts that were good teammates. ?Nope, can?t think of one.?
?Good luck on your next match,? Mane replied.

Black Jack and Ash entered the next room. It looked like the same room before as it also had the usual battlefield.

?Prepare for an impact of a trouble,? said a woman?s voice.
?Make it an impact of a double,? said a man?s croaky voice.

Two figures leapt out of nowhere and landed safely on the field. One of them was a blond woman who had a woman?s Team Rocket uniform on but without an R but with an M. Another one was a man with green hair, who had a man?s uniform that had an M on as well.

?To infect the world with devastation??
?To blight all peoples within every nation??
?To denounce the goodness of truth and love??
?To extend our wrath to the stars above??
?Team Missile, circulating Earth all day and night?
?Surrender to us now or you?ll surely lose the fight!?

Black Jack placed his hand on his face in embarrassment. ?Gaah!? he thought. ?Another reason why I left? whatever the heck they are!?
?Cassidy and Butch!? Ash shouted. ?Next to Jesse and James, I had a slight hunch it was you two!?
?Pipikachu!? Pikachu cried in frustration, seeing the evil duo?s faces.
?Life is full of surprises, kid,? Cassidy replied. ?And you, Black Jack, it?s been a while.?
?Don?t talk to me,? Black Jack replied in disgust. ?Let?s start the battle, so I can whip Mane?s butt!?
?Fine by us,? Butch replied. ?We all use one pokemon each in a tag battle. At least this way we can finish you guys off before our lunch hour.?
?Don?t be so sure,? replied Black Jack as he picked out his pokeball. ?And since you guys want to finish this match quickly, then take this!?

He tossed his pokeball and out popped Metagross! But neither Butch nor Cassidy were shocked to see it.

Ash took out his pokeball and tossed it out. ?I choose you! Sceptile!?

Sceptile popped out of his pokeball and prepared for battle. ?Sceptile!? the gecko pokemon cried.

?They have no clue of what strategy we have to get rid of their pokemon,? Cassidy thought. ?We have the type advantages against theirs.?

She picked out a pokeball and tossed it out. ?Go! Nidoqueen!?
?You too, Typhlosion!? Butch yelled as he tossed out his.

Both pokemon popped out of their pokeballs and yelled out their battle cry.

The eyes of Black Jack and Ash turned to look at each other, knowing that to defeat the duo of Butch and Cassidy, they?re going to have to work as a team. ?They may have the type advantages against ours,? Black Jack thought. ?But they won?t be confident for long.?
?I have tagged with other people,? Ash thought. ?But Black Jack will be a whole new experience. Here goes??

?Sceptile!? he cried as he pointed at his opponents. ?Leaf Blade attack!?

Sceptile swung both his arms to make the leaves of his fly out and spin like ninja stars, aiming for both Nidoqueen and Typhlosion.

?Typhlosion!? Butch yelled. ?Flamethrower attack!?

Typhlosion shot out a huge blast of flame at the leaves, burning them to crisp. The flame was reaching for Sceptile but he dodged out of the way. Ash smiled as he said, ?we have just taken a page of your book!?
?What!?? the Missile duo yelled.
?Metagross! Psybeam attack!? Black Jack yelled.

Metagross did as he was instructed as he shot out two powerful psybeams out of his eyes and it hit both pokemon of Butch and Cassidy, knocking them down.

?You see that!?? Ash yelled. ?You two may have been battling as a tag team for so long, but Black Jack and I will show you the true meaning of teamwork!?
?Pika!? Pikachu cried as he clenched his paws.
?Hehe!? Black Jack sniggered. ?Ketchum could?ve easily won the Hoenn League if it wasn?t for me, but I can smash heads easily.?

Black Jack snapped his fingers as he continued saying, ?Just like that. Lights out.? The confident smirk that he made turned serious. ?Now, while they?re down!? he shouted. ?Metagross! Stomp attack!?

Metagross leapt into the air and his feet were about to land on the heads of both Tyrphlosion and Nidoqueen.

?Dodge the attack, Nidoqueen!? Cassidy yelled.
?You too, Typhlosion!? Butch yelled.

Nidoqueen and Typhlosion rolled out of harm?s way as Metagross?s feet landed on the ground, which caused an earthquake, making the trainers and pokemon to lose their balance.

?Now, Metagross!? Black Jack yelled. ?While everyone?s distracted, shoot out your Psybeams at Nidoqueen!?
?Your overconfidence will be your loss,? Butch replied. ?Tyhplosion! Flamethrower behind Metagross!?

Typhlosion shot out a lick of flame at the back of Metagross, causing major damage!

?Metagross!? Black Jack and Ash cried.

?Sceptile!? Ash cried. ?Use your Mega Punch at Typhlosion!?

Sceptile dashed towards Typhlosion to attack him with his Mega Punch.

?Too bad,? Cassidy said confidently. ?Nidoqueen! Ice Beam!?

Nidoqueen shot out a powerful Ice Beam at Sceptile out of her horn, also causing major damage!

?No!? Ash cried.

Black Jack snarled at the fact that both pokemon that he was battling with suffered huge damages caused by Butch and Cassidy?s underhanded moves. Metagross and Sceptile were lying on the floor, desperately trying to get up.

?We told you that this will finish before the start of our lunch hour,? Cassidy said. ?Nidoqueen! Freeze Metagross with your Ice Beam!?

Nidoqueen shot out another Ice Beam out of her horn, creating a huge iceberg around Metagross so that it won?t be able to move. Black Jack snarled again in frustration.

Butch and Cassidy then turned their attention to Sceptile, who was still trying to get up. ?Call yourself a champion now, kid?? Butch asked. ?Typhlosion! Hyper Beam attack now!?

Typhlosion held back his head as he charged up his powers, with Sceptile still struggling to get to his feet, but suddenly he felt that his spirit was broken. Ash had his determined look in his eyes. ?Sceptile! Get up! You can?t give up!? he yelled.

Typhlosion shot out his Hyper Beam attack at Sceptile. All Sceptile could do at that point was look at the attack coming to him.

An explosion occurred upon impact. ?That?s it!? Butch shouted as he moved his thumb across his throat. ?You two are done!?

As the dusts of the explosion cleared, it came a shock to everyone apart from Black Jack. Metagross was standing in front of Sceptile!

?What!? Cassidy yelled. ?But? that Metagross was frozen in that Iceberg!?
?Metagross teleported out of there,? Black Jack replied in an angry tone. ?Still using the two-on-one tactics I see! You two haven?t improved one bit since I last met you two!?

Metagross turned round to check on his teammate. Sceptile smiled as he gained back his fighting spirit thanks to the friendship of Ash, Pikachu, Black Jack and Metagross.

?Tag Teams aren?t about two guys picking on one when there?s a chance,? Ash shouted. ?You need to trust your team mates if you want to have any chance of winning!?

?Speaking of two-on-one,? Black Jack said. ?Metagross! Show them YOUR Hyper Beam attack!?

Butch and Cassidy and their pokemon noticed how angry Black Jack and Ash were as they began to have cold sweats. Metagross shot out two huge Hyper Beams out of its eyes at both Nidoqueen and Typhlosion, causing an explosion on impact.

Sceptile jumped to his feet, ready to receive an attack order from Ash. He turned his head round to look at Ash and nodded. Ash nodded in response and yelled, ?Sceptile! Use your Revenge attack and get your own back!?

Sceptile dashed at the severely injured Typhlosion and Nidoqueen and knocked them into the air with a single but strong punch. They were sent flying until their backs hit the wall, falling down unconsciously. Butch and Cassidy screamed in disbelief.

?I can?t believe we lost!? Cassidy cried.
?Lost to a traitor and a stupid kid!? Butch cried.
?Oh, cry somewhere else, you big babies!? complained a familiar voice.
?Mane again!? Ash cried as Butch and Cassidy walked away with shame.
?Pi Pikachu!? Pikachu cried.
?Congratulations on your third and final challenge, you two,? Mane said. ?Now you get to face me in a pokemon battle.?
?Huh! You sound confident, regardless of what we?re gonna do to you,? Black Jack said.
?Well, if you plan to ruin my plans for world domination, I wish you lots of success. Please proceed to the next and final room.?

Black Jack and Ash called back their pokemon and nodded to each other, signalling that ready to give Mane a beating of a lifetime.

?That wish is going to come true,? Black Jack thought as he and Ash walked through the corridor. ?We?re gonna do more than defeat you? we?re gonna rip you apart!?
?Watch yourself, Mane!? Ash thought. ?We?re not gonna lose to you? never!?

Mane stood in a room similar to the one that Ash and Black Jack battled in and waited. ?If you two think you can walk in here and defeat me just like that, then you?ve underestimated my abilities? you?ll see what I mean? Hmhmhm??

Next episode: This is it! The final task for Ash and Black Jack! Do they have what it takes to defeat Mane and his controlled yet improved legendary pokemon? Find out next episode!
More coming! (After 2-3 weeks) Reviews please!
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Episode 9: All or nothing

Phew! That was a good two weeks! Now, back to my main fic!

Chapter 1

Black Jack and Ash arrived in another dome like room, only this time they have met the man they have to defeat to save everyone? Mane.

Mane applauded Black Jack and Ash for completing the challenges he set up for them. ?Bravo you two for getting this far,? he said. ?Now, I?m no fortune teller, but everything?s turning out as I predicted.?

?Did you also predict what I?m going to do you after what you did, messing around with John?s family??

?All I can predict is that you two will be working for me.?

?What?? both Ash and Black Jack yelled.

?Beat me in this battle and I?ll release everyone as promised, but fail and not only your family and pokemon will remain in their cells but you two will work for me!?

Black Jack smiled at Mane?s confidence. Ash couldn?t help but being suspicious about Mane?s plans.

?Something?s wrong here!? Ash said. ?What?s going on, Mane? You set this two-on-one handicap trainer match and you seem confident regardless of what we?re going to do to you!?

?Ash,? Mane replied. ?You are so suspicious. I just like a little bit of challenge, that?s all.?

?Enough secrets, Mane! What have you got planned for this battle??

?Let?s just say that I have been training my pokemon, y?know, to toughen them up a little bit.?

Black Jack suddenly became suspicious upon hearing that. ?I doubt that,? he thought. ?He must be scheming something.?

?So are we ready to battle?? Mane asked. ?Or are we going to have lunch??

Black Jack suddenly felt something inside his head, as he smiled sadistically. ?I just need to do a few moves, Mane,? he said. ?To teach you a lesson you will never forget!?

?We?ll teach him something alright!? Ash said. ?We?ll show you why you don?t set up a two-on-one matches, especially against us!?

Outside the base, a huge Meowth balloon was hovering over it. Inside the balloon basket were a man and a woman in their Team Rocket uniforms and a Meowth.

?So dis is da place where dat twerp and Black Jack went to,? the Meowth said as he looked at the location.

The man looked at the base and became shocked at what he saw. ?Jesse!? he cried. ?Come and look at this! They stole the Team Rocket designs and made a base of their own! Only they changed the letter R to M!?

?What! Out of the way, James!? the woman cried as she shoved him out of the way. She too became shocked at what she saw. ?I don?t believe it! We?ll show them that they can?t take Team Rocket?s looks! Let?s teach them a lesson!?

?Wot?? Meowth cried. ?Just da three of us??

?Yes!? Jesse yelled. ?And along the way, we can steal those legendary pokemon back to the boss!?

?Dat one I like!?

The three gathered round as they lowered the balloon into a nearby space of the forest. ?Go! Team Rocket!? they cried as a Wobbuffet popped out of Jesse?s pokeball and he cried, ?Wobbuffet!!?

Back to the started battle, Black Jack decided to start as he picked out a pokeball. ?I?ll choose first! Go, Nidoking!?

He chucked out the pokeball and Nidoking came out as he gave out a loud roar. ?Pretty scary, for some people,? Mane said. ?I think I choose mine second, just to be fair.?

He picked out a pokeball out of the briefcase, held by his henchman who was standing near him. ?Go! Suicune!? he cried as he chucked out his pokeball.

Black Jack?s eyes narrowed upon looking at Suicune in battle. Ash picked out his pokeball. ?Sceptile!? he cried. ?I choose you!?

He chucked his pokeball out and Sceptile popped out, yelling out his battle cry.

?This is it, Ketchum,? Black Jack said as he smiled. ?This is a good chance to see if we deserved to win that tournament.?

?You got that right,? Ash replied. ?Cos Mane is using some fancy gadget to catch and command those pokemon.?

?How true,? Mane thought to himself. ?And I got more tricks up my sleeve.?

?Suicune!? he cried. ?Aurora Beam!?

Suicune opened its mouth and shot out a shining beam out of its mouth but Nidoking and Sceptile managed to dodge out of the way.

?Nidoking!? Black Jack yelled. ?Tackle attack!?

Nidoking aimed his horn and charged at Suicune but it leaped into the air to dodge it. Suddenly, Sceptile jumped into the air to grab Suicune to bring it down.

?Oh no!? Mane cried in a fake worried tone. ?I had no idea your double teaming techniques would be too much for me!?

Ash gnashed his teeth, as he knew that Mane was making fun of them. ?Don?t let him anger you, Ketchum,? Black Jack said. ?Anger can sometimes cause you to make a mistake. One wrong move can cost you everything you worked so hard for.?

Ash understood everything he said. ?Okay? yeah!?

?Sceptile!? he cried. ?Hold Suicune for Nidoking?s attack!?

Sceptile held tightly around Suicune?s middle as he waited for Nidoking to attack. ?Nidoking!? Black Jack cried. ?Seismic Toss!?

Nidoking quickly grabbed Suicune. He and Sceptile looked at each other and smiled, as they predicted they were going to do some heavy damage on Suicune.

They both slammed Suicune on its back and then threw it up in the air. Nidoking pointed upwards, signalling that he wanted to slam Suicune while airborne. Sceptile crouched down and laid his paws out. Nidoking stepped on Secptile?s paws and Sceptile quickly lifted his paws while Nidoking jumped off it, giving Nidoking extra height to leap.

?Suicune!? Mane shouted. ?Counter with your Ice Beam!?

Just when Nidoking was about to grab Suicune, it recovered as it spun round in mid-air and shot out a huge Ice Beam out of its mouth. The attack, much to the shock of his friends, caught Nidoking.

Nidoking wasn?t frozen, but he fell hard on his back and started shivering like mad. Black Jack ran over to him to check on him. When Black Jack touched him, his eyes widened with shock as he felt the coldness of his body. He looked at Mane with narrowed eyes.

?You?ve powered them up with those gadgets, didn?t you, Mane?? Black Jack snarled.

?Correct,? Mane replied. ?You?ve won today?s star prize, a one-way ticket to your defeat.?

?So that?s it!? Ash yelled. ?Well, you?re going to have to keep that prize for yourself.?

Black Jack down at Nidoking with concern as he took out his pokeball. ?Return, Nidoking!? he said. He picked out another pokeball. ?Feraligatr!? he cried. ?Go for it!?

Feraligatr came out of his pokeball and let out a loud roar.

?A water type versus water type?? Mane asked. ?This should be very interesting.?

?You can either shut your mouth or I can shut it for you!? Black Jack snarled. ?Go, Feraligatr! Slash attack!?

?Guys! Wait!? Ash yelled. ?Don?t run up to it!?

?Suicune!? Mane cried. ?Ice Beam attack!?

?Too late!? Ash thought.

Suicune opened its mouth to shoot out another Ice Beam. But to its surprise, Feraligatr spat out a small spit on its face, distracting it while Feraligatr scratched its face and created scars on it.

Mane was shocked of Feraligatr?s trickery. ?How dare you spit at such a beautiful pokemon!? Mane shouted angrily. ?How insulting! Tackle him, Suicune!?

Suicune ran up to Feraligatr and rammed him until Feraligatr?s head and back hit the wall, making him slightly dizzy.

?Sceptile!? Ash yelled. ?Razor Leaf attack!?

Sceptile leapt into the air and shot out a number of leaves out of his arms like a ninja that throws his ninja stars.

?Suicune!? Mane cried. ?Use Ice Beam on Sceptile!?

Suddenly a spit reached Suicune?s face, making it distracted while the leaves hit it numerous times. ?What!? Mane yelled. ?What?s happening??

?Feraligatr!? Black Jack yelled. ?Dynamic Punch!?

A clenched blue paw came rushing in on Suicune?s face. That punch belonged to none than Feralitr?s. After the thunderous impact for an attack, Suicune became knocked out.

?No!? Mane yelled. ?Impossible! I can?t believe you two would hurt my beloved Suicune that way! You two are so mean!?

?I am angry that Mane hurt John?s family,? Black Jack thought. ?But that big baby should calm down after that loss.?

?Fine!? Mane shouted loudly as he called back Suicune. ?I estimated you two! Fun times are off!?

?Get ready, Ketchum,? Black Jack said.

?You got it,? Ash replied as he nodded.

?Go! Zapdos!? Mane yelled as he chucked his chosen pokeball.

Zapdos popped out of its pokeball as it gave a loud screech.

?Sceptile! Razor Leaf!? Ash commanded.

?Feraligatr! Water Gun!? Black Jack commanded.

Both pokemon aimed their attack at Zapdos. But Zapdos dodged the attack with its lightning speed and dodged every attack thrown.

?Zapdos is too fast in mid-air!? Ash yelled.

Feraligatr looked back at Black Jack and nodded to him, agreeing with Ash.

?Good idea, cos this ain?t working? Black Jack said as he took out his pokeball. ?Feraligatr return!?

Feraligatr returned while Sceptile was still trying to hit Zapdos with his Razor Leaf.

?Zapdos!? Mane yelled. ?Drill Peck attack!?

Ash took out his pokeball and was about to call back his Sceptile but it was too late, as Zapdos knocked Sceptile away until his back violently hit the wall. Ash and Pikachu ran to check on him.

?Sceptile!? Ash cried. ?Sceptile! Wake up!?

?Pikachu!? Pikachu cried.

Scpetile struggled to pick himself up but every time he tried to, he kept on falling down. ?Sceptile,? Ash said. ?It?s going to be okay? you need to rest.?

Sceptile shook his head sideways, which meant ?no?.

?I know how much you love battling,? Ash said. ?And I know that you know that there are lives at stake, I understand that. But I can?t let you risk yourself anymore because you are one of my best friends and no one wants to be saved that way.?

Sceptile looked up at Ash and smiled. Ash smiled back and got him to return back into his pokeball.

?How sweet,? Mane commented. ?Pity that you two have five pokemon each left.?

?That makes it ten in total,? Black Jack said. ?Don?t be too confident, you have five pokemon left yourself.?

?I never knew that you were good at maths.?

?Since we can?t battle you from the grounds,? Black Jack said as he took out another pokeball. ?We?ll battle you in mid-air!?


More coming! Reviews please!
Chapter 2

Jesse, James and Meowth were sneaking around the Team Missile base to find the rare pokemon. Their backs were against a wall near a corner.

?Hey, Jess,? Meowth whispered. ?Found anyone yet??

Jesse spotted a man in a lab coat walking towards them from around the corner.

?Spotted one!? Jesse whispered back in reply.

As the man in the lab coat walked passed, Jesse hit him on a head with a huge paper fan, knocking him out.

She searched through the lab coat and found the man?s ID card, meaning that they?ll be able to get through any door.

?We did it!? James said excitedly.

?We?? Jesse said as her eyes narrowed.

Back at the battle, Mane knocked out Black Jack?s Nidoking and Ash?s Sceptile while they knocked out his Suicune. At that moment, Mane?s Zapdos was on the battlefield.

?Looks like Mane has used this gadget to boost up the speed of his Zapdos,? Black Jack said. ?We?ll have to use our flying pokemon to beat that thing.?

?Good idea,? Ash replied. ?Swellow! I choose you!?

He threw out his pokeball and Swellow flew out of it. ?Swellow! Swellow!?

?Salamence!? Black Jack yelled. ?Time to fly!?

He chucked out his pokeball and Salamence flew out giving out a loud roar.

?Salamence! Flamethrower attack!? Black Jack yelled.

Salamence breathed in as he charged up his attack, and then he shot out a huge lick of flame directly.

?Zapdos!? Mane yelled. ?Quick attack!?

Zapdos quickly dodged the attack and zoomed directly at Salamence, but the dragon saw it coming and barely dodged out of the way.

?Swellow!? Ash yelled. ?Wing attack!?

?Salamence!? Black Jack yelled. ?Tackle it!?

Swellow teamed up to take down Zapdos with their combined attacks. ?Zapdos!? Mane yelled. ?Drill peck!?

Zapdos began to spin round, and flew twice as fast as the two attacking pokemon, aiming the attack at them. Its attack hit them both simultaneously and caused a lot of damage.

Salamence and Swellow staggered after the impact. ?Zapdos is quite a speedster, wouldn?t you say, you two?? Mane asked. ?Next to Nanba?s Electabuzz, your pokemon look a little chubby as well.?

Black Jack smiled confidently. ?You?re reminding me of Nanba right now, Mane,? he said. ?You spent so much time with your machines that you made your training skills a flat line. And there?s a down side about those microchips, even though they increase your pokemons? powers, they have no control of their will because of the mind controlling ability of those chips and you know what than means.

Mane giggled. ?Maybe, just don?t forget who?s using the legendary pokemon. Zapdos! Thundershock attack!?

Zapdos shot the electric attack at Swellow.

?Swellow!? Ash yelled, as he knew the attack was coming for his pokemon. ?Agility and Quick attack!?

Swellow dodged the attack and at the same time aimed his attack at Zapdos, which the same as Zapdos?s when he used Drill Peck attack. The move connected, and Zapdos was sent quite a distance away but managed to regain its balance as it kept on flying to avoid hitting its back against the wall.

?Surprised, Mane?? Ash asked. ?Technology is not the way to show a pokemon?s true power!?

?Swellow has weakened Zapdos and it is close to that wall,? Black Jack thought as he looked at Ash, who also looked back. ?Now it?s time to smash!?

?Swellow!? Ash yelled. ?Sky attack!?

Swellow glowed as he flew directly at Zapdos at meteor speed. But Zapdos barely dodged the attack, but Swellow?s attack was a decoy for Salamence?s attack as he dived down on Zapdos!

?Salamence! Body Slam attack!? Black Jack yelled.

Salamence caught Zapdos and aimed its head towards the floor slamming it. Zapdos became knocked out after that thunderous impact!

?No!? Mane cried. ?My poor Zapdos!?

?It wasn?t even yours to begin with,? Black Jack said. ?No one can own any pokemon!?

?You just gave pokemon training a bad name, Mane,? Ash yelled. ?To battle, you cannot force pokemon into it, you?ll have to treat them with the respect they deserve!?

?Just save your breath for the rest of the battle,? Mane said as he called back Zapdos. ?For I have big surprises for you two.?

Ash and Black Jack?s eyes narrowed in suspicion, not knowing what kind of pokemon Mane has up his sleeve. ?Go, Pokeball!? Mane cried as he tossed it out.

A rainbow-bird-like pokemon popped out of its pokeball with Black Jack and Ash staring in awe. ?HO-OH!?? they cried.

?Yes, quite a surprise, isn?t it?? Mane replied. ?Ho-oh! Flamethrower!?

Ho-oh shot a huge lick of flame out of its beak. Salamence and Swellow barely avoided the attack.

?Swellow!? Ash yelled. ?Retaliate with your quick attack!?

Swellow did as he was instructed as he dived directly at Ho-oh. The move hit Ho-oh in the midsection, Swellow quickly moved away from him.

?Now, Salamence!? Black Jack yelled. ?Hyper Beam attack!?

Salamence quickly shot out a huge beam of energy directly at Ho-oh. ?Counter with your Fire Blast, Ho-oh!? Mane yelled.

Ho-oh quickly shot out a huge fire blast, which showed a Chinese symbol.

Both attacks connected. Salamence, using his Hyper Beam attack, struggled to push the Fire Blast attack away. ?Swellow!? Ash yelled. ?Help Salamence out! Use Sky attack!?

As Swellow dived down towards the two strong attacks, he glowed vigorously and collided with them. But instead of all three attacks exploding, Swellow used all of his strength to push the Fire Blast attack towards Ho-oh, with the help of Salamence?s Hyper Beam. The was a blinding explosion on impact, as all three attacks zoomed in on Ho-oh?s midsection, much to the trainers? surprise.

After the impact, Swellow and Ho-oh fell to the floor. Ash and Pikachu ran over to Swellow to see if he was seriously hurt.

?Swellow!? Ash cried.

?Pikachu!? Pikachu cried.

?Swellow?s just unconscious,? Black Jack said. ?Taking three strong attacks has taken a lot out of him.?

?I agree,? Ash said. ?Swellow, return.?

Swellow returned back to his pokeball. As Ash and Black Jack looked at Ho-oh?s direction, the legendary bird had bruises and dirt all over its body, but its face showed no expressions of pain as it began fly up again.

?It?s still there?? Ash asked in a shocked tone. ?How come??

?It?s the microchip on one of the parts of its body,? Black Jack replied.

?Why of course,? Mane said. ?Ho-oh?s a legendary pokemon, y?know.?

?Ho-oh must by a very strong pokemon next to Lugia in the orange islands,? Ash thought. ?I just hope that Mane hasn?t caught him.?

Ash picked out another pokeball off his belt. ?Charizard!? he yelled. ?I choose you!?

Charizard came out of his pokeball and gave out a loud roar. Salamence flew down and glanced at him, not forgetting his defeat in the final against him. Ash and Black Jack noticed that their pokemon saw each other as rivals.

Both dragon-like pokemon looked at the legendary pokemon, Ho-oh, and decided to put their rivalry aside as they flew high in the air. They were so high up that they wouldn?t be able to hear their trainers? instructions. With instructions or not, Black Jack and Ash had faith in their pokemon.

Both Charizard and Salamence flew directly towards Ho-oh and shot out their Flamethrower attacks at it. Ho-oh managed to dodge the attack quite confidently, as it flew upwards.

Both Charizard and Salamence looked at each other and with determination. Salamence shot another flamethrower at Ho-oh, who confidently dodged the attack again. But that was a decoy as Charizard flew directly at it and punched it directly in the face.

Ho-oh spun round uncontrollably as Salamence dashed at it and tackled it in the right wing. As Ho-oh finished spinning around, Salamence and Charizard dashed towards it to make their final attack on it. But it shot out a huge Hyper Beam at the shocked Salamence. Seeing the danger, Charizard shoved Salamence out of the way and got hit instead.

?CHARIZARD!? Ash cried as Charizard fell to the floor.

?PIKA!? Pikachu cried.

Salamence continued the attack that he and Charizard thought of earlier shoved Ho-oh down until it crashed on the ground.

Mane let out a huge scream with shock and disbelief at the fact that another of his pokemon being defeated. ?No!? He cried. ?This can?t truly be happening!?

Salamence then flew over to check on his rival and friend. Charizard, despite the pains and bruises on parts of his body, quickly picked himself and gave out a loud roar, knowing that world history has been made? a Charizard and a Salamence took down a legendary pokemon, Ho-oh. But suddenly, he felt a bit disappointed as he remembered that Ho-oh was being brain controlled by a microchip.

Seeing that, Ash was relieved that Charizard was still able to stand up, even after the Hyper Beam attack by Ho-oh.

?Those two have proven worthy of becoming Team Missile soldiers,? Mane thought. ?I must make a deal with them.?

?Oh, boys,? he called out. ?Why don?t we end this nonsense battling and you two come and work for me. I promise a good maximum wage.?

Black Jack and Ash looked sternly at Mane, letting Mane know what that meant without saying a word.

?Alright, five thousand, final offer.?

?Fat chance,? Black Jack snarled in reply.

?What part of no don?t you understand?? Ash said.

?Fine,? Mane replied back. ?You two will be working for me anyway. It?s only a matter of time, you two. HAHAHA!?


More coming! Reviews please!
Chapter 3

?C?mon, Mane!? Ash shouted. ?Any more tricks up your sleeve??

So far, Ash and Black Jack knocked out three out of the six pokemon that Mane was using, while Mane defeated three of the heroes? combination of twelve. Ash had his Charizard on the field while Black Jack had Salamence.

?I wouldn?t call them tricks,? Mane replied. ?But this pokemon may surprise you. Go! Pokeball!?

He chucked out another pokeball and out popped the legendary silver bird pokemon? Lugia!

?No!? Ash thought. ?Not Lugia as well.?

?Pika!? Pikachu gasped.

?Another tough pokemon,? Black Jack thought. ?A tough pokemon controlled by an F graded trainer.?

?Beautiful, isn?t it?? Mane said.

?How did you capture it?? Ash demanded. ?I hope it?s not from the Orange islands.?

?I?m sorry to disappoint you, Mr. Ketchum, but it is. But don?t worry, I was well aware of this prophecy and I heard that you were involved in it. Aren?t you going to say hello to your friend??

Ash looked at Lugia worryingly, but he also felt angry at the fact that Mane knew some things about him. Does that mean that Mane has Ash?s trainer skills as data?

Black Jack didn?t looked half surprised. It would be obvious to him that Mane does have data of his trainer skills due to the fact that he used to work for Team Rocket, which was changed to Team Missile.

?C?mon, Mane!? Black Jack said. ?Show us your worst!?

?As long as you have your overconfidence, Black Jack,? Mane said. ?You?re your own worst enemy. Lugia! Aeroblast!?

Lugia flew high in the air and shot out a bright yellow beam at Salamence and Charizard, but they managed to dodge the attack. The blast hit the floor, causing an explosion that knocked Black Jack off his feet and fell hard to the floor.

Charizard, Salamence, Ash and Pikachu saw what happened and looked at Black Jack with concern. ?Black Jack!? Ash cried. ?Are you okay??

?I?m fine!? Black Jack replied as he quickly got back up. ?But if I did get hit, I would?ve been knocked out!?

He angrily looked at Mane, getting the feeling that Mane wanted Lugia to attack him on purpose. ?What?? Mane asked as he shrugged. ?It was an accident.?

?Salamence, attack!? Black Jack yelled. ?Hyper Beam!?

Salamence felt the anger within Black Jack, which made him angry as well. He gathered up his energy and blasted a huge white beam at Lugia?

Meanwhile, somewhere inside the base, Jesse, James and Meowth were walking around corridors looking for the door that will lead them to find rare pokemon. Somehow, they noticed that everything around them looked exactly the same.

?Not only did they steal the Team Rocket base look, they copied the colour of the inside our base!? Jesse growled.

?Well, da people around here aren?t decorators,? Meowth said.

?We?re not expert ourselves, y?know,? James continued.

A Wobbuffet popped out of nowhere. ?Wobba Wobbuffet!?

They found a door and opened it using the security card. They entered a room where there were a lot monitors viewing different rooms. There was also a computer. One of them showed Black Jack and Ash battling Mane with pokemon. The other showed legendary pokemon stuck in their cells in another room. Two other monitors showed a woman and a child stuck in their cells but in different rooms.

?Interesting,? Jesse said. ?James, try to look for the code that will break the pokemon out of their cells.?

?At lightning speed,? James replied as he immediately sat at the computer and started typing on the keyboard.

?Meowth, make sure that the cameras have changed views.?

?I?m on it!?

Meowth ran over to the monitors to switch control of the cameras.

Back at the battle?

Salamence shot out his Hyper Beam attack, but Lugia barely dodged the attack. Charizard shot his flamethrower but that missed as well.

Both pokemon kept on shooting their attacks, but Lugia dodged each and everyone of them. ?This is getting a little bit boring,? Mane said after he yawned. ?Lugia, blow Charizard away with your Hyper Beam attack.?

Lugia charged up his powers as a small bright yellow began to form in his mouth. He then shot out a huge beam and it was coming for Charizard. But Salamence saw it coming and flew to protect Charizard from harm, getting caught in the beam himself.

?Salamence! No!? Black Jack cried as the attack exploded upon impact on the blue dragon. Salamence fell while growling softly, which meant, ?Jack, I believe in you.?

Salamence became unconscious when he crashed to the floor. Charizard flew back to the ground and landed safely on his feet to check on his friend and rival. ?How splendid, two arch-rivals have now become best of friends,? Mane said.

?Unlike you, we have friends,? Ash replied.

?Salamence, return!? Black Jack said as he held out a pokeball. Salamence returned back to his pokeball and Black Jack took out another. ?Metagross! It?s your turn!?

Black Jack tossed out another pokeball and Metagroos popped out, yelling out his battle cry.

?A pokemon that can?t fly?? Mane criticised. ?Looks like Charizard is battling alone on this occasion.?

?Huh!? Black Jack replied with a smile. ?Why use one hyper beam attack at a time when you could use two? Metagross! Show them your Hyper Beam attack!?

Metagross aimed his eyes at Lugia and shot out two huge energy beams out of his eyes. But Lugia dodged out of the way.

?Charizard!? Ash cried. ?Tackle attack!?

Charizard flew directly at Lugia and tackled him in the midsection. Lugia retaliated by knocking Charizard down with its Wing attack. But Charizard recovered and countered back with his Flamethrower attack.

Lugia screamed as he felt the scorching pain on his weakened midsection.

?Metagross! While he?s distracted,? Black Jack yelled. ?Hyper Beam attack!?

Metagross aimed his eyes at Lugia again and blasted out his Hyper Beams again. This time, the move did make contact and caused another explosion on impact. Lugia unconsciously fell to the floor.

?I?m sorry, Lugia?? Ash whispered in a sad tone.

?Thank you?? said a mysterious voice.

Ash was surprised at that point, but he finally figured out that it was Lugia talking to him in spirit.

?No!? Mane cried. ?Not my beloved Lugia as well!?

?Four down, two to go,? Ash said with a smile.

?Don?t get too cocky, Ketchum,? Black Jack warned. ?Mane?s using the legendary pokemon in this battle.?

?Right, I almost forgot,? Mane said sarcastically. ?Say hello to Rayquaza! It?s time, Rayquaza!?

Mane tossed out another pokeball. Rayquaza popped out and gave a loud roar.

?This isn?t good,? Ash thought.

?Charizard!? Ash yelled. ?Flamethrower!?

?Metagross!? Black Jack yelled. ?Psybeam attack!?

Both pokemon repeatedly shot out their attacks, but Rayquaza easily dodged each one of them.

?Hold still, you giant worm!? Black Jack snarled.

?Don?t them anger you, Black Jack,? Ash said with a smile. Black Jack smiled back at him, remembering that he said that earlier. Ash was now giving him some lectures.

?Charizard!? Ash yelled. ?Mega Punch attack!?

Charizard flew directly towards Rayquaza, aiming his clenched paw at its face. ?Rayquaza!? Mane shouted. ?Slash attack!?

The green dragon?s claws were coming down on Charizard but he dodged the attack as he punched Raquaza in face, flying passed him.

?Metagross, Psybeam attack!? Black Jack yelled. Metagross wasted no time aiming and shot out two Psybeams out of his eyes. Rayquaza shook off his dizziness and saw the attacks coming at it.

?Charizard!? Ash yelled. ?Mega Punch again!?

Charizard, again, flew towards it again. ?Let me pull another stunt of my own,? Mane said. ?Rayquaza, counter attack!?

Rayquaza used its claws to knock the Psybeam away from him, making the attack towards Charizard. His eyes widened as he saw the attack coming towards him. ?Charizard!? Ash cried. ?Dodge it!?

But it was too late, as Charizard was hit by the attack and suddenly became dizzy. ?Charizard!? Ash cried worryingly.

?Metagross!? Black Jack yelled. ?Help Charizard out! Hyper Beam attack now!?

Metagross?s eyes glowed, as it was about to fire. ?I?m afraid not,? Mane replied. ?Rayquaza, Extreme Speed.?

Rayquaza flew directly at Metagross faster than a speed of sound, knocking him down and stopping his attack. ?No!? Black Jack yelled.

?Now get Charizard, Rayquaza!? Mane yelled. The legendary dragoon flew towards the confused Charizard and knocked him down to the floor. The impact on the floor was so hard that it sounded like a rock smashed into pieces.

?Charizard, No!? Ash cried as he and Pikachu ran over to him. ?Are you okay??

?Pika?? Pikachu cried in concern.

The red fiery lizard couldn?t answer, as it was unconscious. Ash got him to return to his pokeball. He then stared angrily at Mane, for all the bad things he has done while Mane smiled confidently at Metagross who was being stalked by Rayquaza.

?Finish Metagross off, Rayquaza? Mane said. ?Hyper Beam attack.?

?C?mon, Metagross, get up!? Black Jack yelled as Rayquaza was charging his attack.

Suddenly, a Snorlax grabbed hold of its tail, stopping it in its tracks to attack Metagross. That Snorlax belonged to none other than Ash.

Rayquaza looked back at Snorlax and shot out another Hyper Beam attack, but he dodged out of the way.

Rayquaza turned his attention back at Metagross, but what it saw was two Hyper Beams coming directly at him, which caused an explosion on impact.

?GROSS!? Metagross yelled triumphantly. He was the one that shot out the beams while Snorlax distracted Rayquaza.

?So, Mane,? Black Jack said. ?How does it feel to be cheated??

?It?s not fair!? Mane cried in disbelief. He then started to get angry. ?Now I?m really mad! This is the pokemon that no one can defeat!?

Mane chucked out his sixth and last pokeball. The pokemon inside it was? Mewtwo!

Black Jack and Ash had determined look on their faces. As much as they don?t want to hurt anymore just to save the ones they love, they had no choice but to battle their friend.

?I was afraid that he would use him,? Ash said.

?I bet Mewtwo prefers to be beaten like a punch bag by us than to be a slave to Mane,? Black Jack replied. ?So no worries there.?

?Don?t call Mewtwo my slave,? Mane said confidently. ?He is my pet. You two won?t be my slaves either after this battle, oh no, you two will be working as my free workers!?

Next episode: Mane is now on his last pokemon, Mewtwo! But Mewtwo?s powers have increased to take out any living pokemon! Can Metagross and Snorlax take him out (or at least weaken him) to save everyone?
More coming! Reviews please!
Episode 10: Final round

Episode 10: Final round

Chapter 1:

Ash and Black Jack?s friends were standing outside the Team Missile base. Each of them had their hands on top of each other?s, praying in their hearts and minds that Black Jack and Ash would beat Mane to free John?s family and the pokemon.

Back at the battlefield inside the base, Black Jack?s Metagross was on the field, so was Ash?s Snorlax. Mane had only one pokemon left on the field, the most rare and powerful pokemon of all? Mewtwo.

Mewtwo?s clenched paws were shaking and he was sweating with a lot of pressure. Black Jack and Ash noticed and realised that Mewtwo was trying to fight off the power of the microchip that was attached somewhere on his body.

?Don?t worry, Mewtwo,? Black Jack thought. ?We?ll help you out.?

?Snorlax, return!? Ash cried holding out a pokeball.

After Snorlax returned back to his pokeball, Ash took out another pokeball and tossed it out. ?Tauros! I choose you!?

Tauros popped out of his pokeball and yelled out his battle cry. Black Jack looked at Tauros and wondered if he was strong enough to take down Mewtwo. ?Tauros may be a strong pokemon,? he thought. ?But it would take more than him to take down Mewtwo. I just hope Ash knows that but at least we?d be able to weaken him first.?

Ash met Mewtwo on two occasions. The first time Ash met Mewtwo, Mewtwo had the power to destroy the entire world but Ash made him saw the error of his ways when he sacrificed himself to stop him and Mew fighting.

The second time Ash met Mewtwo, he promised to help him protect his clones from Giovanni. In the process, Mewtwo saved Pikachu from danger and Ash saved him in return. At the end of that event, Mewtwo was grateful for Ash saving his life and saw that he also lived in this world.

Black Jack also met Mewtwo on two occasions but at different times. When he was a Team Rocket grunt, he met Mewtwo in some kind of armour. They had a little conversation about their former boss, Giovanni and his thoughts about Pokemon. Black Jack had a strong feeling inside him that Pokemon shouldn?t be slaves to humans.

The second time that Black Jack met Mewtwo, he challenged him into a pokemon battle? with a bit of a twist. If either trainer ran out of pokemon, they would have to participate in the battle as well. In the process, they both got engaged in a fight to see who was the strongest out of both of them. After a hard and vicious battle, the contest ended in a draw. After some rest, they found out they had to defend themselves against a group of people in black clothing. The group was defeated, but being cautious, Mewtwo and Black Jack decided to part ways.

Black Jack remembered that event and had a suspicion that the people in black were Mane?s henchmen, it became clear to him that they were since Mane finally caught Mewtwo.

?Metagross!? he cried. ?Hyper Beam attack!?

Metagross shot out two huge beams out of his eyes.

?Mewtwo!? Mane yelled. ?Mirror Coat!?

Mewtwo struggled to not to use the attack but to no avail as he raised his arm to deflect Metagross? attack. The attack bounced and the beams became stronger and faster as they came zooming not only at Metagross, but also at Tauros. They couldn?t react in time as the attack caused an explosion upon impact, knocking them out!

?Metagross!? Black Jack cried.
?Tauros!? Ash cried.
?Pika!? Pikachu cried.
?No!? Mewtwo cried in thought.

Metagross and Tauros fell hard on the floor and their trainers called them back. Mane laughed at them both.

?What?s the matter?? Mane said confidently. ?Is Mewtwo too powerful for you? Perhaps I could let you go easy and you two can be laughing stocks for the rest of your lives.?
?The only laughing stock around here is you, Mane,? Ash replied. ?You?re battling with technology not skill and you?ve disrespected the pokemon you?ve caught. And those two problems will block your way to winning.?
?Ashy boy, your softness and compassion for pokemon are your problems to winning and Black Jack?s overconfidence and frustration will be his downfall.?
?Maybe in the end, novice,? Black Jack replied. ?But not on this occasion.?

Black Jack took out another pokeball. ?My fifth one,? he thought as he tossed it out. ?Tyranitar! Go!?

Tyranitar popped out of his pokeball and let out a loud roar. ?Let?s go, Pikachu!? Ash yelled. Pikachu jumped to the field, ready to battle.

?I?m afraid that you two need more than strength and speed to survive this round, you two,? Mane said.
?How right you are!? Ash replied. ?Pikachu! Thunderbolt attack!?

Pikachu leapt into the air as he charged himself up, he then let out a loud battle cry as he released his attack at Mewtwo.

Mewtwo struggled again to not block the attack but to no avail as he slowly raised his arm up to deflect Pikachu?s attack. Pikachu knew that the same trick wouldn?t work twice as he dodged out of the way.

?Tyranitar! Dynamic Punch attack!? Black Jack yelled.

Tyranitar ran like a speeding bullet and punched Mewtwo in the face, sending him flying until he fell hard on the ground. Mewtwo struggled not to get up but the microchip attached to him made him do so.

?Tyranitar!? Black Jack yelled.
?Pikachu!? Ash yelled.
?Tackle attack!? they both yelled together.

Tyranitar and Pikachu ran at Mewtwo and tackled him, sending him flying again. Mewtwo smiled at Black Jack and Ash?s understanding about his suffering, working for Mane, and smiled at the fact that he was going to be free soon.

But the microchip started to act up again and that made Mewtwo retaliate to shoot out a fireball at the opposing pokemon, but they barely dodged the attack.

?We?re not going let them get away with that!? Mane yelled. ?Mewtwo! Hyper Beam!?

Mewtwo shot out his Hyper Beam attack at Tyranitar. But he moved out of the way, it was then that the attack was coming for Ash!

?Ketchum!? Black Jack yelled. ?Move out of the way!?

But Ash?s eyes widened as he saw the attack coming but his body was not able to move because of his shock, thus getting hit from the blast, causing an explosion upon impact!

?Ketchum!? Black Jack cried.
?Pikapi!? Pikachu cried.
?Tar!? Tyranitar cried.
?What? have I? done?? Mewtwo said, who was also shocked.

As the dust cleared, Ash stood like a normal person would. But then he fell to his knees and then on his front.

Outside the base, all of Ash and Black Jack?s friends felt a shocking feeling inside their hearts.

?No!? Brock said worryingly. ?Something?s happened to Ash!?
?He can?t be?? Delia said.
?Please?? Misty whispered in a sad tone. ?Please be okay, Ash??

Back at the battle, Black Jack, Tyranitar and Pikachu ran over to the motionless Ash. Black Jack checked Ash?s pulse.

?I can?t feel anything?? he whispered. ?He can?t be??
?Pikapi?? Pikachu whispered sadly.

Pikachu charged up his powers to use Thundershock attack to wake Ash up, but to no avail. He tried again, but again no reaction. No matter how many attempts he tried to wake Ash up, it was no use. After realising that, tears dropped from his eyes. ?Pikapi?? he sobbed.

Black Jack noticed that Ash?s pokeballs attached to his belt shaking about and knew what the pokemon felt. ?Stay in there,? Black Jack whispered. ?I?ll take care of this.? Upon saying that, the pokeballs stopped shaking.

He then clenched his fists. ?Why?? he whispered angrily. ?Why is this happening again? First, my family? now? Ketchum??
?Get over it,? Mane said. ?If the boy isn?t strong enough to withstand an attack, then he shouldn?t be a pokemon trainer in the first place.?

Mewtwo?s eyes narrowed as his eyes looked back on Mane. As much as he wanted get his paws on Mane, there was no way he could unless he was commanded to because of the microchip that was attached to the back of his neck.

?Shut your mouth!? Black Jack yelled as he got up. ?You have the age of a man, but Ketchum is twice the man you?ll ever be!?
?Pika!? Pikachu cried angrily as he leapt back into the battlefield.
?Black Jack, you?re rival means so much to you, doesn?t he?? Mane asked in a sarcastic caring tone. ?I am touched by your devotion??
?I told you to shut it! You made Mewtwo hit Ketchum with that attack on purpose, just so you could beat me one-on-one! But you?ll lose either way because I show no mercy to any pompous creeps like you!?
?Hmhm? I also admire your determination, Mr. Black Jack. Very well, let the game continue.?

?Tyranitar!? Black Jack yelled as he took out his pokeball. ?Return!?

Tyranitar returned back into his pokeball and Black Jack took out another pokeball. ?Blaziken!? he yelled as he tossed it out. ?Go for it!?

Blaziken popped out of his pokeball and safely landed on his feet. He got into his fighting stance as he prepared for battle.

?A Fighting type battling a Psychic type?? Mane asked. ?Surely, you must be more stupid than I thought.?
?I said shut it, Mane!? Black Jack yelled.

Blaziken?s eyes widened as he remembered an old enemy of his mentioning that name.


?Tomorrow, Mr. Mane, I shall have that school, and I have a lot to thank you for.?

Infuriated of what he heard, Blaziken kicked the door down. Inside the room was a man in a suit on a phone, the man became shocked and immediately hanged up the phone.

?Who?s this Mane guy?? Black Jack demanded.
?That does not concern you! Who are you?? The man in the suit demanded.
?Black Jack! And yours??
?I am Mr. Min. And you have no business in my office without permission or appointment. Get out!?
?We don?t need any permission or appointment to kick your ***, cos you disrespected that Flaming Fist School by poisoning the teacher!?

-Flashback ended-

Blaziken?s eyes narrowed as they burned with anger, passion and heart.

Mewtwo sensed what Black Jack and the pokemon were feeling at that moment and that made him felt that there was hope.

Because of the microchip attached to his neck, he had great difficulty struggling to talk into Black Jack?s mind secretly without anyone noticing but he managed to do so.

?Black Jack,? Mewtwo said. ?I must speak with you now.?
?Mewtwo!? Black Jack thought deeply as Mewtwo went into his mind.
?I?ll get straight to the plan, I feel that this cursed microchip is acting up, trying to stop me using my psychic powers to talk to you.
?Let me guess. The microchip?s the weak spot isn?t it??
?Yes. Whatever attack you use, you must aim for the microchip on the back of my neck. That way, Mane will lose control of my mind, body and??

Before Mewtwo could say another word, he felt a shocking pain in his mind, which was pulling him away out of Black Jack?s mind.

?Please!? Mewtwo said as he struggled. ?You must defeat me and Mane no matter what!?

With that, he disappeared out of Black Jack?s mind.

Black Jack?s eyes narrowed as he faced, possibly, his strongest opponent. He then looked down on the determined Pikachu. ?Pikachu,? he said. ?I have three words to ask you? are you ready??
?Pikachu!? Pikachu cried in reply.
?Good. Cos Ketchum is counting on you.?
?Pika pika!?

Black Jack looked at Blaziken. ?Blaziken,? he said. ?The Poison Fist School are the ones that have murdered sensei Wong, but we both now know that Mane was also involved in it. Now it?s time to get your revenge!?

Blaziken clenched his paws in response. ?Blazi!?

?Blaziken and Pikachu!? Black Jack yelled. ?Attack Mewtwo together!?
?Mewtwo,? Mane said. ?Send them airborne with the power of your psychic attack!?

Flames engulfed on Blaziken?s paws while Pikachu?s charged up his electric powers. Both of them charged at Mewtwo while Mewtwo?s aura surrounded him as he charged up his powers and charged directly at them?
More coming! Reviews please!
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Chapter 2

Somewhere inside the base, Jesse, James and Meowth walked into room where the legendary pokemon were locked up. The trio stared in awe.

?Raikou, Suicune, Entei?? James said.
?Articuno, Moltres?? Jesse said.
?Regirock, Regice, Registeel?? Meowth said.

Suddenly, a Wobbuffet popped out of nowhere. ?Wobbuffet!?

?Oh, you ruined it!? Jesse complained.
?No, he didn?t,? Meowth said. ?He said Latios!?
?Alright,? Jesse said. ?Calm down, everyone. Let?s get to work and crack that code!?
?Yeah!? both Meowth and James cried.
?Wobbuffet!? Wobbuffet cried as it placed its paw on its head.

Back at the battle, Blaziken and Pikachu charged at Mewtwo with all their strengths while Mewtwo charged against them. All attacks collided but all three pokemon bounced back and fell to the floor.

Black Jack and Mane became surprised of what happened. How can three attacks collide and cause no damage?

?Mewtwo must?ve used his powers to bounce Blaziken and Pikachu away so that they wouldn?t get hurt,? Black Jack thought. ?But he didn?t receive any damage either. Maybe it?s the microchip on his neck that?s protecting him.?

?This annoying microchip!? Mewtwo thought to himself. ?Held me back of making myself wide open for their attacks!?

?What happened?? Mane thought in shock. ?I was expecting Mewtwo to knock those two out. Oh well, life?s full of surprises.?

Mane put on a confident smile while Black Jack and the pokemon became more determined to beat him. Mewtwo was still struggling to break free from the control of the microchip as he sweated like his life depended on it and his paws shook with pressure.

?Blaziken!? Black Jack yelled. ?Mega Kick attack!?

Blaziken ran at Mewtwo at a speed of a Ninjask and kicked him in the gut, sending him flying before Mane could retaliate. Mewtwo fell hard on the floor and struggled not to get up but the microchip made him do so.

It was Pikachu?s turn next as he lunged himself to attack Mewtwo. This time, Mane did retaliate. ?Mewtwo!? he yelled. ?Knock that pip-squeak down!?

Mewtwo swung his paw to knock down Pikachu but missed as Pikachu dodged out of the way and tackled Mewtwo in the stomach, knocking him down again.

?Blaziken!? Black Jack yelled. ?Team up with Pikachu and use Comet Punch!?

Blaziken kept on dodging Mewtwo?s attacks and punching his mid-section several times while Pikachu kept on using his quick attacks as well as dodging Mewtwo?s.

?Hold still, you annoying pests and let Mewtwo thrash you!? Mane said in an annoyed tone.

The attacking of Blaziken and Pikachu kept on going until Mane couldn?t take anymore. ?That does it!? Mane snarled. ?Mewtwo! Psychic attack!?

?NO!? Mewtwo thought deeply. He tried to not use his ultimate attack, but to no avail as he blasted out a huge barrier shaped like sphere and blew Blaziken and Pikachu away, sending them flying.

Blaziken and Pikachu fell to the floor. Blaziken safely somersaulted and landed on his feet but Pikachu fell hard on the floor.

?Blaziken!? Black Jack yelled in concern as Blaziken fell on one of his knees. ?Are you alright??

Blaziken looked back to him and nodded, even though he had bruises on parts of his body. Black Jack turned to the badly injured Pikachu and said, ?Pikachu, you?re injured now. Take a rest??

He then turned his head to Ash, who died after taking a Hyper Beam attack from Mewtwo. ?Ketchum would be very proud of you,? he said in a sad tone.

He turned his attentions to Mewtwo. ?Blaziken!? he yelled. ?Blaze Kick attack!?

Blaziken leapt into the air. ?Too easy!? Mane said. ?Mewtwo! Use your Shadow Ball attack!?

?Please? stop?? Mewtwo said weakly, as he charged up his powers. Before Blaziken could reach Mewtwo, he shot out the attack. The attack collided, causing another explosion on impact while Black Jack protected himself from the explosion. As the smoke cleared, he saw Blaziken lying unconsciously on the floor.

?Blaziken!? Black Jack cried as he ran over to him. As he checked on him, he slowly opened his eyes.

?Blaze?? Blaziken whispered.
?Sorry, Blaziken,? Black Jack said.
?Oh, Jacky,? Mane said, catching Black Jack?s attention. ?Look behind you.?

Black Jack turned round and, to his shock, saw Pikachu in Mewtwo?s clutches. ?Ash? Pikachu?? Mewtwo thought to himself in a sad tone. ?I?m sorry??

He started to squeeze the life out of Pikachu and send electric shocks inside him. ?Pikapi!? Pikachu cried calling out his trainer?s name.

?I?ll make a deal with you, Black Jack,? Mane said. ?Give up now, be my servant and I?ll release the cute pokemon.?
?Pika pika!? Pikachu screamed in pain.
?This is a battle between you and me now, Mane!? Black Jack snarled. ?Leave Pikachu out of this or you?re gonna pay!?
?Whoops,? Mane said. ?Wrong answer.?

Mewtwo continued to torture Pikachu. ?Pikapi!? he cried again trying to get Ash?s attention, but he showed no signs of movement.

Blaziken struggled to get to his feet but he kept on falling down, as he felt weak. Black Jack ran to free Pikachu instead. ?No point telling Mane or Mewtwo to drop the little guy!? Black Jack thought.

As he got closer, Mewtwo uncontrollably sent Black Jack flying with his Psychic blast, making him fall hard to the floor. After taking one powerful blast from Mewtwo, Black Jack struggled to get up. ?Power? is getting? out of control?? Mewtwo thought as he felt all of his powers were growing. Black Jack and Blaziken could only watch in desperation at that point.

Pikachu kept on crying his trainer out even louder. Suddenly, there was a small beat in Ash?s heart. ?Pikachu?? he whispered.

Outside the base, a tear was coming out of one of Misty?s eyes when she felt something in her heart that surprised her. ?Ash?? she whispered. ?He?s??

Back inside the base, Ash kept on feeling small beats in his heart, but he still hasn?t made any movement yet. Pikachu kept on screaming louder and louder as he was still being tortured by Mewtwo?s power.


A shining multi-coloured aura surrounded Ash and his pokeballs as he quickly got back up, much to the shock of Mane, Mewtwo, Black Jack and his Blaziken. ?Don?t give in, Pikachu!? Ash yelled.

After saying that, the same aura surrounded Pikachu. It looked as though he couldn?t feel anymore pain in his body and became fully healed. ?Pikachu!? Pikachu cried.

?Pikachu!? Ash yelled. ?Thunder attack!?

Pikachu charged up his powers and let a huge cry as he shot out a huge electric attack from his body, sending Mewtwo flying. Mewtwo became battered and bruised as he fell to the floor.

Black Jack became surprised when Ash quickly stood up. ?The kid?s got spunk!? he said, as he finally got to his feet.

A suddenly a voice was heard in Black Jack?s mind. ?Mew, mew!?
?Who was that?? he thought as he looked round. ?That was weird.?

Deep inside Black Jack?s mind, he felt that someone or something was talking to him. ?Who are you?? he thought.

Inside his thoughts, he pictured that there was a mysterious pokemon inside him. It looked happy and cheerful flying about. Then it had a serious look in its eyes.

?Who are you?? Black Jack asked.
?I am one of the pokemon that?ll help you save the other pokemon,? it replied. ?Only you and the other Chosen One named Ash can make all the difference.?
?Difference or not, I still have a family to save.?

Suddenly, a mixture of light and dark aura surrounded Black Jack, having said about his family inspired him. The dark and light aura also surrounded Blaziken and the pokeballs.

?Watch out, Mane!? Black Jack snarled as he clenched his fist. ?We?re just getting warmed up!?
?What?!? said Mane, shocked to see the auras surrounding Black Jack, Ash and others. ?What?s going on?!?
?Ready, Black Jack?? Ash yelled.
?Do you really need me to answer that?? Black Jack replied.
?Pikachu!? Ash cried. ?Quick attack!?
?Blaziken!? Black Jack yelled. ?Comet Punch!?

The recovered Pikachu and Blaziken dashed at Mewtwo and started attacking Mewtwo with all their might and there was nothing Mane or the microchip could do about that.

?Pikachu!? Ash yelled. ?Iron Tail now!?

Pikachu?s tail glowed vigorously as he swung it and hit Mewtwo in the face, causing a lot of damage.

?Now, the grand finale!? Black Jack shouted. ?Blaziken! Blaze Kick now!?

Blaziken foot engulfed in flames, as he performed a roundhouse kick and hit the microchip that was on the back of the neck of Mewtwo, causing it to be broken. Mewtwo fell to the floor unconscious.

?As a ref would say,? Black Jack said in an evil tone. ?Mewtwo is no longer able to battle. We won.?
?No!? Mane yelled. ?This can?t be! My technology is unstoppable! My legendary pokemon are unbeatable! I should?ve defeated both of you!?

Mewtwo slowly picked himself up as a blue aura surrounded him. It looked like he was recovering himself. ?We are no longer yours,? he said angrily. ?Now you will pay!?

Mewtwo shot out a fireball at both Mane and the man who was carrying the pokeballs in the briefcase. They both dived out of way, but the man dropped the briefcase.

?You fool!? Mane yelled. ?I must escape!?

Mewtwo kept on shooting out his fireballs directly at Mane but he kept on dodging each one. The aura that surrounded Ash, Black Jack and their pokemon slowly disappeared. ?If Mewtwo keeps on shooting his fireballs,? Black Jack thought. ?This place is gonna blow.?

Black Jack ran over to Mewtwo and hand-chopped him on his shoulder, knocking him unconscious. Mane fell to his knees and breathed heavily for air. Suddenly the ground started to rumble violently and the place started to fall apart.

Mane was about to grab the pokeballs but Ash stepped in his way. ?You lost,? Ash said. ?Now leave them alone.?
?I?ll be back!? Mane vowed as his eyes narrowed. He turned round and ran away along with his assistant. Ash was about to follow them but Black Jack stopped him and said, ?Pokemon, women and children first!?

Ash smiled and nodded. They quickly let all of their pokemon out, picked up the pokeballs that were on the floor and gave them to the pokemon. ?Guys,? Ash said. ?You have to get out of here.?

The pokemon seemed confused of what Ash was saying. ?I don?t want you guys to get hurt when this base falls apart. I have other pokemon to save.?

?You guys go as well,? Black Jack said. ?I have John?s family to save.?

All of the pokemon shook their heads, they all wanted to go with them. They lunged towards their trainers and hugged them. ?You guys wanna come with us?? Ash asked. All of their pokemon nodded. ?Well, Black Jack?? he asked.

Black Jack smiled at the love and friendship those pokemon gave. ?Whatever,? he replied with a sigh. ?Let?s go??
More coming! Reviews please!
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Chapter 3

Black Jack, Ash and the pokemon were running down corridors of the base. It was falling to pieces and Black Jack was carrying Mewtwo on his shoulder.

?Black Jack,? Ash said. ?We could?ve asked one of our pokemon to carry Mewtwo out of this base first.?
?And let them miss the search?? Black Jack asked in reply. ?This base is big and besides, when Mewtwo wakes up he may be able to help us find the pokemon and John?s family.?
?Good point. But how long will take for Mewtwo to wake up??
?He?ll wake up soon.?
?How come the guards are not stopping us??
?They must?ve escaped when they found out the building was collapsing.?

They stopped at the corridor that led into three directions. ?We have to split up from here,? Black Jack said. ?Ketchum, I?ll be going on the right. You take whatever direction you want. When you free anyone, get the heck outta here, unless you want to see if being trapped under a collapsed building would increase your lifespan.?
?Gotcha,? Ash said. ?I?m on it.?
?Pikachu!? Pikachu cried.

Ash and Black Jack split up, going into different directions, along with their respective pokemon.

Outside the building, Ash and Black Jack?s friends were watching what was going on.

?The building?s falling apart,? Cassandra said.
?No! My little Ash!? Delia cried as she attempted to run in the building.
?Ash!? Misty cried as tears dropped from her eyes, also trying to get inside the base.
?Wait, guys!? Brock yelled as he grabbed hold of them both. ?It?s dangerous in there!?
?Sandra! Alice!? John cried as he also tried to run into the building. ?My family is in there!?

Suddenly, a hand grabbed hold of his shoulder and squeezed it tight, putting him to sleep. It was Seed, much to the others? surprise. ?So, it?s coming true?? he said.

?Who are you?? Max asked.
?My name is Seed,? he replied. ?Do not worry, for you all should have faith in your friends.?

They spotted a helicopter flying away with Mane in it. ?Mane!? Brock yelled.
?We can?t let him get away with this!? May shouted.
?Let them go,? Cecilia said. ?He is the least of our worries now.?
?It has been a long time, Cecilia,? Seed said.
?Yes, it has,? Cecilia replied.
?I think they know each other,? Cassandra thought.

Meanwhile, back in the base, Ash and his pokemon ran into one of the rooms. Inside that room was a woman locked in a cell. She had blond shoulder-length hair and green-buttoned shirt and small skirt.

?Who? who are you?? the woman asked in a frightful tone.
?Don?t worry, Mrs. Hummingburg,? Ash replied calmly. ?We?re here to get you out. Just stand back.?

Mrs Humminburg took a few steps back away from the cell door. ?Snorlax!? Ash cried. ?Break the door down!?

Snorlax grabbed hold of the cell door and pulled it all with all his might. ?Oh, thank you,? Mrs. Hummingburg said as she ran out of the cell. ?But where?s my daughter??
?Don?t worry, ma?am,? Ash replied. ?We?re gonna look for her now.?

Elsewhere in the base, Jesse, James and Meowth were unlocking the code to release all the pokemon when they started noticing that the base was falling apart. ?Wot?s happenin??? Meowth asked in a scared tone.
?I guess the building has taken too much of the twerps? battle,? James replied, also in a scared tone.
?Stop talking and keep cracking!? Jesse yelled.
?But Jesse, the computer seems to be malfunctioning!?
?We don?t have time left!? Meowth cried. ?Let?s go!?

A man?s footstep was heard and they turned their attention to its direction. ?Bl, bl? Black Jack!? they cried in a frightened tone.
?Jesse, James and Meowth,? Black Jack snarled. ?What are you three still doing here??
?Prepare for trouble!? Jesse cried, putting on a brave and evil tone.
?Make it double,? James continued.
?To protect the world from devastation??
?To unite all peoples within our nation??

?Shut up!? Black Jack yelled, interrupting their speech. ?Time is running out for this building!?
?How dare you interrupt the Team Rocket motto!? Jesse yelled.
?Team Rocket??? Black Jack thought. ?? I guess those guys haven?t been told about the Team Rocket change.?

?Forget the motto!? he shouted. ?How are you trying to steal those pokemon exactly??
?Code cracking of course!? Jesse replied.
?Have you cracked it yet??
?We?re still on it!? James replied. ?Once we crack the code we?re taking those pokemon back to the boss!?
?Still on it, you said!? Black Jack snarled. ?Not good enough! Nidoking! Smash that computer apart!?

Nidoking ran at the computer that James was working on and smashed it with his Dynamic Punch, causing the computer to explode!

That explosion knocked Nidoking down, but it sent the Team Rocket trio flying out of the base! ?We?re blasting off again!? they cried.
?Wobbuffet!? Wobbuffet cried as he popped out of Jesse?s pokeball.

The destruction of the computer caused the cells to release all the legendary pokemon that Mane captured. As soon as they were freed, they used their strengths to break out of the base. Black Jack and the pokemon ran out of the room and Mewtwo started to wake up.

?Where am I?? he asked.
?You?re inside Mane?s base, but he?s gone,? Black Jack replied, still carrying him over his shoulder.

Black Jack placed Mewtwo on his feet. ?You should?ve let me destroy him,? Mewtwo said angrily. ?Not attack me.?
?We?ll settle this later,? Black Jack said. ?I have relatives to save now.?

He turned to the other pokemon. ?Guys,? he said. ?Get out of here now.?

He ran off into another corridor. Feraligatr and Nidoking wanted to catch up with him but Mewtwo stopped them. ?You all have known Black Jack for a long time,? he said. ?We all know how strong he is. What makes you think that he wouldn?t survive this crumbling building??

(Author?s note: The pokemon speak their own language, so I?m going to translate.)

?He just can?t do this alone,? Nidoking replied.
?You?re correct, Nidoking,? Blaziken replied. ?Black Jack does need our help.?
?The thing is,? Tyranitar continued. ?We are already helping him. We have faith in him that he will save his relatives.?

Nidoking and Feraligatr looked at each other and nodded, agreeing to the fact they do believe in him.

(Author?s note: Transalation ended.)

Mewtwo, using his telepathy, looked for Ash in different corridors and spoke to him. ?Ash,? he called out.
?That?s Mewtwo?s voice,? Ash thought to himself. ?He must?ve woken up.?
?Yes. But have you found anyone yet??
?Yeah, we found Mrs. Hummingburg and now we?re looking for John?s daughter.?
?There will be no need for that. Black Jack is already looking for her.?
?Black Jack? But we can?t??
?We must teleport out of here this instant.?
?Wait, Mewtwo! What about??

Before he could finish his sentence, Mewtwo used teleported everyone outside the base, except Black Jack.

?? Black Jack?? Ash said, finishing his sentence.

He looked around him and found out that he was outside the base. He also found out that Black Jack and his pokemon freed the legendary pokemon. His friends were outside with them.

?Ash!? Delia sobbed as he ran over to him, giving him a big hug.
?Mom!? Ash said in an embarrassed tone.
?Welcome back,? Brock said.
?You had us really worried there, Ash,? May said.
?I wasn?t, I knew that Ash would be okay the whole time,? Max said, trying to put on a brave face for Ash.

Misty wiped a tear off her eye, thanking Black Jack from the inside that Ash was safe. Ash spotted John lying on the floor, unconscious. He then noticed Seed standing next to him.

?Ash,? Seed said.
?Seed,? Ash replied.

John started to wake up and found that Ash was standing quite close to him. He quickly picked himself up. ?My wife and daughter,? he cried as he grabbed hold of Ash?s collar. ?Are they??
?Mrs. Hummingburg?s here,? Ash replied.
John looked around and spotted his beloved wife. ?Sandra!? he cried. ?Just like my brother promised!?

Sandra looked round and spotted John. ?John!? she cried. They both ran into each other?s arms and fell to their knees and cried their eyes out. ?Alice! My daughter!? he cried in realisation. ?Where is she??

?Umm?? Ash replied, not knowing how to tell John without mentally hurting him.
?Black Jack?s in there, looking for her,? Mewtwo replied.
?Jack? No!? John cried.
?Do not interfere,? Mewtwo said. ?Black Jack sees this as a test to see if he is worthy of keeping promises to his siblings.? He looked back at the base, which was near total destruction. ?Good luck to him??

Inside the base, Black Jack was running through the crumbling corridors in an attempt to find his niece. ?Kid, where are you!?? he yelled.
?SOMEBODY, HELP ME!? cried a child?s voice.
?That must be her voice!?

He ran into the voice?s direction and ran into one of the rooms. Inside, was a child locked in her cell. ?Kid,? he said breathlessly.
?Un? Uncle Jack?? the kid asked as she had tears in her eyes.

Black Jack smiled and his trademark aura started surrounding him again as he grabbed hold of the cell doors. ?We?re getting out of here,? he said. ?RIGHT NOW!?

He ripped the cell door open with his might and quickly grabbed the child. He carried her and ran into different corridors, trying to make it to the exit. But suddenly, a huge block fell in front of them, stopping them in their tracks of escaping. Black Jack tried to turn back but another block fell in front of them.

?Oh, great!? Black Jack snarled. He suddenly noticed that huge blocks of steel were falling on top of them. Realising that Alice was also in danger of getting hurt, he placed her on the ground and protected her with his body.

Outside, everyone stared in terror as the whole building collapsed. The two people that were the most shocked were John and Sandra? the parents of the child?

After the base collapsed, everyone kept on calling out for Alice and Black Jack but there was no answer.

?Black Jack and Alice have got to be down there, somewhere,? Sandra said in a sad and desperate tone. ?We have got to find them.?
?We will,? Ash said in an assuring tone.
?They are over there,? Mewtwo said pointing to a part of the rubble.
?Let?s dig them out,? Brock said.

Everyone agreed and attempted to do that. But to their surprise, Black Jack used his strength to break out of the rubble. He had cuts and bruises on his arms, body and all. He was carrying the child around her middle. ?Alice!? John and Sandra cried as they ran over to her.
?Mama! Papa!? Alice cried as Black Jack released her to let her rejoice with her parents. Seeing his brother happily together with his family, Black Jack also became happy, even though he was badly hurt.
?Oh no, darling!? Sandra cried. ?You got a scar on your cheek.?
?It?s just a scratch, mama,? Alice replied.
?Sounds just like me,? Black Jack thought to himself.

He walked over to Ash. ?Thank you, Ketchum,? he said. ?When I was a kid, my parents were murdered by an unknown stranger and my brother was the only family I had left. If it wasn?t for you, I would?ve lost another one.?
?No problem, Black Jack,? Ash replied. ?You would?ve done the same if my mom got captured.?
Black Jack smiled. ?One day, we will battle again to see who is the better trainer,? Black Jack, making a vow.
?Deal,? Ash replied as he gave a thumb?s up.
Black Jack looked back at his pokemon. ?C?mon, boys,? he said. ?We?re leaving.?

As he and his pokemon were about to leave, he heard a voice. ?Uncle??

He turned round to the voice?s direction to see Alice standing near him. ?Uncle? I finally get to meet you? and now? I wanna be a great trainer like you.?

Black Jack smiled happily. He looked at John and Sandra and they were crying happily also, happy that their daughter was meeting her uncle for the first time ever.

A voice came into Black Jack?s mind again. ?You have done well, Jack.?
?Thanks for the talk back there,? Black Jack thought back in reply. ?So I guess you did part of my job. And I don?t even know you?re name.?

The personality of the creature has changed from being wise to being a child?s.

?Aw, that?s not important right now. How about you call me a friend??
?I?d rather have guys as my acquaintances. But looking at you, Alice would sure like to make friends with you.?
?Goody! I?d like to meet her one day! See ya!?

The creature mysteriously vanished from Black Jack?s mind. ?That was weird,? he thought. ?That thing changed its personality so suddenly.?

In Blaziken?s mind, a familiar voice spoke to him. ?Blaziken? my son.?
?Master,? Blaziken said deep in thought. ?Looks like Black Jack did everyone a favour.?
?In fact, you all have done a good job? so far.?
?Huh? What do you mean, sensei??
?There is great danger ahead. So you all must be careful from now on.?
?I don?t understand, master.?
?I cannot predict everything, Blaziken. But we all must understand that there are other enemies who are more dangerous than Mane.?
?I understand, Master.?
?I?ll stay by your side, my son? always??
?Thank you??

The spirit of Sensei Wong vanished from Blaziken?s mind as he had tears coming from his eyes, happy that he had avenged the death of his former master.

Seed and Cecilia focused on both Ash and Black Jack. ?So it?s coming true,? Seed said.
?Two great trainers came together by fate, saw each other as rivals, yet they helped each other in difficult times,? Cecilia continued.
?The difficult has yet to come,? Seed replied. ?This is only the beginning.?

Elsewhere, around the rubble, Lugia was talking to Mewtwo telepathically. ?These humans are strong,? Lugia said.
?Indeed,? Mewtwo replied. ?Strong minded, strong willed and strong hearted. Strong enough to so-call themselves, ?Pokemon Masters?.?
?And strong enough to save this world from the great evil.?
?Shall we inform them??
?Not yet. Black Jack, Ash and others will have to find out themselves.?

?So, kid,? Black Jack asked to Alice. ?Wanna go home??
?You bet!? Alice replied happily.
?Let?s celebrate, everyone,? John said.
?YAY!!? May and Max cried happily in unison.

Black Jack and Ash were able to defeat Mane and free the legendary pokemon. Black Jack was also happy with the knowledge that with a family around, he now had a reason to battle and will be able to accomplish anything. He felt that he had fought the biggest battle of his life, but there are more big battles to come?
Epilogue next! Reviews please!
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Back at John?s mansion there was a big party going on the inside, while Alice was playing around with all of Ash and Black Jack?s pokemon. She then saw a bunch of stars floating in the sky; she decided to stare at the stars along with the pokemon.

?Look, Pikachu,? she said. ?Those stars look like you, right??
?Pii pika pika!? Pikachu cried joyfully.

Also outside the mansion but outside of the front door, Misty was sitting on the steps of John?s mansion. She was wearing a black beautiful dress and white shoes and her hair was let down. She was admiring the starry skies when Ash, who was wearing a tux, walked up behind her. ?Misty.?

She turned to see her best friend. ?Oh. Hi, Ash,? she replied.
?Mind if I sit next to you?? he asked.
?Why would I??

Ash sat next to her. They both looked and admired the sky. ?Looks beautiful tonight, right, Ash?? Misty asked.
Ash looked at a black beautiful dress and white shoes that she was wearing. She also had her hair down to look pretty for the party.

?Not as beautiful as you, Mist,? Ash replied, showing a small pleasant smile. She gave a small blush as she looked at him.

There was some small silence between them. The only noise was heard from inside the mansion, where a lot of guests were, talking loudly but not too loud.

?Ash,? Misty said. ?Since you and Black Jack entered that base, I knew that you would defeat Mane. But somehow, I felt this pain? in my heart? and I thought??

Tears came out of her eyes and Ash knew what she was talking about. ?It?s alright,? he said as he wiped away her tears with her thumb.

?But, Ash, how??? she asked in a confused tone.
?I don?t know exactly, but when I heard Pikachu screaming, I felt something deep inside me? I had Brock, Mom, May, Max and the other guys to back me up, but there?s one person who really believed in me.?

They both looked at each other in the eyes. ?It?s you, Misty,? he said in a soothing yet nervous tone. ?Something deep inside me kept on telling me that there?s one person in life that I wanna live for? it?s you, Misty? and? the reason is? I love you.?

Misty became quite surprised and happy at the same time. She hugged him very tightly as tears came flowing from her eyes. ?I love you too, Ash. I was afraid to tell you that because I felt that it might ruin our friendship and ? I?m sorry.?

Ash calmed her down. ?Shh. shh, shh. It?s okay. Nothing can break us apart, not even one small confession.?

They both stopped hugging each other and held each other?s hands. Ash momentarily stopped as he wiped Misty?s tears away again and he went back to holding Misty?s hands again. Never have they held each other?s hands before, let alone felt the smooth and comfort of each other?s skin like this moment.

Their faces closed in on each other until their lips touched. Ash and Misty kissed each other for the very first time. It was a long kiss and between them it felt like there was a warm fire within them, not even feeling the cold wind from the night.

They soon stopped kissing and smiled at each other. ?You wanna? check out the rest of the stars?? Ash asked.
?With you, I will,? Misty replied.

Elsewhere, not far from the mansion, Black Jack was at a cemetery. He was standing near two graves that were close to each other. ?Hi, mom? hi, dad?? he said softly. He placed two bouquets of flowers on top of the graves.

?It has been a long time,? he said. ?As you?ve might?ve noticed, I?ve been a bit busy lately? I?ve done some good and bad things, got into a couple of fights but nothing too serious, but I put all the bad things behind me. Sometimes, I don?t know what I see myself as, sometimes I see myself as a bad guy, sometimes I see myself as a good guy.?

?Y?know, John?s a lucky man. He?s doing well in his job as vice-president of Burgcorp, he?s got a wife and kid and when I see that kid? she?s a special kid that would make friends with anybody? I hope that she?ll be as beautiful as you, mom, well, she will be??

Black Jack heard some footsteps and turned round to see an old man with a bowler hat and suit coming his way. He turned his attention back to the graves.

?If either one of you two bump into Sensei Wong,? he continued. ?Tell him thanks.?

?Well, Jack,? said the old man. ?What are you doing here??
?Just making these two graves look pretty, Jason,? Black Jack replied.
?Well? I know how much you miss your parents? but let me tell you something my old man told me, ?as long as you keep your loved ones in your heart, they?ll always be there?.?
Black Jack smiled. ?Thanks, Jason.?
Jason, his foster parent, smiled back. ?C?mon, my boy, let?s go home.?

As Jason walked over to the limo, a man in a suit opened the back door for him. Jason entered the limo while Black Jack got on his motorbike and they both rode back to John?s mansion.

As they reached the mansion, both of them came out of their vehicles. As they walked to the entrance, Black Jack spotted Ash and Misty outside in smart and rich clothing, looking at the stars? and they were both holding hands.

Black Jack smiled. ?What can I say,? he thought to himself. ?That Misty kid digs those zigzag markings.?

Meanwhile, Cassandra was in the party area when she looked out of the window and saw Black Jack entering the mansion. ?Ah, Black Jack,? she said. She smiled at the fact that Black Jack does have people to care for. ?Maybe I should have fun with Alice. She?s probably in her room.?

She made her way to Alice?s room but to her surprise, Seed and Cecilia were there instead of Alice. ?Hey, where?s Alice?? she asked. ?What are you guys doing here??
?She?s in the garden downstairs,? Seed replied.
?And we sensed that you have suspicions about us,? Cecilia continued.
?You two know each other?? Cassandra asked.
?Yes. We came from the same clan that no one must know about? yet.?
?I know what clan you?re talking about. And I did promise that I wouldn?t say a word about it.?
?Good, because no one is not to know of our existence yet.?
?Hold the phone. Why?s that??
?Now is not the time to reveal all. But we?ll meet again, Cassandra.?

With that, Seed and Cecilia disappeared with a puff of smoke, leaving Cassandra with questions inside her head.

The end??

Yep! That?s it! The end of this fic! If you want, you can check what theme song I have for this fic.

Plus, I have some more good news? whispers I?m working on the second series of Pokemon Impact!

In the meantime? Reviews please!
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Here?s the theme song for Pokemon Impact

Crack Addict by Limp Bizkit

3... 2... 1...

Here we go again
Right now, Let?s go
Me and You, Toe to toe
So We Can Rock, We Can Roll

Here we go again
Right now, Let?s go
Me and You, Toe to toe
So We Can Rock, We Can Roll

You see its one for the trouble
And two for the time
One for the trouble
And two for the time
One for the trouble
And two for the time
Come on y'all and let?s rock

Now I'm gonna full up my lungs with some potage
Turn the mic into a flame
(Beep!) that (Beep!)'s hot
Super heavy
Build like a Chevy
and I ain't really mad at the "hey hey"
Round Two
you ready for a break?
you keep on talking I?m gonna
break you up something like this
full throttle
better be prepared
coming with the kick and the snare
Apocalypse now
Who?s Talking (Beep!) now
Gimme the countdown

3? 2? 1?

Here we go again
Right now, Let?s go
Me and You, Toe to toe
So We Can Rock, We Can Roll
Here we go again
Right now, Let?s go
Me and You, Toe to toe
So We Can Rock, We Can Roll

I want to throw you
A tinted face right now
Not Really Sure that
Not really sure I know how
Gonna try, Gonna try
Give you piece of my mind
Gonna try, Gonna try
And I hope you don?t mind

I?m a crack addict
That?s right I?m a crack addict
You heard me I?m a crack addict
I'm addicted to crackin? skulls which cause a lot of static
It?s time to panic
I'm addicted to crackin? skulls which cause a lot of static
It?s time to panic
I'm addicted to crackin? skulls which cause a lot of static

Here we go again
Right now, Let?s go
Me and You, Toe to toe
So We Can Rock, We Can Roll
Here we go again
Right now, Let?s go
Me and You, Toe to toe
So We Can Rock, We Can Roll