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Pokemon Living Dex Tracking

Citra La Magicienne

The Most Inconsistent Forum Poster
  • 481
    I wasn't sure where exactly to put it(there probably is a better place..), but I'm starting a new living dex. This is mostly gonna be meant as a tracker for myself to encourage actually staying active and also to keep up on this challenge. I wanna make sure I update this every day with my current progress, but we'll see ;D If you wanna talk here or help me find ways to catch this or that, please feel free to :D. Or, if you see I haven't posted for a day and wanna get on my butt, then please do too!!!

    My goal is to get every form, every gender, every variant, every shiny of every Pokemon, all in a living dex in Pokemon Home, caught all from their home region.
    Doing it in Pokemon Home is a bit of a saving grace, since you can't store items- so no Origin Formes, no alternate Arceus or Silvally types, etc.
    (Thank God, I don't have to catch 18 shiny Arceus....)
    There are also going to have to be some concessions, since shiny-locking became a thing in gen 5. Thus, no direct event Pokemon. (i.e., ones where you get an item then go catch it are fine, but not it getting shoved into my party/box)

    For this, I'll be playing these games as much as possible for each gen(version exclusives are gonna have to be worried about later ;P):
    Kanto- LeafGreen
    Johto- SoulSilver
    Hoenn- OmegaRuby
    Sinnoh- Platinum
    Unova- Black 2
    Kalos- X
    Alola- Ultra Moon
    Galar- Shield
    Paldea- Violet

    If you're interested in my exact progress, here's the tracker I'm using:

    Insanity Dex Tracking
    (thanks for bringing this back to me firebolt <4)

    Nothing on there is marked yet, despite me having played and caught a few- I don't wanna do anything with it until I properly finish up the story of at least one game just to make it easier on my little walnut brain.

    And finally, to start this out, my first goal is to essentially speedrun through each of the above games, then go back and catch everything I can, then get exclusives, and then finally....finally start the grind on shinies....oh boy....

    ANYWAY! As my very first progress check, I'm currently playing through Black 2, Platinum, and LeafGreen.
    Platinum- on the way to gym 7
    Black 2- on the way to gym 6
    LeafGreen- on the way to gym 4
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    Not to kill your momentum (because this might rather speed it up!), but have you considered using this website?

    I have a very similar goal to yourself, and so I searched far and wide for the proper tool to help. I found it to be phenomenal, as it even shows you how you could organise the collection!

    Just a note if you do decide to use it: You'll have to apply this filter at the top to get the most extensive collection to show, but changing between filters can potentially alter your collection... E.g If you fill out the Gigantamax fields and then switch to a filter that doesn't have those, and then switch back, you'll have to re-do it. Luckily it'll give you an error message before you do that, but it's a nice heads-up!
    Spoiler: Filter image

    You do need an email to sign up as well, but if you were curious as to what it could look like, here's my Home collection so far (shiny is enabled from the toggle box at the top). Note that you can actually create a dex for each individual game as well! Best of luck on your quest!
    I actually have seen this, but it doesn't have a sorting method the way I want :(

    To give an example, the way I'm gonna do it is(and ik these dont apply for mew but example-)

    Mew Male, Mew Male Shiny, Mew Female, Mew Female Shiny, Mew Regional 1 Male, Mew Regional 1 Male Shiny, Mew Regional 1 Female, Mew Regional 1 Female Shiny

    The closest I can find there is sorted by forms, but that doesn't intersperse the shinies :(

    Honestly though, thinking about it again I might just settle with that and use it anyway because it really is nice tvt....

    Good luck on your dex filling too though!!
    Ah I see what you mean, and if that's what you want, then you should do it! Personally I settled for this format because I wanted to avoid shuffling everything around when a new Regional was added; I can't stomach the thought of moving pretty much a thousand Pokemon again, but if you have some sort of system around that, then you're good!

    Also, thank you as well! If you wanted help with older Mythicals, I can clone and share (it may be cheating a little but trying to nab four Deoxys is no fun IMHO).
    Ah I see what you mean, and if that's what you want, then you should do it! Personally I settled for this format because I wanted to avoid shuffling everything around when a new Regional was added; I can't stomach the thought of moving pretty much a thousand Pokemon again, but if you have some sort of system around that, then you're good!

    Also, thank you as well! If you wanted help with older Mythicals, I can clone and share (it may be cheating a little but trying to nab four Deoxys is no fun IMO
    I can help as well. I've got both copies of every game save the original R/S and the original Pearl. Not sure if you actually want trade help, but if so, lmk! (y)
    Thank you both!!! As for Firebolt, I do appreciate the Mythical help but my goal is to do it as organically as possible, i.e., not cloning mons directly since in my eyes that'd be the same as an event mon, just instead of coming from Nintendo its from someone else, and yeah, it's not gonna be fun, but this challenge is meant to be a bit of a slowburn. I mean, come on, 1339 shinies? And then the extra luck of catching shinies of the specific gender?

    And Alex, I wouldn't mind trying it once I get to that point, but it'll be a while I imagine so we'll have to see!! I'd also have to work out the logistics of that since I'm emulating for pre-Switch games, not on DS-
    As I said though thank you both for your support!!! I've actually already made a bit more progress over last night, but since I'm travelling today I'm gonna make a lot more so I'm gonna wait a while for a proper update today.
    Early note today!

    As mentioned, today was a no progress day since I spent some self-care time cleaning room and trying out some new games. Highly recommend Stray Gods if anyone reading gets the chance!
    Anyway, hoping to make some more progress tomorrow, thinking of starting on X/Y. After that, school kicks back up, so not sure how that'll work out but we'll see!

    Slow burn baby!

    Platinum - Champion!
    Black 2 - Gym 6
    LeafGreen - Gym 5
    Missed last night so here's a replacement- I'll still do one for today!!!

    Made some more progress, but decided to do Ultra Moon instead :v

    As mentioned, today's the first day of school back in so not sure how that's gonna work out, but we'll see!

    Platinum - Champion!
    Black 2 - Gym 6
    LeafGreen - Gym 5
    Ultra Moon - Trial 4(Grass)
    calling it early today because I've had my first road bump :(

    started on X, figured I'd see how far I can get...went to save, remembered the super training stuff existed, got WAY carried away with it, FORGOT to go back and save...

    and then. boom. dead. t-t. lost like 2 hours and a gym badge. probably gonna end up being a small bump but still a bit discouraging.

    Platinum - Champion!
    Black 2 - Gym 6
    LeafGreen - Gym 5
    Ultra Moon - Trial 4
    X - Gym 2 :(
    MAN! OKAY! I am SO sorry for the lack of updates over the weekend, but made some more progress, mostly in X! Chesnaught has been Rollout'ing through the entirety of X. Hoping to clean up the games I've started over this week, but no guarantees!

    I think I am also going to relax myself on trying to update every day, since just being active here and having fun with the games is keeping me on track anyway, but I'll still make sure to be keeping updates regular. Progress will hopefully have a big burst once I finish all of the main stories can start actually catching!

    More progress! Overcame that bump!
    Platinum - Champion!
    Black 2 - Gym 6
    LeafGreen - Gym 5
    Ultra Moon - Trial 4
    X - Gym 7 :D