You are correct, Rune. Zapdos gave Electric powers to a Krokorok. Apparently it has low accuracy, though.
As for power balance between the teams, it seems fairly even. I mean, Team Silence took on the combined strength of the other three teams, and only one member (the weakest member, me) was knocked out. I think in a straight up fight, one team versus team Silence, Silence might come out ahead. The good guys need to work together to defeat them. It's nice, because Silence is more of a threat that way, not just random goons who show up and get beat down.
I'm thinking that periodically, a Team Silence member (at most two) will show up at one of the other team's missions, and they have to drive them off. Godzil, junie, mingle and myself should discuss this, but I'd like to do it anyway. It's in character for me to just dash off and try to get results, so look out, other teams! (Except Silver, because I play one of them. They're safe from my pony.)