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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Darkness Lurking (SU/OOC Thread)

Which Guardian Power do you like the most?

  • Total voters
Back after my moving stuff.....I don't see any logical things/stories for Jinx to mess with right now, I'll be watching though....
Whoo! Double post! But I did post and no one's responding...
I would post, but niether character would be doing anything though. Beast would be sitting their watching Slyth(since he can't do much but hope for the best) do his thing and Loki is leading Hazel back to base. duckified(playing Hazel) hasn't posted yet so I don't know what to do about that without leaving her behind.

That is the reason for me not posting anything recently? Any Ideas?
I'm hoping for Limanya to control what happens in the hospital room which would fix Lily up. But if she's the only one controlling it, then that would be quite a long post.
What? Ain't noth'n 'teresting goin on? Here I was expectin me a long read but--" -Shakes head furiously before slamming forhead on the desk-

"Why am I even mimicking Aki if I can't even sing? I'd rather be any one of the Maejima siblings... Or Kashiwara..."

So, what's new? Isn't there anything to talk about? How about I do a poll or something...?

How about a question?

Do you think there is an even powerbalance between the three teams and Team Silence? Why do you think so?

What do you think of the Guardians? Is it fair/realistic for you?
Correct me if I'm wrong but... Did I see a Zapdos giving Electric powers to a ground-type? Or was that just my drowsiness playing tricks on me?

As a side note, I thought that Hotaru's father and Hikari was inside the base when Hikari woke up from her nightmare...? Oh well. I'll post the next time I have the chance.
I'm going to be gone for 4-5 days depending on whether or not my sister will let me use the computer tomorrow. I'm going on a vacation in the desert for four days! If anything happens and it involves Slythe, someone can go ahead and bunny him.
You are correct, Rune. Zapdos gave Electric powers to a Krokorok. Apparently it has low accuracy, though.

As for power balance between the teams, it seems fairly even. I mean, Team Silence took on the combined strength of the other three teams, and only one member (the weakest member, me) was knocked out. I think in a straight up fight, one team versus team Silence, Silence might come out ahead. The good guys need to work together to defeat them. It's nice, because Silence is more of a threat that way, not just random goons who show up and get beat down.

I'm thinking that periodically, a Team Silence member (at most two) will show up at one of the other team's missions, and they have to drive them off. Godzil, junie, mingle and myself should discuss this, but I'd like to do it anyway. It's in character for me to just dash off and try to get results, so look out, other teams! (Except Silver, because I play one of them. They're safe from my pony.)
And by saying that, you are compelling more people to vote for that.

I don't like any of the powers though, so I won't be voting. Mind reading is almost the same as empathy. It's pretty easy if you just try.

I've been doing it on my dog, but I can't get my cat... I can do it on my best friend, but that's because we have been together for a lot of years, but I guess that's just me knowing him well enough and filling up the gaps from the clues.

If Zapdos can give powers to an Alakazam, even though it has low accuracy it would hit more times than miss. No, I'm not talking about Mind Read, I'm talking about Positive and Negative energy.

I'm thinking of what to post. Expect my post later rather than sooner.

Then that means your... wait, yours is Morgan right? Oh, a pony... that means that we are more likely to bump heads more often than not. =D Glad to be working againstwith you
Yeah, Rune. I'm Morgan the Ponyta. And Team Diamond may be the first team I try to disrupt. By crazy random chance, of course.

I would post, but I'm waiting for my Teams to do something! I was the last Team Silver character to post, and I'm waiting for them to show up back at base! And my Silence member is knoced out, so I'm waiting for them to haul me back to base for healing/rest!

If no one does anything, once the aftermath of the cave is done, I'll just time skip so I can post again.
Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't posted in ages, I've been in Scotland with no internet (not even on my phone, it's completely bust!), granted I should have told you all first before I left but it just completely slipped my mind, I apologise for leaving you and I think the best thing for me to do right now is pull out.

Thank you for accepting me and welcoming me into your RP though, I enjoyed it while it lasted. :--)
Well, that's quite a bomb.

Now we have another extra character... Hey! I have an idea! How about we make it so that.. uhm, the abandoned character Hazel can be controlled by the whole Team Geodude?

The post should be acceptable as long as it is realistic and 'in-character' for Hazel's given personality. That should ease up on the weight for the other players, especially the ones that have dual characters.

Nothing. Just sharing my opinion.

Speaking of which, I wonder what Hotaru is doing right now?
... I admit it, so far I don't have any plans for her.
On second thought, it looks as if I'm staying :--) I totally misjudged the amount you guys had posted and Hazel hasn't missed out on that much, I probably won't be posting every day due to college but I'll try my best to be frequent! Sorry for all of this haha.
... Can I shoot you? I have a pair of Type-94 Shiranui TSF and Type-97 Fubuki TSF docked in the hangar, a company of Cavalry Archers on stand-by at the countryside and the Trickmaster waiting for my orders in orbit. May I please shoot you? No really, may I?

That aside, I still propose we do what I suggested to any future characters that are freed.

Also, it's free session right now? What I mean is that the teams may do whatever they want right? Except for Team Diamond that is, they're disabled for the time being. Well, that won't stop Hotaru, but you get where I'm going at with this?
Haha, yes please do! I would shoot myself if I could right now. (Only kidding, I'm too much of a wuss.)

Yeah, it sounds like a good idea to me, as long as the original creator of the character is okay with it all. God-modding and such.
I think I'm going to drop out of this. I suck at this, I haven't had time, and I've been useless from day 1.