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FireRed hack: Pokemon New Generations

Fixed an issue with Return and Frustration not working as intended
Short Video tutorial to find all the nuggets before any fight at the start of the game
have fun


  • Ekans: Learns Acid at level 22, Sludge at level 32, Mud Shot at level 37, Sludge Bomb at level 54
  • Sandshrew: Learns Mud-slap at level 22
  • Sandslash: Learns Mud Shot at level 31
  • Clefable: Learns Hyper Beam at level 55
  • Gloom: Learns Magical Leaf at level 37
  • Bellossom: Learns Overheat at level 56
  • Venonat: Learns Poison Fang at level 45
  • Venomoth: Learns Silver Wind at level 60
  • Numel: Learns Mud Shot at level 19
  • Snorunt: New Stats: HP 75, Atk 65, Def 65, SpAtk 65, SpDef 65, Speed 65, BST 400; Learns Ancient Power at Level 21, Aurora Beam at level 29; Doesn't learn double team anymore
  • Plusle: +20 SpAtk
  • Minun: +20 SpDef
  • Medicham: +15 Atk


Added some QOL updates:

- Now you will see on stats screen the effect of natures (red is increased while blue is decreased)
- Learning new move, the cursor now stay on new move instead the first, to prevent wrongly forgetting existing moves by mashing A button

Improved some movesets:

- Chimeco now learns Petal Dance at level 66, Frenzy Plant at level 99
- Clefairy now learns Fake Tears at level 25 instead of Defense Curl
- Combusken now learns Double Kick at level 21
- Crawdaunt now learns Faint Attack at level 31, Growth at level 43, Thunderpunch at level 50
- Delibird can now learn every TM, HM and Move Tutore moves
- Dewgong now learns Double-Edge at level 64
- Jigglypuff now learns Tickle at level 25
- Kingdra now learns Slam at level 18, Double-Edge at level 31
- Ledian now learns Bug Slash at level 25 instad of Ledyba
- Ledyba now learns Tickle at level 16
- Luvdisc now learns Dive at level 16, Iron Defense at level 28 instead of Agility
- Masquerain now learns Gust at level 19 instead of Water Sport, Wing Attack at level 22
- Misdreavus now learns Tickle at level 31
- Nuzleaf now learns Leaf Blade at level 28 instead of Bullet Seed
- Plusle and Minun now learn Fake Out at level 32
- Porygon2 learns Charm and Fake Tears at level 30
- Qwilfish now learns Spikes at level 11 and Explosion at level 31
- Seadra now learns Water Gun at level 18 instead of 22, Learns Water Pulse at level 32
- Seedot now learns Bullet Seed at level 2, Sunny Day at level 21 instead of Synthesis, Solar Beam at level 31
- Seel now learns Water Gun at level 15
- Tropius now learns Dark-Pulse at level 31
- Volbeat now learns Signal Beam at level 12 instead of 25

- Teddiursa and Ursaring have their ability order swapped, meaning that AI will now have Speed Boost as an ability instead of Guts

Trainers changed:

- Norman: Ursaring's moveset is now = Power Up Punch, Double-Edge, Hidden Power Ground, Protect
- Cue Ball Koji doens't have Forrestress anymore, instead it has Sceptile 55: Leaf Blade, Ultra-Punch, Protect, Headbutt (Held item: Leftovers)
- Other minor trainers changes


- Modified encounters in the Cerulean Cave (see docs)
- Fixed some collision areas
- Increased to 150 the catch rates of: Farfetch'd, Girafarig, Heracross, Pinsir, Skarmory, Yanma

Fixed an issue where the player could get softlocked in Cinnabar Island if they didn't get Fly yet: Now the Cinnabar Island Research Lab improved Bill's teleportation technology connecting the Island with Oak's Lab