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FireRed hack: Pokemon: Red Frost

Should I remake Red frost or keep as is?

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I wanted to update this thread a while ago D:
anyway as I have hit a road block in the creativity department I thought that I should revise some maps of mine as Barbie Jean pointed out that they looked empty, So I touched up a few maps so here is

Old Permafrost city


New Permafrost City


Im quite happy with the changes I've made I think it looks much better :D

and I wanted to also show another city so here is

Snowflake City

@kyoko1 Thanks for the comment

sorry it took me so long to update this thread D: I promise to do better in the future.
nice story skateboarding is unique and great i will try it how long is beta 1.1 how many b can get
nice story skateboarding is unique and great i will try it how long is beta 1.1 how many b can get

Beta 1.1 goes as far as badge six and you can get to the mountain called Mt.Frost which is as far as you can go within the game leaving you a good hour or two of gameplay at the least :)
Red frost not letting me patch it say can't open file for reading. help please!

Have you checked to make sure that you patched it correctly or check that if you have a corrupted rom (if you do have a corrupted rom you will need to download a new one)

These two things are usually the problem if you still have problems with this please PM me I will help find you a solution!

I decided to add a different patch its still beta but with a few touch ups on things

Changes to beta 1.1
a few battles were fixed and an event was rescripted so as to fix it
thats all for now :)
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Alright everyone after a long hiatus on red frost I thought it was a good time to post something!

Right now I am stopping the hack at where it is why you ask its because I have come to a block in my creativity pool so I will stop here for now but I will still continue to work on this hack of mine I have left the last bit of work that I have done in the current patch that you can download in the first post.
So for now I have a poll set up as well and I want your honest opinion should i continue the hack from where it is at or should I remake it from scratch. you decide
and one last thing thanks to all of you for all the views and comments you guys are some awesome people :D
Alright everyone after a long hiatus on red frost I thought it was a good time to post something!

Right now I am stopping the hack at where it is why you ask its because I have come to a block in my creativity pool so I will stop here for now but I will still continue to work on this hack of mine I have left the last bit of work that I have done in the current patch that you can download in the first post.
So for now I have a poll set up as well and I want your honest opinion should i continue the hack from where it is at or should I remake it from scratch. you decide
and one last thing thanks to all of you for all the views and comments you guys are some awesome people :D
Well you could at least say something if you were to remake it? So what would you change in the 'remake' ?
Well you could at least say something if you were to remake it? So what would you change in the 'remake' ?

I want to remake all of it by that I mean add new tiles, different music and add other pokemon like gen 4-6 and rework scripts in game, and fix some things that need it you know a total remake of the hack from scratch!

also thanks for commenting!
I want to remake all of it by that I mean add new tiles, different music and add other pokemon like gen 4-6 and rework scripts in game, and fix some things that need it you know a total remake of the hack from scratch!

also thanks for commenting!
Hmmm sounds good xD, Yea go for the remake in my opinion. Sounds great, either way loving your hack :)
I need help!! What to do after battling the admin in Route 5??

There are two events on route 5 that battle an admin!

If you did the "save the girl" event then head back to permafrost city then to route you saw the girl and continue from there.

If it was the "rebellion's base" event then head to route 10.

Alright everyone First I would to say thanks to everyone that has voted, and second the results 14 votes for the remake and 12 votes for keeping red frost as is.

So I will be remaking red frost and I will hopefully get you awesome people the remake soon! thats all I have for now and once again you people are awesome :)
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Looks good so far.....and also why in the third screenshot the girl is talking to a ruby(oR something)

That is sorrow the reason why you are in the land of Perma and she appears to be a crystal but only because she is weakened does she not show her true self

Which is why the girl is speaking to a crystal in the 3rd screenshot. :P

Also a small update for changes to come!

Here is the new houses that will be used and I will show both old homes and the new ones

This is the starting house you will see


and here is the professor's home
this one has two houses but one is with a different border so instead of black it is a dark purple.


Anyway that is all for now.
Are you sure you want to opt for the new ones? The old ones a lot more fitting and detailed.

I wanted to add more tiles to the hack along with my own and to me my tiles could use a bit more work that is true but I wanted to see what others thought about them and also I wanted show off the tiles before adding them and if they think these tiles were bad or good, they could give suggestions to what they think would look better.
I wanted to add more tiles to the hack along with my own and to me my tiles could use a bit more work that is true but I wanted to see what others thought about them and also I wanted show off the tiles before adding them and if they think these tiles were bad or good, they could give suggestions to what they think would look better.
Your tiles aren't bad by any means, and honestly, they do have a less "abandoned" look than the old ones do. Really, it's a matter of simplicity vs. detail. The old one has detail and color choices that really make it seem like a place that has been affected and worn by the environment, while the constant bright brown of the new one seems more "cartoony" and might clash with a snowy environment (or rather, it will really stand out).
Your tiles aren't bad by any means, and honestly, they do have a less "abandoned" look than the old ones do. Really, it's a matter of simplicity vs. detail. The old one has detail and color choices that really make it seem like a place that has been affected and worn by the environment, while the constant bright brown of the new one seems more "cartoony" and might clash with a snowy environment (or rather, it will really stand out).

Hmm yes I can see that your are right the tiles do look a bit "cartoony" and bright so thats something I will have to work on and I was going for a bit less of an abandoned feel so thats a good start also thanks for the input, your comments are very helpful.
can't play game, when downloading it converting to ips file, cant open whit a gba emulator

Please don't post in threads that are over a month old!

Distributing ROMs is against the forum rules so hacks are available as patches. Use an IPS patcher to patch the IPS file you got from the download on a clean Fire Red ROM.
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