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Pokemon: Rinhid

  • 376
    First bit!

    Tandra yawned. A cool morning breeze flowed westward as she walked steadily down the lane. Tantum pecked and scratched at various objects as they continued. "jeesh, how long does this route go?" she asked tantum, stopping a bit. "maaagggbbbyyyyy!" it replied, doing a small dance. She sat down and leant back against a tree, closing her eyes. "I think I'll take a nap Tantum, we've been walking for a good long hour" she breathed a sigh. "wake me up later if you can ok tantum?"

    "when I said later Tantum, I don't mean a whole morning," Tandra pushed apart the bushes in front of her, the afternoon sun blazing above their heads. "Oh well, I guess a break wasn't too bad but I wanted to arrive at the Rinhid Cavern earlier than this" Tantum pecked at her hand, "maaaagg" it screeched. Tandra sighed again, "maybe I read the map wrong, because we seem lost"

    Later, when it seemed like an immensely long time, the two finally mananged to escape from the wilderness and get back onto the road. "that was fairly exciting-aaaaaaaaaaaahh!!!!!!" Tandra shrieked. She noted the long sting sticking out of her arm, "I hope that wasn't poisonous" she mumbled, pulling it out. She stared head on at the small spinarak crouched on the path in front of her. "come on Tantum, let's get you some extra training, use ember!" Tantum rushed out to the front of her, breathing a small mouthful of flames. The spinarak got blown away for a second before coming back to use string shot. "hurry Tantum, use ember again before the stringshot hits you!" Tandra directed. Tantum used ember again at the spinarak and they both watched it shriek and run straight back into the forest. "maaagggbbyyyy!" crowed Tantum, pleased with it's battle. "we'll celebrate later Tantum, first, our object is getting to our destination"

    Tandra sighed in relief as she sank down onto the dusty yet comfortable ground of the cavern, Tantum scratching round. She eyed two spots where someone had just dropped all of their items and had apparently just run off in another direction somewhere in the forest. She shook her head and something caught her eye. Tandra blinked and stood up, 'was that a person?' she thought to herself. Standing up, she went to have a look. And indeed it was, Mina, one of her friends, seemed to have fainted because of a rock that had fell from the ceiling. 'I may as well help her' She half-carried, half-dragged Mina and her items towards the cavern mouth, rolling a blanket out and placing her on it. 'I guess I'll have to wait until the others arrive' she thought placiedly. "Tantum, I'm going to take a nap, just make sure you don't get lost anywhere, okay?" she called out. "magby" came the returning reply from outside the cavern. Tandra sat down and leant against the cavern wall to wait for her friends. She nodded off to sleep...

    Gumshoe Satyr

    Clone 489024-9
  • 244
    Sleeping soundly in her bed, Iysus was jolted awake when something leafy started jumping on her chest, shouting, "Chiko chikorita chiko!" When she opened her eyes, she saw Lily, her Chikorita, sitting on her chest, beaming an excited grin at her. Looking over at her alarm clock, she saw that Lily had woken her up ten minutes before it was set to go off.

    "A little excited this morning, huh Lily? Well, I am, too. It's not everyday that you get to explore a cool cave with friends, looking for a magical pokemon!" Kicking back the covers, she climbed out of bed with Lily close behind. She quickly showered, dressed, brushed her hair and teeth, and ate her breakfast. "Slow down," her mother told her, good-naturedly, "You don't need to gobble down your food. You have plenty of time."

    "I know, but you know how some of those guys are. Most of them are probably already there. Anyway, I'm done now. Bye Mom!" Grabbing her backpack up from beside the door, she raced to Rinhid Cavern with Lily at her heels. Seeing some of her friends already there she shouted, "I'm here, guys! Are we ready yet to go yet?"

    Trainer Kat

    → voodoo jungle d r u m s;;
  • 1,541
    A mess of indigo hair was all that Caleb saw when he woke up. A soft groan escaped his light pink lips as he attempted to rectify his situation, moving the dark locks out of his eyes. The teen had to resist the urge to pull the covers over his head and fall back asleep once more. In fact, he would have, had his Pokémon not leapt up on his lap, emitting a soft mewl as his soft, blue fur rubbed against Caleb's bare chest. A rare smile graced the boy's face.

    "Hey, Raiou." It wasn't often that his Pokémon awakened sooner than he did. That fact alone told him that he was most likely the last, or close to the last, person to arrive. This was no ordinary day – Caleb and his "friends" had plans to explore some cave. He wasn't sure whose idea it was, nor did he particularly care. The indigo-haired teen didn't have a close relationship with any of his daily traveling companions. They were people he knew, though he didn't know them well. And they didn't know him. He was the "black sheep" of the group, so to speak. Truthfully, Caleb didn't know why he had agreed to go with them. Perhaps he thought it was something to do. Perhaps he had hoped to increase Raiou's strength – not that he planned to evolve the electric lion Pokémon anytime soon, mind you. His thoughts ceased to exist when yet another squeak emerged from his Pokémon's mouth.

    "I know. We'll get ready soon. Would you like breakfast?" The Shinx nodded sharply, lifting his body off of Caleb's and landing on the hardwood floor. The apartment was cheap, and most certainly uncomfortable to live in. Caleb no longer lived with his family, so he had to make do with what he could afford. No one said that it would be easy, but it was certainly easier to cope with hardship whilst wearing boxers as opposed to the ruched dresses that his brother would force him into. When the boy reached the kitchen, he reached into the cabinet, retrieving a can of ravioli, half of which he dumped into Raiou's bowl. They didn't have luxuries like microwaves, so Caleb and his partner had to cope with consuming cold pasta for every meal.

    Tossing his can into the trash, Caleb turned and walked into what could only be described as his bedroom. Squeezing into the skinny jeans, he began to get dressed. As he pulled on the first of his shirts, his tattoo disappeared beneath the fabric. Once he had finished getting ready, he scooped Raiou under his arm and walked out the door. The fresh, clean air felt awful on his already tainted lungs, causing him to light up a Marlboro Red.

    Caleb's cigarette was only half gone by the time he reached the cave. He was indeed right – nearly everyone had already arrived. Not that he minded, of course. He stood far removed from the rest of the group, taking the occasional long drag on his cigarette. Now that he was around others, he refrained from speaking; words were even withheld from Raiou.

    ooc; ew ew. Short post, I'm so sorry. D;


    ♪Its Quiz Time!♪
  • 1,166
    Mina saw her other friends arrive, she got overjoyed but as she saw Caleb she wanted to speak to him but something forced the wrods back into her mouth as Caleb Stared, Mina then turned to Tandra and smiled. " Ehehehe, isn't this gonna be fun? Whats wrong with Kynn? He's starting to Scare me now." She looked a little concerned, As she looked at what Kynn was looking at she quickly realized why and she also looked afraid.

    Alter Ego

    that evil mod from hell
  • 5,751
    Okay, yeah...

    Bamachi, That post is not even close to acceptable minimum and on top of that you haven't even been accepted into this RP yet. So seriously, hold your horses. :\

    Normally, I'd give you guys a thread warning, but since this is a rare instance where someone actually took initiative and reported the problem I'll let this one slide. Just...no more posts like Bamachi's.

    Carry on.


    Water..Calm, Until Your Touch!
  • 24
    Thanks for saying all that and getting it over with Alter Ego. Also you are accepted into the RP. But seriously you have 3 posts up already. Good so far everybody we just need Zanimara so we can all meet up and venture farther.


    Hybricanine Creatress
  • 6

    Hooray! Mai turn! :3



    An annoyed groan penetrated through the buzzing sound of the alarm clock. A hand slowly made its way out from under the large, green and gold comforter as it fumbled around for the off-switch on the clock. When no luck came from her button-finding struggles, the hand retreated. It was then that the alarm stopped, as the button was pressed down by a different, invisible force.

    Sera decided to peak out from under the covers to get a glance at the red, glowing numbers on the face of the clock. When reality hit her in the face about what time it was, she bolted upwards, nearly falling out of her bed.

    "Oh, crap! I'm late!"

    The redhead leaped out of bed and quickly tossed on her clothes that she had lying across the back of the chair in her room. As she hopped around on one foot, trying to tie the laces on the shoe that was up in the air, a light snore met her ears. She turned around, smiling softly.

    On her queen sized bed, laying on the pillow next to the one Sera's head was resting on, was a small, sweet, and sound asleep Mudkip. It stirred lightly before curling up into a different position.

    Sera chuckled, "You've always been able to sleep through anything, Tycile..."

    The teenager very quietly drew out the Mudkip's pokeball and then pointed it at the pokemon. A red beam emitted from the small, white circle in the center of the sphere and shot towards Tycile. It surrounded the small blue body before it withdrew, sucking the pokemon inside it.

    Sera tossed the pokeball on a hoop that was attached to a necklace around her collarbone. She practically flew down the stairs and into the kitchen, where her parents sat, eating their late morning toast.

    "Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad! I'm going to visit my friends at Rinhid Cave!"

    Sera's mother lifted her gaze from her book onto her daughter, who was just about out the door. "Just don't get lost. And come back home safe!"

    "Yeah, mom. Love you!"

    "I love you, too, hunny."

    Just as Sera opened the door, her father's voice caught her attention.

    "Hey, kiddo! Think fast!"

    Sera turned around just in time to catch her silver, black, and purple backpack that was tossed to her. Phew! Good thing he reminded me.

    "Thanks, dad! See you later!"

    After the door shut behind her, Sera took off in a full sprint towards Rinhid Cave. I hope my friends aren't too pissed at me... The redhead arrived at her destination ten or so minutes later.

    "Hey, my little munchkins! I hope you didn't miss me too terribly!" Sera called out to her travel companions.


    Water..Calm, Until Your Touch!
  • 24
    ___Matt returned from the forest and saw a giant mass of people before him. He had told a few of his friends he was going to look for the Divine Pokemon but he didn't expect nearly this many people to show. Even he had doubts about finding it, he knew nothing about what it loked like or even what it was supposed to be doing in there. When he counted people he saw that nearly everyone he invited had come. He called out to them trying to get someone to listen, so they could get organized and go looking in the cave.
    ___"Hey everyone, we need to be organized so no one gets lost." Matt called out trying to atttract attention with only a few people listenening if they were at all, he could not tell if they were focused on each other or himself.
    ___"We need to get our Pokemon out so we can go in and find this Pokemon." Matt called again still not knowing if he was getting any attention. He decided that if he waited for a few minutes or if some one had just heard him, then they would start wondering when they were going to go inside and find the Pokemon.


    ♪Its Quiz Time!♪
  • 1,166
    As Matt told everyone to pay attention, Mina looked up and she yelled at everyone "QUIEEEET!!!" Everyone stopped talking and As Matt again ordered everyone to bring out thier pokemon Mina was looking through her pockets looking for her beloved Machop but as she found it she pressed against her Music Player which blasted very loud music that started to hurt everyone's ears. "Sorry guys!" Mina shouted through the loud music, as she turned it off she said "I guess when I turned it off I left it at loud volume, oopsie" She Summoned Her Machop out of her pokeball, Machop started Looking around curiously. "Hey guys can you feel that breeze coming through that side of the cave?" Mina asked pointing at the darkness through the cave, everyone stared at her wondering what she was talking about. "C'mon guys, I'm serious, you can feel it to right Machop?" "Machop!" shouted Machop wanting to go look for himself. "See even Machop feels it, there is a Breeze coming through that direction, maybe we should go check it out." Mina announced, she looked at Matt "Matt what do you say? Don't you think we should go through?" Mina's Gem started Glowing as she held it in that direction.


    Water..Calm, Until Your Touch!
  • 24
    Hey sorry to break it to you but, you kind of controlled everyone by making all of us look at you. It was nothing big so I will let it slide but next time don't make us stare you down. Lol, but yeah lets get back to the Story...
    ___Matt looked oddly at Mina wondering what she was going on about. He heard her say smething about an odd breeze coming from the cave. I did feel a wierd breeze coming from the cave earlier. Matt thought to himself. I wonder if that is what she's talking about. If it is I wonder what was causing it to happen. And WHERE did she get that gem from? Pondering his thoughts he decided to discard his questions and go see what it was she was talking about a strange breeze.
    ___When Matt arrived over near the Cave entrance he felt there was an odd breeze and started to shiver. Frightened he released Hallow and hugged her to him for her warmth. He felt better after releasing Hallow from her Pokeball, but still the chill of the breeze lingered on. When she came out she to acted quite odd. He thought it would be best to go into the cave soon, it was there best bet at finding the Pokemon in his opinion.
    ___Matt tried to get people to raise there hands if they disagreed with venturing into the cave now and thought it was better to go later. Matt tried to sway everyone to come with him by saying-
    ___"I feel odd around that breeze and this strange Pokemon is supposed to have really strange powers right. I think this is his or her doing. If it is then we should go now to get the Pokemon." And with that Matt finished his speech hoping everyone would want to go soon.
  • 376
    Tandra sat in a small corner, petting Tantum quietly. An odd breeze seemed to be hanging around for a while now and she couldn't quite place what it was. Mina suddenly then shouted QUIEEEET! so loudly, she was sure her eardrums had exploded. Mina seemed to have also noticed the breeze and started telling everyone about it. Tandra shut her eyes, they were here to find a magical pokemon only spoken of in legends, how is it that a pokemon that rare would be in a lowly cave in the midst of no where? but the breeze that came out of no where did make it seem as if a pokemon were doing it.

    "I agree that we should venture into the cave to find out if there is anything. If we can't find anything we could just come out again right? There's no harm in exploring a cave"

    Tandra justified her point to the others, waiting for them to choose their own ways. She patted Tantum once more as it scampered up and began digging in a corner at something small. "hmm...? what have you found Tantum?" she asked. Tantum hopped over to her, holding a red gem in it's hands. She held the gem gently in the palm of her hand, she noticed it looked very much like the gem Mina had with her. The only difference was that her's was a deep blood red and Mina's was a light grey, which let it blend perfectly into the floor. It shone like a ruby when she directed it towards the light and seemed no more than an ordinary stone when it was put under the shadows. "what an interesting gem" she muttered to herself. Tandra frowned slightly, was it her imagination or did it seem to glow the more deeper in the cave it was put? She decided to test it, she held it towards the entrance of the cave and then towards the back. There! she was right, the gem really was glowing softly, pulsing as if it had a life of it's own. Tandra stared at it for a minute longer before pocketing it, 'I might find it useful later' she thought to herself before looking up and finding herself staring straight at Mina's gem, which was also glowing as she pointed it towards the back of the cave as she talked to Matt. Tandra sighed as she leaned back against the cold wall of the cave, what is it with those gems?

    Gumshoe Satyr

    Clone 489024-9
  • 244
    Hearing Matt begin to talk, Iysus tried to listen to what he was saying but Lily butted her head against her leg, upset that she wasn't paying attention to her. Iysus rubbed a hand against the leaf on her Chikorita's to quiet her and placed a finger to her lips.

    "Shh, Lily. Let's hear what Matt has to say." Lily nodded her head and sat down to listen, somewhat subdued. Just then Mina shouted so loudly that they both almost jumped out of their skin. This quieted the people around them and were able to hear that Matt wanted everyone to let out their pokemon. No problem there, Iysus thought, looking down at her pokemon.

    Suddenly, a chilling breeze blew from the mouth of the cave, causing both of them to shiver with cold and maybe even fear. Mina obviously noticed and just after that Matt. Backing away from the cave, Lily jumped into Iysus's arms, still shivering although the breeze had now stopped. Normally, Lily was a brave and adventurous individual like her owner, which meant if she was worried, there was definitely something to be worried about. Something's strange about that cave and I guess it could be the magical pokemon. I don't know... If it's enough to upset Lily though it must be powerful... Looking back at Mina, she noticed a glowing gem in her hand and wondered where it could've come from.

    Trying to convince people to explore the cave now, Matt said, "I feel odd around that breeze and this strange Pokemon is supposed to have really strange powers right. I think this is his or her doing. If it is then we should go now to get the Pokemon."

    Rubbing her hand against Lily in her arms, she whispered, "He's right, you know. If we were going to chicken out before we even get past the entrance, we would've never come. Remember, today is supposed to be a great and exciting day and it will be. After all, it is an adventure." After thinking for a moment, Lily nodded determinedly and jumped from her arms.

    Another girl, Tandra, spoke up.
    "I agree that we should venture into the cave to find out if there is anything. If we can't find anything we could just come out again right? There's no harm in exploring a cave" All of a sudden, Lily's eyes darted toward the entrance of the cave. Without a word or even seemingly a reason, she took off toward the cave, disappearing into its depths a second later.

    "Lily, come back! Where are you going?" Fearing for her safety, Iysus chased after the runaway pokemon, not even noticing if anyone followed her. She ran through the darkness for several seconds, only slowing down when she tripped over a rock and almost fell down. She pulled a flashlight from her backpack and switched it on, seeing only the cave walls and a few rocks around her. Good thing I brought it with me.

    "Lily, where are you? It's too dangerous for you to wander alone. Come on back." A shiver of fear and dread went up her spine when there was no answer. She couldn't lose Lily... She just couldn't......

    OCC: Hope this ok. I'll change it if it isn't.


    ♪Its Quiz Time!♪
  • 1,166
    Mina's Gem was glowing Vibrantly now and after the Chikorita went into the cave, Mina's Machop followed and starting dashing towards the darkness. "No Machop, not you too, its not safe we have to stay together!" However Machop did not pay attention and was already in the pitch black darkness. "Man, this shouldn't be happening." Mina took a glamce at the others and said "I'm sorry guys but I can't let my Machop go alone, I'm going after him! I'll be fine, trust me, I was in girl scouts and I have my amulet." As Mina Dashed in the Cave she looked back only to see nothing but Darkness. "Whoa its pitch black in here, I need a light, oh right. I know what to do." Mina searched her pockets for her amulet "Aha, here it is." She held it up and chanted the words "Crystal Amulet Light Activate!" Her amulet started giving off brilliant flashes and lighted up the cave slightly. "Hey Machop where are you?" As Mina pointed her Amulet to different directions she thought she saw a tentacle like thing moving. "EEK!!" Mina screamed she got so startled that she dropped her amulet but as it hit the ground the light went out. "Oh no where is it I can't find it." Mina searxhed frantically through the pitch black until she felt something grab her, as it grabbed her mina felt that she was no longer on the ground. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Mina's scream echoed through the dark cave.


    Hybricanine Creatress
  • 6
    After arriving, Sera settled on a rock near the entrance of Rinhid Cave. She noticed her friend of about a year, Rei, was also there. She gave her a hug and began talking to her.

    "How long have you guys been here?"

    Before her question could be answered, Sera heard a small voice attempt to speak above the crowd. She looked over to find Matt, who was struggling to get everyone's attention. Even though his voice was barely audiable, she managed to pick up on what he was saying.

    "We need to get our Pokemon out so we can go in and find this Pokemon."

    Sera nodded her head to herself in agreement. Just as she was about to release Tycile, Mina's voice broke through the crowd, practically loud enough to shatter ear drums.


    Sera jumped at the sudden shout, and glared at Mina out of the corner of her eye. Geez, that scared the living crap outta me! The outburst was soon followed by a few seconds of booming music, but she decided she would ignore it.

    After calming herself, the redhead reached up to her Pokeball that dangled around her neck. She pressed the button in the center of the red and white orb, and the red beam once again made its way out. Only this time, when it reached the ground, it released the Pokemon it had grabbed earlier.

    Tycile remained on the ground, still asleep. Sera smiled kindly at the Mudkip as his body rose and fell with his breathing.

    Then, a sharp, cold wind broke through the once still air. When the redhead looked to see where it was coming from, her eyes widened in surprise when she saw that it was coming from the inside of the cave. Huh... that's really strange...

    The odd disturbance was enough to wake Tycile. As he stretched out, he began to glance around, curious to his surroundings. But, as soon as he spotted the cave, his little heart was struck with fear and worry. He ran over to his master, who craddled him close, taken aback by his weird reaction.

    "What's the matter, hun? You're normally curious about these sort of things."

    "Kip! Mudkip!" Tycile cried softly as he nuzzled his head into his owner's chest.

    Sera looked around, to see if anyone else had noticed the strange wind. Sure enough, her travel companion's Pokemon were also acting bizarrely. She also heard Mina say something about a breeze coming from inside the cave.

    It was then that she felt something really unusual. It was similar to the feeling that she got when she was about to be in danger. She looked around, and noticed that Tandra and Mina were both holding gems of some sort. They were large, and seemed to be glowing. Her gut feeling worsened as her eyes fell on the cave.

    ... Something bad is going to happen...

    No sooner had she thought this, Iysus's Pokemon, Lily, took off into the mouth of the cave. It was merely seconds before the Chikorita had disappeared into the darkness.

    "Lily! Come back! Where are you going?" Iysus called out to her run-away Pokemon. She followed hotly in the path of her Chikorita, also vanishing into the dangerous black abyss of the cave.

    Sera stood up and stared after the girl, concerned. She took a step forward towards the cave, hugging Tycile closer to her body. When she took another step closer, Mina's Machop darted in front of her, and then also ran off into the cave entrance.

    God! What the heck is going on?

    Mina soon followed after the gray Pokemon, after assuring everyone that she would be okay. A few minutes passed. Then, suddenly...


    Sera's stare into the cave hardened into a glare. There's no chance in hell I'm letting one of these guys get injured.

    The redhead sprinted into a cave. But it wasn't before long that she could barely see two feet ahead of her. Looks like I'll be needing a guide.

    Sera nudged the Mudkip in her arms, "Hey, Tycile. Can you be brave for mommy? I need you to help me through this cave. Just stay a few feet ahead of me and warn me of anything bad. Okay?"

    Tycile glanced up at his master, "Kip!" it squeaked before giving an affectionate lick to the redhead's cheek.

    "Good boy!" Sera beamed. She set the Pokemon gently down on the ground.

    Keeping a telepathic emotional connection with Tycile the whole time, she bagan to slowly walk behind the Mudkip. He guided her over and around rocks, making sure not to disappoint.

    Suddenly, Sera felt something odd underneath her foot. She glanced down, gasping as she saw a amulet.


    "Quick, Tycile! We have to find her!" Sera picked up the precious object before darting after her Pokemon, who continued to lead her into an unknown depth.
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  • 501
    Chaos was sharpening his sword on a sharp rock when he heard Mina scream QUIEEEET!!!" he jumped up with fright and panic and then he realized the rock he was sharpening his sword with had something bright yellow inside it he quickly grabbed Void and sent out Tengu and pierced though the outside reveling a bright yellow circular gem with a emerald green lighting bolt in the center of it. " Strange this gem is like Mina's execpt the design odd and mine has a emerald green marking on it and Mina's is just bright gray very odd don't you think Tengu?". Then he saw two girls from his group Sera, and Lily, enter the cave seperatly "This is not good Tengu lets follow them its better than doing nothing" the Baby Thunder Pokemon nodded and they followed the two girls into the cave.


    The Brawl Addict
  • 13
    • Age 33
    • Seen Jun 5, 2023
    Rei avoided getting in the midst of the mess of trainers gathered at the mouth of Rinhid Cavern. She maneuvered around the large group of chattering friends and instead, found a spot outside the cluster of trainers where she could wait without being disturbed by everyone. Being in the midst of crowds always seemed to make her nervous.

    "Jeez," she said to the bewildered Pokemon on her shoulder. He seemed somewhat intrigued by the commotion the groups of trainers were making. "What a mess, huh, Inferno?" The Chimchar nodded.

    Not long after, Rei noticed that her good friend, Serouka, had arrived. She quicky made her way over to her friend and the two of them exchanged a hug before Sera asked: "How long have you guy's been here?"

    Before Rei or anyone else could answer, through the muddle of voices, Rei was able to pick out the one that belonged to Matt. It sounded as though he was trying to get everyone's attention, but no one really seemed to be all that interested in what he had to say.

    "Hey everyone, we need to be organized so no one gets lost," he said. His voice was barely audible over the ruckus that the other trainers were making. Nonetheless, he continued, "We need to get our Pokemon out so we can go in and find this Pokemon."

    When the group of trainers failed to respond to Matt, Mina's voice suddenly rang out above all else. "QUIEEEET!!!!" she nearly screamed. Everything fell deathly silent before another deafening interference pierced the silence. It was music, and it seemed to be coming from Mina's pocket. It was quickly shut off and followed by Mina's apologetic confession that it had, in fact, been her music.

    When Mina started babbling about a strange breeze coming out through the cave, Rei rolled her eyes and tuned out the rest of what she was saying. Breezes didn't originate from inside caves.

    Rei let out a sigh and glanced down at Inferno, who had previously leapt from her shoulder and was now gazing towards the cave with a distant look on his face. "Hey, what's up, Inferno?"

    Inferno looked up at her, appearing a little troubled. "Char..." he replied uncertainly.

    "Lily! Come back! Where are you going?"

    Rei and Inferno both looked up at the sound of Iysus calling out for her Chikorita just in time to see her run into the cave. Not long after, Mina's Machop darted in as well, quickly followed by Mina herself.

    Rei exchanged a curious glance with Inferno as she picked him up off the ground. "I wonder what's gotten into their Pokemon?" she said. "Should we go after them?" Inferno nodded determinedly and the two of them were about to head towards the cave when yet another scream from Mina resounded from inside the cave.

    "AHHHHH!!!!!!!! SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    A second later, Sera and her Mudkip, Tycile disappeared into the cave as well. "Come on, Inferno," Rei said, nervous yet excited at the same time. "This looks like it could be interesting."

    "Char!" Inferno replied.

    Rei quickly made her way into the cave. Inferno's tail flame gave off some light, but it wasn't enough for her to see more than a few feet ahead. "Hey, guys!" she called. "Where are you?"
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  • 376
    Tandra blinked once, twice, three times before shaking her head. 'what the hell is going on here?!' she thought to herself. At first, Lily-Iysus's chikorita-had run straight into the cave mouth, followed closely by Mina's machop. The cold breeze had now become stronger and if she was thinking right, the gem in her pocket seem to be radiating some kind of heat. Using her right hand, she pulled the gem out and inspected it again while her left hand gripped Tantum's tail tightly. Tantum was scrabbling around in panic, something about the breeze, maybe. A pokemon's senses and instincts were always higher than a normal humans, it was likely that the pokemon had sensed something dangerous or intoxicating inside the cave, but that didn't explain why some pokemon ran into the cave and others did not.


    Tandra covered her ears instinctively but managing to keep ahold of Tantum with her legs, trapping the struggling pokemon. She once again held onto Tantum using her hands, also giving Tantum the gem to hold onto. He immediately stopped struggling and clasped the gem tightly, purring like a persian. She stared, could this day get any weirder? she thought.

    Sera suddenly zoomed past her into the cave, as she was the one sitting closest to the entrance. She blinked again, never say that something can't happen, she made a mental note to herself. Tandra stood up quietly, not noticinjg if any of the others had seen her go. She strode into the cavern, holding Tantum to her chest. Tantum had now stopped purring and was peeking around rather curiously. The light and heat that was radiately from the gem was a good thing to have in the endless darkness that was now consuming them. She nodded at Tantum, "hold onto that gem tightly for me, will you?" she whispered to it. Tantum replied daintly, which seemed odd, as it was rare that he ever answered like that. Tandra continued walking into the darkness in search of either Mina or Sera.

    After what seemed like hours, Tandra came across a statue of a pokemon. 'hmmm...? what is a statue doing here?' She bent down to read the text just below the figure. The text was scraped off in some places but most of it was readable.

    'To satisfy thee's curosity, thee shall be tested by ability'
    'whoever clears thy gate, shall learn thee's own fate.'

    She frowned, just what do those words mean? and who writes in old english these days? Tantum had fallen asleep long ago and now, Tandra held Tantum up so as to light up the statue more. The statue was of a pokemon, by what it seemed to look like, but it was not like any pokemon she had seen before. She sighed and looked down, noticing a sihouette against the floor. She walked up to it, wary of what it may be. Tandra blinked in surprise and nearl dropped Tantum, below her, lying on the floor was Mina, unharmed but with a few bumps and bruises. Now, she was just amazed, just how far had she traveled into the cave? Tandra knelt down and placed one hand against Mina's pulse, it had a steady rhythm so that meant Mina was not dead. "how is it that I get stuck in these situations?" she asked herself. Unfortunately, because she could not carry Mina and Tantum at the same time without dropping one or the other, she was forced to wait until someone else decided to come. And so, she settled down to wait...

    Gumshoe Satyr

    Clone 489024-9
  • 244
    Still walking through the cave, Iysus was startled when she heard a scream echoing from somewhere far behind her. She almost turned around and ran back but realized that she'd made so many twists and turns that she didn't know the way back.

    "Oh, great...," she mumbled, "First I lose Lily, and now I've lost myself. What do I-" She was cut off by a yell ahead of her that sounded like a pokemon.

    "CHIKO!!" it yelled again. It had to be Lily. It just had to be...

    "LILY! Where are you?" Laura winced as her words bounced off the walls ahead of her, sounding twenty times louder than usual. As she heard the shout again, she ran toward the source. "Just keep yelling, Lily. I'll follow your voice!"

    Louder and louder, the Chikorita's shout became. Just as it seemed she was about to reach her, a rock fell from the cave's ceiling, causing her to jump to the side to avoid it into... air? Falling into a hole almost twice her height, Iysus was cushioned by a mixture of mud and clay. When she stood up, she sunk down to her waist.

    "Yuck," she said, grabbing hold of a nearby rock to pull herself out of sticky mess. She felt herself slip about two or three inches out of the mud, but when she stopped to rest, she felt herself sink even deeper than before.

    "Chikorita rita....," a miserable voice sighed nearby.

    "Lily? Is that you? Darn, I dropped my flashlight." She could see it's faint light in the chamber above her. Feeling around her, she felt four legs and a leaf. "It is you!!" She pulled the unhappy Pokemon out of the mud and hugged her tightly. Lily snuggled against her happily.

    Pointing a front leg at something glittering near a partly submerged rock, she said, "Chiko chiko rita."

    Reaching out as far as she could, Iysus felt her hand close around a small object, but it was too dark to examine it. "Did you fall in trying to get this?" Lily nodded. "Well, it's time for you to be the hero, Pal. I can't get myself out, but I can get you out. Go get the others." Lifting her arms as high as she could, Iysus coaxed Lily to jump out of the hole, which she did. When the outline of Lily's head appeared through the hole's opening, Iysus said, "Go on, Lily. Go get help." Nodding, her head disappeared, leaving Iysus alone in the dark.