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[Released] Pokemon Serpentine

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Mega Teddiursa
  • 43
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Serpentine

    Welcome to Pokemon Serpentine!


    About Our Game

    Pokemon Serpentine is a RMXP game created using Pokemon Essentials that includes the following regions: Kanto, Johto, Orange Islands, Hoenn, and Sinnoh. Pokemon Serpentine is made with HeartGold/SoulSilver tilesets and will contain all Pokemon when completed.

    You start your journey in the town of Pallet. As you make your way through the town, you meet Professor Oak and many more characters that will be with you on your journey. As you continue through the region of Kanto, you will face tough times and tough challenges. You will meet many friends and foes along the way, including Misty, Brock, Gary, and more. You will make your way through Pewter City, meeting Brock's father who will help your Pikachu get stronger. In Mt. Moon, you fight the forces of Team Rocket to save the Moon Stone and the Pokemon controlled by it. In Cerulean City, you meet the Squirtle squad. On route 4, you will meet Bulbasaur in a hidden village. And as for Charmander, you will have to find him on your own. In Vermillion City, you will find your way to the S.S. Anne which you will battle on and face a disaster. Then you will make your to Puerta Vista, where you will meet the lovely old woman who is building a hotel on Tentacruel's reef. After you battle your way through the town and save it from the Tentacruel, you find yourself in Maiden's Peak, where you find a spirit of a girl waiting for her lost love. After you defeat the spirit of Maiden's Peak, you are rewarded with the Poke Flute which will wake up the Snorlax laying annoyingly off of Vermillion City, which will allow you to pass to the following Route. Then you have a choice of either going to Diglett's Cave or venturing to Lavender Town. In the Pokemon Tower of Lavender Town, ghost Pokemon are not as scary as they seem. They just need companionship.
    ...More will come as we progress through PS1.4 and following demos.



    Pokemon Triad
    Pokemon Triad is a card game played all around the Pokemon world. The headquarters of it is in Vermillion City. Talk to an old lady in a small building and begin playing. But first you will have to collect cards to duel others. In order to collect cards you have to fill up your Pokedex with more Pokemon and then buy the cards in card shops. Enjoy our special addition to Pokemon Serpentine!

    Our Team
    Lead Developer: Anthony Felice
    Assistant Developer: Jeff Carney
    Scripter: REALLY NEED ONE!!!!!!!!
    Advertising- A.J. Felice and James Allain

    Pkmn.master and KLNOTHINCOMIN @ Spriter's resource.



    Game Video

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    Wow, the game looks fantastic, it's strange that no one has posted yet. I'll keep entering the thread for updates, keep up with the good job!, that feature of visiting different regions look amazing, just how will you do it? I mean the level curve, if the game is that long...
    I like the ambition you have, it seems pretty cool. I wanna see how you deal with the levels. You could make separate PCs and have the player start each region with the region's starter.

    as for the third screenshot, I don't like how close the pavement is to the beach, I wouldn't think there would be pavement, grass, and then a little bit of sand; it seems like too great of a transition.
    Thank you both for the great feedback. Saving raven, we kind of agree with you about the Maidens peak map with the grass, path, and sand but it was hard to make as we made it by watching the tv show. It was hard to get a full feel for what the map would look like in a game. We are also excited that we are nearing the completion of Kanto and will be thrilled to start Johto.
    Totally can't get over that awesome Pidgeotto screenshot. Only problem with it that's taking away the Aerial effect is the Pidgey. You sure it's a good idea to add 5 regions in a game? Scrolling through the map editor with that many maps can be a b*tch(At least for me).
    This looks very well done, are there any bugs or is it almost 100% complete?
    ChaosLord, we plan on making all 5 regions, but we've never done something like that before so we hope it will work out. We think it will.

    MaxNite, Thank you, there still are some bugs and Kanto is almost complete, but not quite yet.
    Woah, do you have your pokemon following you in this?! :'D ;;hopeful;

    Well, it shows it in the screen shots.

    And they're not allowed to show off 'fake' screens. So, yeah.

    Games looks good, the HUD with the Pokémon shown could use more eye candy, to make it more appealing.
    Also, the maps are iffy to me, they dont look like what you say they are.
    Pallet Town, Cerulean City. etc etc.
    just noticed; the third screen shot from the top (another problem with your beach, haha)
    the water/sand tile has a different color sand than the normal beach tile; a simple pallet change will remedy this :P
    Very advanced. I wouldn't get anywhere near that skilled.
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    I'm enjoying the game so far, though there is a small bug I've noticed when catching pokemon. Any you catch is placed on your team twice. Instead of catching one Pidgey, I have two.
    I just noticed this game, it looks fantastic, I remember visiting your website once, your mapping is great!
    I've found a glitch in the Grand Pokemon Hotel where it doesn't let you do the number passcode and the second grunt that gives you the number three rebattles you over and over.
    Hey just wanted to give some feedback for this game. I have just been playing through the beginning, and have hit Viridian City and at this point.

    Mostly it has been great to play through. Great interpretation of Pallet Town and Route 1! I feel a bit unsure of what is canon in the game... You mentioned Gary and Ash, and that the events of Red/Blue happened a year prior to the main character starting their adventure. Does this mean that Ash = Red and Gary = Blue, or are you working off of the anime interpretations, or possibly a mixture?

    I have discovered two glitches (not super important ones though.)

    Glitch One: I caught a Nidoran female and re-named it. However when I confirmed the name, it asked me to name it again. Perplexed and convinced I pressed the wrong button when confirming the name, I proceeded to name the Nidoran female again. When I then looked at my party, I had two Nidoran females in my team.

    Glitch Two: If you walk a few squares north just as you enter Virdian City and walk around the building you enter it through, you can walk on the mountainous areas of Route 22. The mapping of the trees and the gate between Route 1 literally becomes the mountains that are in Route 22.

    EDIT: Okay, so I read over the thread and get where you are heading with story etc.

    Found a glitch in Cerulean City area. When following the Charmander, I tried to speak to it from the right (in the area where in runs away the second time) and the game glitched as it had nowhere to run due to the following Pokemon blocking its escape...

    Also a glitch occured where almost all the floor tiles blacked out which made the game near impossible to play. This happened after the Rocket/Squirtle Squad situation.
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    I have a glitch as well.When I encounter the first Team Rocket grunts with the clefairy and clefable the event just stops.Help?
    I like your tiles, I like the mapping, I like the unique main character, i dont like that bar at the top that shows the pokemon, it feels out of place. It feels sloppy unprofessional..

    you want to give your game something unique, create some new poketec or create different transitional things that happen when you open the bag or pokemon. I just thing the bar takes away attention from the real beauty of this game.
    Thank you all for your suggestions and comments. As you know this is an ongoing effort and we will continue to improve the game to best fit our audience's desires and wishes.
    i know i stated i previously liked the main character, i'd like to retract that after watching the video, first let me say that sprite was a really stupid idea on gamefreak's part and i dont think it is a good choice in a fan game either
    Thank you all for your suggestions and comments. As you know this is an ongoing effort and we will continue to improve the game to best fit our audience's desires and wishes.

    Of course! I don't know if I emphasised it enough, but your game is fantastic. Really. In my initial post I felt my emphasis was on making the glitches known, but I also want to draw attention to your great use of events, the use of overworld sprites of Pokemon, battle backgrounds and your interpretation of the towns. I also wanted to congratulate you on your balancing of levels in terms of difficulty.

    Aside from that I have (I am sad to say!) found another glitch, which is potentially game-breaking.

    I progressed from Cerulean to Vermillion. I defeated some trainers, not all. I skipped some in favour of healing in the Pokemon Centre. Defeated Surge. Then, when I tried to head north and back to Cerulean I could not, and could only go on to the SS. Anne. If the trainer is unable to defeat the trainers on the SS. Anne (Tentacruel at lvl 20) or are too weak to beat them, they have no way of training if the game does not let them into the route above Vermillion to battle wild Pokemon. I have yet to see if the glitch occured due to the programming of events, or if I can never go north of Vermillion into Cerulean, but we shall soon see!

    EDIT: I am also in agreement with hanabluebird, the code is impossible to put in at the secret base bit as well as the Grand Pokemon Hotel. Am I doing something wrong, or is there a bug?

    So... my progress is limited to the hotel at the moment, but I will check back with future updates. Congratulations on your progress so far. (I would suggest that in your next update you make a way to get back to the mainland if you can't do that already after the hotel glitch!)
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