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[Released] Pokemon Soulstones 2: Time Wardens [Patch 1.5 NOW AVAILABLE]

With all the new content is it worth restarting a brand new save file?
It is strongly encouraged to start a new save file, yes.

Most of the new content is side/adjacent content, and new Pokemon. If you've already beaten the game, there won't be much value to playing the game from where you already are since it will be lower level or optional content.
The latter.
I see. Then I will wait for the postgame, so I can start the whole game again. I guess this update was to redux a few things and add more pokemon.

Soulstones 2 is my most favorite game cause it is the only game I found that only has regional variants and no official pokemon which makes it more fun cause you can not rely on the original typings. I am looking forward to your finale.

One request though, is there a guide on where to find hollow bones and the other thing that came with it (Don't remember what I had to find with hollow bones), it was the only quest I never finished.
The hollow bones quest could not be finished in the main game release. That was intentional because it's a quest meant to spill out into the post game too.
The hollow bones quest could not be finished in the main game release. That was intentional because it's a quest meant to spill out into the post game too.
No wonder I could not find the remaining. Thank you for your answers. Just one last question, the post game will be released sometime in 2025 right? I am just asking an estimate cause I remember how long the post game was in soulstones 1 that it felt like two different games mixed in one.
I don't have a firm date on release of the post game that I'm ready to announce yet. When I am getting close and reasonably sure, I'll post in this thread and in the Soulstones Discord server.
I am pleased to announce the release of Soulstones 2's first Expansion "Conjunction"
Refer to the main page for details on the post and the new features now included!
After deciding to start the game over after the update i feel like my only complaint is i wish pokeballs were like 50 pokedollars. Money overall isn't the problem(i know you can farm money) i just need more pokeballs, In a game with 1000+ newforms and 150+ pokemon catchable by the time you get to the third town you need a lot of pokeballs.
I've priced the Pokeballs so that it's approachable and affordable for new players, but understand that if you are trying to catch everything, you might find yourself a little short on funds.

As opposed to changing pricing on Pokeballs given that caught Pokemon also provide experience, I've elected to balance this by making money farming via coveting amulet coins off wild Bidoofs the easiest way to get money to offset the cost of Pokeballs.
Hi! I just wanted to say I'm really enjoying this game and its one of my favourite Pokémon fan games of all time. There's so many different pokemon designs that I love, I'm having a hard time figuring out what I want my team to be! My favourite design has to be the grass/fairy Meganium. It's so beautiful!

I did have a question about the karma points though. Does your karma effect the ending of the game?
Glad you're enjoying the game :-) ! Meganium recently underwent a resprite that came with patch 1.5, so is definitely one of the better looking regional variants now.

Regarding karma, it is a relatively self-enclosed system and does not affect the main story. It will affect certain limited instances of dialogue in the main story but nothing significant. Additionally, with positive karma, certain NPCs may give you some free things, you will be able to get certain Poketreat mons. Conversely, low/negative karma entitles you to other Poketreat mons, and some of the "notoriety" trainers (the tough people in black hoodies on certain routes), will challenge you if you're perceived as "mean" or "intimidating".
A quick announcement to alert any readers that Patch 1.52 has been deployed which fixes a few things and adds a couple new features/resprites of older mons. The main post is updated with download links!