.co.uk/ worked and now it doesen't. Is there problems with the site. I did manage to get the kit though.
Changelog said:==========================================
* Version 0.1.0
- Day/Season checker fixed to show right season.
- Fixed error on title screen if Audio/SE/Cry was fetched.
- Fixed small selection screen error where it would try to update every box.
- Gave Charmander Tackle instead of Aeroblast.
- Bag System (Semi-Functional)
Changelog said:========================================
Version 0.1.0_1
What's new?
- Added Backup Scripts option.
- Added Update Items option.
- Added Update Tutorial Map option.
Changelog said:=======================================
Version 0.1.1
- Please update your Tutorial Map to see the newer script calls.
You will get errors if you don't!
- Also, after every update, it is advised to start a new game and delete the old savefile
so as to increase compatibility with new game classes and avoid errors.
- Made Changelogs save to a new folder "Changelogs" instead
of cluttering up the root directory. Changes take effect when you update next.
- Added a movie player script by trebor777.
- Added a background on the bottom screen on the map.
- Fixed error on loading screen when a savefile is found.
- Fixed playing map BGM and BGS after loading a file. Used to play title screen music.
- Added the Pokemon Information part of the summary screen.
- Fixed Evolution error. Still no evolution scene.
- Fixed error when opening bag with no items.
- Changed the way in which the summary screen is called to make it cleaner coding-wise.
New Files:
- Graphics/Battlers/004.png
- Graphics/Pictures/summaryinfobar.png
- Graphics/Pictures/summaryinfobg.png
- Graphics/Pictures/summaryinfotop.png
- Graphics/Pictures/summaryinfobottom.png
Changelog said:==========================================
Version 0.1.1_1
- Just a really quick fix this one.
- Fixed the battle system after pokemon frame changes.
Changelog said:==========================================
Version 0.1.1_2
- This update focuses on the summary screen.
I've now finished the information part of the scene. Moves and
stats will come next.
- Added type images instead of text.
- Added which pokeball type the pokemon was caught with.
- Added an EXP bar to the summary screen.
- Added the Pokemon's name and level near the pokeball.
- Added a gender image.
- Added exit button to summary screen.
New Files:
- Graphics/Pictures/types.png
- Graphics/Pictures/pokeball.png
- Graphics/Pictures/summaryexp.png
I don't understand why such few people are taking interest in this. While essentials would be your competition, it's still looking really good.
I realize that it's not finished yet, but i was expecting a little more feedback from people as i got a huge amount before release.
Yeah there is :D The reason you get the error is because since i uploaded that version (As in the full kit download) i edited the way you add pokemon. A simple fix is to choose "Update Tutorial Map" in the updater. This only updates Map001 so i suggest keeping that free.
- Is there a battle system yet? I couldn't test it out, since talking to the woman who gives you two Pokémon crashed the game with an "Argument error: wrong number of arguments (2 for 3)".
Thanks, i think so too :3
- The updater is a very cool idea. However, it should really be made a bit more user friendly. The background image and music and everything looks cool, but it's really unnecessary - especially the music. It's also incredibly slow, and no, it isn't because of my internet.
- The interface seems pretty primitive at the moment. Some buttons respond to touch while others require using the keyboard. It's all pretty inconsistant.
Hmm, i'll take a look at those. Which ones in particular look messy?
- Some of the graphics are double sized, while some aren't. You need to learn how to tell the difference since it looks kinda messy at the moment.
Yeah, after staring at Poccil's changelogs for a while, i realised i couldn't make head nor tail of them lol, So these are human readable :D
- Changelogs are awesome. Seriously. Never stop doing them :) .
Hrm. I'll look into that.
- There's an awkward pause just before a message starts displaying (i.e. before the letter-by-letter animation starts). It's barely noticeable, but it's a little annoying.
I'll add one in the next update!
- Doesn't use a Pokémon font! Arial looks really out of place.