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[Completed] Pokemon Void

  • 66
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Void

    Made using Pokemon Essentials v17.2

    The game might not run smoothly for everyone. The biggest factor seems to be RAM.
    Antivirus might cause the game to crash when the game attempts to edit the game files.
    Some sections of the game has moments of flashing lights. This can be made worse when playing with the speed-up function.

    Hello. My name is Rory (RFG).
    This all started in the summer of 2016 as an attempt to learn how to make a game. The project started off small (no more than one room and a boss Pokémon), but gradually overtime it's ballooned into something far greater. It's been about 5.5 years now, but I finally feel like I am done with this project and ready to move on. When I made this game I did so with the intent of it being something I would want to play, which means it might not be a game that everyone will enjoy. I didn't want to just let it rot on my hard drive and I want to share what I've created. I have been the only play tester so there might be a ton of bugs left in the game. Sorry if you encounter any game breaking ones, I've done the best I can to iron them out. With that said I don't plan on working on this anymore which means any bugs left are there to stay (assuming that they aren't major ones that prevent people from playing the game at all). Thanks again and I hope you enjoy my game.

    The Stronym region is being rebuilt by the initiative Odin Corporation and is looking for trainers to help raise strong Pokémon for their cause. The restoration effort is a significant task, and everyone has to do their part, even you. Join alongside Chad, Tyrone, and the corporation's commanders as you complete assignments and become a seasoned trainer. However, as you get tougher so do your enemies. It's a daunting feat, think you're up to the challenge?

    Pokemon Void Features:
    8 Assignments to complete
    74 New ANIMATED Pokémon species along side several returning species
    Enemy level scaling to keep gameplay challenging (IT ALSO MEANS NO GRINDING)
    Lengthy Narrative (~12-14 hr main game)
    Void affected Pokémon
    Achievements to unlock
    Lots of secrets to discover on your journey

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Void
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Void
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Void
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Void
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Void
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Void
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Void
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Void
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Void
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Void
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Void

    Game Download (INCLUDES PATCH 1.9)

    Download for the Patch Separately (Ver. 1.9)

    Mirror Download:
    Game (+ Patch 1.9): https://www.mediafire.com/file/50kubl6lwbbpnru/Pokemon_Void_1.9.rar/file
    Patch (1.9): https://www.mediafire.com/file/up5b31pg8nf3wvt/Void_Patch_1.9.rar/file

    Have any questions?
    There's a Discord Server! (Acting as a temporary Wiki). Feel free to drop!



    Thank you for stopping by.
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    Not sure specifically what documents you're looking for but I'd be happy to provide what need.
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    Hey :) is there any way to speed up the game to some extent? I am super intrigued by the story so far and the cute Fakemon, but I'd love to have a more fluent experience.
    Hey :) is there any way to speed up the game to some extent? I am super intrigued by the story so far and the cute Fakemon, but I'd love to have a more fluent experience.

    You can speed up the game by pressing the Num Lock key. It works well in battles however is can cause lag is the overworld sections.
    The player character goes through several sprite changes over the course of the game so I just stuck with 1 gender. Truthfully I could have made the character gender neutral but I didn't know how to make a convincing and visual interesting non-binary sprite.
    Sorry to disappoint.
    About documents, a PBS of the new mons and/or wild location would be a life saver.
    Sorry for asking again about evolution... So, I gave my Pololf a Fire Stone to carry - how does he evolve to Fenrir now?
    There is no exp share.

    After completing assignments you will receive Zauber crystals that can be used at relic stones to boost your pokemons' levels.
    Hey man, been enjoying this game so far.
    So far I'm up until the middle of the second assignment. I'm loving the general atmosphere of the game, the graphics and music is really good and the Fakemon are pretty nice.
    A few questions, notes and a bug report if ya don't mind!

    - How do I evolve Eevee into.. anything? I bought stones from the shop but I don't even have the options to use them. I can give Eevee a stone, but it doesn't do anything. It's level 21.
    - Is there a decent way to get money? Everything is immensely expensive in this game, and you can only rebattle that one trainer in the big city so much.

    General Feedback:
    - I'm REALLY not a fan of how grindy the game can get. I spent more time grinding than doing anything else. While I do get that the enemy mons scale, it leaves some of my weaker mons behind and you only get like 3 crystals after the first assignment, so the level jump is pretty significant. I'm aware that an EXP Share might be a little too OP, but even with speedup the grinding can get pretty annoying. It also doesn't help that the Pokemon take a lot of time to evolve, and don't learn many good moves while at it. My water starter is level 21 and still stuck with Water Gun and no electric move to boot.
    - I do like the challenge that enemy trainers put up. The AI can get predictable once you get the point of it, but for instance parts where the enemy trainer is forcibly overleveled compared to you even after you level up to it (looking at you, Chad fight 2), it might seem a little too unfair.
    - Curious about the shiny rate as I have 2 shinies already. (Eevee and Marteeny)
    - Locking some doors at the city behind night time, while being cool for flavor purposes, is effectively forcing the player to play in times that may or may not be comfortable for them. I can only get to playing some Pokemon late after work, and it's almost always nighttime in-game. Kinda sad, but I will revisit the city during the day once I can.

    - I found a bug while strolling through the swamp. Jumping from the top part of the bridge where I'm standing under lets the player jump down into a void space where you can't move, even with the Arcanine. Image attached here.
    - Using F12 causes the game to crash. A pretty common bug unfortunately, but I haven't seen it reported up until now.

    Other than that I am very curious about exploring the rest of the game. Stellar work!