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[Giveaway] Pokerman giveaway

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Hello! If this is still going on I'd love to get in on it. My FC is 1951-1408-4345 and my IGN is Samer. As for how many hours I've played I couldn't even begin to guess. I started with the first gen back when red/blue first came out so I would say I've easily broken 1k hours. Probably at least double that.
Hi! My IGN is Evyn, my FC is in my signature and I have 55 hours! I'd love something if this is still on :)
Is this giveaway still going on? if so I have less than 10 hours played in my OR xD
FC: 2896-0473-9767
Hours: 526:28

Thanks a bunch!
FC: 1048-9705-6840
Play Time: 62 hours and 45 minutes, although if you didn't count the time I spent just messing around, stealing flags on Alpha Sapphire then it would be a little less than 20 hours.
hallo, my FC: 3239 - 6280 - 7119
playtime: 169:30

(I added your FC)
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FC 4098-5198-7985
Game Play Hours :25.04
im active all day weekends
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