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Prevent depositing of a certain Pokémon species


Zeak #3205 - Discord
  • 1,101
    Thanks to Rot8er_ConeX

    original post : https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/355203


    This is all done in the script section PScreen_Storage:

    Step 1
    In the function "pbRelease", which starts around line 234, you should find the following code. Insert the red part:
        if pokemon.isEgg?
          pbDisplay(_INTL("You can't release an Egg."))
          return false
        elsif pokemon.mail
          pbDisplay(_INTL("Please remove the mail."))
          return false[COLOR="Red"]
        elsif isConst?(pokemon.species,PBSpecies,:SPECIES) # <- replace with the species name in all caps
          pbDisplay(_INTL("This species can't be released."))
          return false[/COLOR]
    This step can be ignored if you want the player to be able to release the species.

    Step 2
    In the function "pbStore", which starts around line 289, you should see the following code. Add the red part:
        if pbAbleCount<=1 && pbAble?(@storage[box,index]) && !heldpoke
          pbDisplay(_INTL("That's your last Pokémon!"))
        elsif @storage[box,index].mail
          pbDisplay(_INTL("Please remove the Mail."))[COLOR="red"]
        elsif isConst?(@storage[box,index].species,PBSpecies,:SPECIES) # <- replace with the species name in all caps
          pbDisplay(_INTL("This species cannot be placed in storage."))[/COLOR]

    Step 3
    In the function "pbSwap", which starts around line 367, you should find the following code. Add the red part:
        if box==-1 && pbAble?(@storage[box,index]) && pbAbleCount<=1 && !pbAble?(@heldpkmn)
          pbDisplay(_INTL("That's your last Pokémon!"))
          return false
        if box!=-1 && @heldpkmn.mail
          pbDisplay("Please remove the mail.")
          return false
        if box!=-1 && isConst?(@heldpkmn.species,PBSpecies,:SPECIES) # <- replace with the species name in all caps
          pbDisplay(_INTL("This species cannot be placed in storage."))
          return false

    Step 4
    Very similar to the last step. In the function "pbPlace", which starts around line 397, you should find the following code. Add the red part:
        if box!=-1 && index>[email protected](box)
          pbDisplay("Can't place that there.")
        if box!=-1 && @heldpkmn.mail
          pbDisplay("Please remove the mail.")
        if box!=-1 && isConst?(@heldpkmn.species,PBSpecies,:SPECIES) # <- replace with the species name in all caps
          pbDisplay(_INTL("This species cannot be placed in storage."))
          return false
    Last edited:
    I have seen you take my solutions to one person and then post them as a tutorial at least three times. While I agree that at the very least the Surf fix should have a tutorial - it's now a feature in the official games (I loved riding my Kyogre, even if it did make some Dive spots unreachable because of the huge hitbox), so a lot of people are going to try to emulate it - it is generally customary to ask someone before posting their work, even with credit.

    If you had asked to use my work as a tutorial, I would have accepted (after altering my work to be plug-'n'-play rather than what I'll call guts-ripping scripts). However, by posting my work without linking my profile, you don't also include the stipulation I have in my sig when people use my work, which is to use my real username rather than the mistake that my phone caused, which I am in the process of correcting.
    I have seen you take my solutions to one person and then post them as a tutorial at least three times. While I agree that at the very least the Surf fix should have a tutorial - it's now a feature in the official games (I loved riding my Kyogre, even if it did make some Dive spots unreachable because of the huge hitbox), so a lot of people are going to try to emulate it - it is generally customary to ask someone before posting their work, even with credit.

    If you had asked to use my work as a tutorial, I would have accepted (after altering my work to be plug-'n'-play rather than what I'll call guts-ripping scripts). However, by posting my work without linking my profile, you don't also include the stipulation I have in my sig when people use my work, which is to use my real username rather than the mistake that my phone caused, which I am in the process of correcting.

    I totally agree with were you are coming from , and from our PM discussion i think were all cool now about the situation.