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[Puzzle Thread] The Pokétrivia League!

  • Team Magma (GT 2024)
  • 13,600
    • they/them
    • Seen Jul 21, 2024

    [PokeCommunity.com] [Puzzle Thread] The Pokétrivia League!
    [alink id=information]Information[/alink id] - [alink id=rules]Rules[/alink id] - [alink id=puzzle1]Puzzle 1[/alink id] - [alink id=spuzzle2]Puzzle 2[/alink id]

    [a id]information[/a id]

    The current puzzle(s) are...

    Every week there are going to be new puzzles of all sorts. This area will explain what each puzzle are, as well as the theme that each puzzle will be. Here you will also see the time span in which you are given to complete all puzzles. Remember that the theme correlates with the badge you'll be receiving upon completely the puzzle correctly! Each puzzle does have its separate rules which can be read down in the rules section.

    Time Period: June 28th - July 14th

    Type: Grass
    Who's that Pokemon is back! Down below will be a 500x300 of an enlarged part of a Pokemon. The enlarged image is from the Dream World Artwork. What you must do is figure out what Pokemon is it and send your answer to BinaryPeaches!

    That's pretty much it. ♥

    Type: Fire
    Oops! The words are all scrambled up! What you must do is descramble all of the following words. They can be anything, ranging from Pokemon, Moves, Items, and sometimes maybe even a person associating with that type. There may even be two terms in one scramble, or the scrambled word in a different language. Anything is possible! But once you managed to descramble all of the words simply send your answers to BinaryPeaches.

    [a id]rules[/a id]


    There will be a few sets of rules. First will be the general puzzle rules, then the rules that correspond to each puzzle that you are to complete. Regardless of this, there aren't very many rules you need to follow (basically, it's common sense).


    • Everything must be correct in order to receive your badge
    • You may only send in your answers once so please make sure everything is correct before sending in your answers
    • Answers are to be PMed to BinaryPeaches. Otherwise it will not be counted*
    • If there are multiple puzzles please put all answers to all puzzles in one PM. It will make things easier to go through. However, if you only wish to answer one puzzle feel free to do that as well.
    • Please title your PM in a way that I will know it is for the league. Something as simple as PokeTrivia League Answers will suffice
    • Please don't give your answers to anyone else. We're doing the trust thing here ok
    • Results will be posted here in this thread at the end of the time period
    • Please allow up to a day after the time period ends for the results, and another day before the next puzzles come in. I need to have time to look at all answers as well as come up with new things ok

    *because seriously I have mentioned this about five times now if someone gets it wrong then they clearly did not read anything


    • Make sure you only guess one Pokemon. There's no '______ or ______'. Even if one is right I'll be counting it as wrong because it's technically two guesses.
    • No hints for this puzzle so don't ask for them. Also no hinting or anything in this thread or the main thread.
    • All the other rules for this have already been mentioned so we're good.


    • You are free to send this puzzle using the image or simply the descrambled words in a list.
    • Anything told under the spoiler will be your only hints. Do not ask for anymore.
    • What else is there to say for a word scramble?

    [a id]puzzle1[/a id]

    Puzzle 1 - Who's that Pokemon

    Type: Grass

    [a id]puzzle2[/a id]

    Puzzle 2 - Word Scramble

    Type: Fire

    Last edited:
    It means that there are two 'answers' in one scramble. For example khcpaikjuoilt would be Pikachu Joltik. Hope that helps! :)
    Sorry for the long wait. Vacation and not bothering to make new puzzles before I went off caused this one to be longer than usual. But here are the answers!

    Who's That Pokemon

    [PokeCommunity.com] [Puzzle Thread] The Pokétrivia League!


    Winners of this Puzzle:

    Word Scramble

    [PokeCommunity.com] [Puzzle Thread] The Pokétrivia League!

    Winners of this Puzzle

    New ones will be up soon! c:
    Last edited: