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Mia was shocked by the result of the battle. Not only did she capture the Chinchou, but Vincent actually listened to her. Maybe this battle was all she needed to create a good relationship with the fish. "You were amazing out there Vincent!" She encouraged. "Now if you'd just could retrieve that Pokéball for me, that'd be great." Vincent happily complied, biting the ball and happily swimming towards her. Mia held her hand out for the fish to spit the Pokéball onto as the fish arrived at the shore. However, Vincent had another idea entirely. Salt-water rushed through his mouth, slowly building up pressure. Eventually, the ball shot straight out of his mouth and into the girls face.

The Pokéball had the force of a cannon supporting it, knocking Mia directly onto the ground. Mia remained motionless for a short period of time, but it wasn't long until she came to her senses again. Rubbing her head slowly, Mia rose to face the smirking fish. "You'll never change, will you?" She asked, firmly pressing the button on Vincent's Pokéball. The fish vanished in a flash of red light. "Hey, great job Mia! That was a great capture!" Nami grinned. "Thanks. It went a lot better than my last attempt." Mia replied, picking herself up off the ground.

There was a brief moment of silence between the two, but it was quickly removed. "I'm going to go on ahead," Nami said, "I'll see you later." Mia frowned, holding in the urge to ask why she wanted to leave. "Goodbye..." She half-heartedly uttered, watching the girl slowly fade from her view. "Oh well... I guess Pokémon companions are going to have to cut it for now." She sighed, while trying to think of the fastest way to get out of The Reserve. Elaborate plans started forming in her head, each one stupider than the last. Eventually, Mia came up with a plan that was so morally grey that it was bound to work.

She placed her bag onto the ground, unzipping every pocket she could find until she found it. 'It' was a medium length rope, with a small tag that had "ESCAPE" written on it. She held it in one hand while releasing both of her Pokémon. A smirk made its way onto her face while her hands got to work. After about ten minutes of squirming and brawling, Mia had finally succeeded. Vincent and Chinchou were strapped together by the escape rope, with a very thin wooden plank attached to the top. "Alright! The SS Vinchou is ready for its maiden voyage!" She gleefully clapped, but only Chinchou shared her enthusiasm.

After picking her bag back up, Mia placed her 'boat' in the water. She very carefully hopped on, not wanting to cause the Pokémon any more harm than what was absolutely necessary. "Okay, let's get a move on!" Mia commanded, kicking the shore line for propulsion. It didn't take long for her plan to literally collapse. Only a couple of minutes after setting off Mia's 'ship' had already started to crumble. The wooden board beneath her feet was rotting away at an unnatural pace; a single nudge would be all it'd take to sink her battleship. "Guy's... Please be careful. I don't wanna die this early in my life."

Unfortunately, the universe decided to throw a school of Carvanha at the SS Vinchou, every single one of them intent on avenging their fallen brother. It took Mia roughly ten minutes to make the ship, but the Carvanha clan managed to dismantle it in under a second. She fell through the broken board and into the unpleasant water. The two fish continued to speed off, oblivious to their master's fate. "W-wait!" Mia garbled while attempting to keep her head above the water. Things only got worse when she felt a sharp pain enter her right leg. Her eyes immediately flicked downwards to see a red and blue fish gnawing at her leg.

Her left foot immediately started to smash into the Carvanha, eventually making it let go of her leg. Mia quickly glanced behind her, before swimming away as fast as her legs could kick. Waves of red and blue dashed right after her. "Oh god... this is it, I'm going to be eaten alive." Mia thought while franticly trying to put distance between the pack of piranhas. However, Mia was a tortoise compared to the Carvanha, who were already biting onto her legs again. All she could do was scream and continue to swim away.
Companionship is Commonly Instigated by Hasty and Poorly Prepared Rescue Attempts
Karly Rose, Pokemon Trainer Girl in a Pokemon Trainer World, was undoubtedly pleased with herself and her actions during the current sun rotation. She had survived a pack of horribly vicious and horny Rattata, captured an appendage-devouring whale that was able to flatten any and all things within her path, and was now heading towards the exit of the Reserve that had caused her so much grief and suffering. What a fantastic day!

Well, it would have been, if a certain girl hadn't been screaming her head off somewhere farther down the beach as she was being chased down by a hoard of evil vicious leg-chomping Carvanha. Karly took notice to the surely-dead girl and exclaimed, "There's no way in hell I'm gonna help her."

Wait... what? Oh come on. That can't be right. Karly wouldn't leave someone to die, right? I mean, what if those Carvanha capture her? She couldn't possibly deal with that kind of guilt on her conscious, right? Right?

Sighing, Karly knew that incredibly handsome, suave, and single-pringle narrator was indeed right, and decided to enlist her army in the rescue of this assumed belated girl, who was trying so desperately to escape her doom.

She rolled Wailey down to the shoreline - farther in the sea, the girl was now more visible, and looked to be in some extreme pain. The Carvanha, on the other hand, looked very hungry, and what a delicious prize they could obtain if they kept moving forward. Further ahead of the pursuit party and the struggling female were a Chinchou and a Magikarp, tied together by an Escape Rope, swimming off with a broken board behind them. "She didn't seriously try that, right?" Oh yeah, she seriously did.

Karly pushed her bangs from her eyes and looked at Wailey. "Okay Wailey, I'm not really sure if you can do anything besides eat and jump around, so let's see what you're capable of. Use Splash on the Carvanha!"

Wailey moaned happily and began bouncing somewhat, shaking the earth and rippling the water each time she landed. Karly almost began to lose her balance as Wailey got higher and higher with each jump, until eventually the whale took off into the sky with a tiny sparkle of light where she went.

And then she came back down.

You know how Moses parted the Red Sea? Well, Wailey didn't just part the sea when she landed - she parted the sea, the crust, the lithosphere, the athensphere, the outer core, the inner core, the whole works. In her crashing wake came not a wave, but a wall of solid water that washed across the entire beach and a good portion of the Reserve itself, sending any and all caught in the blast flying backwards into the rocks and trees that were closest to their location. Krabby scuttering about were blown off their tiny little legs and flung across the forest, landing in trees and bushes and piles of Rattata droppings. Wingull and Pelliper were blasted out of the sky and sent spiraling down towards the unforgiving earth. Trainers just entering the reserve were flung back into the deep vine patch, where the water flowed in and surrounding their entire body. It was nothing short of a water apocalypse.

Wailey floated up from the destroyed depths of what was left of the open and moaned happily, clapping her flippers together at the wreckage. Waaaaailmerrrrr!

And what about our dynamic duo, Karly Rose, the Pokemon Trainer Girl in a Pokemon Trainer World, and her lazy-good-for-nothing-stun-arm-having-doughnut-devouring-tied-to-a-rope Aipom? Well, they were gifted the wonderful experience of having their spines cracked against the craggy rock formations that formed the entrance to the beach.

And last but not least, everyone's favorite target, the girl being chased by a school of Carvanha, was also flung from the ocean and onto the base of the pointy mountain, where wonderfully pointy rocks were awaiting her bruised legs and arms. Of course, since it would be brutal and unfair to kill someone against their will, she didn't receive any fatal damage, but merely pokes in her appendages. Nothing else.

And as for the Carvanha, well, they were enjoying a mouthful of either sand, rock, or forest dirt, and some were flopping on the sand desperately as they tried to make it back to the remains of the sea desperately. Never again would they chase someone through the water.

Karly groaned as her completely drenched body peeled off the rocks and flopped onto the sand, a squished Aipom stuck to her back. Her hair was plastered onto her face like glue, although some of it was still stuck on the rock as well. Aipom's flattened-stub-arm-thing poked at a hole in his mouth where a tooth had previously been, finding nothing but gum.

"Good job Wailey..."
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[PokeCommunity.com] RéBURST ~RéBOOT~ [M] [IC]
[PokeCommunity.com] RéBURST ~RéBOOT~ [M] [IC]
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[PokeCommunity.com] RéBURST ~RéBOOT~ [M] [IC]

What should I do to have a successful journey? What steps should I take?"

BROtad pondered this question for a sec, trying to ignore the myriad of thoughts from other passersby that flooded him from far away. One thought stood in particular, a presence from a higher plane asking when they would leave a "resort". Not really relevant to the current situation, but it did remind him that they needed to move with haste.

Returning to his almighty gaze of Nami, he replied, "That depends on where you want this journey to take you. For an instance, if you're going for a standard Trainer experience, then you should acquire eight badges from within the region and in time, win the Pokèmon gyms. Simple, right? But maybe you'll prefer to be in a contest. Or maybe you'll stick to do neither, and just sightsee around the land. One must follow the steps of their heart, those who feel right. What feels right for you, dearest Nami? What is your heart telling you about your journey?"

BROtad politely awaited the reply of Mia, and then added, "We must make our way to the next town, someone special awaits your arrival." The wind ceased to play along to Slow Ride, drastically switching in pace to a more appropriate song for this context:

BROtad closes his eyes quietly, and a sudden aura of green and blue begins to spread around the beach. The foliage of the reserve sinks under the ground, the sand of the beach suddenly turns into hard paving, with a few spring leaves in it, and a huge mat of red leaves covers everything around. Green tress and plants, of all shapes and sizes, but also distant enough from one another, emerge, making the sight pretty, but also well illuminated. An almost straight forward road appears, curving occasionally as one traverses it. Behind you, the road extends for a while but eventually ends in a nice view of the sea and, far away, the Reserve and Isle de Fairnorth. Once done with the mysterious transportation, BROtad retakes his speech.

"My apologies for the sudden change of scenery, it was getting boring by the sea," said BROtad matter of factly, "I brough everyone around, from Mia Farrow to Imoen Gesenbow. And even those who were still at the city."

He was correct, around him were each and all the Trainers that had arrived at the island when our story began.

"I trust you will inform your new friends of what has just happened, and then you're free to continue down this road until wherever it takes you. Farewell." With a slow ride, BROtad walks towards a tree, standing behind it before disappearing out of everyone's sight.

That thing sure is weird.


nEw rOuTe 01 - pArT a

A forward road where the scenery changes only slightly. You will traverse for a while, maybe a post or two? Soon after, I'll post the second part and, in time, Mayville City.

Wild Pokémon:
  • Deerling [Autumn Form]
  • Meowth
  • Lillipup
  • Patrat
  • Rattata
  • Pidgey
  • Taillow
  • Sentret
  • Spearow
  • Wurmple
  • Sewaddle
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Jeff Miles: The return of a legend (Among fangirls anyways) and the violent capsizing of the ship.

Jeff continued to wheeze and occasionally cough up water-which he was just now realizing was salty, clutching the pokeball that he hadn't noticed wasn't shaking anymore as if it were his lifeline, and not even noticing Romanov trying to offer him a berry to make him feel better. The only thought running through the young half-drowned trainer's mind was. I'm alive..he's alive we-we made it I can't believe I was able to- His thanks to whatever higher power allowed him to succeed without being devoured by Carvanha were interrupted when the water he had JUST escaped from decided it wasn't done with him yet and came to get him. "You have got to be fu**ing KIDDING ME!" Could be heard all around the reserve as aquatic doom swept him away, he had no strength left to fight the current of the pure evil, vindictive hunk of ocean and merely floated towards his inevitable demise.

He was still floating...but he no longer felt the pressure, and he could breathe...what the hell was going on? Just as the world darkened light once again made it's way into his reality and Jeff saw a small path moving towards his face FAR too fast, and thus the earth forced his first real kiss to be with it. Shortly after his oh-so-graceful landing Jeff's pain was not eased by the Munchlax that landed on his back and the pokeball that thumped him on the head.

"Why...why me...why can't I just catch the pokemon and-and...wait a minute..." He stood up and saw the other trainers who had met with Prof. Tularosa as well as other's he didn't recognize were there...except Mikoto. "Oh thank you Brotad! Thank you for sparing me from...wait...how do I know your name? And what happened to Mikoto, hey!" But clearly time was short and the little enigma was clearly very late for something more important, he wasted no time disappearing behind a random tree, Jeff could swear he heard a song that brought the name "Gary" to mind as he watched his savior leave.

"So..." Jeff looked around. "Anybody else have an interesting time?" His wet hair took all kinds of liberties with which directions it went in thanks to it's usual curliness and he quickly saw he wasn't alone. "So...I see I'm not the only one who failed to make friends with the lake...ocean...place." He shook his head and sat down while Romanov patted his shoulder, and after a moment he picked up the pokeball and looked at it for a moment, finally he tapped the button and released his new conquest.

Senior Rodrigo de Montoya el Juarez was released from his-admittedly comfortable-prison and before he could issue a single threat or curse the name of his captor he coughed up a large volume of water, made all the more painful by the fact that even contact with water made him itch. After he was done with his fit Rodrigo stood and pointed determinedly at Jeff and readied a speech, but was sidelined by a memory going through his head...he had been drowning in the evil lake...he lost the fight but here he was...alive. That left only one possibility, the human had saved him. He stopped his threatening stance and bowed before his rescuer. "Sir...you have saved my life, and though we were enemies only a short time ago, honor demands I pledge my fealty to you, I will fight for you until I lose my life in honorable service."

Jeff looked down at his new Larvitar as it pointed at him...then did what looked like a bow and muttered bits and pieces of it's name repeatedly in a surprisingly masculine voice. "Huh...well I hope we can be friends uh...oh I don't know what gender you are yet, can't name you if I don't know!" He pulled out his pokedex and gave the Larvitar a quick scan, it lit up and spat out information quickly. "Senior Rodrigo de Montoya el Juarez, rock solid duelist, scourge of fathers and step-father's everywhere as well as chief deflowerer of senioritas everywhere." When the pokedex finished Jeff immediately voiced his shock. "Wait he already has a name? And a history?...How do you even know that Dex?" "Because I do more than simply read fantasy stories all day." "Hey I don't just...did you just sass me? Why you..." He closed the pokedex loudly and shoved it back in his backpack.

The surprises proved to be too numerous to escape when a loud protest left the backpack and out wriggled the Caterpie Jeff had met earlier that day. "Oh wow...you didn't make your way to safety during the battle? Huh....So anybody who missed out earlier wanna try to catch a Caterpie?"
Nami Tange

"That depends on where you want this journey to take you. For an instance, if you're going for a standard Trainer experience, then you should acquire eight badges from within the region and in time, win the Pokèmon gyms. Simple, right? But maybe you'll prefer to be in a contest. Or maybe you'll stick to do neither, and just sightsee around the land. One must follow the steps of their heart, those who feel right. What feels right for you, dearest Nami? What is your heart telling you about your journey?" Brotad said all of this in a kind voice, almost like a parental figure who really cared about what happened to her during her journey.

"M-My heart?" Nami asked. "I don't know. I've never stopped to think about it before." How was she supposed to plan all of her life in advance? She couldn't predict the future, or what events were going to befall her.

Brotad looked up at her. "We must make our way to the next town, someone special awaits your arrival." He closed his eyes. The entire area was swamped in a blue-green aura. Nami reeled as the scenery changed from foliage and sand to pavement. A road stretched before her, bordered with grasses and plants. "My apologies for the sudden change of scenery, it was getting boring by the sea," said BROtad matter of factly, "I brought everyone around, from Mia Farrow to Imoen Gesenbow. And even those who were still at the city."

As Nami glanced around, she indeed saw quite a few people around her. She saw Mia and waved, happy to see one of her friends. Glancing back to Brotad, she heard him say "I trust you will inform your new friends of what has just happened, and then you're free to continue down this road until wherever it takes you. Farewell." With that, he walked away into the trees.

Nami raised her voice so that she could be heard by everyone. "I don't know if you all heard what Brotad said, but basically someone is waiting for us in the next town. I'm going to go on ahead. Anyone who wants to join me is welcome."
One second, Mia was peacefully swimming away from the horde of murderous Carvanha, each one out for her blood. The next, everything in the lake was pushed onto giant waves, hurtling away from each other at incredible speeds. A meteor-like object had crashed into the lake, sending water literally everywhere. Her eyes were wide open as she screamed her lung out. A school of piranha Pokémon were nothing compared to what she now faced. Vincent and Chinchou had also somehow managed to join Mia at the top of the wave, but neither of them could (or wanted to) do anything about their current situation.

Mia, her Pokémon and the horde of Carvanha were all being flung towards a particularly nasty location, a rough plot of land covered in stone spikes, which looked as if they had been placed there just for her. She could picture herself being skewered by the rocks, and unfortunately, it looked like that fate wasn't too far away. All of her energy had been lost while swimming from the Carvanha, so all she could do was scream... However, the universe done with Mia yet.

The leader of the Carvanha-clan, a particularly rough-looking Wailmer (Don't ask), screamed a command out to her brethren. "NOW'S OUR CHANCE TO FINISH THE GIRL, FIRE EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT AT HER!" Not long after, a couple hundred shots of water were fired, ranging from weak Brines to Hydro Pumps, each and everyone aimed directly towards Mia and her companions. Water of varying strengths struck the three, pushing them all off of the wave.

Their attacks were relentless, pushing them further and further away from the wall of water. Luckily, the attacks died when the wave violently crashed onto the shore. Unfortunately, the aquatic Pokémon were all that kept them in the air, so as soon as they stopped firing, Mia, Chinchou and Vincent were sent on a one way trip back onto the cruel, hard ground. Mia's life flashed before her eyes as they plummeted, but the slideshow of past events ended with her crashing onto the rocks.

Mia's eyes were jammed shut, while her body lay motionless. All she could see was darkness. Mia figured that she was dead, but if she was dead, why was her heart still beating? Cracks of light started to pierce through the darkness as Mia focused all of her will power into opening her eyes. Eventually, the wonderful colours of the world graced her pupils once more. Before checking for wounds or anything unimportant like that, the first thing Mia did was reach for the necklace wrapped around her neck.

After sighing a sigh of relief, Mia broke into simultaneous tears and laughter. She survived her 'shipwreck', escaped the Carvanha and lived through the meteor strike. Her hair was a mess and the rest of her body was both saturated and broken, but she was alive and that's all that mattered to her. Her sheer happiness allowed her to get up, withstanding any and all pain she currently had. Mia gazed at the wasteland with awe and confusion. "What on earth could've done this?" She asked, watching the Carvanha that had tormented her earlier weakly flounder towards the lake. Mia grabbed Vincent and Chinchou's Pokéballs, returning the two quickly. They didn't appear to be injured too badly, but she didn't have enough energy to carry either of them right now.

All of a sudden, a greenish-blue light enveloped Mia. She immediately noticed the green tint, shouting out, "Aw c'mon, Give me a break Arceus." And with that, she was transported to a completely different area, surrounded by a bunch of people who were almost as confused as Mia. Almost. The only one she remotely recognised was Nami, who proceeded to give her a wave before shouting to everyone, "I don't know if you all heard what Brotad said, but basically someone is waiting for us in the next town. I'm going to go on ahead. Anyone who wants to join me is welcome."


Mia took this as an invitation to ask Nami what the hell was going on. "Nami… Why and how am I here?" She asked, briefly ignoring a guy who was trying to get people to catch a Caterpie that he had.
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Liquefied Doom Fails to Overpower Mammalian Female Instincts
Through a miraculous occurrence, Karly managed to push herself from the sandy beach that was slowly turning into a road - what?

Karly shook her head, yanking the hair from in front of her left eye to notice that pavement was indeed pushing up from the ground beneath, and even worse! The trees and the mountains were sinking into the ground as a clear path began to open up; all of this was accompanied by a mysterious green aura that seemed to radiate over everything. Said aura also returned Aipom's good-for-nothing depth, allowing him to retain his beautiful features and stub-arm-thing-having-ness.

Suddenly, a random voice sounded from nearby. "My apologies for the sudden change of scenery, it was getting boring by the sea." When she whipped her head around, she discovered that the voice came from a Lotad - wait? A Lotad? WHY IS THIS STORY SO WEIRD AND WHY WAS I HIRED TO NARRATE THIS?!

Karly was in absolute shock, her mouth hanging open due to the surprise of a freaking Lotad that could talk. Before, she could say anything else, she noticed that numerous trainers materialized around the previous-beach-now-path that had formed, many looking just a bewildered as she was. "I brough everyone around, from Mia Farrow to Imoen Gesenbow. And even those who were still at the city." With that, the Lotad bid farewell to whoever he was talking to and, as the wind faintly played a gusty rendition of Slow Ride, disappeared behind a tree, never to be seen again.

"... I... w... wh... di..." Karly stuttered, unable to form a coherent thought. Was she honestly daydreaming? Maybe being slammed against the rock had done some considerable damage to her brain. But, she felt the uncomfortable feeling that it was indeed a talking Lotad, and that all the Trainers here were not figments of her imagination; they were people.

This was confirmed by a guyish voice that spoke not soon after Karly had given up on understanding the events that had occurred whilst she was face-down in the sand. "So, anybody who missed out earlier wanna try to catch a Caterpie?" Following the sound of the voice, she spotted a (rather attractive) guy sitting in the sand, a Caterpie nudging its way out of his backpack. Karly wasn't so much interested in the bug as she was in the person who had it - ayyyyyyye. But hey, she might as well have something other than an earth-shattering whale and a lazy-good-for-nothing monkey.

Doing the best she could to wring out her hair so that she didn't look completely repulsive, she began to swagger her way over to this mysterious boy. She returned Wailey, who had rolled onto the shore during the time between the other stories, back to her Pokeball to prevent any more destruction to the newly-repaired earth.

"Er, hey. Seems like Wailey got you too - you're just as soaked as I am. Sorry, heh, that was kind of my fault. I was trying to save a girl from Carvanha and... that happened!" She laughed awkwardly, throwing her hands up. "Anyway, do you have a towel I could use?"

Oh, if only this boy had a towel. A towel would be so convenient. If only a kind, romance-pushing narrator could accidentally slip one into his bag so that he could help this wonderful damsel - oh, woops. It seems I have accidentally crammed a perfectly clean and usable towel right into his satchel, one that just so happens to be directly on top of everything else in his backpack, where it is absolutely 100% noticeable by anyone who would possibly think to look inside. How clumsy of me!

Addendum: A new ship appears to rescue survivors of the capsized one (Or violently yank away the only survivor and imprison him on the new ship, depending on how you view it)

Jeff watched avidly as the Caterpie nudged it's way out of his backpack and rolled around the grass, still looking happy as can be. "Wow you are one energetic little bug ain't ya?" He watched it for another moment until he heard someone else speak, one of the girls made it clear she intended to go post haste and that people could follow her if they felt like it and another girl who apparently knew her wasted no time in questioning her as to the situation. Jeff had no idea what was going on for the most part...but he could feel that it was Brotad who saved him and he was grateful...and also jealous that he hadn't gotten to speak to the enigmatic little pokemon.

He heard a loud thump and noticed one of the girls had a Wailmer with her and was as wet through as him. He looks like he could make a pretty big splash...I wonder if...no no pokemon should be that stupid. It looked like she had heard him, and she was actually making her way over to him, he couldn't tell what her hair should look like with how darkened it had been but she was pretty, nice figure and-he turned his face away while it reddened...her T-shirt was wet like the rest of her. He heard her ask if he had a towel through his momentary ignorance of the world and started to dig through his backpack. He didn't have to look long...or at all really, he was confident he had a towel but he was surprised at what he did see.

Jeff was dumnfounded, right at the top of his stuff was a towel, white and plain besides one detail...there were two Luvdisc on it, he couldn't relegate his thoughts to staying mental and avoid exclaiming. "Ah what the hell is that doing in there? That's not mi....I could have sworn mom hadn't gone through my stuff." He remembered why he was looking for it and took it out, he almost pushed it at her without turning his head, but he couldn't help sneaking a peak at her before turning his head towards the ground and thrusting the towel at her. "Here...you should probably dry off...don't worry about bringing it back, it's not mine anyways." After she had taken the towel he picked Romanov up under his arm, ignoring the cries of protest and scurried off towards Route 1, past the girl who had originally been the first one ready to leave.
Seth: A lesson in having the right pass
Boat -> Isle De Fairnorth

"Mmm... It actually does smell like Oran Berries..."

A dazed and actually, pretty awesome, Seth Arosi stands, smelling some berries. Okay, no. He's smelling a box. That smells like Oran Berries. Apparently. You know what? How do you get a box to smell like Oran?! Do you just smush it with Oran Berries? And what's more, she said they're KANTO Oran. Seth sticks out his tongue. Kanto sucks. They don't have any real myths, either. They're all like, "There are three birds. The end." Of course, while our young idiot hero dwells on this, a Tailow is pecking his shoulder. At the point where it nearly draws blood, Seth decides that it is time to move on. Because seriously. So much fuss over a box, oran berries, and Kanto. He also proceeds to dump the contents of the box into his bookbag.

He then begins an epic walk to the Naturia Reserve or somethin'.

Flashing his pass- WOAH, NOT IN THAT MANNER- to the frigtenin guards, he begins his epically cool entrance into the forest-




Dammit. Walking back to the guards, he stares at them. "What did I do? Was my dance too cool for your eyes?"

"I didn't get to see that pass well."

"Oh... uh... here?" You show him the pass that you showed him before. And then you realize it's a pass... to the boat... at Castelia. "Uh... it's uh... this isn't what it looks like!"

The two guards glare at him, one reaching for something at the back of his belt, just in case, and the other one reaching into his pocket. "You do realize that entering the reserve without the proper pass is punishable by... Smith, what's it punishable by again?"

"I dunno, Peterson!"

"Dammit, Smith! You're supposed to be the smart one!"

"What the hell, Peterson! You should know protocol as well!"

"But that's stuff that we learned ages ago at-"

As Smith and Peterson argue, our faithful idiot hero opens his bookbag to find the correct pass.

"Peterson, what page of the book was it in again?!"

"I don't fuc-"

"Peterson, not in front of the children!"

"Oh, sorry."

Seth gets tired of this conversation not involving him, and pulls out the correct pass. "Is this fine?"

One of the guards looks at him, surprised. "Uh... yes, I suppose."

"Then I'll be on my way."

"Peterson, pull up the gates."

"You do it, Smith!"


"Fine." Peterson opens the gate and you slip through.

(OOC: I was planning on making this longer, but, time shannanigans)
A Flighty Passenger Leaves a Female Confounded and Alone with a Weepy Insect
Karly stood dumbfounded, thematically designed towel in hand, as she watched this mysterious boy snatch up his Larvitar and run off down the recently-formed path, attempting to avoid looking at her. "Well... thanks?" She spoke to no-one in particular. She was grateful for a towel, but not so grateful that he decided to completely ditch her. I'M NOT TOO HAPPY MYSELF EITEHR

However, there wasn't much time for anguish, as Karly picked up some happy squealing from nearby. Searching for the voice, she found an adorable Caterpie rolling around in the grass, wiggling his little spherical legs as it scratched its back on the wonderful, inviting grass. Overtaken by the emotion known as AWWWWWWWWWW, Karly exclaimed a very loud, "OH MY GOD YOU ARE SO ADORABLE AND PRECIOUS" before kneeling down beside the bug to giggle at it playing around adorably.

Said bug took notice of this Pokemon Trainer Girl and attempted to roll over to greet her - however, as fate would have it, the Caterpie lacked the ability to roll over, and instead could resort only to fidgeting uncomfortably on the ground as it attempted to wiggle itself upright. Karly, being unable to ignore an adorable face, took to rescue the bug from his immobilized doom. "Aw sweetie, are you stuck? Here, let me help you."

She slid her hands under Caterpie and gently assisted him in getting back on his adorable feet. "You are just so dang cute, you know that? I want to keep you all for myself!" She cooed, carefully scratching the bug's scaly back with one finger. The Caterpie responded playfully, wiggling his legs up and down and wagging his tail as he showed his adorable eyes to Karly.

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However, I the mysterious force that haunts our unlucky Trainer could not let such an adorable moment go without some form of trouble. Although Caterpie was enjoying the attention from this female Trainer, he immediately noticed that the person whose owned the backpack he hid in was gone. But... but where did he go? Immediately, the Caterpie felt overwhelming sadness strike his poor wittle heart, and began to weep pitifully as it realized that it was probably abandoned by the heartless, souless, horrible trainer that was previously involved in a hookup attempt the girl who immediately felt apathy for the poor crying bug.

"Oh sweetie, shh, shh, don't cry now." She coddled the bug in her arms, who continued to cry at the loss of his trainer. "Look, we'll go find that little bastard and I'll reunite both of you, even if I have to beat him within an inch of his life. Okay?"

The little baby bug nodded, tears still in his eyes. "Okay. Let me go get changed into some dryer clothes and we'll go find him. And don't worry, I'll make sure to be extremely cross with him when I find him." Caterpie nodded again, letting Karly set him back on the ground as she walked off to find tree to change behind.

"Aaaaipom." And just who you think you are? Caterpie looked up to see a very unhappy and looming Aipom, who held a doughnut in his hand threateningly. "Ai, aipom pom. Ai ai aipom, aipom." Look, I don't know what you're trying to pull. But believe me, it won't work."

"C... caterpie?" W-What do you mean? "Cater, caterpie." I'm not pulling anything, I swear.

"Aipom, aipom." You think you're hot stuff, do yah? "Aaaaai, aipom. Aipom aipom, ai-POM." Well, you're not. I may hate Karly, but she's my trainer.

Before Caterpie could reply, Karly returned, decked out completely in new dry clothes, which were exactly the same as the clothes she was wearing before she changed. The only difference was they blue tennis shoes were now replaced with a pair of black combat boots that covered extended right above her ankle. Hey, I'm a narrator, not a fashion expert. If what she was wearing before was enough to make Mr. Runs-Away-From-My-Romantic-Plotline blush uncontrollably and run away, then this should be fine.

Karly picked up Caterpie, who was still thoroughly intimidated by Aipom's threats, and placed him on her shoulder, where Aipom would normally cling to. "Okay Caterpie, you can ride with me. Aipom can walk. He needs the exercise anyway - he'll get fat if he keeps eating all those doughnuts." Sh chuckled to herself, although Aipom definitely didn't find it funny. He didn't really have much of a say in it, since he couldn't exactly speak anything outside of his name, so he decided to tough it out and tag along as our emotional trio began their trek down the Path 'o Wonder to locate the runaway jerkface trainer.

A Hero's conundrum: You must capture pokemon to be a champion...but thou canst not flee from girls and catch pocket monsters at le same time.

Jeff stopped scurrying and looked around, beginning to feel like a rodent, and took a look around him. "This place is nice...and so were those-" No! Stop! Don't say it, no innuendo's no nothing. "I just" no...stop it...bad trainer. Jeff took a few more steps down the path, figuring he had enough space to walk a bit slower and it wasn't long till he saw something that got his pulse racing. Hopping over to a little patch of grass and pecking at the ground was a Pidgey! Jeff looked back down the path and didn't see anyone yet...he dropped Romanov softly on the ground. "Sorry about that buddy I...well you wouldn't understand but there are these wonderful things balled bo" The little Munchlax raised an eyebrow and swatted the air. "Ok yeah I get it you don't care about human anatomy I'm shutting up. You ready for a battle buddy?"

Romanov pumped a fist and prepared to charge at the Pidgey but before he took a single step a pokeball on Jeff's belt opened and released a white beam that formed itself into Rodrigo de Montoya el Juarez, who bowed before his new ally. "Larv Larvi! Larvitar, tar!" Signor, please allow me to defeat the lowly bird for you. "Huh...what's that? Did Mikoto fall down a well?" Rodrigo facepalmed and shook his head, then pointed at the bird, still woefully ignorant of the evil being directed at it right then. "Oh...but you're hurt." Romanov ruffled through his fur for a moment and pulled out the Sitrus berry from before and offered it to the Larvitar, who eagerly scarfed it down and his wounds seemed to disappear as he chewed. Thank you sir Lardcake, your girth is only exceeded by your kindness. Romanov scratched his head at the backhanded compliment while Rodrigo bounded forward.

"Alright erm..Rodrigo? Yeah Ok Rodrigo, no orders yet, show me what you got!" Rodrigo nodded and took a step forward, then another, then a bunch, prepared to sink his fangs into the soft flesh beneath those feathers...then he smelled something...sweet and delicate. He had made noise, and now the Pidgey was watching him curiously, he took another step and cupped her cheek in his hands. Why hello my dear...what is a beautiful dove like you doing in a place such as this? "What the hell is he?...Ay! Rodrigo c'mon time to earn your keep! Use bite!" Rodrigo hesitated for a second. It will only hurt a moment. Then opened his mar and sank his stony fangs into the beautiful Pidgey's soft sensitive flesh.

The Pidgey let out a screech and flapped her wings as hard as she could, but she made no progress. Signorita it is pointless, I am far too built, lifting me is as lifting a mountain, I will defeat you. The Pidgey looked at him for a moment wondering how she could hurt such a kind..vibrant soul...then decided it was simple, because he was a jerk and pecked Rodrigo in the eye before viciously assaulting his face with her talons. Rodrigo was only able to swat at her with one hand while the other covered his eye. "Oh crap it's stronger than I'd think...but flying and normal type attacks don't hurt rock types much so we should be alright erm...oh wait earlier that looked like he was schmoozing it maybe it's a...Rodrigo! Jeff heard footsteps and when he turned he spotted the girl he had seen both enough to make him happy and too much of making her way towards him with the Caterpie on her shoulder. Damn! I've wasted too much time...ah screw it, I'll have time to be a coward later!

Signor Rodrigo de Montoya el Juarez heard his favorite order and stelled himself, ignoring the assaults of his next conquest to smile his dazzling, knee jellifying smile at her. My love, why do you hurt me so? Come you can help me escape this human and we shall be free to live our lives together. She looked at the smooth operator for only a moment before her heart betrayed her once again, she relented her assault and turned towards the human who sought to cage her wild spirit. Jeff watched as the Pidgey turned towards him with murder in her eyes. After a moment he saw Rodrigo peeking at him over her shoulder with grim determination, Jeff nodded. Rodrigo grabbed onto the poor loveless bird once again and flung her through the air to fast for her to catch wind and escape.

Pidgey shook her head angrily and dove at Rodrigo, gaining speed and ready to smash his stupid pretty face, feeling almost as if light itself was gathering around her to hasten her victory. "Gotcha, Rodrigo use Leer!" Rodrigo did a one-eighty to give the gorgeous bird a look that stopped her in her tracks. Pidgey couldn't believe the granite hunk could stare at her with a look so hateful, so cruel...so the opposite of how he looked at her moments earlier that she lost her focus and crashed into the floor. Why...why do you do this to me? Am I so hideous you seek to ruin me? Rodrigo lain a hand on her wing. I am sorry my dear...romantic relationships never work between people who work together. But we don't- We do now. Rodrigo bit her one last time then once he had a grip front-flipped and pinned her to the floor. "And go Pokeball!" Jeff stuck with the cliche as he hurled the sphere of victory at the pair and it clunked on the Pidgey's head before enveloping her not-unkindly, then fell to the floor and began to shake.

Jeff was so proud of the way he and his new partner handled the battle he shouted out loud. "Yeah! Good Job Rodrigo, W00 we did it!" And immediately grabbed the thing nearest to him and hugged it, not at all intending to squeeze on the girl he had accidentally snubbed only a short while earlier. Something wasn't right...the thing he had enveloped his grip of pure excitement in was soft and smelled nice...he lifted his head a bit and realized he was face to face with said girl, then he turned his head and it was a Caterpie instead. He fell right onto his apparently desirable hindquarters and his face turned bright crimson. "I'm sorry I-I...oh look you're dry now that's nice...umm...hi?"
Returning Lost Pets to their Owner Seems to Create Disarray in Certain Male Characters
Grief. Another love-void person. I was hoping to have an easier job with this.

Karly was... kind of concerned, as the guy she assumed to be the one who departed without his Caterpie cheered something to his Larvitar, who was apparently named Rodrigo, before his hand reached back and squeezed onto Caterpie's face. Both her and the bug stood motionless as he very slowly turned around, only to notice that he was squeezing Caterpie's face before he fell back right onto his tush. He immediately started blushing as soon as he saw her. Oddly enough, this wasn't an uncommon situation for Karly anymore. "I'm sorry I-I... oh look, you're dry now! That's nice... umm... hi?"

"... Riiiiight. Okay, anyway, here's your towel back. I'd keep it, but the design is so tacky." Hey! Oh wait, I didn't make the design. She threw the towel beside him, onto the path. "Also, here's your bug. He threw a pissy-fit as soon as you he noticed that you left, so I decided to bring him back and give him to you. Guess he likes you or something."

She pulled Caterpie from her shoulder and dropped him onto the guy; said Caterpie immediately began to wag his tail and jump playfully on the guy's chest, finally being reunited with the one who owned him. At least, he thought he owned him. He lived in the satchel he carried, so Caterpie assumed him to be his owner.

"Anyway... uh, yeah, I guess that's what I came here for. Are you travelling with anyone right now? Because I've got a demonic earth-shattering-arm-biting whale and a good-for-nothing monkey who does nothing but stuff his face and sleep, and I need some kind of sanity if I have to survive this stupid journey thing. You seem... partially normal, so... yeah. Wanna travel together?"

Something about this guy seemed, well, off, in Karly's mind. He acted like he's never seen a girl before. Maybe he hasn't? Although I'm sure he's seen his mother... unless he's an avid shut-in. Which doesn't seem to be the case, since he mentioned his mother before he ran off in fear of Karly and whatever it was that she had that was so scary to him. Why do I always get the short end of the stick in these situations? She thought regretfully. Seems like she always gets stuck with the lacka-Casanova, or the weird nerds. Can't she get someone normal for a chance?

She held out her hand to the guy, who was still sitting on the ground. "Would you like to have some dignity when you respond to me, or do you just enjoy sitting on your ass all day?"

Romance, if it's being done right the story's being done wrong it seems.

Quit your whining George, story is conflict and all that.

Jeff shook his head and looked around a moment. "What the hell..." I don't hug when I get excited... Just roll with it dude let me work my magic. Who said that? Nobody...go be romantic crazy lady. ARE YOU THE ONE WHO'S BEEN MAKING ALL THIS CRAZY CRAP HAPPEN TO ME? No you moron that was Eliteb-nevermind shut up! You're not supposed to hear me! Nonono I want answers you ba- *THUMP!* That's better. Jeff accepted the girl's hand and pulled himself upright holding onto the Caterpie "Sorry about that, I don't know what came over me just then...I'm usually more sane...then again nothing about today has been sane...not since I touched Isle de Fairnorth...Feels almost like someone's out to get me."

Aw geeze he still has inklings about us? Geroge keep you're forgetful paddle ready in case yours starts getting ideas too.

He took a moment to steady his thoughts before speaking again. "I want you to know now that is NOT my towel, I'd just as well leave it on the ground, but thanks I guess for not just assuming I'm a freak. As for this little guy." He scratched the little bug's head for a moment, eliciting a happy noise. "He's not mine...I just forgot he was in my backpack, he's adorable and all but we're only supposed to keep one pokemon from the reserve, and I've already got Rodrigo...even if he has a skirt chasing problem. That's why I asked if anybody wanted him, I thought maybe some people hadn't caught one." He had only just realized the way she had spoken to him when she helped him up. "Dignity..." He was about to say something about not being sure he had any that day when something snapped in him and broke the tensionand he broke out laughing...thank god, this kid is hard to work with.

"That's pretty funny coming from someone who walks right up to a guy when she's wearing a wet T-shirt and there's plenty of girls around to ask for a towel." He took his hand off the side of his head and looked at the ground for a second. "I'm sorry that was rude, yeah I wouldn't mind having someone to talk to, Romanov isn't much of a conversationalist and every time Rodrigo says his name I could swear I hear a Spanish guitar...Besides, if one's going to be subject to crazy junk like I and a few other people have been today, it shouldn't be alone...oh yeah!" He turned back to the pokeball on the ground, which was still shaking. "It's not done yet? Hm...wonder if I got it."

The wind blows carrying around melodious tunes. A chorus of birds whistle in the air, almost as if they knew which song is playing. Delightful keyboards play along as the sunlight basks everything below it. In the nearby shimmering sea, a pack of Alomomola jumps as they majestically reflect the sunlight around them. The trees wave their branches along in cheer happiness, leaves falling and swaying along as they gracefully land on the ground, an almost inaudible thud accompanying their perfect landing.

A pack of Pidgey is seen chirping their daily gossip. Doña Lupe told María Magdalena that she say Carlos Esteban Pérez cheating on his wife. Lupe gasps in shocking reveal at this. Carlos and his wife Lolita seemed so happy together! How could this even happen, it's just, Whaaaaat?

The gossip burns down in her brain, pleading to be distributed en masse. The need to spread the information like a wildfire is unstoppable, she cannot hold herself against it! She flaps away looking for all her friends, they simply must know about -- Ohwhyhellothere!

A nice piece of eye candy catches her eye, a delicious young male that makes her drool almost immediately. She must pretend she didn't see him, maybe pecking at the ground? Yeah, that should work.

Peck, peck, peck!

Heytheresmexyboy, I don't believe we've met before, have we? Lupe raises her head to contemplate the gorgeous beauty of this male and -- Oh my gee. A nice piece of Pokémon eye candy? This day just keeps getting even better! With all her charm, she tries to seduce Rodrigo. But instead, all she gets is an instant fight. Prepared in three minutes or less! The match didn't really go swell, as Lupe was soon to be encased into one of Jeffrey's metallic capsules. But she doesn't even dare to give up! She shakes her self in all directions possible. Twerking the Pokéball all around as she tries and insists on getting out of this containment device. And you know what, I think she might be about to break out of th --

Pidgey was caught!
... God damnit, Lupe!
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Uproar | Sand-Attack | Tackle
Rodrigo grew to level 5!
Those fangirls that used to ship Miff found a safe haven in twerking their feelings around.

Two Incredious Patrons Reach an Agreement that Ends in Mutual Cooperation
H... hey! What makes you think my name is George? I could be a Barfolomew for all you know!

Karly watched as the Pokeball in this guy's hand shook three times before clicking shut. "Well, hey, good job. That went a lot better than my capture attempt..." Karly momentarily thought back to the pain she suffered trying to catch Wailey, and inwardly shuddered at the memory of her entire arm being clamped down upon. "Believe me, I know how crazy this place can be. I haven't even been here a day and I'm already considering catching the nearest boat back to Olivine."

"Anyway, if we can only keep one Pokemon from the Reserve, and we already have one, what are we gonna do with this little guy?" The poor baby Caterpie looked between the girl and the boy, both of whom were talking in their majestic "wah wah wah" voices that the bug couldn't articulate. Were they talking about him? He hoped so. He liked the attention they both gave him. And they were so cute together. Wait, how would a Caterpie know that?

Karly took the Caterpie from the guy, holding it out in front of her. It squirmed happily as she looked over it. "Well... he seems pretty young. I wouldn't want to abandon him out here, poor thing. We should just take him along as a... pet, I guess. He technically wouldn't be captured, and he'd be coming of his own free will, since he seems really attached to both of us. I don't think we'd get in trouble if we took him along. Besides, he's terribly adorable. Aren't you, little guy?" She threw the Caterpie into the air, watching it cheer and wiggle before he fell back down into her arms. "Alright, let's see... We'll call him Cal. He looks like a Cal to me."

She sat Cal on her shoulder, turning back to the guy that I wish would reveal him name already so I don't have to keep calling him the guy. "Well, now that we're travelling together, I guess we should go through some standard introductions. I'm Karly Rose. This down here -" She pointed down to Aipom, who was standing next to her with his arms crossed and a grumpy look on his face. "- is my lazy-good-for-nothing Aipom. And, well, you've encountered Wailey and her destructive wrath already, so no point in bringing her back out. So, who are you?"

Stuff! Stuff everywhere! There was so much stuff happening around her that Imoen couldn't quite process any of it, not with her music in her ears or a musical BroTad dancing away in front of her eyes, or perhaps it was walking; she couldn't be sure, locked as she was in a maelstrom of eldritch horrors far too great and mighty and well-endowed for anyone to comprehend, be they man, woman, both, neither, or that secret other gender, hidden behind the knee. All she could do was stare forwards at all of the vague things and wretched ambiguity with her eyes slammed open and her lips parted just enough to mimic the hidden fish, which is, in fact, the most deadly of all fishes.

If anyone could attempt to explain the look scrawled across Imoen's face, they would fall victim before even one letter could be written down, because it is as infectious as a thing that's very infectious, and soon the world would be filled with nothing but people staring into space, not knowing what they're doing with their lives or in relation to everything. So little would change. But that would be bad!

There was no stuff.

Then there was stuff.

And then there was no stuff, except for some, which had been moved slightly to the left.

And Imoen was standing in the middle of a forest with a bunch of strangers who went off to do their own thing while she stared off into space, amazed and nonplussed at the same time. She calmly brushed back a ginger bang and patted herself down for everything, then put away her earphones and made sure that she was definitely alive. At the very least, her splanch hadn't been injured in the process. She had to keep that safe, at the very least. Of course, nobody could actually read her mind, so they couldn't tell what she was thinking, but they would know what followed, and her name would be passed down for generations on the lips of families, friends, and various rocks, who are actually far sneakier than one would expect. The igneous ones aren't bad people, despite what your mother said.

Imoen sprints forward and screams at the top of her lungs until she runs into somebody.


*Insert clever title with possible metaphors here* Titles are tiring...

You look like a George what with that whole faceless narrator thing going on there, get over it and keep manipulating your charge.

"Wow...level 7 huh?" Jeff wondered out loud with a peek at his pokedex. "You beat a pokemon almost twice your level Rodrigo, that's cool even if you had to use your seductive skills." Rodrigo nodded and awaited further orders. Jeff refocused on the girl. "Yeah I bet that Wailmer is a handful, here's mine." He patted the head of Romanov, who was clapping Rodrigo's shoulder in congratulation and being ignored. "Romanov is my lazy good-for-some-things best friend I...well I met him stealing my food...I'm convinced that this whole trip is gonna be the same brand of insane we've seen already."

He looked at the Cateripie on the girl's shoulder and laughed when she tossed him into the air a bit. "Yeah he certainly is adorable. Cal, that works, in fact I like it! I don't see any reason not to keep him along, especially if Caterpie really are endangered. If they can't be found anywhere besides the reserve that means there's nowhere else safe for him to evolve, when the time comes he'll need us to guard him until he becomes a Butterfree."

Oh great, they've already got a baby is that Beats fella really gonna let a young couple have a baby this early on his watch?...Whatever I guess it's pretty cute.

It was only after she finished her own introduction that he realized he had failed to give his own name before that point. "Oh haha silly me, my name is Jeff Miles, it's nice to really meet you Karly." He flourished a hand and made a theatrical little bow. "So shall we sally forth?" He was finally thinking pretty dang clear again, so his slightly silly nature was making itself more known. His lame-o gesture was destined to be short lived however as only moments later a person's weight in pure average, and crazy...AND fish smacking psychosis crashed directly into his back and bowled him over straight to the floor. All that could be heard from under said girl was grumpy mumbling which was Jeff's attempt at saying. "Why must these things happen to me?" Little does he know we demand it must continue, and it shall.
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Attempting to Compensate for a Lazy Narrator's Lack of a Title
My name is Phoenix, *******. And Caterpie is the unofficial love child of Keff so shut up and appreciate that this ship hasn't been hit with a torpedo yet. Am I the only narrator here that enjoys romantic coupling?

Karly jumped back, yelping as she did so, as a currently-unnamed-crazy-person crashed into Jeff, who finally revealed his name so I could call him Jeff, causing the two to tumble down onto the ground. Jeff muttered something that was so inaudible I couldn't be asked to narrate it, and Karly immediately bent down to help the two of them up. "Well... talk about a dynamic entry."

*ba dum tiss*

She pulled the two apart, and then helped Romanov the Munchlax pull himself off the ground. "Um, it's nice to meet you, crazy person who crashed into Jeff. It seems like you've got some place to be, although your screaming makes me think you're being chased by a serial killer. You're not, are you? Because we might have to give you up if you are..."

At least she's got good priorities.
Nami Tange

Nami paused as she heard a voice from behind her. "Nami… Why and how am I here?" She turned, recognizing the voice. Mia stood behind her. She was looking very worn and disheveled, and her hair was a mess.

"Oh, hey Mia," she said. "You look like you've been through a bombing. But as for the details, I don't know. This magical, talking Lotad with glasses just kind of... teleported us. Then he told me to tell you guys to follow the path to the town that's ahead."

She glanced around. Some of the other teenagers were talking amongst themselves. She looked back to Mia. "You can come with me if you want. I'd enjoy the company," she said. Then she reached into her bag and pulled out a hairbrush. She held it out. "Here, take it. No offence, but your hair is kind of a mess."

Imoen's sprinting is suddenly stopped by an obstacle that nobody could have foreseen; yet somebody had. An Abra by the name of Teddy, whose story is completely unrelated to this one, and will never be mentioned again. The girl of ginger stared ahead for a few moments as another pair of hands grasped her and attempted to pull her apart from Collision Boy; she allowed her, for the time being, because it gave her Pokedex a buzz to be manhandled-by-proxy by a presumably attractive lady. She isn't precisely aware of just what her Pokedex is up to, or just what effects it's having on her, but she's pretty sure that it has good intentions, and is drawn back to her feet with a blank stare between the people present before clearing her throat.

"Heya. It's me; Imoen." so-named girl greeted the two of them, her mouth forming a gentle smile as she turned to face Karly and flipped out her Pokedex, which made a few lewd comments before getting tucked away again, because the writer of this paragraph is a lazy lady who can't think of something inappropriate to say. "I'm not being chased by any serial killers. What's everyone doing around here? I think I saw some of us when we were with the Professor, but then I was in the Ca- Reserve and did some things."