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Random Pokemon Challenge

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Chapter 2: The Journey To Goldenrod

Kenzo grinned, his HootHoot was finally a Noctowl. His Ledyba, a now semi-decent Ledian. The training from Sprout Tower had helped him. Alot.

Kenzo headed to the Violet Gym to face the self-proclaimed Bird Master, Falkner. Kenzo's Noctowl made short work of the gym trainers, and Falkner lost, to a bird of all things.

Elm was calling about meeting his assistant about an egg or something.
Kenzo got the egg and then left the pokemon center after healing his pokemon.

Kenzo headed to Union Cave, defeating alot of weak trainers along the way. When he got to Azalea Town through the cave, he talked to the legendary pokeball master, Kurt, who agreed to make free pokeballs for him, if he would take care of Team Rocket. Kenzo readily agreed. Kurt rushed off, Kenzo went to the well and found out Kurt had tackled a grunt guarding the entrance into the well. Kenzo made haste, defeating the rockets one by one. His Noctowl and Ledian kicking some serious rocket butt. After receiving a pokeball from Kurt, Kenzo headed to Azalea Town Gym, where his Ledian got some practice in against the gym trainers, while Noctowl got to decimate the bugsy. Then, he headed to the Slowpoke Well and caught a Slowpoke. As Kenzo was leaving town, that punk that stole the pokemon from Elm came out of nowhere and Challenged him to a battle. The punk didnt stand a chance, as Ledian cleared house, while Noctowl took out the stolen pokemon. Then he ran away, saying the win proved nothing. Whatever.

Kenzo headed into the Elixer Forest, letting his slowpoke get some training against some bugs, Kenzo also helped someone find their farfetch'd and was rewarded with an HM for CUT. Kenzo took the HM and taught Chikorita cut, and cut the tree to progress deeper into the forest. Kenzo was lucky enough for someone to give him a TM for headbutt on the way out. When Kenzo left the forest there were several trainers waiting for him, but they soon found out, that his Slowpoke was stronger than it appeared to be as its Water Gun attacked dealt these trainers defeating blows.

Kenzo headed towards the pokemon center after defeating all those pathetic trainers. Kenzo healed his pokemon.

Current Party:
Slowpoke LV 18
Water Gun

Noctowl LV 23

Ledian LV 25
Comet Punch

Chikorita LV11
Razor Leaf
Username- k137an
Game being used- ruby
In-game Name-k137an
Amount of Pokemon Desired-5
Legendaries-no ta
HM Slaves-1
Which Generation of Pokedex-3
Monotype?-dont mind
Fully Evolved Pokemon?yes plz
Username- k137an
Game being used- ruby
In-game Name-k137an
Amount of Pokemon Desired-5
Legendaries-no ta
HM Slaves-1
Which Generation of Pokedex-3
Monotype?-dont mind
Fully Evolved Pokemon?yes plz

Update time seeing as I won't be able to update until Friday now :)

Well.... headed up to Fallarbor. Want to go to Lavaridge but as usual there are some Aqua grunts blocking my way. I spy a cave to my left-hand side, a-ha!! :D

I get to route 113, and stop. I haven't got any repels and I really just want to skip the trainers and head straight to Meteor Falls. However the minute I step into the tall grass I come across one of the other set members of my team: a Sandshrew.
I capture her and name her Wanda. With three members on my belt I hed to Meteor falls.

There, I meet the Team Aqua grunts and Professor Cosmo. I catch my fourth party member: Lunatone. I name it Bananaman [it's better if you don't ask :L]
After battling all the trainers available and grinding Bananaman and Wanda up to the mid-20's [Wanda now having evolved into a Sandslash] I head to Mt. Chimney, defeat the Aquas, arrive at Lavaridge and receive the Wynaut egg [my fifth member] I am not looking forward to raising Wobuffet at all.

That's all for now!

Current Team:

ARON/Florence Lvl. 29

Take Down
Rock Smash
Iron Tail
Rock Tomb

LUNATONE/Bananaman Lvl. 25

Rock Slide

SANDSHREW/Wanda Lvl. 23

Sand Attack
Poison Sting

SKITTY/Mr. Cuddles Lvl. 28

Shock Wave
Faint Attack
Just a quick update today

level grinded. Lots of it.
Beat Whitney and Morty. Just caught my Venonat. Cant seem to get Miltank yet (maybe it doesnt appear at night?).

My Party:
Noctowl LV 43

Ledian LV 40
Ice Punch/ThunderPunch/Supersonic/Headbutt

Slowbro LV 43
Headbutt/Ice Punch/Confusion/Surf

Venonat LV16

Chikorita LV11 for HMs
Cut/doesnt matter x3

Kinda stoked about FINALLY having Venonat. Venomoth is ones of my favs from Kanto.
Sorry for the lack of update(I'm actually on vacation).

Status :
Done with Red finally
Shuckle took out Red entirely for me.
Red sent out Pikachu
Pikachu used Quick Attack, not very effective
Shuckle used Withdraw
Pikachu used Volt Tackle
Shuckle used Withdraw
Pikachu used Quick Attack, not very effective
Shuckle used Power Trick(Starts getting awesome now)
Pikachu used Quick Attack, not very effective
Shuckle used Earthquake,Pikachu fainted
Red sent out Blastoise
Blastoise used Hydro Cannon, missed(PHEWWWWWW)
Shuckle used Gyro Ball
Blastoise fainted
Red sent out Lapras
Shuckle used Gyro Ball(Quick Claw :D)
Laprass fainted
Red sent out Charizard
Charizard used Dragon Pulse(I'm really lucky this run :D )
Shuckle still has 143 hp.
Shuckle used Gyro Ball
Charizard used Dragon Pulse
Shuckle used Gyro Ball
Charizard fainted
Red sent out Snorlax
Snorlax used Giga Impact (Missed)
Shuckle used Earthquake
Snorlax used Shadow Ball
Shuckle used Earthquake *Critical Hit*
Snorlax Fainted
Red sent out Venusaur
Venusaur used Sleep Powder ( Failed )
Shuckle used Gyro Ball
Venusaur used Giga Drain
Used Full Restore
Venusaur used Giga Drain
Shuckle used Earthquake
Venusaur fainted.

Red down

PS: It took me almost 30 tries just to get this lucky. And it was a dare from my cousin to only use Shuckle during my match

Current Team :
Parasect Level 81
-Brick Break

Shuckle Level 97
-Power Trick
-Gyro Ball

Butterfree Level 90
-Dream Eater
-Bug Bite

Forretress Level 67 (Didn't use him much)
-Zap Cannon
-Bug Bite

Ariados Level 91
-Cross Poison
-Sucker Punch
-Sludge Bomb

Bibarel lvl 30 *HM Slave*
Alright, so here is the first update:

Alright, so here is the first update:

You needa upload the images to a host first. We can't access files on your PC :)
Chapter 3: From the Sea to the Stars

Yes I'm alive, sorry for not posting but... well i just kinda forgot ^^; But I have gotten fairly farther from where I was.
Okay well basically (I can't remember if I posted this already so RECAP!!!) Okay well I went ahead to Dewford with my amazingly new Marshtomp!! I went through all the trainers which brought him up to level 20 and took down Brawly, up to level 21. Then flew on to SLateport, skipping all of the trainers on the beach cause quite frankly... I couldn't be bothered with them, and went straight to the Northern route to FINALLY add another member... GULPIN! I named him Stomachio, and (forgetting about the trainers on the beach) I trained him up in the grass like an idiot to level 21, same as Mudpack, and then did the whole scene up at the Museum and crap. So then I fly on to Mauville, but I get stopped by an annoying girl who alway seemed to decimate me at this point in the game... MAY! But thankfully...I HAD STOMACHIO! SO I flew through her like a knife through butter and went up to Mauville, decimating all the trainers along the way. Both Mudpack and Stomachio were up to level 24 by that point. Then I headed straight for the Gym, took down Wally outside of it, went in, and defeated them all with Marshtomp alone, bring him to 26. Stomachio is still at 24 so I use the trainers North to get him up to 26,and just before I hit the cave to Fallobar Town, guess who decided to evolve? Yes so I have a Swalot now.
Anyways skippin' little bit ahead past the Cave, I go up past the Ashy Grove as I call it, and train up a little off the trainers. I dunno why but my pokemon level up really easily! So, after they hit level twenty-freakin-nine, I head to the route outside Meteor falls and catch me my Swablu! Which I have named Bluebell :) I trianed her up to level 21 and that's where I've ended it for now.

Mudpack/Marshtomp Lv: 29
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Mud Shot, Water Gun

Stomachio/Swalot Lv:28
Moves: Body Slam, Rock Smash, Shock Wave, Sludge

Bluebell/Swablu Lv: 21
Moves: Peck, Steel Wing, Fury Attack, Sing.

Also, I'm speaking on behalf of SquirtleGirl. She hasn't been able to post for a while cause her laptop has been completely gammy for the last while. Just in case any of you wonder. She'll be posting soon enough though.
Hi I'd like to join.
Username- olih
Game being used-Emerald
In-game Name-Dialga
Amount of Pokemon Desired-6
HM Slaves?-no
Which Generation of Pokedex?-Hoen
Fully Evolved Pokemon?-yes (will be)
Cannot trade, I'm playing Emerald on my DS.
Username- Gold Man
Game being used- Emerald
In-game Name- Gold
Amount of Pokemon Desired- 6
Legendaries?- No
HM Slaves?- No
Which Generation of Pokedex?- 3rd
Monotype?- No
Fully Evolved Pokemon?- No

By the way does Jirachi count as legendary because the gen gave me Jirachi and I didn't click on that tab.
Chapter 4: A Burning Conflict

...Cheese... and with that I give you my update!

Alrighty well I've hit Meteor Falls. I do the whole sha-bang with Team Magma in there and then Team Aqua came up, "Oy you! You can't do that 'cause it will make water less plentiful!". At this point I zoned out cause it was nothing but talk, talk, talk. And then, skipping ahead of a crapload of grinding with Bluebell, I fly on to Mt. Chimney and turn Maxie into a fried Magikarp. It was laughably easy... with all my pokemon nearly level 30... except Bluebell... with level 24.
Skipping ahead more grinding of Bluebell to level 26, I go and take on Flannery. SHe was easy enough... I just wanted to fly through her so I could get my 4th member, Anorith into my team.
After I beat Flannery I went and got the Claw Fossil, went to Rustboro and regenerated him, and then ran back to Route 111, and I'm currently grinding him... I got him up a level before posting this up...
Oh and I also went to Slateport to rename my Marshtomp... he is now called Meme... I'll let you figure out why.


Meme/Marshtomp LV: 31
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Mud Shot, Water Gun

Stomachio/Swalot LV:30
Moves: Body Slam, Rock Smash, Shock Wave, Sludge

Bluebell/Swablu LV:27
Moves: Peck, Steel Wing, Fury Attack, Sing

Dirtbug/Anorith LV: 21
Moves: Scratch, Harden, Mud Sport, Water Gun
Username- Gold Man
Game being used- Emerald
In-game Name- Gold
Amount of Pokemon Desired- 6
Legendaries?- No
HM Slaves?- No
Which Generation of Pokedex?- 3rd
Monotype?- No
Fully Evolved Pokemon?- No

By the way does Jirachi count as legendary because the gen gave me Jirachi and I didn't click on that tab.

I think Jirachi would count as a legendary :)


:) Good luck!

Username- dango989
Game being used- FireRed
In-game Name- Jake
Amount of Pokemon Desired- 6
Legendaries?- No
HM Slaves?- No
Which Generation of Pokedex?- 3rd
Monotype?- No, but really want at least one bug type.
Fully Evolved Pokemon?- No


[I'm assuing wanting 3rd gen. pokémon wasn't a typo n.n]

Update time!
Imanaged to defeat Norman and went to new Mauville to receive the Thunderbolt TM which I [stupidly] taght to Dizzy, my Kecleon. I'm at Lilycove at the moment. I can't really give much details of the team , movesets and levels at the moment as my DS is being repaired so there's no way I can play on until its fixed.
Username- KoobsLovesYou
Game being used- HeartGold
In-game Name- Koobs
Amount of Pokemon Desired- 6
Legendaries?- No
HM Slaves?- No
Which Generation of Pokedex?- Johto
Monotype?- No
Fully Evolved Pokemon?-Yes
Username- mrunderscore
Game being used- emerald
In-game Name- wambls
Amount of Pokemon Desired- 2
HM Slaves?-2
Which Generation of Pokedex?- 2nd gen and first if possible but just second if not
Fully Evolved Pokemon?-yes please

dango989 seeing as squirtlegirl gave u a team for hoenn ill give u one
Username: Pokehearts
Game used: Firered ( ROM ) can't trade.
In Game Name: Firered ( PKhearts is one space too much )
Amount Desired: 6
Legendaries: Surprise me ( only 1 if you pick one )
Hm Slaves: No
Gen Pokedex: Kanto
Monotype: HECK NO!!!
Fully Evolved: Yes
Comment: Please have it be a balanced team
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Username: Pokehearts
Game used: Firered ( ROM ) can't trade.
In Game Name: PKhearts
Amount Desired: 6
Legendaries: Surprise me ( only 1 if you pick one )
Hm Slaves: No
Gen Pokedex: Kanto
Monotype: HECK NO!!!
Fully Evolved: Yes
Comment: Please have it be a balanced team


I tried :P

Username- Mistress Rose
Game being used- Emerald
In-game Name- Rose
Amount of Pokemon Desired- 5
Legendaries?- No thank you[:
HM Slaves?- Yes (Zigzagoon)
Which Generation of Pokedex?- Hoenn Dex
Monotype?- No
Fully Evolved Pokemon?- Yes
I can't trade Pokemon so yeah...uhm I'd like Pokemon that aren't usually used but don't suck :D
For mistress rose

Username- orangejediman
Game being used-pearl
In-game Name-Logan
Amount of Pokemon Desired- 4
Legendaries?- no
HM Slaves?- most likely
Which Generation of Pokedex?- ...pearls? So 4th I guess?
Monotype?- no
Fully Evolved Pokemon?- yep, I like me some evos. But I can catch then evolve, right?

I'm actually going to do a Nuzlocke first, though.
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I tried :P

I can't trade, how the heck am I supposed to get alakazam? can I replace with a hypno or something?
also It's only a 1% chance that I can find a nidoran female!
and I can't get a victreebell either it's only available in leafgreen.
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