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It was my:

Smeargle (Docile), Yokohama/60505. dec 19 06
Magmar (Rash), Yokohama/60114. dec 21 06
Qwilfish (Rash), Nagoya/60114. jan 4 07


SCIZOR レオ (E-CARD) ID.47922
MAREEP レオ (E-CARD) ID.47922
TOGEPI レオ (E-CARD) ID.47922
sorry i already have them,can you list your events please i updated my event list so check it out if you'll like
im back. can we trade now? fc is 2320-4797-1369. be on wi-fi in a bit.
are you able to take a look at my thread in my sig? just that my pc can't handle posting long lists, it just freezes.
sorry i took so long i was comparing
i want these

Gligar (Careful), Nagoya/60505. feb 13 07
Lotad (Hasty), Nagoya/60321. feb 10 07

Roselia (Timid), Sapporo/60321. dec 5 06
Torchic (Calm), Sapporo/51126. nov 4 06
Chikorita (Rash), Sapporo/51224. dec 16 06
Totodile (Gentle), Sapporo/51224. jan 19 07

Growlithe (Quiet), Tokyo/60114. dec 28 06
Shellder (Hardy), Tokyo/60114. mar 19 07
Kangaskhan (Mild), Tokyo/60114. nov 7 06
Aipom (Lax), Tokyo/60505. mar 24 07
Treeko (Bashful), Tokyo/51126. nov 15 06
Mudkip (Careful), Tokyo/51126. nov 15 06
Mawile (Docile), Tokyo/60321. july 20 07


10 ANIV America (00010)
10 aniv Bulbasaur
10 aniv Typhlosion
10 aniv Tyranitar
10 aniv Alakazam

Japenese PC
Bellsprout Nov 26th 2006 (09998) (Teeter Dance)

Tokyo Chikorita/Lv.10/Naive/30.Sep.06 (51224)

Teddiursa (60505)

Treeco/Lv.10/Milds/10.Feb.07 (51126)
Pineco/Lv.10/Modest/24.Mar.07 (60505)
Mareep/Lv.10/Impish/29.Feb.07 (60505)

im back. can we trade now? fc is 2320-4797-1369. be on wi-fi in a bit.
sure give me 5mins to get on wifi k
you wanted the PC tokyo charmander right?
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Would you take shiny's smoochum, bellsprout, ivysaur, and pelipper for your shiny's oddish, shinx, drifloon, cyndaquil, also mewtwo for you kyogre