Carpe Diem
- 127
- Posts
- 14
- Years
- SomeWhere yet NoWhere
- Seen Mar 1, 2020
alright thanks once again
I don't have any mews to trade, sorry!!Could I please have that Mew in box 18? What level is it? :D
Yes, but it depends on what??hello u accept any event u already have but other nature..?
Any thing in particular you want for the aipom??Can you breed me a Aipom please?
I could do that but remind me when you are on please!! :)Could I have that level 100 Infernape and the level 32 Torterra in box 16?
Also, could I please have that Torterra leveled up to 100?
It depends on which games those are on??Hey RNC. Can I have Cyndaquil and Squirtle, both are in box 14.
And also two Master Ball with those two if you can. Thanks. :)
and use my HeartGold FC for it:
Name : Trawn
FC : 4770 4865 1853
both of them are in the free section. and I want it in my HeartGold. Thanks.
i have pokemon blue, gold and silver the two metals dont work btw
Thanks for the Happy New Years!! :)~RNC~ I believe it is a sunday for you?
Will your Sunday Giveaway be running or are you still closed?
EDIT: Happy New Years by the way
I can offer
Red Gyarados
Suicune jolly
Skorupi with eggmoves Bite Facade
Snorlax with leftovers
Elekid with eggmoves shockwave thunderbolt and psychic
poliwag with bellydrum from pokewalker
octillery with psybeam aurora beam bubblebeam and signal beam from pokewalker
Gible With eggmoves outrage dragon claw and earthquake
Remoraid with lockon psybeam and aurora beam from pokewalker
Dratini with extremeSpeed
That is all I have