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[Script✓] Set a Pokemon's nature via special/macro

  • 118
    Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows how to set a Pokemon's nature via special/macro. As far as I can tell, a Pokemon's nature is derived from their personality value, so there would have to be a way to edit this value so everything stays the same except the nature. According to Bulbapedia, the way nature is determined is essentially nature_array[personality_value%25] in pseudocode. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know :)
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    Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows how to set a Pokemon's nature via special/macro. As far as I can tell, a Pokemon's nature is derived from their personality value, so there would have to be a way to edit this value so everything stays the same except the nature. According to Bulbapedia, the way nature is determined is essentially nature_array[personality_value%25] in pseudocode. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know :)
    Ghoulslash made a custom givemon that, among other things, lets you set the nature of a Pokémon created with it. I suggest you to check out its code.
    Thanks! I knew about this macro, but I didn't know about the github with all the source code. That helped a lot! Right now, I think I'm on the right track (I keep making bad eggs, though, which is worrying), but if I can't figure it out, I'll simply hijack Ghoulslash's nature mint hack that they uploaded.
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    I ended up just using Ghoulslash's hack. There's a minor bug if I try to make nature-colors work alongside it, so I'll just not do that.