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Shadow Fall (Chronicles of Pkmn Revamp)


Time keeps on tickin' by
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    [PokeCommunity.com] Shadow Fall (Chronicles of Pkmn Revamp)

    (Characters will be revealed as they appear throughout the season)

    Hi everyone! Most of you reading this.. er.. well probably everyone wont remember who I am, but a couple of years ago I used to have a bunch of comics in my one thread (here). The best comic I made in that thread was "The Chronicles of Pokemon". Ever since I stopped making the comics I've wanted to revamp them and start over, now I finally have. This isn't going to be exactly (or anything) like the old one, new jokes, new characters and new stories. However, 5 out of the 6 main characters from my old comic are in this one. So I hope you'll give my comic a chance and enjoy reading it.

    The Plot
    Rating: Anywhere from PG to PG-13
    Shadow Fall is basically about 5 friends and a mysterious talking Mudkip trying to make something of themselves. Each kid is aspiring in a different field and each has his own rivals. The "Pokemon" aspect (battling, coordinating, ranging, collecting badges, etc..) is on the side of the story, while each season will usually revolve around some big plot. Sora is, in many ways, the main character, but the others are just as important. I try to make every comic funny, but their is also a more serious tone to Shadow Fall (drama, romance, action, death, issues, etc..). If the first comics don't intrest you, check back later, I'm sure some of the others will.

    Season 1
    Episode 1: Welcome to Right Aid!
    Episode 2: Right Aid Heist!
    Episode 3: Wild Kip Appears!

    Bonus Crap
    I'm very big on art and I don't like how with sprite comics, the characters are so tiny that you never really know what they look like. I don't know if I'm good, but I'll be posting my Shadow Fall artwork here, along with any fanart (If I even have fans?). Tell me what you think.
    Group Shot (Characters will be blacked out 'till revealed in an episode)

    Spriters Resource
    Pokemon Games

    That's all for now! Please leave a comment, wether you love it, hate it or whatever. I'm open for any suggestions and will take any criticism no matter how harsh you are (unless you're like BRUTAL in which case I will probably blow up at you). Also I guess I could make a list of people who would want to be messaged when a new comic arrives? How do you feel about that? Anyway's, thanks for reading! Tell your friends!
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    Pretty cool start. Random humour (Some of the jokes were brilliantly done, in my opinion. Then again, I'm all for old man erection jokes haha!) with sporadic pop culture references and the like. Decent spriting, and the use of exclamations (Like the coughing during the first comic) and expressions and all is well done. My only complaint would be in the speech bubbles, more specifically - the text inside of them.

    When the texts are large, the words are easily identified and look good, but the default text inside the speech bubbles is blurry and unfocused. It's a unique look, and I commend you for that, but it seems too blurry to read clearly in its default size. For a direct example, the first comic's middle row is almost unreadable due to the blurriness.

    Too early to comment on plot or to offer any other advice, so I'll leave you to it! Welcome back, by the by.
    Pretty cool start. Random humour (Some of the jokes were brilliantly done, in my opinion. Then again, I'm all for old man erection jokes haha!) with sporadic pop culture references and the like. Decent spriting, and the use of exclamations (Like the coughing during the first comic) and expressions and all is well done. My only complaint would be in the speech bubbles, more specifically - the text inside of them.

    When the texts are large, the words are easily identified and look good, but the default text inside the speech bubbles is blurry and unfocused. It's a unique look, and I commend you for that, but it seems too blurry to read clearly in its default size. For a direct example, the first comic's middle row is almost unreadable due to the blurriness.

    Too early to comment on plot or to offer any other advice, so I'll leave you to it! Welcome back, by the by.

    Thank you so much for your nice comments! :D, I'm glad you liked my comics! I worked really hard on the "special effects". Also, I am aware of the text issue, I actually realized this 2 minutes before reading your post haha. I think it was just photobucket ruining the quality of my comic cause im not a premium member. I switched hosting service to ImageShack and it seems crystal clear on my screen, tell me what you think.
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    Remember me?
    Lets see... you probably knew me as ~Enu~?

    I'm liking the revamped comics so far, but the text is killing me.
    i dunno about anyone else, bu the not-filling-in-text feature is making me feel blind since I have to squint to read it.
    It makes it look nice, but I think actually being able to read a comic is just a tad more important.

    Overall, fantastic.
    Since this was my favorite comic back in the day, I can't wait to see more.