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shinies! for trade

  • 164
    shiny absol lv20 ut
    shiny goldbat lv54 ut pkrs
    shiny raichu t lv100
    shiny gyarados ut lv52
    shiny bibarel lv17 ut
    shiny lurcario lv100 t
    shiny geodude lv19 ut
    shiny ponyta lv20 ut
    shiny meditite lv35 ut
    shiny sneasel lv34 ut
    shiny whiscash lv39 ut
    shiny carvanha lv20 ut
    shiny budew lv20 ut
    shiny maril lv23 ut
    shiny carnivine lv24 ut
    shiny octillery lv34 ut
    shiny magikarp lv4 ut
    shiny floatzel lv42 ut
    shiny chatot lv40 ut
    shiny magikarp lv6 ut
    shiny pelipper lv49 ut
    shiny sealeo lv48 ut
    shiny weepinbell lv50 ut
    shiny gastrodon lv30 ut
    shiny seaking lv30 ut
    shiny golduck lv51 ut
    shiny fearow lv53 ut
    shiny spheal lv38 ut
    shiny bulbasaur lv1 ut
    shiny roselia lv52 ut
    shiny gastroon lv53 ut
    shiny cranidos lv20 ut
    shiny sheildon lv20 ut
    shiny anorith lv20 ut
    shiny lileep lv20 ut
    shiny kabuto lv20 ut
    shiny omanyte lv20 ut
    shiny aerodaty lv20 ut
    shiny steelix lv46 ut
    shiny medicham lv45 ut
    shiny machoke lv46 ut
    shiny onix lv44 ut
    shiny gravler lv45 ut
    shiny lumineon lv30 ut
    shiny shellder lv29 ut
    shiny drifloon lv22 ut
    shiny kricetune lv15 ut
    shiny zubat lv15 ut
    shiny pachirsh lv10 ut
    shiny buizel lv8 ut
    shiny bronzor lv15 ut
    shiny nosepass lv14 ut

    and thats all!

    i want events good pokemon and shines plz:may::t162::t172:

    offer anything! and i will deiced
    Last edited:
    gyrados for my regigigas?
    lv.70 or 80 i think
    master ball
    TEMPLE it was caught
    Its UT
    nature don't remember
    im in trade now so its hard to explain..