I'd like to have one too. Any natures will do just fine :)
i would like one to not picky on nature
FC 5301-1078-4628
Hey There. but do you still have any shiny eevee's left if I wonder?..
Hello, I am wondering about availability too. IF you have one with a hasty nature, that would be great but otherwise it does not matter.
I'd like one, I don't really care about nature or anything, I just love shinies :D
An Eevee please if you still have some left. No nature preferences.
Thank you for taking the time to share with us! That's really generous of you :)
I would adore a shiny eevee, if you have any left!
I have been trying to breed one for ages!
If there's still one left I'd like one as well :)
Ah,I've been trying to shiny chain for one for weeks with no luck so this is helpful. Any nature is fine!
I want one please :D I don't mind nature
May I please have one? I'd like Modest, Calm, Bold or Timid please!
If not, any nature works fine! Thanks so much!
I'd really like one anyone is fine!
I would like to have one if you're still giving some away. I'm fairly new to the 3DS/new Pokemon so I don't know how everything works yet.
Send me a PM if you'd like to give me one and I'll give you my FC.
Thank you
Could I possibly get one
Are there still eevee's available?
I'd like one Modest Eevee with IVs fit for an Espeon if it's not too much to ask. Preferably with its HA but I'd understand if it doesn't have it.
Do you have any male eevee left? :)
Do you have any Shiny Eevee left? If you did, I would be very grateful for any nature. :)
Thanks in advance!
Hi! Do you still have any left for trade? I would love one. Natures etc don't matter! :)
Do you have one left? If yes could you give me one?