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[Other Fanfic] Silver Knight Demonic Exorcist Witch

  • 104
    Silver Knight Demonic Exorcist Witch
    Chapter One: The Beginning Of Everything​


    I swear Madoka was playing some kind of joke on me when she had me reborn to a demon mother and a human father. Or maybe she just saw that Rin would need someone in his corner who understood what he was going through and decided that I was the best witch for the job. Either way, I did not have the easiest of childhoods. Hell, my whole life was one big, gigantic mess because of who my mother was.

    Who is the demoness who gave birth to me? Well, I won't say just yet, but I will say that she's the reason that I still wonder even to to this day if Madoka was playing a joke on me when I was reborn as her daughter. That or if she somehow saw that Rin would need me and had me born in a place where could be close to him.

    I could list various incidents from when I was a kid that made me suspect I wasn't exactly human (as human as a reborn witch could be, anyway) but I never had any proof until the summer before my first year in high school. That was when everything went totally to shit, and yet everything somehow became so much better. I had an outlet for my aggression, for one, in the form of becoming an exorcist and learning to fight. And of course there was also Rin and I finally figuring out our relationship, which we hadn't ever been sure of until the oath we swore. Talk about figuring out a relationship by getting a swift kick in the ass.

    I don't know why Rin's getting fired from his latest part time job because he got into a fight and didn't come back— probably because someone was doing something he really hated people doing, like hurting kids or animals— was the catalyst for everything that happened, but it was.

    The morning that everything started to go to hell in a hand basket, the morning that might be considered our inciting incident, I was cleaning the pews and the altar in the church while Uncle Shiro did confessions with Rin like he always did.

    "O straying lamb, confess thy sins with true sorrow and pray for forgiveness." Uncle Shiro intoned, his voice solemn despite probably being exasperated with Rin's antics.

    "Yeah, why should I, I haven't done anything wrong." Rin muttered petulantly, so much so that even though I couldn't see him, I knew that he must have been doing his usual please ignore the sulking teenager pose (or at least that's what I called it): slumped over, head turned away from Uncle Shiro, one hand bracing his chin, eyes squinting.

    "Where did you get that cut on your face?" His father countered calmly.

    "I tripped, going downstairs." My best friend insisted. I don't know why he bothered; that routine never worked, not with Uncle Shiro who knew Rin almost as well as Rin knew himself. For that matter, I didn't know why Uncle Shiro bothered with confessions. You can't shame the shameless, and Rin would do whatever he thought was right.

    Even if it meant charging in, fists blazing, punching a problem until it went away.

    "Your clothes are a mess."

    "It was a mother of a fall."

    "And that trace of a nose bleed?"

    "Yeah, well, when I fell I bumped smack into this super hot chick, and I—"

    Uncle Shiro shot out from the confessions booth, looking around frantically. "What, let's go after her, show me where she is, Rin!" He demanded. When he realized that there was no super hot chick he muttered a "Crap." and then pulled Rin into a headlock. "Moron!" He yelled. "You got into another fight! Admit it! Why must you always brawl?!"

    I ducked my head, seeming to focus intently on the pew I was cleaning to hide a smirk at the duo's antics. I wasn't sure how many times I had heard or seen some variation of this very same scene play out over the past several months, but these conversations always seemed to end with Uncle Shiro scolding Rin for getting into a fight again.

    "Let go of me you old fart!" Rin growled.

    Uncle Shiro did, and Rin dropped to the ground. "I just received a disturbing phone call from your employer." The Father of the monastery we called home continued. "They told me they have no need for a delivery boy who doesn't bother to return." Hah, busted. Why was Rin even surprised? Couldn't he come up with anything better than repeating the same excuses he had used for the past several months? Surely he could come up with something. Though, knowing Rin he would probably forget it if he tried to use a more complicated excuse and Uncle Shiro would still see right through it anyway. Besides, the exchange had tradition behind it.

    "So what, big deal?" Rin grumbled, sounding petulant again. "There was no way I could cut it anyway. As if a guy like me could ever hold down a job." Which was exactly the wrong thing to say to Uncle Shiro, who wanted Rin to be more independent, which meant either going to high school or getting a job. Since both of us had ADHD, school was not exactly something we excelled at. I was doing a bit better than Rin on the job front, if only because I had found a job at a local machine shop (I was pretty much one big motorcycle when I was the Silver Witch, so I knew machines), but I did have a slight advantage over Rin in that regard. Sometimes, it really paid to be a witch. Machines were so much simpler than humans once you knew how to work with them. I generally preferred machines to humans.

    "Don't be a baby." Uncle Shiro snapped. "The day will soon come when you must leave this monastery and strike out on your own. And as your guardian, it's my duty to see that you do so." As I moved to another pew to clean it, I saw him turn to face Rin. "Or do you just want to become a priest and run this monastery?"

    Rin looked startled for a moment, before he scoffed "Take over this crappy church, dream on." If either he or Uncle Shiro had anything else to say, they didn't get the chance because Yukio, Rin's technically younger twin (I say technically because twins don't think of themselves as being older or younger), came into the room.

    "Dad." He said, smiling slightly. "I'm all done getting myself ready to move out. All that's left for me to do is carry out my luggage."

    "Well done, son." Uncle Shiro praised.

    "Welcome home, Rin." Yukio greeted. "Get into another fight?" Why did he even bother asking, when the evidence was written all over his twin's face. We both knew that Rin couldn't just stand around and do nothing when people were hurting kids or animals. And when Rin got mad, usually his brain stopped working and his fists did the thinking.

    "Shut the hell up." Rin grunted in lieu of an actual reply. I finished the altar and checked my work, and then put my cleaning supplies into the bucket I had brought with me.

    "I swear, for a couple of twins, those two couldn't be more different." One of the priests laughed from where he was cleaning the windows.

    "I'm done, Uncle Shiro." I announced, hopefully before anyone else could get started on Rin. I had heard this conversation enough times that I knew how it would go. Rin was my best friend, and I didn't want the priests to be too hard on him. Besides that, if they got started on Rin, they would probably start in on me, too, which was always annoying.

    These musings about Rin and Yukio always seemed to go one of two ways: either they didn't notice me and just got on Rin's case, or they got on both of our cases, even though I had a job at the machine shop and was making decent money. I had gotten a raise twice since I started working there- like I said, it paid to be a witch sometimes.

    Rin and I were their favorite targets, if only because there wasn't anyone else around here they could give 'helpful advice' so regularly. Yukio was practically the perfect son (True Cross Academy, sports, grades, personality, the whole nine yards) while Rin and I hadn't always been on our best behavior. Especially Rin, who tended to let his fists do the thinking when he got mad. I wasn't sure that Yukio had a violent bone in his entire body. Which was why he was going to make an awesome doctor when he graduated from high school, college, and medical school. He was probably going to be one of the most sought after doctors in the country.

    "Thank you, Gisela." Uncle Shiro said with a smile. "Do you work today?"

    I shook my head. "No. I only work weekdays for now, which was why I offered to clean the pews for a bit of extra cash today. Since I don't need to spend hours on end in my school uniform anymore, I might as well make myself something that I can wear on my work days and not need to worry about getting dirty. I could use my wages from work, but most of that is going towards an apartment. Don't get me wrong, I like the monastery, but I would like to leave eventually and live on my own. Who knows, maybe I'll even start my own machine shop one day. Hey, Yukio." I added to Rin's twin, nodding in greeting.

    He smiled and nodded back. "Hey yourself." He greeted back.

    "Dunno if I've said this yet, but congrats on getting into True Cross. I know you must've studied your ass off to get the grades for a scholarship."

    The corners of Yukio's mouth turned up. "You have no idea." He said, smiling, but this time as if he knew something I didn't and he wasn't going to share. "But it was worth it."

    "I swear, for a couple of twins, those two couldn't be more different." One of the priests said again. Damn it; conversation not diverted. I shot an apologetic look at Rin, who shrugged, a gesture that I interpreted as whatever, at least you tried.

    "Yukio might be the younger one, but he doesn't act it." Another continued; I only started living here about a year ago, so I hadn't learned their names yet. I was bad with names sometimes. "He's good at sports, always gets straight A's, and is about to start his freshman year at True Cross Academy."

    "Meanwhile his big brother's only accomplishment is causing trouble." The first finished, turning to face us. "And his girlfriend isn't much better. Rin, Gisella, you two should try to be more like Yukio and start straightening out your lives."

    "Hey, he's not my boyfriend!" I complained. Why did everyone always think that we were dating? Okay, so I liked him, but the oblivious moron hadn't figured it out yet. Or if he had he was in denial. But I was more inclined to think it was the first option.

    Rin's face turned furious as he looked at the priests washing the windows, seeming to miss the fact that they were teasing us about being together again, another thing that often set him off when he was in a bad mood. "I said just shut up!" He yelled, and the heater in the center of the room suddenly made a noise as the top blew off of it. Uncle Shiro ran to look at it, and seemed to decide that it must have blown a fuse, and ordered the other priests to get it replaced before the service started. I frowned as they rushed to comply.

    I personally thought something aside from a blown fuse had happened, though. Getting Rin's attention, I pointed at him, and then at the now broken heater. Did you do that?

    Rin touched the tips of his middle, ring and pointer fingers to the side of his head and turned his hand outward, pointed at himself, touched his head with his pointer finger, and touched his pointer, middle and ring fingers to his head and turned his hand outward. I don't know. I think so, but I don't know. He made a gesture to encompass Uncle Shiro and the priests, stuck his thumb under his chin as he turned his head, arced a pointer finger forward from his lips, made a gesture to encompass the two of us, and spread his hands to mean something since we didn't actually know the sign for something. They're not telling us something.

    I snorted, and then pointed off into the distance, not at anyone, stuck my right hand up, thumb pressed against my palm, fingers together, folded my fingers so that they were pressed against where my palm ended and my fingers began, and touched my fingers to my chin and brought it down, turning it into a thumbs up that touched my open left palm. Of course not. That would be helpful. And Madoka forbid they actually be helpful about something like this.

    As I walked closer in case Rin wanted to talk, he muttered "They're hiding something from us, something big. I dunno what, but it's gotta be big. Like, really, really big. Probably something they've been keeping from us for years."

    I scowled. "I don't like it." I grumbled. "But for now we can't really do anything about it. So for now, we're just going to have to watch and wait, and hope that they tell us soon."

    "Like they will." Rin grumbled.

    I shrugged. "They have to tell us eventually, especially if it concerns us. As much as they might not want to, they have to tell us eventually. What with all of that." I waved at the heater. There was no way that happened naturally. Blown fuse? Maybe if Rin blew it up.

    "What makes you say that?" My best friend asked, curious.

    I shrugged again. "Well they can't keep it a secret forever, no matter what they might think. Whatever this odd power of yours is that blew up the heater, it's showing itself and I doubt it's going to stay asleep forever. Even if Uncle Shiro might want it to, no power stays hidden forever." I shook my head. "Uncle Shiro's fooling himself hard if he thinks that he can keep whatever this power of yours is locked up forever."

    "What do you think it is?"

    "I have no idea, but I have a feeling that we're about to find out."
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  • 104
    Silver Knight Demonic Exorcist Witch
    Chapter Two: The Truth Of Heritage Finally Revealed​


    Uncle Shiro had Yukio tend to Rin's wounds, so the star student led his brother back to the kitchen and brought out the trusty first aid kit that had been used many, many times when Rin got into another fight. I followed in case Yukio needed me to hold Rin down so that he could properly bandage his twin's wounds. Rin grumbled and complained as Yukio disinfected his various scrapes until I smacked him upside the head. "Don't be a baby." I told him. "Just how many times have you done this? How are you not used to it by now?"

    My best friend scowled at me. "Oh, shut up." He grumbled without any real heat. "Just because you never have to put up with this . . ."

    "I never have to put up with this because I'm not the one getting into fights." I retorted. "If you would just stop taking matters into your own fists whenever you see some injustice or other, then maybe, just maybe, you wouldn't have to put up with this all the time."

    Rin scowled. "They were killing birds with a crossbow!" He protested. "I don't like the things, but that's no reason to kill them like that! What was I supposed to do, just sit back and let them kill the birds just because they annoyed the bastards?"

    I sighed. "I get that you wanted to correct an injustice, Rin, but maybe using your fists isn't always the best way to go about it." The technically older of the twins scowled again, but didn't say anything. Then, changing the subject, he asked Yukio if he was moving into the dorms.

    "Yeah, well, since school starts next week and all," Yukio shrugged, not directly answering the question. "I'll be saying goodbye to fifteen years in this place."

    "So I guess that makes this the last time you'll be treating my injuries." His twin murmured.

    "When I become a doctor, I'll give you all the treatment you want." The technically younger of the twins told him, laughter in his voice. "For a fee of course. Besides, Gisela will still be here to patch you up whenever you get into a fight."

    I shrugged. "I could patch the idiot up, but you're better at it than me, and you're gentler than I would be. I probably would have made it as painful as possible just to make the idiot think twice before he charges in, fists blazing, for the millionth time. Not that he would, but maybe."

    Yukio laughed and Rin scowled, and I just grinned. "Being a doctor has always been your dream, hasn't it?" Rin asked his twin, inspecting his bandaged hands in delighted awe. "Then go for it, I'm sure you're going to make it big time."

    "Did you miss the part where I said I'd charge you?" Yukio deadpanned before his expression turned serious and concerned. "Listen . . . you're going to be alright without me, aren't you?"

    "What's up with that? Are you gonna lecture me too?"

    Since Rin was now all tended to, I decided to go find Uncle Shiro and remind him that he had promised me two thousand yen if I cleaned the pews and the altar today and did a really, really good job at it. When I found him, he gave me the two thousand he had promised, so I immediately added it to the rest of my savings. With what I had earned today, and the rest of the money I had saved up, I thought I had enough money to buy myself the fabric for two outfits: one for work, which would be made to wash easily so as to get all of the grease and oil and other machine stains out, and one for days when I didn't work. Possibly because of my past life as a witch, I preferred to wear pants over skirts. Counting my money, I decided I did indeed have enough to buy myself the fabric for two sets of clothes: one for work, and one for every day. The work clothes would be made out of black material— so as to not show the various stains I would inevitably get on them working as a mechanic— and the second, for every day, would be a light gray, the closest I could find to sliver. The first shirt was probably also going to be a long sleeved shirt to better protect my arms when I worked. I probably also needed to make myself a pair of work gloves, but I could do that later. I'd need to ask the guys at the stop what kind of leather they recommended for said gloves before I actually made them. I got home right as Rin was heading out the door, apparently for an interview with the shopping mall, wearing a borrowed suit. "Good luck." I said as I passed him, heading inside to start on my latest sewing project.

    "Thanks." He said.

    Pulling my fabric out of the bag, I laid it out with the patterns I needed for the first pair of pants. These ones were going to be dark colored work pants that wouldn't show stains easily, and they would have lots big of pockets to stick tools in. They would also be sturdy as all hell.

    I got so engrossed in my project that I completely lost track of time until Uncle Shiro came into my room to inform me that Rin got the job and that we were having his favorite for dinner tonight in celebration. We set the table and got everyone together, but when it was time for Rin to be home, there was no sign of him. We waited a while, but he didn't come home.

    "Rin's late, don't you think?" One of the priests asked, sounding worried.

    "I'll go find him." Yukio volunteered, and I stood up too just a moment later.

    "I'll come with you." I offered. "If he isn't in any of the usual places, maybe I can find him." Yukio shot me one of those infuriating you would smiles that he usually gave me before he started teasing Rin and I about being together, even though we weren't, because the moron still hadn't realized, but thankfully didn't say anything. If he had, I might have punched him.

    We found Rin in the park, sitting on the swings looking ashamed of himself. What happened?

    "I thought I'd find you here." Yukio said to him, but he didn't respond. He tried telling his twin that the Sukiyaki would be all gone, but Rin just said that he wouldn't be able to face anyone. When questioned, he admitted that he had been fired. Apparently the manager couldn't have a violent thug like Rin working in her store, even though he had been trying to help a little girl. The manager apparently hadn't seen that.

    I pointed at Rin, made a V-shape with my right middle and pointer fingers, touched them to under my eye and brought them forward, then turned my palms up, moving them back and forth as I tilted my head. What did you see? I thought he had to have seen something, because Rin wasn't the type to engage in violence unless it was a fist fight because stupid people were doing stupid things that Rin wouldn't stand for. That or someone else started it first; Rin wasn't the type to start fights for no reason, but he certainly finished them.

    "I don't know if I can explain it." My best friend sighed, glaring off into the distance as he got angry. "It was really weird and I don't even know myself."

    The twins argued about what happened for a minute, so I decided to take quick peek into Rin's mind. I wasn't very good at mind reading, or any sort of mental ability, but possibly because of a Witch's ensnaring ability with their Witch's Kisses, I could look into someone's mind if they were distracted enough. I was completely garbage at the ability, but I had known Rin forever and he had given me permission once, and never rescinded it. Probably didn't even remember that he had given it, and I didn't bother reminding him; it was more useful if he didn't know I could look into his mind when he was distracted. So I looked into Rin's mind and saw a weirdly colored creature with a monkey-like face chasing after the girl from before.

    How odd. Just what was that creature?

    After Yukio finally convinced Rin leave, we headed home and arrived to find the girl that Rin helped earlier and her father. I didn't pay much attention to the conversation until Rin started scolding the father for not paying closer attention to his daughter and realizing that she was being bullied rather than just being bullied by something. Not someone, because the thing I saw in Rin's memories wasn't a human, that was for sure. It was definitely a something.

    Uncle Shiro put a stop to the argument that broke out over whether or not the girl's school would be able to help by giving the girl a four leaf clover charm. Whether or not it actually did anything, I had no idea. But the girl seemed to think it would.

    I went inside to put the finishing touches on my first pair of pants while Rin got into another argument about something with Uncle Shiro. I wasn't even sure I wanted to know just what it was about this time. Besides, it was none of my business.

    When I woke up the next morning, these strange black things were floating all around. They looked kind of like bugs, but also not somehow. I couldn't explain it. Just what were these things, and where had they all come from?

    "What the hell are these things?!" I wondered. "They must be everywhere!" Running outside, I saw that Rin was also looking at the strange bug-like things all around that no one else seemed to see. "You see them too?" I confirmed.

    "Yeah." Rin agreed. "What are they? Why does no one else see them?"

    I was about to tell him that I had no idea, when a voice called out "Okumura, my friend." Rin looked in the direction of the voice and scowled. "Do you have a second?" The boy that the voice belonged to was clearly mocking my best friend, but Rin actually hesitated for a minute until another boy taunted him about turning chicken and another asking if he was going to run and hide behind Uncle Shiro. So Rin stepped outside the gate towards them, following them to a nearby alley. I followed because this had the potential to go very, very wrong. "Sorry about yesterday." The boy apologized insincerely. Were his teeth always that pointed? Because they looked an awful lot like fangs. "I was only playing with those pigeons, see, but then my hand slipped. Anyway, I wanna know how much you want."

    "What?" Rin asked, bewildered.

    "My parents are somewhat famous, you see." The leader explained. "And as for me, I'm about to enroll in True Cross Academy, so I don't want any unsavory rumors swirling around."

    "And how would Rin spread rumors when he doesn't even know your name?" I deadpanned. "I'm pretty sure he was too busy letting his fists do the talking to get your names."

    He stared at me with one creepy non-bandaged eye. "Stay out of this, bitch. This is a conversation between me and Okumura."

    "No," I said firmly. "I don't think I will."

    "You mean you're going to the same prestigious school as Yukio?" Rin asked before either of us could say anything else. "I see your problem."

    The leader laughed. "Now you get it." He said. "Consider it hush money. I'm buying your silence. You just have to keep this episode between you and me." Rin told him to keep his money, and that he wouldn't tell (again, he didn't even know the boy's name, so how was he supposed to tell anyone?), but the boy told him to take the money. He added that everyone knew Rin and Yukio were so poor they couldn't get into school without help. He said that the only reason Yukio got into True Cross was because he crammed like hell and got a scholarship, which was the one button that guy really shouldn't have pushed. There were very few things as certain to set Rin off as insulting Yukio, but that was the surest fire way to make him completely pissed off at whoever had said the insult. Insult him all you want, he'd shrug it off with barely a thought. But if a person insulted Yukio? Yeah, that was definitely going to be a problem, and certain to make the technically older twin furious.

    So I wasn't at all surprised when Rin punched the guy across the face, telling him that he could say what he wanted about Rin but to never diss his brother. As the leader of the hooligans got back up, he commented that Rin's punch hurt, and that he wouldn't push his luck if he were Rin. As he said that, his appearance changed—his nails lengthened into claws and ram horns sprouted from his head as the tiny black bug things swirled around him. A look at Rin confirmed what we were both thinking: no way was this guy human.

    Laughing, the hooligans grabbed Rin and I and held us down as the leader reached into a barrel and pulled out a red hot metal bar. "An eye for an eye." He said. "A tooth for a tooth. I'm gonna give you back twice the pain that you caused me, and your little girlfriend too." Rin and I both made the obligatory protest that we weren't dating, but we were ignored. One of the hooligans holding me started to protest what their leader was about to do, but he was snapped at to shut up and kicked away. Mockingly, the leader who couldn't possibly be human asked where Rin wanted him to burn him. I struggled and kicked and managed to get myself free, but I immediately had to contend with a couple of other hooligans. As the red hot metal bar got closer to Rin's face, I saw the gang leader's tongue and it was long and looked nothing like a human's. Just what the hell was going on here?

    "Get away!" Rin screamed, his whole body erupting in blue flames. I struck at one of the hooligans, and as I did so, my fist became encased in purple flames. What the hell?

    Apparently it was the straw that broke the camel's back, because the hooligans released Rin and ran away in terror. Their leader, however, remained. "Those blue flames are a sign that you are indeed the true scion of Satan." He said, his voice now much deeper. "Yes." He continued. "I was right. My eye was unerring." Crouching down to Rin's level, he introduced himself. "My name is Asteron. Come with me, my young prince. Lord Satan has long awaited you. You may bring your betrothed with you, if you desire."

    Rin stammered "Satan has?"

    "Evil is in their hearts." A voice behind us chanted before anyone could say anything. "O Lord, give to them according to their works and the wickedness of their inventions. According to the works of their hands, render unto them their reward. Thou shalt destroy them and shall not build them up." The monster, whatever he was, became visibly angry at those words, but Uncle Shiro merely continued to walk forward, still chanting. "Blessed be the lord."

    "Old man?" Rin asked, bewildered as the monster ran forward, declaring that he would rip Uncle Shiro's mouth apart so that he could never utter such spells again.

    "You have heard my suffocation." My uncle continued. "The Lord is my helper. And my protector. Thou shalt perish!" He pointed two fingers at the monster thing and darkness erupted like steam out of him, turning him back into a regular human kid. What the hell?

    Uncle Shiro asked if we were alright and we asked about the kid. Since the demon had been exorcised, he would come to in a minute. The weird bug things we'd been seeing were also demons, called Coal Tars and they came from a world parallel to ours, Gahenna, the empty world where demons came from. And thanks to this little incident, demons of all species would be coming for Rin and I because we had awakened our own demon heritage.

    Rin was the son of Satan, like that demon had said. And me? I was the daughter of Satan's consort, Lilith, the first wife of Adam. Well, hell. As if being a witch before I was human weren't bad enough. What was I supposed to do now, now that I was the daughter of Lilith?
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  • 104
    Silver Knight Demonic Exorcist Witch
    Chapter Three: The Swearing Of A Binding Oath​


    This was all a bit much to take in. I was the daughter of Lilith, the first woman who was widely regarded as a demoness? While that made so much sense, somehow, my whole world had just been turned on its head. Demons were supposed to be bad, right? So, since I was half-demon, did that make me good or bad? Was I destined to become just as evil as the woman/demoness who gave birth to me? Why would Madoka have me reborn as the daughter of a demoness?

    There was no way that Madoka wasn't behind my rebirth as a human— the girl had a bleeding heart. Wishing to erase witches before they're born so that all the Magical Girls who believed in hope and fought witches didn't have to suffer or cry anymore proved that. And since the witches wouldn't have existed without the Incubators, it would be just the sort of thing she would do, have them reborn as humans free to make their own choices about what they could be in this new life. But why would she have me reborn as the child of a demoness? Demons were all supposed to be completely evil, weren't they?

    I was barely paying attention to what was happening as I followed Rin, being dragged by Uncle Shiro, across the rooftops. Every time we encountered a demon, he would chant a verse from the Bible and they would disappear. That demon from before, Asteron, had called Uncle Shiro and Exorcist, and had called the Bible verses he had chanted spells (at least I thought they were bible verses). Was there something magical about those verses when used against a demon?

    At one point we jumped from one rooftop to the next, only to find our way blocked by these weird decaying dog creatures. "The hell?!" I yelped, wishing that I was a Magical Girl or even still a witch, so that I could blast these creepy things into oblivion. As it was, I dug into the last little bit of witch power I still had, sending a blast of energy at them.

    When Rin observed that the things stank to high heaven (well, not in those exact words, but that was what he meant), Uncle Shiro explained that they were ghouls, demons who possessed the long dead. "Lucky for you." He added. "If this weren't Japan we'd be beset by ghouls in human form." Was that supposed to be comforting? Because it really wasn't.

    When Uncle Shiro produced a grenade from his pocket and triggered it, Rin yelped "A bomb?!"

    "Not to worry." Uncle Shiro reassured him as he tossed the grenade, dragging Rin inside the nearby roof exit to the building. "It's just holy water." As he hastily shut the door, he heaved a great sigh. "It's no exactly a walk in the park to babysit at my age, you know."

    "Who're you calling a baby?!" Rin and I demanded together.

    We were ignored. "Now, let's get home while we can."

    "You mean it's not over?" We asked, still in unison.

    My uncle turned to regard us with a serious expression. "I already told you, demons of all species will be coming after you. The sun will be down soon. That's when the demons really become active." With that, he took off running again, leaving Rin and I no choice but to follow if we wanted answers. We hardly stopped until we got to the church.

    "Welcome home." One of the priests greeted.

    "How did it go?" Uncle Shiro panted.

    "I purged all of the Coal Tars." The first replied as we all hurried inside. "And I triple-reinforced the spiritual barrier all around the monastery."

    "Double it again." My uncle said shortly. "It surely won't hold until morning. We're being attacked by the kinsmen of Asteron. I want the sewers doused with triple-c density holy water. Not a single one must be allowed to infiltrate."

    "Yes, Father." They chorused as they set about doing just that.

    Uncle Shiro, meanwhile, moved the altar away from a hidden staircase that led down to a small room. "Come with me." He barked, and Rin and I rushed to obey— one didn't disobey Uncle Shiro when he used that tone. Shoving the altar back into place, he made a handsign of some sort, causing runes all around the room to light up. "There. Now time will pass faster in here than outside. Come here and look." He produced a key from his pocket and opened a drawer with a katana and a long wooden staff engraved with runes.

    "What are they?" I asked, stuffing my hands in my pants pockets so that I wouldn't be tempted to touch the staff. Something told me that Uncle Shiro would be very vexated with me if I did, and that was the last thing that I wanted right now. If he was vexated with me, he might not tell me what I wanted to know.

    "The Koma sword." He replied. "Also known as Kurikara, an ancient and legendary demon slaying sword." He lifted it out of the drawer and handed it to Rin. "Many years ago, I transferred your demonic powers to this sword and sealed the scabbard."

    "Wait, my . . . powers?" Rin breathed as he took the sword.

    "This sword is more important than your life." The Father of the monastery continued as if Rin hadn't spoken. "It must never fall into anyone's hands. Keep it by your side, even when you sleep. Remember, this must never be drawn. Once drawn, your demonic powers will be awakened, and you can never go back to being human."

    "Hold on!" My best friend protested. "If I'm supposed to be some kind of demon, then what about Yukio?" Which was actually a valid question. Why didn't Yukio apparently have powers? Or did he, and we just didn't know about it? "Don't tell me he's one!"

    "Even though you and Yukio are fraternal twins, Yukio was underdeveloped and frail, and proved too weak to sustain the power. You alone inherited these powers." Uncle Shiro— could I even call him that anymore? Father Fujimoto, I guess— picked up the staff and handed it to me. "Similarly, your father sealed your demonic powers into this staff, Gisela."

    "So how do I activate it then?" I wanted to know. When the man glared at me, I raised my hands in surrender. "Hey, don't look at me like that. I'm not planning to activate it, but it doesn't have a clear way to do so like the sword. I don't wanna activate it by accident."

    Father Fujimoto conceded the point. "Tap it once on the ground, spin it in a circle and call out my own heart— unlock. Your father felt that a short activation phrase would be easier to remember than a more complex one. To deactivate, hold it out perpendicular to yourself and call out power down. Your father felt that it was better for you to have the option of using your powers and so made the activation and deactivation easy to remember."

    I blinked. "Wait, Dad made this?" I gestured at the staff as I ran my hands over it. "How did he even know I might need it? Did he know about other things?"

    Father Fujimoto gave me the barest hint of a smile. "Why do you think he named you Gisela? Yes, he knew about what you were before Lady Madoka gave you a second chance. As for the staff, I believe Tanjiro was inspired by the various Magical Girl and Toku shows that you were so fond of when you were younger. Felt it would be easier for you to remember."

    "Did everyone know about this?" Rin cut in, sounding more scared than I had ever heard him. "That I'm not really a human being? That I'm the spawn of the devil?! Why the hell did you keep something so important quiet all this time?!"

    "I'll raise you as long as you remain human." His guardian replied. "You see, to keep you alive, you of demonic origin, it was the one condition that had to be met." Which was why he had chosen to keep quiet about the secret. Dad apparently planned to tell me when I turned fifteen— which was about a month ago— but he had died before that. Father Fujimoto thought it was better to keep it from me, even though it had been Dad's last wish that I know when I was old enough. He hadn't been intending to tell me, ever.

    "So, to activate this thing," I broke in, hoping to diffuse the argument. "It's just tap, twirl, my own heart unlock? And to deactivate it's just out, power down?"

    "Exactly." The Father of this church agreed. "Come here." He ordered, and when he gestured, a pedestal of some sort appeared from the floor. What the hell? Father Fujimoto continued by explaining that we were going to swear some sort of oath to eachother, right here, right now, to better keep us safe by combing our powers. Which one it was depended how we viewed eachother: familial or romantic. For me it sure as hell wasn't familial. A look at my best friend confirmed that we didn't exactly see eachother as brother and sister, or even cousins for all that Father Fujimoto was— or, had been, I guess— like my uncle. Which meant that his oath was going to be romantic. Well, hell. This was not how I wanted a potential relationship with anyone to start. Gesturing for us to set our dominant hands on the pedestal, Father Fujimoto intoned "You will now swear an oath. Hear me speak it first and then look at your partner, and if you cannot swear this to eachother, depart now. For this oath is binding by magic, and those who break it will never find rest, by day or by night, in life or in death. Hear me now—
    My hand in yours,
    My love with yours,
    My life for yours,
    Now and always.
    Is there any here who does not wish to swear?"

    Neither of us spoke. Neither of us moved. Father Fujimoto nodded. "Then join hands and say the oath together, three times to make it binding."

    We looked at eachother, wondering if this was a good idea. But something passed between us, and all of my fears melted away. I joined hands with him, and said the oath as he did. We weren't very together, but we would probably get better as we went.

    "My hand in yours,
    My love with yours,
    My life for yours,
    Now and always."

    That was one time. Two more to go. Maybe we would be a little less out of sync with eachother on the next two times. Father Fujimoto said that we had to say it three times to make it binding, so we said it together again, this time a little more in unison.

    "My hand in yours,
    My love with yours,
    My life for yours,
    Now and always."

    Just one more time, and then it would be well and truly binding. This might not have been the way that I wanted to start any romantic relationship with anyone, let alone with Rin (crush or no crush), I suppose we just had to make the best of it.

    "My hand in yours,
    My love with yours,
    My life for yours,
    Now and always."

    There was a blinding flash of light, and a pair of rings appeared: one sapphire, the other amethyst. I picked up the amethyst and Rin grabbed the sapphire. We put them on just as there was a loud crash from outside. Father Fujimoto deactivated the time whatever and shoved the altar aside. From what I saw, a semi-truck had crashed into the church. Just because it was protected spiritually didn't mean it was protected physically. Strange mushrooms blooded, and demons advanced, no longer kept out by the wards.

    "I have come for you my young prince and princess." The demon from before, Asteron, declared, still possessing the same boy from before. "Let us return home to Gahenna."

    He reached out and grabbed Rin by the leg. I moved to block with my staff, but his hand slithered around and grabbed Rin anyway. One of the priests tossed holy water at the demon and he backed off. Father Fujimoto grabbed us and shoved us back down into the room behind the altar. Come morning, the demonic activity would taper off, he told us. We had to leave right now and hide somewhere where the demons wouldn't find us. When Rin demanded where, he pressed a cellphone into my friend's (boyfriend's?) hand. His cellphone, apparently, only had one number programmed into it. He was apparently a 'good friend' and we had to call him as soon as we left the monastery. Father Fujimoto was certain that this 'good friend' of his would take us in and protect us. I had my doubts about that, but I wasn't sure that we had another choice. Although I really wanted to chew the man out for not honoring my dad's last wish and telling me when I turned fifteen— because, seriously; it was his dying wish. The least Father Fujimoto could have done was honor it and told me when Dad wanted to tell me, even if he didn't think it was a good idea. But no, he kept it to himself.

    "Hey!" Rin snarled. "Well we're not done talking yet!"

    As he slammed into the altar, I heard Father Fujimoto chanting "The road is not marked for those who are lacking faith. Billowing fog blocks the gates of Heaven." I heard the sound of a key turning, and then Father Fujimoto shouted "Protect Rin and Gisela!"

    I head the sounds of fighting outside, and hoped very, very hard that things would turn out alright. We certainly needed a miracle right now, but I didn't think that miracles were coming.
    And then a brilliant white light appeared, forming into the shape of a fourteen year old girl who long flowing pink hair and golden eyes, wearing a white dress and similarly white gloves.

    "No way." I breathed. "Madoka."

    Rin briefly stopped his attempts to break out of the room we were stuck in and glanced back at me. "Madoka? The person the old man said gave you a second chance?"

    I nodded and quickly explained the story of witches. "Sorry I didn't tell you, but you'd've thought I was crazy if I did." Turning to back to Madoka, I bowed deeply to her. "I sincerely thank you for my new life, Lady Madoka." I said formally. "Although I was born of a demoness I swear to use this life for justice however I might."

    The goddess smiled at me. "I know you will. But that's not why I'm here. It was your hope that summoned me, Gisela. So I've come to grant you a wish, like many others before you. Tell me, Ginmaru Gisela, what is the wish that will make your Soul Gem shine?"

    I thought about it for a few moments, and then squared my shoulders and took a breath, and made the wish that would change my life.
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    Silver Knight Demonic Exorcist Witch
    Chapter Four: My Own Heart— Unlock!​


    As Madoka had the day she made the wish that changed the universe, I brought my hands up to my chest, took a deep breath and spoke my wish. "I wish I had the power to heal the people I care about. I don't want anyone to die because of me. I want everyone I care about to be able to lead the lives that they're supposed to lead. To not have them cut short. That's the only thing I want. It's what I wish for. Now, grant my wish, Madoka!"

    "Good wish." She praised, reaching into my chest and pulling out a purple ball of light. I knew it wasn't my actual soul, but it likely was my power given a form. Including my demonic power, no doubt about it, because Madoka was the type to believe that even demons deserved a chance to be good. I mean, she did have me reborn, after all, and probably other Witches as well. Like many others before you, she had said. That implied that others had been reborn as I had.

    I reached up and grabbed the ball of light, watching it turn into an amethyst Soul Gem in my hands. I had a Soul Gem. That was certainly something. I certainly never expected this, even since I awakened my memories of being a witch when I was three, but I had a Soul Gem now, and I was going to use its power for good however I could possibly manage. If we actually managed to get out of this mess we had found ourselves in, anyway. It looked a little bleak.

    "So, how do I activate this?" I wanted to know, brandishing it. "It seems like I shouldn't just go around activating it without knowing how. Based on what U— Father Fujimoto said, the Higher Ups, also known as Those In Charge, aren't happy about us being born and I shouldn't give them any more reasons to dislike and/or distrust me even more than they do."

    "It's the same phrase as your staff." The goddess replied. "You Soul Gem will activate and deactivate with your demonic powers. But, if you don't want to show your Soul Gem just yet, think of only activating your staff when you call out the passphrase. And the way to just use your Soul Gem should be obvious, I think."

    I nodded. "Yeah, it's obvious: just don't use my staff." Willing my new Soul Gem to turn into ring from, I slid it onto my left ring finger, since on my right was the ring I had gotten from the oath with Rin. Turning to him, I gestured to the altar. "We're not done talking to him." I said as Madoka faded away. Where she went I had no idea, but that didn't matter. "Shall we?"

    My fellow half-demon smirked. "We shall."

    We managed to force the altar aside again, and when the demon turned into an even bigger, even more hideous form than before, claiming that he was going to rip the guts out of each and every last one of the priests before he was through, Rin grabbed a pitchfork that had come from somewhere and hurled it at the demon.

    "Like I said, we're not done talking yet, you old fart." He declared.

    "Young prince," Asteron said, confused. "What on Earth?"

    Planting a foot on the demon, Father Fujimoto gripped his necklace and began chanting, reinforcing my suspicion that certain bible verses could exorcise demons. "Lord in Heaven, hang a millstone around his neck so that he may never again rise from the depths inhabited by Leviathan. Unable to see and unable to hear, imprisoned by eternal darkness!"

    Asteron let out a final yell as all of the darkness streamed out of his mouth. His monstrous form shrunk and became the boy from before, the leader of the hooligans.

    Geez, possessed twice in one day by the same demon. Was this guy really that unlucky or just that much of a scumbag? If I were a betting witch, which I wasn't usually, but in this case I might make an exception, I would lay money on it being the second option.

    From what little I knew, demons usually possessed humans who, shall we say, weren't exactly shining examples of morality and goodness.

    Father Fujimoto started barking orders to bring the car around and take care of the guy who had just been exorcised for the second time today and Rin protested that they should take care of their own wounds first. Father Fujimoto replied that their first and only priority was to get us safely into hiding. He told us to never forget that it was us the demons were coming after. Geez, that was cold. He could have a little more empathy for the situation we'd been thrust into. It wasn't like it was our fault that all these demons thought we were special because of who our parents were, Rin especially. And really, after all these years, he should have known better than to act that way with Rin.

    Seriously, we didn't ask to be born.

    Rin looked shocked, and then his face set in a mask of anger. "Is that right?" He asked quietly. Oh, shit. This was not good. Rin being quiet was like Yukio being loud and brash— it didn't happen. This was definitely a sign that all hell had pretty much broken loose. Just wonderful. As if things hadn't been complicated enough before now. "Then what you're saying is that everything will be fine as long as we're history."

    "No, Rin!" Father Fujimoto protested, but Rin was in no mood to listen.

    "Fine, I'll be happy to bounce." My best friend snapped, ignoring the man who had raised him. "You'd feel a lot better if I did anyway."

    "Rin!" Father Fujimoto cried, grabbing onto Rin's shoulder. Rin shook him off and told him to let go, telling him that he was the one who wanted to kick us out of here.

    "You don't have to tell me that I'm the screwed up son." He added. "Actually, we're not even related, so I'm the screwed up stranger, right?"

    "Stop it!" Father Fujimoto snapped, but again, Rin wasn't in the mood to listen.

    "Come on, why don't you admit it?! You're just sick and tired of pretending to be my family!" Rin accused. "Or is it against your religion to say something like that? Or wait, is it because you want one last time to play the perfect dad?! Give me a break, you're not my father. You're nobody to me. Don't ever let me see you acting like my father again!"

    Father Fujimoto's expression was one of hurt, but he said nothing as he raised his hand and slapped Rin across the face. My best friend looked as stunned as I felt.

    "It will be morning soon." He said, his voice very, very quiet. "Hurry. Go get your things."

    Rin just stood there, stunned, for a moment, before he acquiesced "Yeah, okay."

    We turned to go to our rooms so that we could pack up everything we wanted when the man I had considered my uncle made a noise of pain and fell to the ground.

    "No, it can't be." He gasped.

    "Father Fujimoto!" One of the priests cried, running over.

    "Stay away!" The Father choked out. "Don't come another step closer to me."

    All the lights in the room abruptly shattered, plunging us into darkness.

    "What's going on?" Rin wondered. And then Uncle Shiro started cackling in an inhuman voice that both was and wasn't his. Oh, shit, I thought I knew what that meant.

    "At long last," The voice that wasn't Uncle Shiro cackled. "I've claimed this body as my own!"

    "Old man?" Rin asked, running over to his father's side.

    "Rin, don't, he's been possessed by a demon!" I called, but my warning fell on deaf ears.

    The voice that sounded like Uncle Shiro but not couldn't have meant anything good.

    Uncle Shiro's mouth smiled, revealing pointed fangs. "Well, finally, we meet at last, my long lost son." Satan greeted as he erupted into blue flames that were very similar to Rin's own. If that meant what I thought it meant, we were in big trouble. Blue flames the same color as Rin's probably only meant one demon: his biological father, Satan. Unless Rin had half-brothers with flames the same color, it was almost certainly Satan himself.

    "What the hell is wrong with you, old man?" Rin demanded worriedly.

    "He's been possessed." One of the priests explained. "Satan has entered him and taken over his body!" Well, crap. That was even worse. Just when I thought things couldn't get much worse, things got way, way worse. How were we supposed to get rid of Satan?

    "Exactly as he says." Satan confirmed with Uncle Shiro's voice. "I am Satan. I am the ruler of Gahenna, and your true father. But you can call me 'papa' if you want." He cackled some more, and I felt my skin crawl. That guy was creepier than creepy. Hell, that guy was creepier than the Incubators, and considering they saw emotions as a mental illness, that was saying something. Of course, this was the literal devil we were talking about, so that did kind of make sense.

    "Father Fujimoto!" One of the priests cried, running forward.

    "Shut up!" The King of Gahenna snapped, and the priests became engulfed in the blue flames surrounding Satan. "Don't you dare interrupt our touching reunion. I'm afraid time is running out for me." He grabbed one clawed hand and pulled all of the fingers out of their sockets. I couldn't look and I could barely stand the sound. "You see, my power is too overwhelming for Asiah. And so whatever I possess is doomed not to last long. Just like this man's body. And just like your mother, my son." A doorway of shadows appeared on the ground, and then all manner of disgusting and creepy demons began to emerge from it. Shit, there went any chance of actually winning. "Gahenna Gate." Satan declared. "The magical gate linking Asiah and Gahenna. Now then, let's be off."

    "No, stay away. Stay away!" Rin yelled, and his body lit with blue flames the same color as Satan's. Purple flames erupted around my own body, and I gripped my staff tightly. I wasn't sure if I had a choice anymore— I might have to use my demon powers.

    Satan burst out laughing, Uncle Shiro's whole body bending backwards with the sound. "What was that supposed to be, did you just piss your pants or something?!" He grabbed Rin and started dragging him towards the gate. "Pathetic. Just get your demonic powers back already."

    "I'm not a demon!" Rin cried. "I'm a human!"

    I charged at Satan, attempting to knock him back with my staff, but he just swatted me aside with one powerful swipe of his hand. "Your mother will be here for you soon enough, brat." He told me as I picked myself up. "I suggest you not make a nuisance of yourself."

    "I'll make a nuisance of myself if I damn well please." I snapped. "I am Gisela, the Silver Witch whose Nature is Freedom, Ginmaru Gisela, daughter of Ginmaru Tanjiro, Emissary of the Law of Cycles, She Who Brings Hope, and I will not be cowed by you!"

    I brandished my staff at him, trying to keep him away from the gate, but he just swatted me away again. Rin caught sight of himself in some reflective surface, and gasped.

    He looked shocked and frightened, and seemed to suddenly doubt himself.

    "The dark blood of the god of Gahenna runs thick in your veins." Satan told Rin, still dragging him towards the portal. I managed to pick myself up again, but I wasn't sure what I could do. I had to do something, though, and fast or Satan was going to drag Rin into that portal. "Your body exists here in Asiah. You're an extraordinary being, you know." He threw Rin into the gate, who screamed in terror and horror as the weird things in it began to crawl over him. Satan cackled some more. "Splendid first try. Today is the day of your rebirth as a demon, my son." Rin yelled out for somebody to help him, but everyone but me was down. And I wasn't sure I could actually do much of anything to the god of Gahenna. Nonetheless I forced myself up and tried to stop him again, but again I was swatted away. I needed to work on my skills. "Happy birthday, my beloved son!" Satan laughed in that demented way of his.

    "No." Said Uncle Shiro's voice— his real voice, the one we had known all of our lives, not the demented mockery of it that Satan had spoken in— as one hand reached for his necklace. "It's not true. He raised the necklace, pointing the end towards his chest, and I had a horrible idea of what he was about to do. As I thought, he jabbed it into his chest. "That boy." He said firmly. "That boy is my son. I'm taking him back."

    "Curses, what do you think you're doing?!" Satan demanded. "Damn you, Exorcist!" The eerie flames faded as Uncle Shiro fell into the gate. "So you mean to sacrifice your own life for him? You astound me, you wretched priest. However, it's already too late. Gahenna Gate has taken hold of you. It will never let you go."

    "Old man!" Rin cried, anguished, fighting his way over to his father. Taking hold of him, he pleaded "Hang on! Hang on, old man, don't give up! DAD!"

    I forced myself up again, knowing what I had to do. Various memories of good times I had shared with Uncle Shiro flashed before my eyes as I focused all of my attention on my staff.
    Its runes began to glow violet and the rings and both hands glowed as well.

    I'm sorry Uncle Shiro. Please forgive me for what I'm about to do.

    I tapped my staff on the ground, twirled it in a circle with both hands, and then held it out in front of me, the runes glowing brightly along its length.

    "My own heart— unlock!"
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    Silver Knight Demonic Exorcist Witch
    Chapter Five: The Decision To Be An Exorcist​


    Rin gripped his sword and drew the blade as I was suddenly covered in purple flames. Blue flames covered Rin as he swung his sword and I slammed my staff down onto the Gahenna Gate. As the sun rose, the Gate disappeared, leaving just us, the priests, and Uncle Shiro.

    Rin sheathed his sword and knelt to the ground, but I waited a moment to deactivate my staff. When I was sure that no other demons were coming, I held it out in front of me. "Power down." I said as softly as I could. Rin caught sight of Uncle Shiro, and tears sprang to his eyes.

    "Oh, Dad." He sobbed, looking heartbroken. I wanted to run over to him, and try to heal him, to bring him back from Death's door, but I wasn't sure if I could. He was already gone, and even if he wasn't, I was pretty sure that doing so would have also let Satan continue possessing his body. And, Uncle Shiro or not, it wasn't a risk I was willing to take.

    "Rin?" Yukio asked from the doorway. I was surprised to see him, since I thought he was already at the True Cross dorms. When he saw Uncle Shiro, he ran over to him, and looked similarly heartbroken when he realized that his father was dead. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. I had to be strong, had to be the shoulder that Rin could cry on. From the way that Yukio didn't go to Rin at all, he wasn't going to do it. And besides, Rin and I were bonded somehow. I didn't really understand it, but somehow, he and I were connected and would be for the rest of our lives. That meant that it was my job to help him.

    After the funeral, the very next day, Rin pulled out the cellphone that Uncle Shiro had given him and called the number. As soon as he did, however, another phone nearby started ringing. I looked around to see that we were surrounded by men in robes. I gripped my staff tightly, preparing to activate it and my Soul Gem, but held off for now. I wasn't sure if I could actually fight these guys off. I had no idea the limits of my strength, and I had basically no skill with a staff. If I survived this encounter, I really needed to work on that. If these guys were veterans, as I suspected they were, I had no chance against them.

    "At last, we meet." A voice over the phone and near us at the same time said. I looked to see the only man not wearing robes, wearing a white suit and top hat and purple gloves. "I am Mephistopheles." He introduced himself, bowing in a grandiose manner. "Precept of the Japan branch of the Knights of the True Cross." True Cross? Did this have anything to do with True Cross Academy? "Father Fujimoto was a dear friend. My thoughts are with you in your time of sorrow." It was hard to tell with this guy, but he certainly didn't sound like he meant that. At least, not sincerely. But as I said it was hard to tell with him. Who was he?

    "Are you all Exorcists too?" I demanded of them, feeling on edge.

    "I'm afraid we are, yes." Mephistopheles agreed. "And we know all about the two of you. Father Fujimoto and Ginmaru Tanjiro tried to raise you as normal human children. Unfortunately, your true natures decided to poke their ugly little heads out. Not to offend, but having the son of Satan and the daughter of Lilith running loose in Asiah puts the whole of Mankind in the worst jeopardy. Therefor, we are here in the name of the Vatican to exterminate you before you pop off again."

    "Hey, I thought you were gonna offer us protection?!" Rin snarled.

    Mephistopheles' face spread into a smug sort of smile. "Oh, that's personal, dear boy. This is business. Now then, you have two options to choose from: the first one is, we kill you. The second, try to kill us and run. Apologies," He chucked lightly, and I really wanted to punch that stupid smug face of his. "You also have the option of committing suicide. There, that's three. Now, you have your options. Make your choice, sir, madam."

    "Let us join up with you." Rin growled.

    The man's face turned shocked. "Hah?" He said, intelligently.

    "You can say what you want, think what you want. I don't give a damn." My best friend continued, and I took this moment to turn my Soul Gem ring into Gem form. "But get this straight: Satan is not my father. I only have one dad, and his name was Fujimoto Shiro."

    "I'll claim Madoka as my mother," I added, showing them my Soul Gem. "She who gave me a new life. I swore to do good when I made my wish, and I won't break my word to her."

    I had no idea what sort of contact they had with Madoka, but they clearly knew about her, based on what Uncle Shiro had said. 'Lady Madoka' he had called her. That implied a certain level of respect. And it had just rolled off his tongue as if he were used to using the title.

    "Let me get this straight, kids," Mephistopheles began, looking a little confused. "You want to be Exorcists like Father Fujimoto. Uh, may I ask you something? Why would someone like the two of you want to become an Exorcist?"

    "I told you, didn't I?" I spoke first. "I was granted a wish and I swore that I would do good. I won't let this new life I've been given go to waste."

    "I'm going to beat the shit out of Satan!" Rin announced, looking madder than I'd ever seen him. The man's eyes widened in almost comic shock and disbelief at the declaration. And then he started laughing. "What the hell is so funny?" Mephistopheles apparently thought that the son of Satan and daughter of Lilith working as Exorcists was 'brilliant' or some such nonsense. At least it got him to agree to let us attend the exorcist school.

    The church was rebuilt in two days, somehow. During that time, Rin and I packed up everything that we had and prepared to move. Yukio was oddly silent about everything and barely spoke to Rin or I, making me believe that he at least knew something about the whole demons being real thing. I wasn't sure how Rin and I could now see them, but I was sure that Yukio could too. I couldn't prove a damn thing, but his behavior really made me think that he could.

    After saying our goodbyes, we stood outside the front gate, waiting for Clown Suit to arrive. He was late, but showed up in a pink limo of all things. Rin, who was standing in the road, almost got run over. Moron. He was certainly shocked, though, when Clown Suit stepped out. He demanded to know where the guy was taking us and Clown suit told him True Cross Academy, as if it should have been obvious. Which it probably should have— Knights of the True Cross, True Cross Academy, what were the odds that they weren't somehow related? Apparently the guy in the clown suit was the director of True Cross Academy, which we were now full time students of. So no pressure or anything.

    "So they are related." I said. "The Knights of the True Cross and True Cross Academy."

    "Exactly!" Mephistopheles agreed, delighted.

    "Sorry to keep you waiting." Yukio said, smiling as he walked towards us, a bag slung over one shoulder. "I'm so glad this worked out. This way you and I can stay together, and Gisela too. Thank you for helping us out, Mister Faust." The title had a sort of teasing lilt to it, like he knew that that wasn't really 'Mister Faust's' real name. Just how much did Yukio know about the world of Exorcists? I focused on him as Clown Suit explained that officially his name was Johan Faust the Fifth, but only officially. What did Yukio know?

    We all got into the limo and were soon on our way. Pretty much the whole time, I was staring at my Soul Gem ring, wondering if I would meet any other witches at True Cross Academy. If I did, would they be angry that Madoka had granted me a wish? If I ran into the witches of the co-called Holy Quintet, would they dismiss me? I was never exactly a very important witch. Certainly a witch with above average strength, only a little above average, and definitely nothing particularly special. Not like Oktavia, Candeloro, Kriemhild Gretchen, Ophelia, or Homulilly. Would the other witches ignore me out of spite because I had a Soul Gem? I had absolutely no idea if they would or not.

    When we arrived at True Cross Academy, I put away my Soul Gem and reluctantly changed into my uniform. I felt ridiculous, since it was pink and yellow of all colors, but I had to put up with it if I wanted to be an Exorcist. I listened with half an ear to Rin's attempts to engage Yukio in conversation. Yukio hardly said anything at all to his twin, most unlike him. Did he know what really happened three nights ago, the night Uncle Shiro sacrificed himself for Rin and I? I happened to catch a glimpse of his hand, and my heart stopped for a moment. On Yukio's right ring finger was an aquamarine ring, very much like the ones that Rin and I now wore. But who had he sworn that oath to, and why?

    We continued to the orientation, where Yukio was named the Freshman Class representative, which didn't surprise me. He had certainly studied his ass off to get here, so he was definitely an obvious choice. Hard to believe that he used to be a little crybaby who got bullied and was scared of basically everything. He had definitely grown up.

    After Yukio's speech, we were given a tour of the campus, and everything about it was huge. I swear the designers thought that there was no such thing as too big. As the tour ended, we were told to go to our dorms and get settled in, but neither of us had any idea where they were, because our coming here was such a last minute thing.

    Just as Rin started to freak out, we saw a dog wearing a bow like the one Clown Suit had been wearing. Did have the ability to turn into a dog or something? That would make sense, since he was the headmaster of the Exorcist school. It took off running, and we didn't see much of a choice other than following it, so we followed. Once we were well out of view from anyone else, the dog climbed a light fixture and turned into Clown Suit. I thought so.

    "Pardon me," He said when Rin looked startled. "But it would be unseemly for the director to be caught prowling around the halls during the day."

    "Can all Exorcists do that?" I asked, interested, as Rin freaked out.

    "God, no." Mephistopheles chuckled. "Although I am an exception." He tossed us each an old fashioned gold key. I caught it with both hands and looked at it, interested. I figured I'd probably make things thing into a necklace or something to keep it with me. "That key grants access to the cram school through any door at any time."

    "Cram school?" I echoed.

    "It's where you'll train to become Exorcists." The man explained. "Each day, you'll attend normal high school classes. But afterward, you'll train at the cram school to become a Page. While you study exorcism, you'll be considered an Exorcist in training. Your high school classes don't start until next week, but cram school? Oh, that starts today. I trust you're ready to begin?" He leaned in closer to both of us. I resisted the urge to whack him with my staff.

    It probably wouldn't work, for one, and for another, that would be really, really rude and might get me kicked out of True Cross. I gripped my staff firmly and replied "I'm ready." as Rin said that he had never been readier. We were then warned to keep our parentage to ourselves, and to not show our flames, which seemed kind of obvious to me. When we agreed to that, the man jumped down from the light fixture and landed gracefully on the ground. We both tried to emulate what he had done, but ended up falling flat on our faces for our trouble. That was going to be another thing I wanted to practice doing.

    We opened the door and stepped inside a hallway that looked very different than the school proper. Red and black tiles covered the floor, and green, gold, red and black columns supported the ceiling. Before I had a chance to decide how I felt about the change in style, we were led to the classroom where the freshmen would meet.

    I wondered if Yukio would be in this class with us. He seemed to know about demons.

    "What you thinking about, Gisela?" Rin asked curiously as the director turned into a dog.

    "Yukio." I shrugged. Focusing on Rin, I tried to talk to him telepathically so that the director wouldn't hear me. He knows something, I'm sure of it. He's barely talked to either of us, especially you, since Uncle Shiro's funeral. And then there was the way that he said the director's official name. I'd almost call it teasing, as if he knows that that isn't really Mephistopheles' name. I mean, Faust of all names? I mean, Kyubey's contract is practically the definition of a Faustian bargain. I'm certain that Yukio knows something.

    Rin didn't answer me, but he looked thoughtful as we opened the doors to the classroom. "I'm Okumura Rin." He introduced himself, to a general lack of response.

    "Ginmaru Gisela." I added to a similar reaction. I took a brief look at my Soul Gem, but it wasn't glowing. So that meant that there either weren't any witches in this class, or if there were, my Soul Gem didn't glow for them. I was inclined to believe the former. No idea why but I thought it was the former.

    "What's up with these guys?" Rin wanted to know.

    "They're Exorcists in training. Here to learn the ropes, just like you. Some of them haven't received their Temptaints yet, while others have already been afflicted." The man turned dog explained. When Rin asked what a Temptaint was, he explained "It's a wound or a disease inflicted by demons. Since being inflicted with a Temptaint enables one to see demons, it's sort of like a rite of passage that every Exorcist must undergo. Well, in your cases there's no need for it, is there? I mean, you are demons after all." We both scowled but didn't say anything. Technically, we were demons. Didn't want anything to do with our demonic parents, but technically, we were both half demon. Was there a word for that?

    Then our instructors arrive. One was Yukio, which somehow didn't surprise me based on everything he seemed to know, and the other was—

    Oh, you have got to be kidding me. I thought.

    The other instructor was a tall girl with pink hair that was done up in pigtails tied by red ribbons. Her eyes were golden, and her skin was pale.

    Looking down at my Soul Gem confirmed what I already knew: this girl was a witch. And not just any witch. Because standing at the front of the classroom, a rose quartz ring on her right ring finger, was the Queen of Witches herself.

    Kriemhild Gretchen, the Witch of Salvation whose Nature is Mercy, the Witch of Kaname Madoka who became the Law of Cycles.

    "Hells bells." I breathed.
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    Silver Knight Demonic Exorcist Witch
    Chapter Six: The Queen Of Witches Herself​


    Confused and curious at my reaction, Rin pointed at Kriemhild Gretchen (seriously, what was Kriemhild freaking Gretchen doing here?), made an L shape with his right hand and pressed his thumb to his chin and then bent his pointer finger. Who's that?

    I stuck my middle and pointer fingers up with my thumb pressing against them, turned my hand sideways with my thumb and pointer finger sticking out, paused for a moment to indicate a new word then turned it down so that it pointed at the ground, made an O shape with my fingers, then stuck my pointer, middle and ring fingers up with my thumb touching my pinky. KG, QOW. And then I waved my Soul Gem for emphasis.

    I watched as Rin slowly translated KG, QOW to Kriemhild Gretchen, Queen of Witches, and nearly laughed as he hastily bit down on a yelp. He pointed at Kriemhild and then stuck a hand palm out in the direction of my Soul Gem. She's Her witch?

    I made a nodding motion with my fist. Yep. The Queen of Witches looked at us, eyebrows raised. I had no idea if she knew any American Sign Language, let alone could translate what the letters I had spelled meant, but she certainly guessed that we were having a conversation about her and witches from her expression. She knew something.

    "We'll be your instructors." Yukio's voice rang out, confident and clear, strong and authoritative, and very different than the soft, gentle voice that I was used to hearing him speak in. This was going to be an adjustment. "Our names are Okumura Yukio,"

    "And Kaname Kriemhild." The Queen of Witches added, picking up smoothly where Yukio left off. Kaname. How fitting. Still, I had to wonder— just how long had they been bonded to eachother? Why had I never known about her before now? What made them swear the oath?

    Nodding, Yukio smiled. "We'll be the teachers for the Anti-Demon Pharmaceuticals class."

    I glared at him, running my finger along the desk in a specific pattern. When the three of us were in Elementary school, we had created a 'language' that was 'spoken' by running our fingers on the desks so we could talk in class without getting in trouble. Rin and I used it more than Yukio, but he at least knew it. How long have you known about demons? For that matter, when were you going to tell me that you're bonded by whatever the hell oath that is to the Queen of Witches of all people?

    Until recently, Yukio replied. I couldn't tell you about her, or about this. I swore the oath with Kriemhild three years ago, when we were twelve. We were facing something pretty difficult, so Dad had us swear the oath to eachother. We pooled our powers to get out of it.

    It's called Aphrodite's Oath. A new 'voice' broke into the conversation. Or at least that's what Father Fujimoto called it. I don't think I need to explain why he likely calls it that. I take it there was no time to explain when the two of you swore?

    No. I replied. We were kind of facing a really impossible situation, so Uncle Shiro didn't get much time to explain anything. I squeezed my staff, which I had charmed with a mild nothing to see here sort of illusion that made people's eyes slide over it.

    We can talk more later. For now, you should rein in your bonded. Kriemhild suggested. He looks like he's about to do something stupid.

    I grimaced; when was Rin not about to do something stupid? Don't say anything. I thought at Rin, hoping he would hear me. Keep your head down for the time being. For the love of all things sacred, don't challenge Yukio in front of the students he's supposed to be teaching.

    Gisela? I heard you that time, loud and clear. Rin sounded confused.

    Don't do anything stupid. Remember what Raoul says to Kel in Squire in regards to the king?

    Rin looked bewildered. No. What's that got to do with anything?

    I bit back a sigh. Don't beard a monarch in public. Or in this case, don't beard a teacher in front of the students he's supposed to be teaching. Rin ignored me, demanding to know what Yukio's problem was. Yukio brushed him off, saying he'd been studying Exorcism since he was seven and that he finished the last of his courses two years ago. Clown Suit explained that the two of them were the youngest people to have ever attained the rank of Knight. Thankfully, that shut Rin up for the time being. But knowing him as I did, it was a big, fat for the time being. Likely before the end of class, Rin was going to open his big mouth and challenge Yukio.

    Yukio and Kriemhild surveyed the room. "Is there anyone here who hasn't yet received their Temptaint?" Yukio asked. Three people raised their hands. "Okay, three. Well in that case, let's start with the Temptaint ritual. Mephistopheles explained that demons would be summoned and those of our classmates who hadn't received their Temptaint would get one. I wasn't sure that sounded safe, but from what Clown Suit said, Exorcists needed to have a Temptaint to be able to see demons, so it was something that needed to be done.

    "The room we're in isn't normally used," Kriemhild continued. "So goblins have moved in. Goblins, if you didn't already know, are a type of demon." One of the students wanted to know if that was safe. I thought they wouldn't do it if it wasn't safe.

    "Yes, it's safe." Yukio reassured her. "A goblin is a low level demon. A mischief maker, so they're perfect for rituals like this." He opened his case and pulled something out. I couldn't see what it was because Rin stood up abruptly. Damn it, I told him not to make trouble for Yukio. For that matter, bonded though she might have been to Yukio, it probably wasn't a good idea to make trouble for the Queen of Witches herself. She was way more experienced than both of us put together. She could probably beat us up without even trying. Without even making it seem like she was doing anything, for that matter. She was the Queen of Witches for a reason.

    Catching both Yukio and Kriemhild's eyes, I pointed at myself, made strangling motions with my hands, pointed at Rin, and then moved my palm in a circular motion in front of my chest, looking hopeful. Can I strangle him, please?

    Kriemhild looked like she wanted to laugh and waved a hand. Have at it. I interpreted.

    "That being said," The witch bonded to the boy I considered my brother continued in an attempt to distract both her boyfriend and mine (was Rin my boyfriend now? We had sworn Aphrodite's Oath to eachother but had yet to actually put a name to what we were). "If they catch the scent of rotten animal blood, they become excited and turn ferocious."

    It didn't work. Rin kept insisting that needed to talk to Yukio, until his twin finally gave in and sent everyone but Kriemhild Rin and I out. "Rin." I snapped at my best friend. "Now is neither the time nor the place for this. You can have it out later in private, but you don't go confronting a teacher in public, in front of the students he's supposed to be teaching. He's your twin for Madoka's sake, and he's not the scared little kid that he used to be. Try to understand that."

    "Thank you, Gisela," Yukio started to say, before I rounded on him.

    "And you," I added. "That goes both ways. If you would just talk to Rin, maybe he wouldn't be badgering you in class like this. If you would explain things to him, he wouldn't be so angry. Is there some rule that says that twins either have to love eachother or hate eachother? Because you're sure acting like there is. The pair of you are the stupidest morons I've ever met!"

    "Like you're any better, hiding your crush on Rin for several years hoping he'd notice." Yukio muttered, and Rin looked startled, looking back and forth between us.

    Furious— that was my secret to tell, not his, and he had just blurted it out in front of two complete strangers (I liked Kriemhild so far, but I didn't know her very well just yet)— I lunged at him, intent on delivering a good smack with its solid holly length. Yukio looked pleadingly at Kriemhild, who pointedly took a step farther away from him with a nod to me. This is your mess, She seemed to be saying. Fix it yourself.

    My blow landed and I heard a satisfying crack as I brought the staff down on his hand, the one not holding the animal blood, and then before he could react, swept the sword up and whacked him on the head. "That. Was my secret. To tell." I growled, feeling some of my inner demon come out in my fury. "Not yours. I told you that secret expecting that it was stay a secret. Not that you would blurt it out because I called you out on your bullshit."

    Setting the blood on the desk for a moment, Yukio turned to Rin. "Well, we're alone." He said. "If you wanna ask me something, now's your chance."

    Beside me, Kriemhild sighed. "This is going to get ugly." She muttered. "Can you create a Labyrinth? If not, I can show you how. But one needs to be created right here, right now. Because the pair of them have some things they need to get out of their systems, apparently."

    I thought about it for a moment, and then nodded slightly. "Yeah." I said, nodding more firmly this time. "I think I can do it. Okay, tell me if I do this wrong. Here goes something." I knelt to the ground and placed my hand on the floor, hoping to create a half decent Labyrinth and impress the Queen of Witches.

    Immediately the world around us changed, becoming a slightly blurry, flickering copy of the monastery, but with an altar to Madoka instead of one to God, a few racks of wooden staves, and several motorcycles parked outside. I felt the goblins being brought along with us, but there was nothing that I could do about that. I wasn't skilled enough with making one of these things yet to not bring everyone within the distance I specified; in this case, the inside of this classroom. Inspecting it critically, Kriemhild nodded. "Not bad for a first attempt." She said.

    Rin hardly even bothered to pay attention to any of what was happening. "Would you knock it off?!" He snarled at his twin. "Just drop the act! I wanna know what's going on." He looked at Clown Suit, who had remained. Clown Suit just looked at him with that same blank expression he always seemed to have on his face in dog form and told Yukio to explain away.

    "It's like I already said, I became an Exorcist two years ago." Yukio said, his head titled in such a way that the light obscured his glasses, making his eyes and his expression unreadable. "And, when I was seven, that's when I started training for it. Right after Dad suggested it."

    "The old man?" Rin said quietly, his voice not so snarly anymore. "You mean, you've known about the work he was doing? You've known this whole time?"

    "I did." Yukio confirmed. "You and Gisela were the only ones who didn't know, Rin. I got my Temptaint when I was born. You were the demon who gave it to me. I've been able to see demons for as long as I can remember."

    "No way." Rin breathed, and then grabbed his twin by the shoulders and pushed him closer to the chalkboard. "What the hell?! Why'd you keep it a secret?! Why didn't you say anything?! Why didn't you tell me about it before?!"

    "Let go of me!" Yukio snapped but Rin merely pinned him completely up against the chalkboard, demanding that his twin answer him. Unfortunately, this had the unintended result of knocking the blood to the floor. It reeked, but I didn't let that deter me from attempting to whack any demons that I saw. Unfortunately, a staff wasn't nearly as effective as Yukio's guns or Kriemhild's bow (of course she had a bow, why would she not?) as they quickly and very methodically, as if they'd done this a hundred times, picked off the demons that got close enough for them to shoot at. Yukio handled short range while Kriemhild took long range. A well oiled machine, those two were. When Yukio pointed his gun at Rin, I nearly lost my temper again and activated my staff right then and there. But I managed to rein it in, barely, because Rin didn't need me fighting his battles for him. And he wouldn't thank me if I hurt his twin. "Those are hobgoblins, Rin." The technically younger twin announced. "And now that we've riled them up, there's going to be more. We'll take care of them. Gisela, drop the Labyrinth and wait with Rin outside—" Rin bared his fangs and lunged.

    "But I'm not done yet!" He snapped, snatching up his sword. "All these years— all that time— what'd you think of me? Of us?"

    "What did I think of you?" Yukio echoed. "That should be obvious." He casually shot a few of the hobgoblins over his back. Holy hell he was good with those things. "I mean you are demons, aren't you? As far as I was concerned you were both threats! You still are."

    "Wrong thing to say to them." Kriemhild warned her boyfriend lightly.

    "My God, you're such idiots, and it's a mystery to me why you even want to become Exorcists." The younger of the twins continued coldly. "For revenge? Or maybe you're trying to wipe away all the guilt you feel over our father's death. If that's really how you feel, then you should surrender to the Knights of the True Cross. Better yet, you should just die."

    "You think it's our fault the old man died?" His twin said quietly. "Is that it?"

    "Would I be wrong if I did?" The younger shot back, reminding us that Uncle Shiro was protecting us the whole time, and even he knew that. He was also, apparently, the only person in the whole world who could resist being possessed by Satan, which made the Lord of Gahenna want him even more. Which explained his words when he'd finally managed it. I didn't remember what they were exactly, but I did remember the words 'at least' or something like that. Uncle Shiro been resisting, until Rin's words that night. Which was why Yukio thought that Rin was the reason for his death. And it got better— he knew what my wish was and thought I could have saved him. But I was still absolutely certain that I couldn't have- not without also bringing Satan back too, and that would have made matters worse.

    Rin told Yukio that he was right, that he was an idiot, but reminded him that they were still brothers and told him not to point the gun at him as he was lit with blue flames. Seeing why he was calling on his demon powers, I did the same, willing my Soul Gem not to activate this time. I tapped my staff on the ground, twirled it in a circle, and called out "My own heart—unlock!" I glared at Yukio. "We didn't kill Uncle Shiro, and I don't think I could have saved him. But if you really want to shoot us, go ahead." We ran towards him, and then right passed him as he struggled to keep his gun trained on one of us. Rin sliced the demon that had appeared behind Yukio in half, while I battered the thing with blows I hoped had some actual technique in them. They probably didn't, but I could dream at least.

    "Don't insult me." Rin growled as he sheathed his sword, letting his demon power go now that he didn't need it. "I'm not going to fight my twin brother."

    "Don't insult me either." I put in. "I might have sworn an oath to Rin, but you're still like my brother, Yukio. I won't fight you." I held my staff out in front of me. "Power down." My purple flames faded and I let the Labyrinth go. The flickering, blurry monastery faded and the classroom returned. I'd need to work on that, along with a million other skills.

    "What was Father like, before he died?" Yukio asked quietly, the question at once a peace offering and an apology that he couldn't say.

    "He kicked ass." Rin answered. "He died trying to protect me to the end."

    "Being an Exorcist isn't about revenge or anything like that." I added. "It's about making sure that we're strong enough that no one else dies because of us."
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    I'm not retyping my whole review, but I super loved the story. The grammar nitpicks I remember: you forgot to capitalize Bible in a couple of places, and I think you meant beset, not best, by demons. Also the extra quotation when Yukio says he's ready to move into the dorms.