- 18
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- 18
- Years
- Idaho, USA
- Seen Apr 8, 2011
After look through some of the forums I've noticed that a lot of people have question on a Pokemon Custom Battle System (PCBS). So I thought I would give it a try… and here's a simple PCBS that I came up with.
First off this is not going to be exactly like the Pokemon games. It will just give you a ruff idea on how to make one… What'll be missing, the menu, and basically every thing dealing with stats… but don't worry this will be a good start if you're not sure how to make one.
Things you need.
2.The cbstutorial.zip (Edit you really don't need this, bbg is a background image, and the other are self explanitory)
3. Time it's long tutorial
Let's Get Started…
Create a small map 20 x 15 and name it "CBS" or something of the sort…
Create a small map 20 x 15 and name it whatever you want (I named my "Map") and apply a Pokemon Chipset to it.
Change your hero to a Pokemon Charset.
Fill the area with grass… and make the outsides of the map trees….
Add your players starting position somewhere in the middle of the map.
Add a small patch of grass in front of you Hero… (So you don't have to walk far when testing.)
Enter event mode (F7) and double click on the grass area to add an event…
Change the "Event Start Condition" to "On Hero Touch"… this changes it to when the hero touches the event it becomes active.
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Erase Screen" (Page 2)
Change the "Erase Screen Type" to "Mosaic"… this obviously erases the screen in a mosaic way...
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Teleport" (Page 2)
Teleport it somewhere on the map "CBS"… teleports your Hero to the "CBS" map
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Set Hero Transparency" (Page 2)
Check "Transparency" in the "Hero Transparency Settings"… this makes your Hero to where he/she is unable to be seen…
(Optional way to do this is to change the CharSet to a blank CharSet)
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Disable Status Menu" (Page 3)…
Make sure disable is checked…. This makes you unable to call the status menu.
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Show Screen" (Page 2)
Change the "Show Screen Type" to "Mosaic"… this obviously shows the screen in a mosaic way...
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Show Picture" (Page 2)
"Pic Number" = "1"… Select Picture "bbg" (Provided in the zip)
"Position" X=160 Y=120… "Transparency" = None
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Show Picture" (Page 2)
"Pic Number" = "2"… Select Picture "bbg02" (Provided in the zip)
"Position" X=160 Y=200… "Transparency" = None
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Show Picture" (Page 2)
"Pic Number" = "3"… Select Picture "025pikachu_front" (Provided in the zip)
"Position" X= 35 Y=35… "Transparency" = Stir (Not sure what stir is… but its opposite of none)
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Move Picture" (Page 2)
"Pic Number" = "3"…
"Position" X=285 Y=35…
Explanation… the first 2 events shows the backgrounds.
The third event shows the Spirit Pikachu on the left of the screen.
The last event moves Pikachu over to the right of the screen.
Side note… always make sure that you have different pictures set to different "Pic Number"
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Show Message" (Page 1)
Type "Wild Pikachu appeared!"
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Show Message" (Page 1)
Type "Go! Charmander!"
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Show Picture" (Page 2)
"Pic Number" = "4"… Select Picture "004charmander_back" (Provided in the zip)
"Position" X= 35 Y=142… "Transparency" = Stir
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Change Variable" (Page 1)
Click on the button with 3 small dots… add a variable called "Your Health"
Under "Variable Settings" check the radial button "Set"
Under "Operand" check the radial button "Set"… enter "25" for the value.
Explanation what this does is the variable "Your Health" represents the health of you Pokemon…
Setting it to 25 gives you Pokemon a health of you guessed it 25.
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Change Variable" (Page 1)
Click on the button with 3 small dots… add a variable called "Enemy Health"
Under "Variable Settings" check the radial button "Set"
Under "Operand" check the radial button "Random"… enter "15" to "20" for the value.
Explanation… does the same as the one above…
Except it's for your enemy and it gives the a random health of 15 to 20
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Change Variable" (Page 1)
Click on the button with 3 small dots… add a variable called "Potions"
Under "Variable Settings" check the radial button "Set"
Under "Operand" check the radial button "Set"… enter "3" for the value.
Explanation… it gives you 3 potions…
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Change Switch" (Page 1)
Click on the button with 3 small dots… add a switch called "Your Turn"
Under "Switch Settings" check "ON"
Explanation this turn the switch "Your Turn" on… which activates the next event below…
Now go to the map "CBS"
Double click anywhere to add an event and name it "Your Turn"
Under "Event Condition" check "Switch" click the button next to it
and choose the "Your Turn" switch.
Under "Event Start Condition" selected "Parallel Process"
Explanation this tells the event only to do this event if the switch "Your Turn" has been turned on…
This was the last event we did on the "Map" map…
Now in the "Event Command" double click and add "Fork Condition" (Page 3)
Check the radial button "Variable" and choose the variable "Your Health"
Check the radial button "Set" and enter a value of "1"
Then on the drop down choose "Above"
Under "Options" make sure "Add Else Case" is checked
Explanation… This tells the event that if "Your Health" (The variable we set to 25)
is 1 and above to proceed to the first fork event... If "Your Health" is not 1 or above it
will go the "Else Case"
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Show Choice" (Page 1)
"Choice One" = Attack
"Choice Two" = Item
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Change Switch" (Page 1)
Make sure that you double click under "[Attack] Case"
Under "Choose Switch" check "One" click the button and add the switch "You Attack"
Under "Switch Settings" check "ON"
Explanation… This turn the switch "You Attack" on… which will be use here shortly.
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Change Switch" (Page 1)
Make sure that you double click under "[Item] Case"
Under "Choose Switch" check "One" click the button and add the switch "You Item"
Under "Switch Settings" check "ON"
Explanation… same as the one before but for the items (Which is your potions)…
Now go down to the "Else Case" and add "Change Switch" (Page 1)
Under "Choose Switch" check "One" click the button and add the switch "You Death"
Under "Switch Settings" check "ON"
Explanation…Will be used later on…
Now go out of the even "Your Turn" and Double click a new area to create a new Event
Name it "You Attack"
Under "Event Condition" check "Switch" click the button next to it
and choose the "Your Attack" switch.
Under "Event Start Condition" selected "Parallel Process"
Explanation this tells the event only to do this event if the switch "Your Attack" has been turned on…
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Change Switch" (Page 1)
Under "Choose Switch" selected "Your Turn"
Under "Switch Settings" check "OFF"
Explanation this tells the event to turn off the event "Your Turn"
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Show Choice" (Page 1)
"Choice 1" = Scratch
"Choice 2" = Growl (Note: this one really won't do anything)
Under "[Scratch] Case" is where you would add your pictures to animate the attack… so
Double click and add "Show Picture" (Page 2)
"Pic Number" = "20" "Select Picture" = "animattack_scratch01"
"Position" X= 285 Y=35… "Transparency" = Stir
Explanation… by know you should be starting to get it!
In the "Event Command" still under "[Scratch] Case" double click and add "Wait" (Page 2)
"Timer" = "3"
Explanation… waits for .3 seconds
In the "Event Command" still under "[Scratch] Case" double click and add "Erase Picture"
"Pic Number" = "20"
Erases Picture 20
Still under "[Scratch] Case" Double click and add "Show Picture" (Page 2)
"Pic Number" = "21" "Select Picture" = "animattack_scratch02"
"Position" X= 285 Y=35… "Transparency" = Stir
In the "Event Command" still under "[Scratch] Case" double click and add "Wait" (Page 2)
"Timer" = "2"
In the "Event Command" still under "[Scratch] Case" double click and add "Erase Picture"
"Pic Number" = "21"
In the "Event Command" still under "[Scratch] Case" double click and add "Show Message"
"Charmander used Scratch"
In the "Event Command" still under "[Scratch] Case" double click and add "Change Variable"
Check "One" select "Enemy Health"
Under "Variable Settings" check "-"
Under "Operand" check "Random" set "5" to "8"
Explanation…. When you use the attack "Scratch" the "Enemy Health" will decrease
By a random number from 5 to 8.
In the "Event Command" still under "[Scratch] Case" double click and add "Change Switch"
Turn OFF the "You Attack" switch.
In the "Event Command" still under "[Scratch] Case" double click and add "Change Switch"
Turn ON the "Enemy Turn" switch.
Now under the "[Growl] Case" you can use the same method as "Scratch"
Since this tutorial is getting pretty long I'm gonna skip to the enemy Turn.
Add another event on the "CBS" map and call it "Enemy Turn"
Under "Event Condition" select the switch "Enemy Turn"
Under "Event Start Condition" selected "Parallel Process"
In the "Event Command" add a "Fork Condition"
Check "Variable" select "Enemy Health"
Check "Set" input "1"
Change to "Above"
Check "Add Else Case"
Explanation… this is just like the "Your Turn"
Add all you animations for pikachus thunder shock
In the "Event Command" add a "Show Message"
"Pikachu used Thunder Shock!"
In the "Event Command" add a "Change Variable"
Check "One" select "Your Health"
"Random" "2" to "5"
Explanation… Thunder Shock will do anywhere from 2 to 5 damage
In the "Event Command" add a "Change Switch"
Turn OFF "Enemy Turn"
In the "Event Command" add a "Change Switch"
Turn ON "Your Turn"
Explanation… This turn off the "Enemy Turn" and turns on "Your Turn"
allowing you to go
Now under "Else Case"
In the "Event Command" add a "Show Message"
"Wild Pikachu Fainted"
In the "Event Command" add a "Change Switch"
Turn OFF "Enemy Turn"
Turn ON "Enemy Death"
Go back to the "CBS" Map double click to add another event
Name "Enemy Death"
"Event Condition" set to "Enemy Death"
"Event Start Condition" set to "Parallel Process"
In the "Event Command" add events "Change Switch" to turn off
The following switches… "Your Turn" "You Attack" "You Item" "Enemy Turn"
In the "Event Command" add a "Show Message"
Something like you won… yadayadayada…
In the "Event Command" add a "Teleport"
Back to the "Map" map… the one you start at…
In the "Event Command" add a "Change Switch"
Add switch "After Battle" "ON"
Go back to the "Map" map… and open the event you first created
Create a new page… under "Event Conditions" select switch "After Battle"
Insert the event to set your Hero's transparency back to normal….
For the "You Item" you basically use the small method as "You Attack"
For the "You Death" basically use the same as "Enemy Death"
Now hopefully I've wrote this tutorial down right…
but if you can't get something to work just send me a PM
Please give me a little break… I know this probably isn't the best way to do it… but I'm a newbie… and this it the first time I've ever used rm2k3…
One problem though is... after you win the first time and go back to the map and try to fight again... it doesnt really work right... if someone knows how to fix this please tell me!
Side note… if this doesn't work just try things out for yourself… it's a far better way to learn… For example it was 10 times easier for me to make this CBS by experimenting… then it was for me to make a CMS (Custom Menu Screen) following a tutorial.
First off this is not going to be exactly like the Pokemon games. It will just give you a ruff idea on how to make one… What'll be missing, the menu, and basically every thing dealing with stats… but don't worry this will be a good start if you're not sure how to make one.
Things you need.
2.The cbstutorial.zip (Edit you really don't need this, bbg is a background image, and the other are self explanitory)
3. Time it's long tutorial
Let's Get Started…
Create a small map 20 x 15 and name it "CBS" or something of the sort…
Create a small map 20 x 15 and name it whatever you want (I named my "Map") and apply a Pokemon Chipset to it.
Change your hero to a Pokemon Charset.
Fill the area with grass… and make the outsides of the map trees….
Add your players starting position somewhere in the middle of the map.
Add a small patch of grass in front of you Hero… (So you don't have to walk far when testing.)
Enter event mode (F7) and double click on the grass area to add an event…
Change the "Event Start Condition" to "On Hero Touch"… this changes it to when the hero touches the event it becomes active.
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Erase Screen" (Page 2)
Change the "Erase Screen Type" to "Mosaic"… this obviously erases the screen in a mosaic way...
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Teleport" (Page 2)
Teleport it somewhere on the map "CBS"… teleports your Hero to the "CBS" map
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Set Hero Transparency" (Page 2)
Check "Transparency" in the "Hero Transparency Settings"… this makes your Hero to where he/she is unable to be seen…
(Optional way to do this is to change the CharSet to a blank CharSet)
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Disable Status Menu" (Page 3)…
Make sure disable is checked…. This makes you unable to call the status menu.
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Show Screen" (Page 2)
Change the "Show Screen Type" to "Mosaic"… this obviously shows the screen in a mosaic way...
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Show Picture" (Page 2)
"Pic Number" = "1"… Select Picture "bbg" (Provided in the zip)
"Position" X=160 Y=120… "Transparency" = None
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Show Picture" (Page 2)
"Pic Number" = "2"… Select Picture "bbg02" (Provided in the zip)
"Position" X=160 Y=200… "Transparency" = None
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Show Picture" (Page 2)
"Pic Number" = "3"… Select Picture "025pikachu_front" (Provided in the zip)
"Position" X= 35 Y=35… "Transparency" = Stir (Not sure what stir is… but its opposite of none)
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Move Picture" (Page 2)
"Pic Number" = "3"…
"Position" X=285 Y=35…
Explanation… the first 2 events shows the backgrounds.
The third event shows the Spirit Pikachu on the left of the screen.
The last event moves Pikachu over to the right of the screen.
Side note… always make sure that you have different pictures set to different "Pic Number"
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Show Message" (Page 1)
Type "Wild Pikachu appeared!"
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Show Message" (Page 1)
Type "Go! Charmander!"
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Show Picture" (Page 2)
"Pic Number" = "4"… Select Picture "004charmander_back" (Provided in the zip)
"Position" X= 35 Y=142… "Transparency" = Stir
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Change Variable" (Page 1)
Click on the button with 3 small dots… add a variable called "Your Health"
Under "Variable Settings" check the radial button "Set"
Under "Operand" check the radial button "Set"… enter "25" for the value.
Explanation what this does is the variable "Your Health" represents the health of you Pokemon…
Setting it to 25 gives you Pokemon a health of you guessed it 25.
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Change Variable" (Page 1)
Click on the button with 3 small dots… add a variable called "Enemy Health"
Under "Variable Settings" check the radial button "Set"
Under "Operand" check the radial button "Random"… enter "15" to "20" for the value.
Explanation… does the same as the one above…
Except it's for your enemy and it gives the a random health of 15 to 20
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Change Variable" (Page 1)
Click on the button with 3 small dots… add a variable called "Potions"
Under "Variable Settings" check the radial button "Set"
Under "Operand" check the radial button "Set"… enter "3" for the value.
Explanation… it gives you 3 potions…
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Change Switch" (Page 1)
Click on the button with 3 small dots… add a switch called "Your Turn"
Under "Switch Settings" check "ON"
Explanation this turn the switch "Your Turn" on… which activates the next event below…
Now go to the map "CBS"
Double click anywhere to add an event and name it "Your Turn"
Under "Event Condition" check "Switch" click the button next to it
and choose the "Your Turn" switch.
Under "Event Start Condition" selected "Parallel Process"
Explanation this tells the event only to do this event if the switch "Your Turn" has been turned on…
This was the last event we did on the "Map" map…
Now in the "Event Command" double click and add "Fork Condition" (Page 3)
Check the radial button "Variable" and choose the variable "Your Health"
Check the radial button "Set" and enter a value of "1"
Then on the drop down choose "Above"
Under "Options" make sure "Add Else Case" is checked
Explanation… This tells the event that if "Your Health" (The variable we set to 25)
is 1 and above to proceed to the first fork event... If "Your Health" is not 1 or above it
will go the "Else Case"
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Show Choice" (Page 1)
"Choice One" = Attack
"Choice Two" = Item
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Change Switch" (Page 1)
Make sure that you double click under "[Attack] Case"
Under "Choose Switch" check "One" click the button and add the switch "You Attack"
Under "Switch Settings" check "ON"
Explanation… This turn the switch "You Attack" on… which will be use here shortly.
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Change Switch" (Page 1)
Make sure that you double click under "[Item] Case"
Under "Choose Switch" check "One" click the button and add the switch "You Item"
Under "Switch Settings" check "ON"
Explanation… same as the one before but for the items (Which is your potions)…
Now go down to the "Else Case" and add "Change Switch" (Page 1)
Under "Choose Switch" check "One" click the button and add the switch "You Death"
Under "Switch Settings" check "ON"
Explanation…Will be used later on…
Now go out of the even "Your Turn" and Double click a new area to create a new Event
Name it "You Attack"
Under "Event Condition" check "Switch" click the button next to it
and choose the "Your Attack" switch.
Under "Event Start Condition" selected "Parallel Process"
Explanation this tells the event only to do this event if the switch "Your Attack" has been turned on…
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Change Switch" (Page 1)
Under "Choose Switch" selected "Your Turn"
Under "Switch Settings" check "OFF"
Explanation this tells the event to turn off the event "Your Turn"
In the "Event Command" double click and add "Show Choice" (Page 1)
"Choice 1" = Scratch
"Choice 2" = Growl (Note: this one really won't do anything)
Under "[Scratch] Case" is where you would add your pictures to animate the attack… so
Double click and add "Show Picture" (Page 2)
"Pic Number" = "20" "Select Picture" = "animattack_scratch01"
"Position" X= 285 Y=35… "Transparency" = Stir
Explanation… by know you should be starting to get it!
In the "Event Command" still under "[Scratch] Case" double click and add "Wait" (Page 2)
"Timer" = "3"
Explanation… waits for .3 seconds
In the "Event Command" still under "[Scratch] Case" double click and add "Erase Picture"
"Pic Number" = "20"
Erases Picture 20
Still under "[Scratch] Case" Double click and add "Show Picture" (Page 2)
"Pic Number" = "21" "Select Picture" = "animattack_scratch02"
"Position" X= 285 Y=35… "Transparency" = Stir
In the "Event Command" still under "[Scratch] Case" double click and add "Wait" (Page 2)
"Timer" = "2"
In the "Event Command" still under "[Scratch] Case" double click and add "Erase Picture"
"Pic Number" = "21"
In the "Event Command" still under "[Scratch] Case" double click and add "Show Message"
"Charmander used Scratch"
In the "Event Command" still under "[Scratch] Case" double click and add "Change Variable"
Check "One" select "Enemy Health"
Under "Variable Settings" check "-"
Under "Operand" check "Random" set "5" to "8"
Explanation…. When you use the attack "Scratch" the "Enemy Health" will decrease
By a random number from 5 to 8.
In the "Event Command" still under "[Scratch] Case" double click and add "Change Switch"
Turn OFF the "You Attack" switch.
In the "Event Command" still under "[Scratch] Case" double click and add "Change Switch"
Turn ON the "Enemy Turn" switch.
Now under the "[Growl] Case" you can use the same method as "Scratch"
Since this tutorial is getting pretty long I'm gonna skip to the enemy Turn.
Add another event on the "CBS" map and call it "Enemy Turn"
Under "Event Condition" select the switch "Enemy Turn"
Under "Event Start Condition" selected "Parallel Process"
In the "Event Command" add a "Fork Condition"
Check "Variable" select "Enemy Health"
Check "Set" input "1"
Change to "Above"
Check "Add Else Case"
Explanation… this is just like the "Your Turn"
Add all you animations for pikachus thunder shock
In the "Event Command" add a "Show Message"
"Pikachu used Thunder Shock!"
In the "Event Command" add a "Change Variable"
Check "One" select "Your Health"
"Random" "2" to "5"
Explanation… Thunder Shock will do anywhere from 2 to 5 damage
In the "Event Command" add a "Change Switch"
Turn OFF "Enemy Turn"
In the "Event Command" add a "Change Switch"
Turn ON "Your Turn"
Explanation… This turn off the "Enemy Turn" and turns on "Your Turn"
allowing you to go
Now under "Else Case"
In the "Event Command" add a "Show Message"
"Wild Pikachu Fainted"
In the "Event Command" add a "Change Switch"
Turn OFF "Enemy Turn"
Turn ON "Enemy Death"
Go back to the "CBS" Map double click to add another event
Name "Enemy Death"
"Event Condition" set to "Enemy Death"
"Event Start Condition" set to "Parallel Process"
In the "Event Command" add events "Change Switch" to turn off
The following switches… "Your Turn" "You Attack" "You Item" "Enemy Turn"
In the "Event Command" add a "Show Message"
Something like you won… yadayadayada…
In the "Event Command" add a "Teleport"
Back to the "Map" map… the one you start at…
In the "Event Command" add a "Change Switch"
Add switch "After Battle" "ON"
Go back to the "Map" map… and open the event you first created
Create a new page… under "Event Conditions" select switch "After Battle"
Insert the event to set your Hero's transparency back to normal….
For the "You Item" you basically use the small method as "You Attack"
For the "You Death" basically use the same as "Enemy Death"
Now hopefully I've wrote this tutorial down right…
but if you can't get something to work just send me a PM
Please give me a little break… I know this probably isn't the best way to do it… but I'm a newbie… and this it the first time I've ever used rm2k3…
One problem though is... after you win the first time and go back to the map and try to fight again... it doesnt really work right... if someone knows how to fix this please tell me!
Side note… if this doesn't work just try things out for yourself… it's a far better way to learn… For example it was 10 times easier for me to make this CBS by experimenting… then it was for me to make a CMS (Custom Menu Screen) following a tutorial.
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