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smeargle is horrible!!!

Big mistake.

Smeargle has the largest amount of attacks it can learn out of all Pokemon.

If you would've taken the time to use Sketch, you would've firgured that out. That 'horrible' Pokemon doesn't have the best stats, grant, but with a little EV training, it's killer.

Do respect that some people are big fans of the Pokemon. -pokes username- I felt attacked when I read the thread title.

Edit: Making a Smeargle good:

Sketch a Spore
Skecth a Sheer Cold
Skecth a Mind Reader
Sketch a Mean Look

Smeragle for the win.

And this is where the only situation where Focus Punch Weavile comes in handy.

Substitute 1st attack, and they can't spore you.
Focus Punch 2nd Time.
And if they have a Focus Sash attached, Pursuit for the KO.
Smeargle is in between IMO. It's reallpredictable and has terrible stats, but with the best movepool in the game, it can do some awesome stuff. I'd love to see what a Spore/Sub/Belly Drum/Explosion Smeargle would do...ouch. lol
Smeargle is in between IMO. It's reallpredictable and has terrible stats, but with the best movepool in the game, it can do some awesome stuff. I'd love to see what a Spore/Sub/Belly Drum/Explosion Smeargle would do...ouch. lol

Id like to see that except holding a salac berry and Extremespeed over Explosion.
explosion is a crazy idea but i freaking-like it!!!!so you may need to to some ev training and focus on its attack,right?
explosion is a crazy idea but i freaking-like it!!!!so you may need to to some ev training and focus on its attack,right?

the Ev spread would be 252att, speed......but his spread already has been made. Smogon has it, I have created several of this smeargles...i use spore,sword att,extremespeed,explosion. Come in on a frail seeper....spore it, sdance a few times, extremespeed for the (hopeful) OHKO.
and if you know it won't survive you just dance one time and then explosion!or explosion alone without swords dance
I understand, Ive tried to raise three smeargle, with dark void and they always turn out horrible
A smeargle after a single swords dance has 304 attack stat assuming perfect IVs, which is abysmal. Its barely worth blowing up. Not only that, but its HP and defences are so low its subs would be destroyed as soon as they're made. Smeargle fails offesivewise, in fact it fails on anything where it needs to rely on its stats. It's best chance, as I've already said, is as a passer where it can use its barely average speed to get a dark void in and set up.
alright guys i thing that issue is ''''''''''pwoned and closed''''''''''''''
smeargle lovers.....good luck