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  • 7,124
    cherry (dun remember how i spelled my name) needs help with deciding BW starters.

    they all suck btw.

    the grass one is a dragonair that spilled some green paint.
    the fire one is magmortar in african american format
    the water one is like swampert with a stimulated male genital on its forehead

    yeah I dont understand the evolutionary chains either.

    grass thing: A gecko does not turn into a green loch ness monster.
    fire thing: pigs do not evolve into Magmortars.
    water thing: seals do not turn into horny Swamperts


    But BW seems interesting so I might buy it but I need help deciding.

    Will it be the midget gecko, the midget snowman, or the midget bunny (you may think thats a pig but I must point out that no pigs have ears that huge)?

    o luk my county just got put under tornado watch so please recommend my starters before I die inside of mother nature!

    You can always pick a starter and dump it later. :D /going to be doing that with her Pokabu.

    However, yeah. Pick the snake.

    Lightning said:
    I like my snake. :[ I named it Taco. It's the best starter.
    I'll tell my friend Erika (I know your name is spelt different, butstill fff) that is 'nicknamed' Taco that. /brick'd
    The snake if you like cool Pokemon.

    The pig if you like HP Attackers.

    The otter if you like whatever else.
    Pokabu. Its final evolution can learn a water move when it's fire type. ttly awesome
    I'm going with the piggy myself.

    It's fully evolved form reminds me of Ganon, and that's pretty cool. XD
    How dare you degrade Smuglord to the level of a green Dragonair. You should be executed
    yeah okay well. the snake wins because it looks the best and doesnt completely suck...

    And I think I'll name it dragonair.