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Steal The Shaymin!

So much gone wrong in so much time... First, I called out my Gardevoir. "Please, help protect the ship in case those Gyarados come back. Use our bond to keep in touch.

I ran to the on board PC and made a quick switch. I ran back out on the deck and took two pokeballs off of my belt. "Let's go! Swampert flood the Earth and Salamance Wreak havoc!" Swampert appeared in the water, ready for action. I leaped up as Salamance flew under me and I landed on his back. "Follow that Gyarados! We have to get Shaymin back!" Swampert dived under the ocean and reappeared next to Omega on his SlowKing. Let me tell you, that name is misleading. I had to wrap my arms around Salamance's neck to keep from falling off as he caught up. "Ice Beam!" Both pokemon fired off a Ice Beam that struck Gyarados square in the back. The force froze the water around us, but Gyarados was little more then ticked off. Archie turned around and laughed. "You think you can defeat me? HAHAHA!"
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*It's a Slowking

I saw Shadow following quickly behind Slowking and I then I noticed his Salamence and Swampert cast Ice Beam, if I was caught in that Ice beam there was no getting Shaymin back, I told Slowking to use Reflect. Slowking quickly protected himself and me, he then used Fire fang to get through the area, I didn't know what had happened to Shadow all I saw was the Gyarados retreating. I chased after them deeper and deeper eventually reaching depths of immense pressure. I saw something down there a small floating Building. I saw a sort of docking port.

I went in closer and sure enough I got inside. The area was filled with tanks of water pokemon: Ludicolos, Relicanth, Lanturn, Frillish, Huntail, Tentacruel. Everywhere there was Water-Pokemon trapped. I continued on and found him, sitting there was Archie. "Archie!" I yelled "Release these pokemon you know the danger of the deep sea and what happened to Lawerence III" he smirked at me with a menacing grin. As he stood up a Quagsire, Milotic, Floatzel and Swanna appeared from behind his chair. I grabbed my Eelektross and Gallade and prepared for battle...
*okay so i don't wanna sound rude but instead of always refering to my Togekiss, can you refer to Chimchar, just because he's my favourite pokemon and if it was in real life, i would most likely have him out the most. Thanks*

I awoke once again lying there on the boat's deck soaking wet. I guess i was now famous for waking up from being knocked out. Omega's Roserade was looking after Chimchar, but Omega, Torrent and Shaymin were nowhere in sight. I asked Roserade what had happened. It implemented that Torrent and Omega had gone swimming. I realised i had to follow but i didnt have and water pokemon. A pokemon trader appeared next to me, He offered me Breathing berries, A new type of berry that lets you breath underwater for a couple of hours. All he ask for in return was a few Pecha berrys. Luckily i had a few in my bag. He gave me 3 berries, just enough for me, Chimchar and Togekiss. I chose Togekiss as my extra because she would be able to soar through the water just as easily as in the air, also Togekiss had perfect navigation skills. Chimchar hopped onto my shoulder and i sent out Togekiss. We jumped on an i fed us all the berries. Then we dived.

I was decending further and further into the deep blue. We reached the bottom and there laying in the sandy sea floor was a Pokeball, it was a Dusk ball. It was Omega's Houndoom. I picked it up and gave it to chimchar to hold. We traveled for a while looking for the others. Then in the distance i saw something at the surface. It was a building. An explosion came from inside. Stuff was going down. I flew up to the enterance and saw Omega with his Eelektross and Gallade, there was no sign of Torrent. There standing Opposite him was Archie with a Quagsire, Milotic, Floatzel and Swanna. I knew that it was an unfair battle, so i ran in and got Togekiss and Chimchar into the battle. Omega acknowledged that i was there but we both knew there was no time to talk. Shaymin was still in a capsule over next to Archie. I yelled "Chimchar use Scratch, Togekiss use Hyper beam". The Battle had just begun
*No problem Shadow it was just because you had called out Togekiss so I was trying to be accurate but I'll refer to your partner pokemon as Chimchar was always out of its pokeball

"Gallade use Leaf Blade! Eleketross, Wild Charge!" All the pokemon began charging at each other with immense force, as the continued fighting each other I noticed something floating near the entrance a Pokeball, I then recognized the pokeball it was Torrent's Salamence!. I ran over grabbed it quickly and threw it into battle, even thought Torrent was its master Salamence seemed willing to fight Archie, I wonder if Torrent had met Archie before. "Salamence use Dragon Claw!" It flew into the air and attacked with great force.

Suddenly the whole building began shaking with tremendous force something outside was moving it, I glanced over and saw Torrent outside on some Wailord (Torrent you can choose to include this in your next post or not). He must have convinced them to help out. I waved to him and he quickly had the Wailord he was on dive down towards the entrance. I turned back and Shadow and I continued battling Archie's pokemon who were weakening from each hit, eventually Archie's pokemon fell...
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*Thanx, also just a quick question, so far none of us have wrote about what the other actually is saying, for example we have been saying stuff like, he acknowledged, he nodded, he was shocked, and so on, i wanna know if we should actually write what the others say, as long as it doesn't effect their backstory or life in the story. It's up to you guys, I don't mind.

I looked at Omega and smiled, out of my pocket I pulled out Houndour's Pokeball, I handed it to Omega. He was so overjoyed. We turned back to face Archie but he was gone. AND SO WAS SHAYMIN!!!!!!!! This is crazy we swear that they were right there. Torrent entered and said that he had the pokemon we left up on the boat. He returned our pokeballs to us and then told us that he saw a lot of Gyrados heading to the left of the building. Just before we left to chase him, we sent out our pokemon and fed them some quick berries. As we were leaving many pokemon surrounded us and seemed to thank us, there was this one pokemon though that I had not ever seen before. It was in the shape of a heart except it was on its side. It was then that i remembered that I had lost my Pokedex on board the ship. Omega told me it was called a Luvdisc. I really thought I knew all the pokemon. But there are so many of them. We all returned most of our pokemon. With Chimchar on my shoulders we jumped back on Togekiss. The three of us still had some time left from the breathing berries. Torrent and Omega sent out their pokemon and we started heading in the direction that Archie went.

While we were traveling I asked Torrent what had happened after he left the ship till when he had all those wailords with him.
He spoke.....
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(Not posting more to the story Torrent seems required to continue)

Shadow I'm fine if you and/or Torrent want to include other users voices in the text however like you said don't affect their back story, also only include pokemon they have mentioned unless they say they swapped out pokemon or something like that. :)
(Not posting more to the story Torrent seems required to continue)

Cool, this is really fun, and I just wanted to know
Sorry guys, I actually have certain days I can log on (I know, lame), Also, Im all for it!

"After Omega dived after Archie, Swampert alerted me that 'something' was calling for help back towards the ship. As we got closer, I could see dark blue shapes surrounding the ship pushing it into a large pile of jagged rocks! I ordered Swampert to attack with Mud Shot, but he didnt move. I leaped from Salamance to Swampert's back and asked him (telepathically due to Gardevoir) what the matter was. He told me those were Wailord were trying to save the ship. Apperantly, a Gyarados had damaged the engine and sent it to its doom.

I thought fast. The Wailord were trying to push the ship against the current. Swampert, tell them to go with the current and make as hard a left as possible. The ship moved faster towards the rocks and for a second I was worried. Then, at the last possible second, they turned the ship and they were saved. Take me closer please. Swampert swam us closer so he could translate for me. Thank you Wailord. How can I repay you? Swampert told me they said A man dressed in blue had kidnapped (pokenapped?) their kids and they needed help. No problem, I told them. A boost? They understood, and when I jumped off of Swampert and over them, they Water spouted me up the side of the ship. I landed on the ship and grabbed everyone's poke balls.

Swampert, Salamance, return! I hopped onto a Wailord and hoped he understood what I needed. With a flip of the tail, we rushed to the site of the kidnapped Wailmer. We were almost there when an explosion rocked the building. I threw Salamance's poke ball towards them, hoping they got him in time."

And that's what happened.
That was interesting story to hear about how Torrent befriended the Pokemon so easily. I found that people with this trait have very high potential when it comes to pokemon.

We chatted quite easily between the three of us. We seemed to be traveling for ages. The water looked the exact same, miles and miles of emptiness. At one point we saw some more wailord swim by, but that was all. After a while I started feeling weird. I kept hearing these whispers. Omega and Torrent could here them too. We were all confused. But then all of a sudden our pokemon were feeling it too. There was a loud bang from under the water. We stayed wondering what it was. Suddenly sparkles appeared from the dark waters. Three magical Pokemon raised from the water. One in pink, one in yellow, one in blue. They looked at us, and they started talking. We couldn't understand them but the pokemon of Knowledge, Willpower and Emotions seemed to need our help...
I remembered one of them, Uxie the being of Wisdom. I wasn't going to say anything because it was only a legend and these pokemon might not have been them. The tale went that Uxie had 2 siblings; Mespirit and Azelf. Mespirit was always too emotional about life and always pestered Uxie and Azelf with questions and games. Azelf on the other hand was supposedly a short-tempered pokemon which could deafen someone with its powerful Uproar. Uxie, I knew best because of a monolith featuring Uxie. The monolith entailed...

Uxie the Being of Wisdom
Those whom seek to find the answer to everything
Will be turned down by Uxie
But those who seek the truth for what is right
Uxie greets them with an open mind
Do not deter yourself into the lust for knowledge
as it will be your demise

The one that looked like Uxie hovered lower than the others but seemed to be completely still. I glanced over at Torrent and Shadow both of them were looking at the other two pokemon...
Azelf, I remembered its name now. The blue one. The being of Willpower. It was a long time ago, but when I was very young, maybe about 5, I dreamt of Azelf. It communicated with me. Most of my friends and family told me that there is no such thing as an Azelf. I soon lost the memory of it, but it was the one in which my willpower was sourced.

Though Azelf is short tempered, it was the most playful out of the three siblings, it loved playing practical jokes on people, and playing games.

I remember a poem from long ago which for told of Azelf. It read...

Azelf of Willpower
Tempting fate with a joke
Thought the power of corage
Leave you with some hope

Azelf was floating in front of me. It span around and played with the water. I seemed to have a strong bond with Azelf, more than the other two. Chimchar smiled as I looked over at Torrent and Omega, each connecting with one of the others
Seeing Mesprit for the first time was awesome. There was no other way I could put it. I felt a surge of powerful emotions, like they were all fighting for first place to be expressed. Anger, jealousy, anticipation, joyfulness, and so many more. The weird part is, I was in complete control. Was the Mesprit's doing? It had to be. I pulled out my Pokedex and held it at Mesprit.

When Mesprit flew, people learned the joy and sadness of living. It was the birth of emotions. Although it slumbers at the bottom of the lake, its spirit is said to leave its body and flutter on the water surface.

We looked into each other's eyes, and I felt that we began to bond. Our emotions melded together into one and I could feel every emotion Mesprit ever experienced, and vice-versa. Incredible. Shadow and Omega seemed to do the same, although I could sense recognition flowing from them, as if they both had met with the legendaries before. I suddenly knew what all the pokemon were feeling around me. Hungry, worry. "Thank you Mesprit for this wonderful gift. How can I repay you?" As if on cue, Mesprit, Azelf, and Uxie started circling around each other, swam, (floated, flew?) ahead and turned back, as if they wanted us to follow...

(What's the deal with those Air breathing berries? Havent they worn off yet?
*lol Shadowstriker I was gonna talk about that in my next post, funny you should bring it up

Slowly Mesprit, Uxie and Azelf flew ahead of us. They seemed to dance around and splash in the glistening water, it was then I noticed that it was almost sunset. The sun was shining in the water. It was the beautiful thing I had seen in quite a while. I remembered how far we have traveled just for Shaymin. I have even made some good friends, I was really enjoying this brand new adventure. As I was smiling and talking with Chimchar, Togekiss stopped. I wondered why. The others hadn't noticed and were still going. All of a sudden we started sinking. I realised that the breathing berries were wearing off. This was terrible, I tried calling the others but water bloked my speech. Slowly I started to sink deeper, deeper, deeper, I tried to return Togekiss and Chimchar but as I was getting my pokeballs I FAINTED......
I saw Shadow fall was something wrong he must've ran out of Air Berries. He began to sink I signalled to Torrent to come and help me and he then signalled to Mespirit who quickly used its telekinetic abilites to hold Shadow above the water. His pokemon had returned to their pokeballs. I sent out Jellicent and had him lie on Jellicent. Mespirit, Uxie and Azelf continued onwards. We followed them further and further...
I fell. Darkness all around. I had passed out. What was left of me I didn't know. I started to slow down. It was still pitch black. Then all of a sudden my pokemon were there. All floating around me. Then down from the darkness came Azelf. Azelf spoke in its native language, but I seemed to understand every word of it.

Azelf said

"Keep your friends close, but your pokemon closer.
Shadow, the pokemon in you possession are very special and they care for you as much as you care for them.
But soon you will encounter a new pokemon friend. One that will need your help. If you can, befriend this pokemon and let it join you on your adventure"

As I started to ask Azelf what this new pokemon would be, mesprit appeared and blasted me with a physic ray.

I woke up on Omega's Jellicent, with the others staring at me. I asked a few questions, but before we could get answers, we seemed to have reached our destination. A huge underwater Warehouse...
As Shadow awoke in the Warehouse, I finally had a good look around. The walls were bare except for one poster that said

Think you're tough?
Wanna rule the world?
Well look no further! I, Archie, will give you the opportunity of a lifetime!
You can have it all for only 1000 Poke Dollars a week!
Archie's Grunt Camp

I laughed at the poster. People were so stupid. "Guess that means we'll have to deal with annoying wannabe bad guys". Omega pointed out. "Fine by me," said Shadow. "Been awhile since I've had a good training session with my Pokemon anyway."

Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit circled around to get our attention, then spoke in unison using telepathy. <There are three pads, each one will take you to a different part in the Warehouse. Choose the one that calls to you!>

I was about to ask them what they meant by that, but they vanished in a flash of light. Perfect. The three of us walked to the back of the room where the teleportation pads were. One blue, one green, and one black. "They said to pick the one that called to us..." I could feel uncertainty flow off all of us. In an impulse, I called out Swampert and jumped on the blue one. What I didn't tell them, was that I picked it because it was my favorite color. Everything turned blue, then suddenly, I was in the middle of a room, surrounded by people and their Pokemon training. All with Aqua emblems on their arm. Whoops.
These pads were odd... something seemed calm about the Green Pad and the Blue Pad felt like it was radiating with Power. The black pad had no aura though... I decided to take the Black Pad for the sake of Shadow's safety. I went onto the pad and was teleported into a room of darkness, there was nothing around I called out "Hello!" it echoed forever, was this room infinite. Then I got Houndoom out. "Houndoom!" I said "give us some light!" Houndoom's body began to glow from the fire within as we walked Houndoom's prints left a distinct colouration on the floor.

What we saw in that room was bizarre, Pokemon eggs were floating in giant capsules filled with water, the Pokemon eggs however were blank like they could have any pokemon in it. Houndoom and I went on until we finally found another light, I walked closer and say a person collapsed on the ground they had the Aqua Emblem on them but had been badly burnt as well as their pokemon. I pulled the light out, switched it off and continued... I began to hear voices something or someone was talking from afar... but I couldn't see anything I eventually reached a wall of this room. Then I heard something a whisper almost "... Put ... ... DNA ... ... ... Eggs ... release them ... stasis" at that moment I heard footsteps I had Houndoom turn out his light and we hid behind a corner.

As the footsteps neared I saw a red cloak and the Magma Emblem! It was Maxie, Tabitha and Courtney...
As for me and Chimchar, who was now rested and back on my shoulders. We were to take the green pad, because it was the only one left. As I was about to step on, Azelf called to me saying

"Don't forget, a Pokemon is a mans best friend"

I nodded at Azelf and stepped on the pad.

I seemed to have been teleported to a chamber.The place was very cold, even with Chimchar on my shoulder I could still fell the freezing air. The room was dimly lit but I could see pretty fine. All those nights of meditating with Togekiss and Chimchar must have payed off. The camber was full of doors. My first instinct was to open them. I opened the first one but there was only a room the size of a bathroom. Nothing inside. Except on the wall. It was the symbol for fire. I went to the next door. It was the same except the symbol for dragon. Door after door there was nothing inside. Except symbols representing different types. I went through ice, grass, steel, flying, dark and more. All were empty except the last room. This room had a symbol of water. Inside this room, lying there in front of me was a Lapras. It looked sick at cold. I went over to it and asked Chimchar to heat Lapras up. I knew that Lapras was a part ice type. But this temperature was very, very cold, in fact I think it was getting colder by the minute. Anyways I new that I had to help this Lapras I couldn't leave it here in the cold. I slowly walked over to the Lapras and asked it to stand up. I slowly walked with the Lapras, because it is harder for Lapras to walk on land. Chimchar stayed on Lapras' head to keep it warm. I started to bond with the Lapras as we looked for an exit. We finally gound a door which led into a brightly lit room and there across the room was Torrent fighting against maybe up to 40 aqua grunts. I knew I had to help. I left Chimchar with Lapras and sent out Glaceon and Deerling. Torrent was shocked that I was there but kept battling. Deerling use razor leaf, Glaceon ice beam. I glanced over at Chimchar and Lapras who was slowl but thankfully getting better...


* wow that text looks weird

I sat there trying to wake Torrent up. Nothing was working. I realised he was right we had to find Omega. I returned all his Pokemon to their pokeballs, and lifted Torrent up onto Lapras' back. I found a big door that seemed to lead somewhere important. I asked Glaceon and Lapras to use ice beam at the same time as Chimchar and Deerling to use Flamethrower and Razorleaf. The door exploded open. Inside was a dark corridor. I slowly walked down the corridor with my pokemon and the Lapras following. At the end of the corridor it opened up to a giant room. It was decorated with waterfalls and giant rock sculptures of water pokemon. But there standing in the middle of the room was Archie. Just above him was a big contraption that had been making a lot of noise. But there, in the contraption, was a capsule, holding Shaymin...