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Team Discussions: group rules and requirements

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  • 6,355
    • Seen Apr 16, 2020

    Team Discussions: group rules and requirements

    The Team Discussions forum houses any groups that collaborate on ROM hacks. It is open for anyone to create a group! Do note though, that
    The Team Discussions forum is not a showcase area - please showcase your projects in the Hacks Showcase forum.

    Team Discussions posting

    This forum is bound to rules that are set by the global PokéCommunity rules.
    By posting in this forum, you agree that your posts meet rules set in the [url-inline="showthread.php?t=91723"]PokéCommunity global rules[/url-inline] as well as the rules set from here on. There is one exemption made for this forum. Please note that infractions from the global rules also apply here.

    Threads in this forum are to follow thread requirements.
    Thread requirements for this forum are set below.

    Rules for group threads and posts

    Registration for new members takes place in the same group thread.
    Any threads or posts in other threads about the same topic will be removed.

    No forum linking for groups.
    If your hacking team is represented by a forum, do not link to the forum URL in your group unless it's relevant to the conversation. Relentless advertising of forums is prohibited.

    This forum contains a revival exception.
    The revival period for threads in this forum is set to 60 days. (This is approximately two months.)


    All groups you propose are under thread moderation. Your thread will not appear until it has been approved - it should take 24 hours at least before your group thread is approved. You may PM a moderator for information on why your thread may not have been approved.

    Required information for a team thread

    Team name
    Post the name of the team. A banner would be better for this part and could make more people want to join.

    No short introductions. Post why you want to make the team, which ROMs the team will hack and make it so that it will make people want to join.

    Application form
    Users that want to join have to know what they will post. You could provide a form detailing what you need, like such:
    Proof of work:
    Past experience:
    Contact information:
    Current team members
    This part should be updated with the members who join. A team is made for members to work together and create a hack. Post here the name of the project and a link to the thread if there is one.

    Current Projects
    Write about the projects the team/group will be working on, and their story/features.

    Further Help

    Just contact a ROM Hacking moderator for further help.


    Thanks for reading the rules.
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