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The Chaos Gate (PG-15)

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Fallen Angel_Messiah Of Black Roses

The one you hate to love. :P
  • 1,613
    • Seen Sep 29, 2017
    My first RP that allows you a lot of freedom in character, Choose your race, your skills, everything!

    The Chaos Gate

    Once Upon a time, Angels, Demons and all the other creatures of the ancient time roamed freely among the planet Rem. To be expected, the world wasn't perfect and war between the two dominant races occurred. This war made Rem to be from, A perfect utopia to being a hellish land. Most of the creatures died off during the war between Angels and Demons. After countless years of battle a treaty was to be decided, to split the land of what they could have once called paradise.

    The Angels and Demons met in the last green area, a sacred spot. " The Garden Of Eden." Two representatives were to meet; St. Peter And Beelzebub.

    The two met at the center of the garden, a small pure white gazebo sat there. With a pedestal inside of it, As they approached the pedestal a paper appeared. The Treaty; It read;

    The once enchanting realm of a planet, known as Rem has been soiled.
    By the constant war of the two races; The Angels and The Demons.
    The place where the two leaders of the two races reside is known as my garden.
    The Garden Of Eden
    I am known as the Messiah of Balance.
    I am Rem, I am Eden, I am the land which you destroy.
    I am the water you drink, the trees you destroy.
    I am the planet.
    And I wish for the Angels And the Demons to leave, to there proper homes.
    The Land known as Heaven and The Land Known as Hell, This is the land known as Rem, as Eden.
    To make proper that neither races return, I will seal the Three realms from each other with a gate.
    The Chaos Gate.

    And as that, the two races were sent to there respective lands, to be in peace with there own. And as the years went by, decades upon decades, Rem was repaired. The land was harbored with green, the water as fresh and pure as the clear blue sky. Messiah of Balance decided it was time to harbor creatures anew, Of course Angels and Demons and creatures from before still inhabited the planet, very few.
    Balance called the creatures of what he had created, humanus. These creatures were called this for there humanoid shape, ( These are basically humans)

    Over the years, Balance stopped communicating with the people of the world, leaving them to figure out the planet themselves. And within centuries The Messiah of Balance was known as just a legend.
    The Garden of Eden had long been a myth, the sacred land was sealed off from the impure, and was secluded. The Humanus had by now figured out what there bodies can handle, what they can create with metals and all other kinds of secrets in the world, Civilization was coming to life.

    Over the next period of X number of years, The people of Rem started to hunt for a profession, the demons of the world. This Angered Beelzebub and he started his plan on invading Rem and killing off all the Humanus, The Angels saw what he was trying to do and tried there best to stop him. Beelzebub knowing that he couldn't do anything from where he was decided to find an individual on Rem to do his dirty work, He would have the Humanus break the Chaos gate. The angels saw this and decided to guide the individual in the right direction, against breaking the gate.

    The Two individuals were chosen, A girl named Lyndi and a Man named Judas, both around Seventeen, where there energy is at its peak.
    Judas was a man from the village, Futani. His village was raided by demons and his family killed. He was spared for he was in a secret room, underground his house. Judas was enraged and swore his revenge on the Demons. Beelzebub wasn't aware of this man and neither was St. Peter till later. Judas made it his life's work to slay the demons.

    Lyndi was a Woman from the village Hitori, she was guided by Beelzebub to find the Angels individual and kill him or her, she was gratified of the power given to her and agreed.

    After Lyndi traveled afar, killing who's energy was the special kind to be chosen, she then met Judas and the two battled, Judas won but spared Lyndi, This caught Beelzebub's attention and decided to try to control Judas, knowing that Judas wouldn't listen to him he disguised himself as St. Peter and made a story. He told Judas that opening the Chaos Gate would seal the Demons forever.

    The first task that Judas would have to accomplish would be to Find the Garden Of Eden, Judas was told that to find the Garden Of Eden he would have to create a special map, magically. He was told he would have to make a great sacrifice for the magical power, he was reluctant but did what he was told.
    He went to the underground of a major city, Loprotsen and set up a spell, a very ancient and powerful spell that would extract the energy of masses. He activated the spell and the city was wiped off the map in the extraction of all the people in the city's energy, they all died.

    The energy was used and he created the map to the Garden Of Eden, he went there and was stopped by Lyndi who had now realized what she was doing was wrong and would wipe Rem clean of what purity it had. Judas told her that what he was doing would save the world and for her to get out of his way, she
    said she would fight to the death to defend what was right, The two fought once again and Judas once again won. But she wasn't spared this time, as he approached the gazebo and the pedestal he saw a fountain, he looked inside of it and gasped. His reflection showed him, he was half angel and half demon, he then realized he had been deceived. Beelzebub realized this as well and decided to talk to Judas, " Okay Judas, you have reached the chaos gate. You must now destroy it by speaking the ancient words, Signum Exsisto Infractus (Seal Be Broken) Be careful not to send energy of both Angel And Demon in though, that would seal the gate completely and forever." Beelzebub said to him smoothly.
    Judas decided to do what had been said not to, he felt the two energies apear, one in each hand. St. Peter finally saw this and in a panicked tone yelled not to, Judas faced the Chaos Gate and clapped the two energies together, the gate shattered and the demons were freed, Judas was killed.

    Your Role: You must find the Garden of Eden and repair the Gate or if you are evil you shall try to make sure that the gate stays broken, Demons inhabit the planet and are slayed by the Humanus. It has been Ten Years since the opening of the gate, the Humanus race isn't in danger, this isn't an Apocalypse RP. So yeah, all the cities and continents of the planet aren't destroyed.

    Races to Choose From:

    Humanus: Pretty much Humans, can vary in height and weight; From 4'8 to 6'5. So yeah, Humanus are a smart race, not the smartest but pretty smart. A Medium in the strength department and speed department.

    Dark Elf: An elf species that specialize in the dark arts, they are a tall species and are of blue skin tone. Eyes are mostly either red or green, they have great magic skill and are a little stronger then the Humanus, highly intelligent. A little slower then most Humanus. The Dark elf usually have white or black hair.

    Light Elf: Another Elf Species that specialize in healing spells, they are also tall and are of a peach or pale skin tone. Eyes are always blue, they also have great magic skill but are around the same strength as the humanus, highly intelligent and about the same speed of humanus, hair is usually either blond or white.

    Wood Elf: The regular elf species that are of the archery persuasion, they are tall and usually have peach or pale skin tone. Eyes can vary, they have no magic ability but have a great eagle eye, they are decently strong. Not as intelligent as the other elfs, but around Humanus standards. They are very fast, faster then the humanus. The wood elf always has blond hair.

    Dwarf: A short ( 3'11 to 4'9) They are miners and blacksmiths, they have a light skin tone and mostly dull gray eyes. No Magic abilities, they are semi-intelligent, around Humanus, dwarfs are very strong, stronger then humanus but not as strong as a dark elf. They are pretty slow, they are usually either bald or brown hair. Almost always have a beard.

    Fairy: Able to adjust size, from ( 3 inches to 4 feet) They specialize in healing magic and like to help others, they are a very intelligent species, more intelligent then the light and dark elfs. They have no strength power, very fast when flying small but when having to walk at full size are as fast as Humanus. Fairies consist of a peachy skin tone and blue or pink eyes, their wings are either blue or pink as well ( Usually the color of their eyes) Their hair color can be from, Blond, orange, red, pink, blue, green and pretty much any color.

    Undead: Skeleton: Skeletons are the size of a Humanus and are, well skeletons. They have greater strength and might be able to cast magic. This is basically a humanus, they are slower then normal humanus.

    Zombie: A rotting corpse, bleeding, rotting, well it pretty much speaks for it self. Zombies eyes are always milky white and wear whatever and look like whatever they once were. They are dangerous but dumb and easy to outrun.

    Halfling: Pretty much a splice of humanus and wood elf, they are great archers, have little to none magic ability. They are height of 5 ft to 6 ft, peach or pale skin, decent strength and great speed, intelligent as a regular humanus. Always have blond hair.

    Goblin: Mean green ugly machine, they wield spears and are menacing. They vary in height from five foot to six foot, green or gray skin tone, red or gray eyes. Stronger then humanus yet very unintelligent.
    They can't use magic, they are pretty slow. Have no hair, they can dip their spears in poison.

    Hobgoblin: Very large, Six Foot being the smallest and nine foot being tallest. They are always brown in skin tone, they are one of the strongest species but very unintelligent. They are still bald, they use large spears which can still be poisoned. They can't use magic or archery, extremely slow. There eyes are either gray or red.

    Mountain Dwarf: Like the regular dwarf, they are from; 4'3 at smallest and 5'5 at tallest. They are usually pretty heavy from muscle. They are very strong, stronger then a dark elf. Cannot use magic or archery. Eyes are dull gray, these guys don't mine and blacksmith, they are pure combat. The solider of the dwarf's. A little faster then the average dwarf, but are a little more unintelligent. They usually wield either a war hammer or battle ax, heavy weapons.

    Half Giant: Being from, eight foot to ten foot they are very large. Their skin tone varies from, Brown, peach, tan and pale. Their eyes are either white, black or red. They are very powerful, stronger then the average hobgoblin, but they are extremely stupid. Very aggressive yet slow, they can carry various weapons; Spears, war hammers, axes, clubs etc; Weaknesses: Eyes

    Werewolf: Starting as a regular Humanus and changing at a full moon, increasing in height about six inches, and gaining black fur. Longer teeth, Wolfy white eyes and a vicious attitude. Still has control over self, yet is more reckless and aggressive. Nose power is increased and so is the strength, they are a little slower then the average wolf. They do not carry weapons when transformed. Weaknesses are: Silver, Wolfs bane and quick silver (Mercury)

    Vampire: We're not talking about that stupid Dracula crap here. These will look like average humanus but might be a bit paler then normal, or more commonly photogenic. Vampires have control of there fangs, them being out or not. Vampires usually have either red or green eyes, some may wear black and stuff like that, but most will dress normally. Some have the ability to turn into bats, while others don't. They do require blood to live, not necessarily human. They are the speed of the average humanus unless a powerful vampire which are faster, same thing with strength. They are usually more athletic. Vampires can carry any sort of weapon as long as it isn't silver. Weaknesses: Silver ( All) Garlic (Some) and can be commonly killed by destroying the heart, not necessarily with a stake.

    Siren: Always a female, these woman have the ability to sing a great song ( Wordless) which hypnotizes men and then the sirens can control them. They are the average size of a female humanus and almost always have either blond or orange haired. Eyes vary. Has the same speed, strength and intelligence of a humanus. Weaknesses: (Not really a weakness but it is smart to wear earmuffs. They can be killed traditionally)

    Chaos Elf: The last kind of elf, likes it's relatives it is taller then the average humanus, having blue or green toned skin, Red, green or blue eyes, black hair. They are stronger then the dark elf and more intelligent, not as fast though. Usually in the dark alliance, they are aggressive and cold, they use dark and chaos magic, very powerful indeed. Weapons are usually magical staffs and rods. Weaknesses: Light magic

    Liche: A liche is a poweful sorcerer that uses dark magic, usually undead but not always. They are slow creatures and not very strong, intelligence is very high though. They use magic to battle, if alive they will be pale skinned with crimson eyes and black hair. If undead they are skeletons with red eye glow and will most always be in a purple robe with gold lacing. They stand around six foot, though they can also be below at around five foot four. They will usually use a scythe to battle. Weaknesses: Light magic

    Leechi: A humanus that can steal the energy of others, if in humanus form they will have white hair and gray eyes, pale skin. About five foot seven to six foot three, slow creatures and not very strong but make up with their high powered mind. If in Leechi form they will look monstrous, can be same heights but will have a slimy green flesh with several openings around the body that are mouths with rows of sharp teeth. They will have fleshy red pulsing eyes and powerful jawed mouths, their tongue alone and slice a sword in two, their palms of their hands have leechy openings that will suck energy right out of an individual. Weaknesses: Fire

    Chimera\Hybrid: These creatures are usually humanus and other species spliced, since there are so many combinations you would have to either do it yourself or PM me what you want to hybrid.

    Homuncules: No Not Full Metal Alchemist! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homunculus

    A homuncules are artificial creatures made by alchemy, basically flesh golem's. They will usually have white soul less eyes and be bald. They have advanced from nearly a foot long to much higher, Five to Six feet. These are controlled by the Alchemist that created them, sometimes if not perfected they will kill there creator. They are hollow soldiers, give them a weapon and orders and they will do it. Very hard to kill. Very slow unless sacrificed strength for so, Very powerful, not intelligent. Weaknesses: Mostly Fire

    Elemental: An Elemental can look basically like a humanus with the hair color and eye color of the element used. Height is average. This is in categories.

    Water: Will have blue hair and blue eyes, can basically control water and walk on it. Breathe underwater as well. One of the slower elementals but pretty average, average strength and intelligence. Will carry a rod with a blue orb in it. Average height, usually girl. Weakness: Electricity

    Fire: Will have red hair and red eyes, can control fire and not be burnt by it, smoke will not choke the elemental of fire. A average speed elemental, immense power and average intelligence. Will carry rod with red orb inside of it. Average height. Weakness: Water

    Air: Will have white hair and white eyes, can control winds and weather. Has the ability to hover and glide. Above average speed, low power and average intelligence. Will carry rod with white orb inside of it. Smaller then average size. Weakness: Earth

    Earth: Will have brown hair and brown eyes, can control rocks and minerals, has the ability to raise ground and cause small tremors. Will be bigger then other elementals, bulky. Carries a rod with a brown orb inside of it. Very slow, very powerful, low intelligence. Weakness: Water

    Forest: Will have green hair and green eyes, can control plants and make them grow the way they want.
    Can attack with roots of tree's and will know more about plant healing and poisons. Smaller stature. Carries rod with green orbs inside of it. High intelligence, low power and speed Weakness: Fire

    Electricity: Will have yellow hair and yellow eyes, can control electricity and thunder. Attacks will be electrical. Carries rod with yellow orb inside of it. Tall and slender. High speed, average intelligence and high power. Weakness: Earth

    Serpentine: Serpent like creatures with humanoid shapes, can have a humanoid torso and snake bottom or other ways of doing it. Will always either have red or green eyes, tall. High intelligence usually, higher then average speed and above average power. Have the ability to poison others. Carries a spear for a weapon. Weaknesses: Fire and Ice

    Shadow: A dark creature that looks like a humanus but is much more power, intelligence and power. Can overshadow people and turn themselves into mere shadows. Can make others do his or her dirty work, when in humanus form they will have black or white hair, crimson eyes and very pale skin.
    Weaknesses: Light

    Sin: There are seven, the seven deadly sins. All are in humanus form. Black Star On Forehead or hand or chest or back. All have the ability to track down each other.

    Gluttony: Usually a little portly. Has the ability to Vomit acid.
    Lust: Usually hot, Has the ability to seduce opposite sex and control them
    Envy: Can change it's appearance. ( Shut up)
    Pride: always a little tall, very powerful (Fist Fight!)
    Sloth: Slow, but has very good defense and can evade most attacks. Can Read opponents mind.
    Wrath: Usually a little on the small side but has great mental abilities ( Psychokinesis)
    Greed: Can Change arm to any melee weapon.

    Virtue: Like the sins, all are in humanus form and have a white start somewhere on their body.

    Chasity: Has great healing abilities, enemy to Lust
    Abstinence: Has the ability to puppet people, Enemy to Gluttony
    Liberality: Can heal great wounds, only complete destruction will kill. Enemy to Greed.
    Diligence: Has extreme speed and agility, Enemy to Sloth.
    Patience: Can stretch all parts of body. Enemy to Wrath.
    Kindness: Can turn body to metal and then shape themselves, Enemy to Envy
    Humility: glare can stun enemies, Enemy to Pride.

    Skills to choose from, ( Six Skill slots to start with, the more in one skill the better the skill)

    Magic: All sorts of spells, elemental spells, Combat spells, and lots others.

    Black Magic: Dark Magic, almost always for misfortune and evil. Will most always hurt people, higher spells can kill a man instantly.

    Light Magic: Healing spells or spells used to repel darkness and evil creatures.

    Paladin: A person who uses magic for his weapon, to increase the power or to repair it or even to add special attacks.

    Alchemist: An Alchemist is a user of philosophy and science to create the unknown.

    Rouge: A cross between a thief and an Assassin, or maybe even ninja. Can pick simple locks, use throwing knives and knows how to create common poisons.

    Assassin: A person who kills others for money, can be a silent killer or not. Knows how to make complicated poisons and how to be stealthy.

    Thief: Can pick complicated locks and pick pockets, breaks open combinations and safes.

    Ninja: Close to the Assassin, knows well made poisons and is stealthy person. Well at throwing knifes and stars.

    Necromancer: Summons the undead.

    Blacksmith: Can smith metal objects such as, swords and sheilds.
    Miner: Mines rare ores and other ores for blacksmithing.

    Treasure Hunter: Hunts for ancient treasures, has a knack for puzzles.

    Knight: A swordsman.

    Samurai: A swordsman that doesn't use shields, they know important parts of the body to damage.

    Demon Slayer: Slays demons for a living. Knows important weaknesses

    Appraiser: Identifies rare objects and what they are worth.

    Chemist: Creates potions to increase powers and heal wounds.

    Farmer: Grows important herbs and plants.

    Priest: Has a natural strength over demons and the undead.

    Judo: A Judo fighter

    Animal Breeder: Breeds rare pets that are useful in battles

    Lumberjack: Cuts down trees and makes things.

    Jeweler: Creates Jewelry which are sold for high prices.

    Cook: Can cook things that are important for healing and improvement.

    Dragon Slayer: slays dragons as a profession

    Dragon Rider: Is able to ride a dragon

    Merchant: Buys things and then sells them at a higher price.

    The Map:

    Continent: Tyrol: A medium sized western continent, only real export is Meats and Furs.

    Provinces Of Tyrol:

    Huri: The largest Province in Tyrol, is mostly desert and uninhabitable. Not important.
    Gyre: The Northest Point of Tyrol, Is a large hunting ground full of wild beasts.
    Rini: The Only real cizilized Province in Tyrol, Has three main cities.

    Cities Or Tyrol:

    Fyre: The largest city in Rini, For merchanting.
    Gorni: A smaller city in Rini, Has ancient temples for touristing.
    Libili: The other small city in Rini, Used to stay while in Tyrol, full of Inns and pubs.

    Villages Of Tyrol:

    Lickiw: A small village in between Gorni and Libili, Has one Inn. Poor Village.
    Gyure: A large village by Fyre, Home of many foreign alcohols

    Continent: Umbrol: A small Northern island continent, Main Export is Furs and Ice remedies


    Yutiki: The largest Province of Umbrol, A great area for hunting ice beast, There are herbs that are exclusively there that heal frostbite when mixed right.

    Jihut: A smaller province that is a total iceland, it is to cold to live regulary there, but ice fishing is at it's peak here.


    Gui: The only city in Yutuki and it is very large, this is a market place and a place to stay. Great hospitals in this area.


    Limpwut: the only village in Umbrol, it is between Yutuki and Jihut, it is there for stocking up for the trip upon Jihut, the wilderness.

    Continent: Alumos, Northest area on the map and totally uninhabitable, temperatures reaching below sixty is common.

    No cities or villages or provinces

    Continent: Orsha: Orsha is a mid northern continent, it's main export is medicines and herbs.


    Ukilate: The largest province, it is the northern top of the continent and dominant. It is a decent tempature up there, it snows most of the year long at a small rate. A great place to live, not to hunt.

    Hituy: A smaller province that has a great river inside of it, full of very rare fish that have uses in medicines, It is a little warmer in Hituy then in Ukilate.

    Joinjau: A very small province that is basically a large plain, full of wild animals and strange plants. Only one village here.

    Gugola: Right next to Joinjau it is basically just a giant port, only one city and it is based on the port there. Not a good place to live.

    Burnita: A very large city in Ukilate, salespalce and all around industrial place.

    Burmita: The sister city to Burnita, a little smaller but still big. For the rich, like a Beverly hills

    Singdoesa: The last City of Ukiltate and a dump to say the least, very sleazy city.

    Ugogog: A city near the river in Hituy, not a large one and it isn't as civilized. Better not to go.

    Bureu: A city at the bottom of The province Hituy, again, not very civilized, maybe for a small stay but not to live forever.

    Bovu: The only city in Gugola, relies on the nearbye port for money and goods. Its a small but nice city.


    Bul: The only village of the province, located in Joinjau, only place there to get supplies and to rest. Pretty small village.

    Continent: Sirius: Most western continent, very desert and has only one use. There is a special tower there that is used for telling the future.

    Tower Of The Desert: Only area that is used in Sirius, For telling the future.

    Continent: Minerva: A mid western continent, very small. Main export is rare animals


    Heji: The larger province of the two in Minerva, Full of rare exotic animals.

    Hatorri: The smaller of the two in Minerva, Not a very good area. Dangerous due to poisonous animals.


    Lub: A large city in Heji, full of merchants and stalls with furs.

    Ruba: A smaller city in Heji, main use is vacationing, has inns and pubs of all sorts.

    Loprotsen: The only city of Hatorri, and it was destroyed by Judas years ago. This has collapsed Hatorri's economy.


    Bugle: Small village in between the two provinces, poor and not very important.

    Continent: Azure: Largest continent on the planet, all sorts of things. Three large Provinces

    Jin: The largest province in Azure, known for it's extremely rare metals.

    Lumos: A smaller province in Azure, has great fishing spots and great forests with rare plants.

    Yuri: The last province in Azure, is known for it's amount of merchanting, the cities here have everything under the sun.


    Jini: The largest city in Jin, and the main. Miners bring their ores into the city to sell or to make things with the help of blacksmiths. Rich City.

    Renji: Another Large city in Jin. Has great caves full of rare ores.

    Lumi: The largest city in Lumos, has many medical shops and nurseries ( Plant)
    Lumres: The smallest city in Lumos. Has many inns and pubs.
    Hubgi: A large city in Lumos, Is surrounded by heavy forest

    Yuril: The largest city in Yuri, full of merchanting. The city of shops.
    Yurbi: A large city full of inns and pubs, full of antique shops.


    Hungi: A small village by Renji, nothing special.
    Jubi: A large village in Lumos, full of aggressive villagers.

    Sign up sheet:

    Age: ( 16 and up)
    Main Occupation:
    Skill slots: ( You get six)
    Nickname: (If Any)
    Side: ( Good, bad or Neutral)
    Place of Birth:
    Strength: ( The way these work, is you get six marks. Each one of these have one already, you can decide how much each gets)
    Vehicle: ( Dragon, wolf or what?)
    Element: ( Earth, air, ice... etc

    Other Stuff:

    Stats: Heres a small thing on stats. Everything has a base which counts as One. The more you add to one, the better it gets! Heres a chart

    Base: Depending on race, this is average strength for that race. Not that strong though.
    Level 2: This is Two points. You are more strong then how your race usually is, not by a lot.
    Level 3: This is Three points. You are abnormally strong for your race.
    Level 4: This is six points, You are considered a very strong person in your race. Probally praised for it.
    Level 5: This is Eight Points: You are a hurcules in your race!
    I will use the character I signed up with before
    Whoa this is a huge one. Ive always wanted to join a roleplay where we have so many options. Here is a character I have just reserected. He is called the drifter

    Name: Cain Ritham

    Age: 16

    Sex: male

    Race: Human

    Sub-race: Vampire

    Main Occupation: Drifter. Has no current stay. Just wanders through towns looking for people to save and wicked people to feed off of.

    Skill slots: ( You get six)
    1. Black Magic
    2. Animal Breeder
    3. Necromancer
    4. Knight
    5. Rider
    6. Assasin

    Height: 6"5

    Weight: 160 Pounds

    Appearance: Not much is known about what Cain's appearence is. What he wears is easily distinguishable. Cain's head is entirely covered in an ancient form of a Balaclava. The only thing anyone can see is his eyes. Cain's eyes are red in color with black slitlike pupils. The eyelids and the rest of the skin not covered by the mask is grey. For his torso Cain wears a layer of Chain mail with platemail ontop of it but the Chainmail is still visable. This goes with his legs as well. Cain wears brown leather gloves with a small metal plate in the shape of a spike on the opposite side of the palm. Cain's belt is a brown leather belt wih a simple gold buckle. Cain's boots are brown leather with steel incased. Cain seldom takes his clothes off in fear that he will be attacked.
    Personality: Cain's personality is very strange. Firsty people see him as just another knight in armor unless they look very closely. At his eyes witch puts people off him. Mainly the only reason Cain goes into a city or a town is to find people in trouble. Which he saves. And to find people who are causing supream trouble. Which he feeds apon. If he can he may try to gain money for his saves. Cain only speaks to people who talk to him. His voice in that case is a very deep groan like sound. Which of course puts people off as well.

    Nickname: The Drifter (called name)

    Side: Neutral

    History: Cain's history is barely recorded. But from what he remembers he lived in Gyre. He was born and raised with his parents. His mother was a woman who cared for sick animals. Which Cain usualy helped with. This sparked his interest in animal helping. His father however was a powerhungry former knight who wanted Cain to follow the traid. His mother died when he was 9 and his father always wanted to train him so he would not die as well. He didnt want to bare to lose anothe family member. When he was 10 he started training in many different arts that included fencing, guile and archery. But when he was 14 he sparked something else. A local former wizard taught him simple magic in the town behind his fathers back. But when his father found out about it he killed the wizard and continued to train Cain. However a month later a Vampire found out about the former knight and wished for blood that felt as if it were earned properly. He bit Cain's father and proceded to bite Cain as well. As soon as he did that however Cain took a sword he had and killed the vampire thanks to his father's teachings. However Cain's father wasnt vampireised and died from bloodlose. Cain who was then tramatised that he killed a vampire and thought he killed his father as well. So taking apon his father's old knight armor, then dying it dark colors. He fled from the town. However shortly after he noticed his vampiric curse.

    Birthday: August 3d

    Place of Birth: Gyre

    Strength: Moderate

    Intelligence: moderate

    Courage: Above average

    Charisma: Moderate

    Speed: Moderate

    Weapon: Cain wields a simple Claymore.

    Sub-Weapon: Cain has a small crossbow that is tied to his right leg. It is tied down very strongly but he is able to undue it very quickly. Also he has 20 bolts which he reuses.

    Goals: to go through life. No current goals yet

    Fears: Spiders, demons, Chamiras

    Vehicle: Cain doesnt have vheicles Yet. But is trained to ride animals

    Element: Fire
    Sorry if its not up to par. I have been out of the game for a while. Let me know if I need to fix anything.

    Name: Renic Nightrider

    Age: 17

    Sex: male

    Race: dark elf

    Sub-race: light elf

    Main Occupation: Demon Hunter

    Skill slots: ( You get six )
    1. Life
    2. Fira
    3. Blizzara
    4. Thundara
    5. Cure
    6. Esuna

    Height: 6'4

    Weight: 178 lbs

    Appearance: Renic is very tall with a very muscular build. He stays in the shape he is in due to his constant movement as he hunts demons. Though he have much to to train and exercise, the time he has is spent in training. He isn't the best dressed that is for sure. He wears an old elven cloak which covers his brown pants and shirt. (kinda like a jedi's) He goes barefoot because objects as sharp as glass doesn't come close to bothering his feet. When battling he will mostly wear his cloak unless the battle will be to intense.

    Personality: Renic wears his heart on he sleeve. He isn't afraid to voice his opinion and if something is bothering him, you will most likely know about it. He doesn't trust easily and doesn't take kindly to mistreatment of others. Though he might not show it, he is very caring. He will protect everyone. Even if he doesn't like them, if they are getting attacked for no reason. He isn't the kind of person who gets involved with people but will listen to your problems. If you tick Renic off, he will completely block you out. If you betray him, watch your back because he is will be watching what you do. If you make any notion of betraying anyone else, he will attack you. Most likely injure you....badly. If you want to stay off his bad side, do act like you are better than him, or anyone else. He doesn't take kindly to that.

    Nickname: none

    Side: good

    History: He grew up not knowing his parents. The were killed by demons when he was very young. Not knowing why his parents were killed, he vowed revenge against the demons. He grew up in constant training, learning how to defend himself and hunt demons. When he was 15, he was attacked by 20 or more demons, 8 miles outside of his village. Not knowing what to do, he ran. with his speed, the demons couldn't keep up with him but they did find his village. The destroyed it. Again he was spared because he left the day before with a message to a near by city. When he returned, it was in ruin. After that he started hunting demons. Learning more skills along the way. He is now traveling, hunting down the demons that killed his parents and destroyed his village.

    Birthday: 11/27/89

    Place of Birth: Bovu

    Strength: moderate

    Intelligence: moderate

    Courage: above average

    Charisma: moderate

    Speed: above average

    Weapon: Renic carries a staff with him with a glowing gray orb on the top of it.

    Sub-Weapon: Renic carries twin daggers in case of losing his staff.

    Goals: To find and kill his parents murderers.

    Fears: failure

    Vehicle: His own two feet.

    Element: none
    Age: unknown
    Sub-race:elamental- electric
    Main Occupation:Rouge
    Skill slots:
    1.black magic
    Weight:pretty thin
    Appearance:black hair with yellow streaks tall
    Personality:all sins apart from wrath
    Nickname:dark lance
    Place of Birth:unknown
    Weapon:thunder blade
    Goals:To become rich
    Fears:the king
    Vehicle:a night lizard(very big wingless dragons and cant breath fire)
    Element:weather and dark
    Name: Uria Nightwolf
    Age: 16

    Sex: male


    Sub-race: Werewolf

    Main Occupation: He travels and does heroic and evil tasks most of the time. He usually can't stay in one place for more than a day.

    Skill slots:
    3.Animal Breeder
    4.Dragon Rider
    5.Black magic


    Weight:115 pounds (understandable , as he is a ninja)

    Appearance: Usually never seen in the day , not many people know what he looks like. But after some appearances he is known to wear a long , black scarf and black clothing all over , including a vest ; leather body , leather stealth pants , Tabi boots , metal plated fingerless gloves , and two black armlets with white orbs embedded inside. His physical appearance (not including the clothing) consists of : white eyes , white spiky hair , and light skin and long claw like nails that are supposed to represent his Werewolf self. When a Werewolf his claws are curved in an upward curve-then straight down motion (only top of claws are like this , bottom are just straight.) that gives an intimidating appearance excluding the fangs and eyes. He also carries his samurai sword on his hip and his katana on the back of his hip in a horizontal direction. Stars and daggers are placed in the pouch on his right leg for easy access. Wears an amulet that helps him control his black magic power and his werewolf form but is not the source of his magic.

    Personality: A quiet kind of guy unless you're a friend of his , which he has few of. He won't really care if he gets hurt or wounded and is not much of a guy who likes the crowd of girls who would probably try to follow him , if they knew where he was. Like the last sentence said he is overly crowded by girls who are infatuated with him. If he wanted to he would go into werewolf form to scare them off , but since it's a public place he really can't do it. Nobody knows why he's a quiet guy , nor do they want to know. He just doesn't want to be bothered by other people that he feels uncomfortable around. But there's also a short tempered soul in him. He gets pissed very easily if you know the right words. He always reminds people that he is NOT emo and would go off on the person if they said that he was. He loves to fight and makes lots of friendly rivals from time to time.

    Nickname: The Flashing Fang

    Side: Neutral (I'd say he's more of a good deed doer than an evil doer , but he does both so he's kinda neutral.)

    History:Ever since he was a kid he was treated like crap , since he had no parents and was part werewolf. He always got into fights and worked hard in his education to succeed in life , but his life turned upside down when he turned eight. On his eighth birthday his family was slaughtered by werewolves and serpentines , which was kind of unusual because the two races were known for their for each other. He watched the countless family members die and soon his home town would be targeted too. He fought them as hard as he could alongside some unexpected allies. The people who treated him unfairly were helping him also , even if he was the werewolf kid. When he was thirteen he made a few friends , which he never had after the attack and before it. He started to become a traveling ninja looking for missions and deeds to fulfill. He has become mastered in many skills and is clearly a hard opponent to kill.

    Birthday:July 4th

    Place of Birth:Bovu

    Strength: ( The way these work, is you get six marks. Each one of these
    have one already, you can decide how much each gets)

    (including the one mark on each strength)





    Weapon(s): His main weapons are a katana , rod with a white orb , and a samurai sword. Also uses magic but doesn't really count as a weapon.

    Sub-Weapon: Daggers , stars , any kind of projectile you can think of. Also has other things like nunchaku that he probably won't get until later in RP

    Goals: To attain peace , overcome his werewolf form , and find someone to love.

    Fears: Werewolf form , the death of a close person.

    Vehicle: Dragon , wolf

    Element: air
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    Okay Lets start;

    AJ Sighed as he walked out of the Pub, he had drunken himself Poor and to top it off, he lost his job. " Is there no justice in the world?" He asked to no one in general; " Not for drunks! Get a job you bum!" AJ heard a voice reply, " The sad thing is... he's right." AJ mumbled as he wandered into the near empty streets of Rinji, he had no money in his pocket and now he was starting to think that the prophecy was a load.

    AJ had a dream not to long ago, within the dream he was brought through the History of the Chaos Gate, which included his ancester Judas, He had been told that it was his job to seal the gate once more, AJ had been sickened when he saw an entire city die in Judas's hands, Thousands of people... Sacraficed.

    " So where will I find this Garden Of Edin?" He had asked confused, " You must Find the Eight Treasure of Rem, Then you will know where to find the Garden."

    " What are the Eight treasures?" AJ inquired.

    " The Crystal Flute, The Azure Ocarina, The Golden Dagger, The Silver Feather, The Pristine Mirror, The Saphire Idol, The Emerald Eye, And The Volcano's Ruby." said the voice as it drifted off.

    " Where Am I supposed to find those strange items?" AJ asked himself as he found himself arrive at his hubble of a home.
    OOC: Finally. It starts. Anyway I am assuming that it is currently night since your character was drinking and people drink at night. Also Fallen I am also assuming that vampires do not turn to dust in the sun but merely weakens them


    The air suddenly became 3 degrease colder as the drifter walked in. In dark armor and a Balaclava he was a frightening sight. But he wasn't here to cause trouble. He had his feeding allready.

    In order to make sense of this he entered Rinji. Most of it was unfamiliar to him. The numerous houses on the street all had their windows shuttered and doors closes. Occasionally an armed guard came walking down different streets a torch in his hand. Looking for people that can cause trouble. But mostly they had a dull stare.

    The Drifter walked down the street. Mostly he was looking around. The town had a lukewarm look to it. Mostly the Drifter wanted sleep. He wasn't as nocturnal as many other vampires. Since he was dressed in clothing that covered almost his every body part he didn't have the sun weakening him.

    The Drifter walked through a small residential district. Noticing many pubs down the street with drunks bobbing out.
    Uria walked on and on as he walked through the night , painfully accepting mental blows from the amulet as it restricted his werewolf form from coming out.

    'No , you're not coming out!' Uria spoke mentally to his werewolf form that he named after his last name , Nightwolf.

    'I can't help it , Uria. The full moon makes me wild! It kinda drives me insane!'

    'But you are insane!!'

    The two had a mental argument all the way to the hotel room , where Uria lay on the bed and quietness had begun inside his head. He shuffled around to think about what had happened in the afternoon.


    Uria was strolling along the forest road , when suddenly two different people were seen , having an argument about something that seemed serious. One was a demon-like figure in blood red robes and with black , soulless eyes. The other was a young girl , who was no more than sixteen wearing white silk robes and slippers that seemed of gold and had eyes of the ocean.

    "The chaos gate , it will never be restored! Humanus have endangered our kind , and we will not tolerate it!!!" The red robed figure spoke in an angry tone , sweeping his hand through the air in a slapping motion.

    "The chaos gate is the protection for this world. It balances everything out for all three dimensions. The destruction of it has brought total chaos. We must do the right thing and restore it..." spoke the girl , who seemed very calm and a little kind , as she didn't raise her voice at all.

    "What is this Chaos Gate you speak of...?" Uria asked the two , who were surprised by the newcomer that interrupted their argument.

    It is a gate that balanced out the dimensions and protected the Humanus and other races from the other two dimensions of Heaven and Hell. But Beezlebub led the Humanus named Judas to destroy it , thinking it will stop the demons from destroying other people. But it did not. It led more demons into this world , and now we must restore it or else this world is no more..." The girl spoke again , just a little tenser , but still gentle.

    "We had it destroyed to allow more demons into this world to take revenge on humans and other races alike! Only a few races have joined us , and there's nothing you Humanus can do to stop us! Hahaha!" The robed figure yelled out to Uria as he brought out a sword covered in blood stains.

    The demon ran at Uria and swung the bloody sword. Uria dodged and kicked the demon in his side while bringing out a poison covered Kunai to strike the demon. He slashed at the demon , but he jumped back just in time to not get hit. The demon shot out his tongue like a frog and knocked Uria back into a tree. The demon gave a little laugh until he saw it was a fake he had hit. Uria appeared behind him and stabbed him with his rod , generating his air power through it.

    "No....n-nooooo!!!!" The demon exploded into tiny blood bits. The girl got out of the way to not get hit by any of them. Uria wipe off the blood without a care and looked for the girl , but she suddenly disappeared...

    *end of flashback*

    "The chaos gate... What should we do? Restore it... or work for the demons and keep it from being restored?" Uria asked Nightwolf quietly , not letting anyone hear.

    'In my opinion , we should probably restore it. We want revenge on the demons and other werewolves , right?' Nightwolf told Uria. Uria gave a nod and went to sleep , getting ready for the next day to come.
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