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The Cheap$kate Challenge


  • 247
    • Seen Jul 14, 2024
    The Cheap$kate Challenge
    (Full credit to PekoponTAS for creating this challenge)​

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    The Premise (written by PekopanTAS):

    You're a poor family in need of money, so the youngest child goes off on a Pokemon adventure to gather as much cash as possible to save yourself and your family from poverty!

    The cheapskate Challenge is a way to prevent item abuse, and also add a high score element to Pokemon in the same vain as the Wario Land games. Defeat the Elite Four with as much cash as possible, then after the end credits sell off all the items you've gathered to add more to your total! If your total exceeds the maximum amount of money, you'll have to start keeping track on paper or calculator to see your whole total.

    The Rules (Reworded by Me):

    -You are forbidden from purchasing any items. The only items you are permitted to use are those you find on the ground or ones that are given to you. The purchase of Game Corner prizes (even through coins you won from playing the games) falls under this restriction.

    Also forbidden:
    -Any means of rematches (Vs. Seeker, Pokegear, etc.)
    -The hold item Amulet Coin
    -The presence of Pokemon with the ability Pickup in your party
    -The use of the moves Metronome and Pay Day

    Any items found under Recurring Items or Recurring Gift Items in the Bulbapedia article on Items (including berries and apricorns) may be collected once per game, except for the following, which are forbidden outright:

    -Shoal Salts and Shoal Shells
    -The items in Turnback Cave
    -Items received from the Challenge Rock
    -Items found in Hidden Grottos

    -No gold farming via the selling of items you receive from items held by wild Pokemon*

    *By this I mean don't do it on a mass scale for the purpose of making the money. No one's going to notice if you sell that one Berry that one Pokemon you caught was holding.

    -No resetting after blackouts. Pay your prize money like the loser you are :) The only exception to this rule is during the Elite Four, because...

    -The Elite Four must be done in one session with no saving between battles. If you blackout, reset from your last save and try again. This forces good item management with your precious few hoarded items.

    -Immediatley after defeating the Elite Four and the credits roll, make your way to a mart and sell all of your items (including your TMs). Your total amount of money after doing this is your Final Score.

    -The challenge is considered completed after you defeat the Elite Four for the first time and sell everything., with the only exception being Johto games, where you must beat the Elite Four Rematch after collecting all 16 badges. This means no end-game content or areas are permitted to be explored.

    -In the event that your total money somehow exceeds the highest amount the games allowes you to get (I believe it is 999,999) you'll have to keep track of additional earnings pen-and-paper style (or in a word processor, if you live in the 21 century)

    -In your final post, make sure to tell us your Final Score and (when possible) include a screenshot of your Hall of Fame

    Other Rules:
    -Any Pokemon found naturally in your game are valid to use on your team, including legendaries.

    -Hacking/Trading is ONLY permitted for the purpose of evolution (where applicable)

    -Only games permitted for this challenge are main series games. No hacks, popular or otherwise, are permitted, even if they do take place in Kanto. There isn't really a way to compare scores otherwise.

    The $ignup:

    Current Challenger$:

    High $cores:

    All Champion$:
    Last edited:
    FireRed Update #1

    Name: Huggs
    Rival: Muggs
    Starter: Lifebloom the Bulbasaur

    -Everything went fine up to and including Brock, took him out with ease
    -Caught one of only two Pokemon that I plan on getting with my own Poke Balls, a Spearow. With the help of Sleep Powder I only had to use one. (The spearow isn't for use in my team, he's just for HM purporses)
    -The rival fight in Cerulean actually went super well. Leech Seed and Sleep Powder are moves sent from God
    -Caught my second Pokemon, and the second member of my team, Movember the Abra. Again, only used one Pokeball with the help of Sleep Powder
    -Movember evolved into a Kadabra before I got to Bill
    -Misty was also a breeze
    -Traded my Spearow for CG'DING the Farfetch'd in Vermillion
    -Cleared out SS Anne almost soley with Movember, she's a beast
    -Lt. Surge was easy but tedious. Had to fight through parahax and Double Teams
    -Went through Rock Tunnel, got to Celadon
    -Movember tore up Erika, mainly becuase she was Lv. 38 and such


    Current Money:
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    Current Inventory:

    Items Used:
    Poke Ball (2)

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    Lifebloom the Venusaur ♂, Lv. 37
    Ability: Overgrow
    -Sleep Powder
    -Leech Seed
    -Razor Leaf

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    Movember the Kadabra ♀, Lv. 39
    Ability: Inner Focus
    -Future Sight

    HM Slaves:
    CH'DING the Farfetch's: Cut
    This looks like a really tough challenge for someone like me with horrible item management skills. Sign me up right away.

    Name: KoboraX
    Game: LeafGreen
    FireRed Update#2

    -Cleaned out the Rocket Hideout, then the Pokemon Tower
    -Began clearing out the gold mine that is Silph Co,
    -Ended up having to use one Revive during the rival right because it was the cheaper alternative to blacking out
    -Received a Lapras, who we'll use as an HM slave, and the Master Ball, which we will end up using later on. Also cleared out the Fighting Dojo on my way out of the city
    -Cleared the east coast routes (13,14,15)
    -Got to Fuschia City and went through the Safari Zone twice. Once getting the Gold Teeth and any items along the way, and once more to pick up a few items that I missed, cheif among them the ™ for Sunny Day. Even if I had went in got the ™ and left again, it would be a $500 profit down the road
    -Movember completely destroyed Koga (no suprise there, he was Lv. 53 at the time)

    I forgot to take any ><

    Current Money:
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    Current Inventory:

    Items Used:
    Poke Ball (2)
    Revive (1)

    Total Lost Profit on Used Items: $950

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    Lifebloom the Venusaur ♂, Lv. 52
    Ability: Overgrow
    -Sleep Powder
    -Leech Seed
    -Razor Leaf

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    Movember the Kadabra ♀, Lv. 53
    Ability: Inner Focus
    -Future Sight

    HM Slaves:
    CH'DING the Farfetch's: Cut, Fly
    Lapras: Surf, Strength
    Story format time!

    Things weren't going so well for us in Pallet Town. Dad went off somewhere a month ago, and things were really hard for me and mom since then. Sure, dad sent over a bit of money every month, but it really wasn't enough to put food on the table every night. Mom was sick, and she really wasn't able to eat much, so there wasn't really anything to eat for quite a while. We needed money quickly, so I had to convince the nearby town professor, Oak, to lend me a Pokemon. Although, Oak's rich and snooty grandson, Gary, wouldn't let me just walk out of Pallet Town with a Pokemon. Oak allowed it, but I had to do him a favor and get him a package. Naturally, I agreed to it, but Gary wasn't happy at all.

    I went and picked out my starter, a little Squirtle I decided to name Bowser, sort of like the villain from a Mario game I played once as a kid. Gary, being the snobby jerk he was, took Oak's Bulbasaur and used it against me in battle. I've seen my dad battle before, so I knew the ropes of it all. I won against him, and I got a bit of money, but not really enough to help support my mom. I guess I would have to just keep going and save my money.

    After Gary had left, I let out a sigh as I stood in front of the entrance to Route 1. I looked back at my house, knowing I would return home, but it wouldn't be a long return. I adjusted my hat a bit and headed out into Route 1. As soon as I got there, a nice salesman from the store in Viridian City was offering free samples of Potions. Hesitating a bit, I went and got myself one, knowing it would be useful later on. I tried running from wild Pokemon since I didn't want to spend too much time on this route, and headed into Viridian City. From what Oak told me, I had to go and head to the store to get his package.

    As soon as I walked in, I was greeted by the clerk at the front desk. I guess Oak called and said I was coming since I was given the package right away. I smiled a bit and started to walk out, but the clerk stopped me, offering me a few Antidotes, but I declined. I was trying my best to save money, and I wasn't about to get roped into buying things from the shady salespeople in these stores. I went walking around the city a bit and found myself another Potion. Thinking that Oak must've been impatiently waiting for his package, I ran back to Pallet Town and brought the package to Oak. He thanked me and gave me a Pokedex along with some Poke Balls to catch some Pokemon of my own. He wished me luck on raising money to support my family, and I thanked him for the Poke Balls before I headed outside and back through Route 1 to Viridian City.

    As I began heading to Route 2, a kind old man stopped me and gave me some advice on catching Pokemon. His advice was really helpful, and even after that, he gave me a special portable television with tons of advice tapes on being a trainer. I thanked him and headed onto Route 2, where I thought I should try out catching a Pokemon for myself. I looked through what I might find on Route 2, but I didn't find anything I might want. Instead, I headed into Viridian Forest and decided to rest for now, but would start up early and get myself a Pikachu.

    Current Item Stock

    Items Used:
    Potion (1)

    Total Lost Profit: $356 (Blacked out because of a critical Thundershock from a Pikachu, and the Potion)


    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    Bowser (Squirtle) ♂ Lv. 7 @ Nothing
    Ability: Torrent
    Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Bubble
    Before my update, I'd just lije to mention a couple additions to the rules

    -I've decided to ban Game Corner Prizes
    -Also banned are the items found on Treasure Beach (the area south of the town on One Island) as they will keep reappearing


    FireRed Update #3

    -Cleared Route 19 and one half of route 20, then got to the Seafoam Islands
    -Got through the place, and used the Master Ball on Articuno (forgot to nickname it ><)
    -Ran into a small speed bump where I actually ran out of bag space to pick up all the items in the dungeon. Then I remembered none of my mons were holding anyhting so we were good
    -Stored all the items that I would never have to use into the PC once I got back to a Pokemon Center to avoid having this issue again
    -Cleared Route 21, the other half of Route 20, and the Cycling Road (because I realized I forgot to earlier)
    -Cleared out Pokemon Mansion, then finally got around to hack-trading Movember into an Alakazam (it really hadn't been necessary up to this point)
    -Took out Blaine. What even are Gym Leaders anymore?
    -Went to the Sidequest Islands
    -Didnt realize I needed the last badge to be able to use Rock Smash, so we'll have to come back to One Island to finish it up after that
    -Wondered why the 8th gym was locked, then realized I didn't beat Sabrina. Went and did that.
    -Cleared the eighth gym and the rest of One Island

    Current Money:
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    Current Inventory:

    Items Used:
    Poke Ball (2)
    Revive (1)

    Total Lost Profit on Used Items: $950

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    Lifebloom the Venusaur ♂, Lv. 61
    Ability: Overgrow
    -Leech Seed
    -Razor Leaf

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    Movember the Alakazam ♀, Lv. 58 @ Cleanse Tag
    Ability: Inner Focus
    -Future Sight

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    Articuno, Lv. 59 @ Quick Claw
    Ability: Pressure
    -Ice Beam
    -Mind Reader

    HM Slaves:
    CH'DING the Farfetch's: Cut
    Lapras: Surf, Rock Smash
    There's one thing I'm wondering. Wouldn't it be the best to just use your starter, use no items and then catch a legendary with the Master ball and use those 2 for the league after insane grinding so you don't need items? That would give the highest amount of money :p.

    I'll join whenever I got my plan ready!
    That's pretty much my entire strategy right there! (But shush, don't tell anyone : p)

    I mean, minus the grinding part probably. I feel like it won't be necessary.
    Huggermugger props to you and PekoponTAS on the challenge, it's a lot of fun.

    My Adventure
    ~Got squirtle and beat rival
    ~Caught a Pidgey, Rattata, and Mankey before delivering Oak's Parcel
    ~Grinded a small bit for rival battle
    ~Went into viridian forest caught Pikachu and Caterpie
    ~Caterpie evolved into Metapod before leaving
    ~Battled brock, Squirtle evolved into Wartortle
    ~Metapod evolved into Butterfree on Route 3
    ~Made it through Mt. Moon
    ~Used move tutors to teach Pikachu mega punch and Mankey mega kick
    ~Battled Misty, got worried when Starmie got a crit on Pikachu, but Butterfree's poison powder saved me
    ~Beat rival and made it to Bill's place, Pidgey evolved into Pidgeotto on the way
    ~Arrived in Vermillion about to go on the S.S. Anne

    My Team
    Happy (Butterfree) Lv17
    Calm Nature @None
    Ability: Compoundeyes
    Confusion, Sleep Powder, PoisonPowder, Tackle

    ShellShock (Wartortle) Lv19
    Serious Nature @None
    Ability: Torrent
    Water Gun, Tackle, Bubble, Bite

    Orville (Pidgeotto) Lv17
    Hardy Nature @None
    Ability: Keeneye
    Gust, Quick Attack, Sand-Attack, Tackle

    Kiyo (Mankey) Lv19
    Lax Nature @None
    Ability: Vital Spirit
    Low Kick, Mega Kick, Fury Swipes, Karate Chop

    Sparky (Pikachu) Lv17
    Lonely Nature @None
    Ability: Static
    Thundershock, Quick Attack, Mega Punch, Thunder Wave

    Ratty (Ratatta) Lv18
    Naive Nature @None
    Ability: Run Away
    Hyper Fane, Quick Attack, Tail Whip, Tackle

    My nicknames are based off of the anime, see if you can get them :3. Also sorry for no pictures but I have not had 15 posts yet so I'll edit this once I do.

    I have only a moon stone in my bag and I have $55014.
    I have used 6 pokeballs, I had to use two on pikachu, none of which I bought, and one antidote when I forgot I wasn't doing a nuzlocke.
    FireRed Update #4 (FINAL)

    -Went to the Pewter City and went to a tutor that I didn't know existed until today and taught Movember Seismic Toss
    -Cleared Victory Road and it was finally time for the E4 : D : D

    -Lorelei turned out fine, Lifebloom came out of it at low health and Movember was asleep. Opted not to use any items afterwards, however
    -Bruno was easy, didn't take a single hit. Movember's still asleep. Still didn't use anything afterwards
    -Agatha was stresssssful. Only Lifebloom died, but Articuno was close the entire time. Got a crit on Fly on the last Gengar, which was awesome. Used one Revive on Lifebloom and one Super Potion on Articuno before Lance.
    -Lance went fine. Lifebloom died on Gyarados, but Articuno swept everyone else. Picking him up was the best decision I've ever made. Used an Awakening on Movember, a Revive on Lifebloom, and a Hyper Potion on Movember before Muggs
    -Muggs went fine! Only Movember died! How the hell did I do that?!? That was the most stressful E4 i've ever done!
    -Flew to Viridian and sold everything!

    -I feel realllly good about my run. Other than a couple of hidden items I got frustrated trying to find and gave up, I'm pretty sure I got at least like 90% of the items in the game. I also beat all, if not damn near all of the trainers there are to beat. And no blackouts!

    EDIT: Turns out I forgot to do the Power Plant. That's $10,100 I missed out on :(. Oh well, nothing I can do about it now

    Hall of Fame:
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    Money Before Selling:
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    Final Score:
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    Final Inventory:

    Items Used:
    Poke Ball (2)
    Revive (3)
    Super Potion (1)
    Hyper Potions (1)
    Awakening (1)

    Total Lost Profit on Used Items: $3,675

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    Lifebloom the Venusaur ♂, Lv. 64
    Ability: Overgrow
    -Leech Seed
    -Razor Leaf

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    Movember the Alakazam ♀, Lv. 60 @ Cleanse Tag
    Ability: Inner Focus
    -Seismic Toss

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    Articuno, Lv. 64 @ Quick Claw
    Ability: Pressure
    -Ice Beam
    -Mind Reader

    HM Slaves:
    CH'DING the Farfetch's: Cut
    Lapras: Surf, Rock Smash
    Last edited:
    Final Update

    My Adventure
    ~I beat the rest of the gym leaders and almost lost to my rival right before the elite four, so I grinded like crazy before I tried to face the elite four.

    My Team

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    Happy (Butterfree) Lv66
    Calm Nature @None
    Ability: Compoundeyes
    Psybeam, Gust, Silver Wind, Safeguard
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    ShellShock (Blastoise) Lv63
    Serious Nature @None
    Ability: Torrent
    Surf, Strength, Skull Bash, Bite
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    Orville (Pidgeot) Lv60
    Hardy Nature @None
    Ability: Keeneye
    Wing Attack, Fly, Double-Edge, Featherdance
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    Kiyo (Primeape) Lv63
    Lax Nature @None
    Ability: Vital Spirit
    Rock Slide, Cross Chop, Thrash, Karate Chop
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    Sparky (Raichu) Lv62
    Lonely Nature @None
    Ability: Static
    Thunderbolt, Agility, Strength, Thunder Wave
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    Ratty (Raticate) Lv59
    Naive Nature @None
    Ability: Run Away
    Super Fang, Strength, Pursuit, Cut

    This update is short because, I'm ready to be done with this challenge. It was fun, but I have taken on too many challenges and I've had the worst luck with this one. For one I played for about two hours and forgot to save, and then after I got back to where I was I tried to make an update and I was switching in between tabs to get sprites, and then I closed out of this tab after I typed my whole update so I just didn't feel like it anymore. So that's why I'm keeping this one so short.
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    I have a long car ride home. Looking forward to this :D
    Last edited:
    Thanks for signing up! I hope you enjoy :)

    On another note, I'm going to start looking into extending this challenge to include all main series games, not just FR/LG. So look forward to that happening in (hopefully) the next week or so.

    Happy collecting!
    I'm gonna hop off this game and go play HG for a while, but here's my progress for the record.


    Badges Earned

    This challenge now officially extends to all main series games :D! Please reread the OP to see the new rules and such. Let me know if there are any major exploits that I did not think of / missed out on.

    Thank you for playing the challenge and continue having fun!
    Ok so I beat Misty but I had to come back and share this because the following events happened in said challenge.

    After Misty you go up and fight your rival, right? Well my plan for this game was to OP my starter and push my way through. Well I get to the second rival challenge and I have my level 20 sum Ivysaur, Leo, and a level 3 Rattata. Level 3. I get Leo to poison and leech seed Dex's, my rivals, Charmander, and he takes Leo out with like, 1/8 HP left, leaving my Ratatta, level 3 to fend on it's own. I send Ratatta out there, and that last bit of poison kicked in, Charmander drops, my Ratatta gets an incredible level boost, takes out the Abra in a few hits, since we all know it'll only try to teleport, gets another one, and takes out his Ratatta the next turn with hardsly any difficulty.

    A level 3 Ratatta took out my rivals team. Joey ain't got s$!t on my Ratatta.
    Guess I will be the first one to do this challenge on not FR/LG.

    Name: Ramsie
    Game: Ruby

    Update #1:
    • Started game. Named myself CHEAPSY
    • Did beginning stuff. Chose MONEY the Torchic
    • Caught CASH the Ralts
    • Caught both my HM slaves (No good gift Pokemon in RSE)
    • Defeated first gym no problem.
    • Defeated second gym no problem and delivered Steven's letter
    • Went to Slateport and kicked Team Magma out of town.
    • Blacked out to my Rival on Route 110 =[


    Items Used:
    Poke Ball x3
    Potion x1 (Against first fight with May)

    Badges: 2
    Money: $18320
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    Double Kick

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Cheap$kate Challenge

    Calm Mind
    Double Team
    -Only games permitted for this challenge are main series games. No hacks, popular or otherwise, of this gen are permitted, even if they do take place in Kanto. There isn't really a way to compare scores otherwise.

    This challenge now officially extends to all main series games :D! Please reread the OP to see the new rules and such. Let me know if there are any major exploits that I did not think of / missed out on.

    Thank you for playing the challenge and continue having fun!

    I'm a little confused by the OP, so can you clarify whether Pokemon Yellow is an acceptable game to complete the challenge on, per your rules?

    This challenges sparks my interest, and with Yellow being my favorite, I'd like to make a go at this on it.
    Ah, that was just a typo. Forgot to edit that when I did the transition to all gens. Yellow is definitely permitted, sorry for the confusion.