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The Children are Hunted. (M)

Zoran Nishant

"Someone's following us."


These words were bantered back and forth over and over, both from very light, airy voices. One was Zoran, who was well, a girl, and the other was a Buneary. Edmund didn't get this, not at all. If he was being followed, then the first thing he would do was get out of dodge. This was possibly a stupid fallacy of humans... or an insanity issue of the girl herself. Who knew? Maybe it was even both. She was practically skipping down the path, unconcerned with who or what or why. The girl was even humming, for god's sake.

"Aren't... you gonna run?" Beside them, the odd Shinx yipped, agreeing with him. Well that was one creature with sense.

Zoran shook her head cheerfully, hair dancing over and out of her face. "It would be kind of... pointless. And less fun! He can teleport, you know." The words were emphasized with a nod. "Besides," A leering sort of smile twisted the left side of her mouth. "I'm sure I can't give him what he wants." As she spoke, a place in the air almost warped, twisting a strange, distant shade of magenta. There it formed a goat-like creature, yellow fur thick over its limbs. In both hands it clutched a spoon.

"I would beg to differ lass," it intoned, the Alakazam's expression did not change, but a voice resounded kindly in their minds. It was creepy, at least to Edmund, creepier than those meat lockers humans had for Miltank. "You know as well as I do where she is. After all, aren't you headed that way?"

Zora giggled, turning to look at the levitating Pokemon, her honey eyes flickering in the sunlight. "Who?"

No response was first, but a pink wave rippled from a spoon, knocking the Shinx and Edmund over. "I wouldn't test me if I were you. You know how impatient I am with games."

The girl only smiled. "What will you do if I don't tell? Taking it from my brain would be just ru~de!" It almost chortled and then made a slicing motion with one clawlike hand. A pink blade hovered in midair, waiting patiently. The teenager giggled again. "Scary!"

"Shouldn't it be? If you don't tell me lass, this might be the nicest thing done to her." It leveled its gaze at the slowly rising Pokemon. "You're aware of that."

Zoran stood there and thought, patient, churning thoughts. If she told it would end. It would be soon, too soon. But if she died... well, then it would be a boring ending. Nothing was worse than boredom. Nothing was worse than the screams of dead and boredom. She shifted back on the balls of her feet, closing her eyes and humming gently a nursery rhyme so old nobody probably remembered its existence. As she did, memories rose in her mind, half-formed images of crimson eyes and and wings like spider legs.

A partnership... a beautiful word is it not? How about you amuse me for a while... and I'll extend the game? Would that be fun? It gets so droll here after all...

"Hmm...." Zoran murmured, licking her lips. Closing her eyes, the girl tilted her head downward. "I still dunno what you're talking about!" She placed her hands behind her back, as if the gesture would prove her innocence on the matter.

Alakazam sighed. "If you insist then." He made another slashing motion and the pink blade moved, tearing her shirt open and cutting into her chest. Without a sound, Zoran fell backwards, Edmund jumping in the way of her cracking her head open. Sparx yowled and leaped, fangs glowing pale blue, only to be thrown into a nearby tree with a wave of the other paw. Edmund scrambled out from other the girl's head, trying to see Zoran's eyes. Was she dead? No... no wait... there was that pulse. Okay, not as bad now.

Buneary looked up at the Alakazam, who levitated over to the limp girl. He tensed his small body. There was no way he could last long against a freaking fully evolved baddie like this guy. Nor could he evolve out of bloody nowhere. That was just not fair. He had to actually have a happy live to even come close to matching this bastard and that just wasn't happening. Edmund figured he was better off leaving the crazy chick and bolting into the underbrush.

"I would stay where you are," the Psychic type advised, looking him up and down. A smirk curled its lips. He lowered his height in the air, reaching out toward the girl's prone head...

Only for a purple and black ball to knock it away. No, more than knock it away. The limb twisted backward, snapping like a toothpick.

Edmund growled softly, both ears curled close to his head. "I ain't a fan o' humans," he grumbled. "But I'm likin' you even less. BEAT IT!" He charged, white light circling his tiny body as he leaped, kicking the Pokemon in the face. "You hear me you old fart! GET OUTTA HERE!" He bounced, kicking repeated into the face of his enemy. Nothing quite like the move Frustration.

Alakazam floated away, shaking his head. That had actually hurt... As the Buneary landed back on the ground, he weighed his options. He could get rid of the creature... and risk bringing some fool down on him. No, it was best to wait. It wasn't like the child wasn't easy to find or some other such nonsense. A smile alighted on his face. Actually, maybe it was best just to wait, time it just right.

A low chuckle touched his lips and the Pokemon vanished, leaving Edmund to uncurl his ears with an unconscious girl on the road.

"Well now what," he grumbled.
#5: Fire? And a Purpose?

Blaze was annoyed. Staring at the newcomer who practically invaded his bed, he grunted at Jari. Jari tried to give him couch space, but was eventually on the couch by himself after much argument. Jari slept on the hardwood floor that night, on a quilt. It was extremely uncomfortable, but he fell asleep. Eventually.

"I fell asleep?!" Jari exclaimed.
"Yeah. Well, I have nothing to say."
"Wait, what?"
"Nothing, really, that I can think of... well, actually, maybe something." The lizard scratched his chin. "Some stuff, you know, we might work on... later. Want a sparring match? Actually... woah..."
"I think you may want to wake up about now."

Jari looked around. The Rufflet was fast asleep, truly invading the bed as the Monferno was probably king of the couch. Why would he want to wake... wait a sec. Jari looked around. That smell... it wasn't a normal smell. It was the smell of... the smell... of...

"Fire!" Jari yelled. Nothing else was needed, as both Pokemon were awake.
"Tell me you ain't cryin wolf, 'cause I got some sleep to catch..." The Rufflet said. Blaze nodded in agreement.
"I'm dead serious. We have to get out. Ruffl- what's your name?"
"Well, erm, the name is Ronin. No master or lord or any of that crap."
"Fits you. Check what floor the fire is on. Your wound should almost be healed."
"Alright." Ronin flew out the window, flapping his wings as he looked around. <This human stuff works miracles!> He thought, and looked around. There! The thirteenth floor was to the brim with smoke, and so was the fourteenth, twelfth, and eleventh. They, on the other hand, were on the sixth. He flew back into the room. "Thirteenth floor his a-blazin. The fourteenth, twelfth, and eleventh are too. There's someone yellin for help, but we sho-"
"We have to help them!"
"Nonono, that's the firefighter's job. We gotta get moving."
"You can get going. If you don't want to help, you have a chance to leave."
"Well..." It was too late. Jari was already running out the door, phone in hand and Blaze on shoulder.

Jari burst the door open. The thirteenth floor was a mess. And worse of all, he was staring face to face with a Camerupt.

"No... no... more.... NO MORE HUMANS! NO MORE!" The Camerupt roared to life, and proceeded to headbutt the unsuspecting Jari.
"Woah woah woah!" Jari was almost hurt by the literally wild Pokemon, and if it weren't for Blaze countering with a Mach Punch, Jari would have probably broken a rib or two being nowhere near the ground... except... a few rocks. Jari winced. He could use the rocks, but they could only buy him time... unless... "Blaze, cover me. I have a plan." The Monferno nodded, and Jari noted growth since the beginning of the league. He would have to check it out later, though. Now, he began to fuse the rocks left by melting parts of each one, then sticking them together, then cooling them so that they fused, which the stone took on a more dagger- like shape.

"Why are you doing this!" Jari yelled at the Camerupt.
"Humans... they ruin... Pokemon... LIFE!!!" The Camerupt's attitude was annoying him.
"It's said 'Humans ruin a Pokemon's life,' and beyond that, we don't. Well, I don't." He didn't want to hurt the Camerupt, but as he first saw the young trainer's unconscious body, Jari was furious. "How the heck did you get up here anyway?"
"PokeBall... horrible PokeBall..." The Camerupt motioned towards the trainer. Jari looked at the Pokemon once again, now noticing what had happened. Jari was a bit confused... what should he do at the moment, anyway?
"Coming through!"
"Ronin!" The bird flew threw the air with grass in it's beak.
"Do not fear, Ronin is here!" The bird's brave attitude disrupted the commotion quickly. "I need you to buy me some time," he whispered to Jari. Jari nodded, and the dagger became a ball.
"Hey volcano-back! Take this!" The round stone bounced off the rib of the Camerupt. It did a bit of damage, but it wasn't possibly going to do the job on its own.
"You like any other human! Cause only misery... ONLY PAIN!" The Camerupt, although taking a small amount of damage from the stone, was quickly rushing towards Jari again.
"Ronin! You know what to do!" A muffled "mm hmm" was heard as Ronin pulled the Grass Knot he had created with his beak, making it sturdier. The Camerupt fell to the ground, hitting his face harshly.
"Ack... Hu... mans...." The Camerupt lay down, exhausted. Jari looked through the still burning floor, and he abruptly found the trainer who cried for help and ran. The sixth floor was still free of flames, and it seemed it would stay that way. Still, Jari packed his bags and walked out of the hotel with Ronin and Blaze, whistling.

"So is this how we part ways?" Jari asked, almost disappointedly.
"Well, uh... I guess I gotta repay you with somethin." Ronin thought for a moment. "Catch me," he said quietly.
"Wait, what?"
"I want to be on yo' team, Jari, don't cha get it?"
"I mean, sure, I guess?"
And thus, Ronin joined Jari's team.

Jari walked down the crowded streets of Tokyo. His bike was beside him, but there wasn't enough space to ride it. In fact, at one moment, he was returning Blaze to his PokeBall, since it was too squished to have him walking. As he returned the Pokemon along the streets of Tokyo, one person shoved him with his shoulder pretty hard. He swiveled around, and that person gave no explanation, but glaring at Blaze's Pokeball being put away, he said...

"How do you know that your Pokemon are satisfied with their lives? How do you know that they're satisfied with taking orders from you, with fighting other Pokemon for your gain, with spending time in a dark cage when you don't need them? How, when instead they might be free to lead their own lives?"​

Before he could reply, the mysterious stranger had disappeared into the crowd. And later, as he approached the gym, he wore a confident smirk, but on the inside he questioned himself carefully, eyeing his pockets...

"Do Blaze and Ronin really want to do this...?" He said out loud.
Apollo & Vlad
"Iz youz awake back there?" Vlad's booming, accented voice washed over Apollo like a wave on the shoreline. Apollo stirred a little on the great fire dragon's back, his eyes opening to the sky and ground passing by at a mile a minute it seemed. He was a little ashamed to admit it, but he had indeed nodded off on their long trek across this gigantic country. Japan was absolutely minuscule in comparison, this place, it was something else entirely. So much land, grass and trees. Everything felt so spread out. How did these humans stand it?

"Uh, yes I'm awake," he lied, his answer not full of gumption or much passion. He knew the Charizard didn't believe him for a second, but it mattered little in the grand scheme of things. Glacia had entrusted him on his first mission, not so much as a 'how do you do' before he was shipped off. Truth be told, there had been a few targets that presented themselves. When Vlad and himself stopped for water at a river, a lone trainer had been fishing for more Pokemon to add to his collection. However, fear swelled in his chest and he felt an immobilizing fear that prevented him from acting. Vlad seemed to understand, he consoled him as they departed the area.

"It takez time, youz will be fine," He had told him.

"Why don't you take us down for now?" Apollo had no sooner said the words before Vlad acknowledged. The Charizard tucked his wings against his body, the wind left the fibrous, sail like membranes. They dropped like a stone, Vlad's shadow swelled on the ground beneath them as they drew nearer and nearer. At the last second, Vlad's wings extended and they glided to a sound stop within seconds of his doing so. Apollo staggered off in a daze, his footing causing him to stumble and fall face first into the ground. He laid there unmoving, his face turning to look up at the Charizard as he loosed a deep belly laugh. "Would it kill you to give us a gentle landing for once?" Apollo asked him earnestly, his face still half eating dirt.

"Iz good for you. Makez you strong and buildz character," Vlad answered completely serious, a knowing and devious glint in his eye. The dragon stiffened suddenly out of the blue, his nose reaching heavenward as it began to sniff with vigor. "Apollo," he looked down at the Gabite still on the ground. "Wez haz company in the area, it zmells like humanz, or maybe only one humanz."

Scrambling to his feet, his manner completely ungraceful, Apollo looked around in a frenzied search. He didn't see anything, it looked completely devoid of life besides the two of them. "I don't see anything, are you sure?"

"Oh yez," Vlad nodded his head and raised one of his three taloned claws to the east. "Iz over there."

"Ok, you stay here." Apollo walked over and placed his arm against the great beast's belly. "No offense, you kind of, uhm, stick out." He patted his stomach and walked off before Vlad could protest. Apollo walked backwards for just a second to see the Charizard rest his head on the ground dejected. Turning back around, he continued walking for a few minutes. He cursed under his breath that Vlad was crazy and this was all some elaborate rookie initiation prank. Just as he was about to turn back, he spied something just across the way.

A human, sprawled across the ground, laying prone and woefully exposed. Maybe this was the target he needed? Nobody else seemed to be around and this one didn't seem to be as scary as the one fishing earlier. Cautiously, he approached from behind as he circled about. The Gabite's steps were as quite as he could make them. Something else seemed amiss, a Pokemon? Humans weren't known for letting their Pokemon out of balls unless they were fighting. At least, that's what Apollo always assumed. It looked like a buneary, right next to the unconscious little human. Maybe he was a member of RDM! That would be amazing for Apollo and maybe he could even help this pokemon out and get back to Glacia.

"E-excuse me?" Apollo asked nervously, his one fingered talons interlocking with each other. "A-are you with RDM?" he asked the buneary expectantly. If the buneary wasn't, maybe he could play it off as helping the human. Then he could take it either way and still claim the human.​
Stryker the Zoroark
Tokyo, Japan


Stryker didn't get much sleep. He eventually conceded defeat and pushed himself up from the nest of blankets that he'd borrowed from Surge. "Oh, nice to see you're awake," the Raichu called, perched high...somewhere in the dark room. It was dark enough that Stryker had a hard time of locating anything by sight. "You just missed my excitement. I've overloaded the power again, need ta reset those breakers...there!"

The lights came back on full force, forcing Stryker to hold one paw up to shield his eyes. When they'd readjusted, he blinked and saw Surge climbing down a ladder built into one wall, eyes dancing with...something. "What got you so excited, then?" the Zoroark asked, stretching himself.

"Oh, just a couple new ideas," Surge answered offhandedly, returning to Stryker's new device on a table. "Still, what if I could make something that granted artificial telepathy?" The Raichu was excited, obviously. His cheeks were sparking. "Or x-ray vision, like a Luxray? Well, it's technically not supposed to be called 'x-ray' vision, but you know what Luxrays can do!" Surge had grabbed the device and begun running toward Stryker. He paused, just a few steps away, as new thoughts came to him. He wasn't sparking anymore. "Actually, I'm not sure how effective the telepathy thing would be. Great as it is, technology can't always best Pokemon. It'd probably be short-range..."

Stryker raised an eyebrow as he reached out to pull his device from the Raichu's paws. Some Pokemon he'd met already didn't like technology. The idea that they might meet someone with artificial telepathy seemed like something that could scare anyone away. He wouldn't say a word about that, though. "I'm sure if anyone could do it, you could," Stryker replied, slipping the glasses onto his head. It was a new weight, but he'd get used to it. "See ya later."

He gave a brief, friendly salute and was leaving as he heard Surge say to himself, "Y'know, I'd have to take a look at a Luxray's eyes or somethin' to figure out how I could do it..."


He'd watched Jari through the day after that, including the episode with the Rufflet. Great. Now the kid has another one under his control. Nothing new occurred after that, other than the fact that the boy didn't capture the Rufflet with a PokeBall. This puzzled Stryker, but he shoved it to the back of his mind. When the boy was back in the hotel, Stryker settled down on the rooftop across the street, disguised as a Persian curled up for a light nap.


Smoke. It was the smell of smoke that woke Stryker. The eyes of the 'Persian' remained closed, but Stryker glanced around to check that he was alone. He didn't hear or smell anything new, either...beside the smoke. He pushed himself up to look across the street, at the upper floors that were burning. "Oh, snap!" Stryker quickly checked his tracking-screen on his glasses; he was still using the signal Surge had given him. No, no, no, the boy was still inside, according to Surge's signal.

Which floor was he on, though? Stryker pulled out a pair of binoculars from his backpack with quick efficiency, noting that a Rufflet - the same one? - flew out of a window for a few moments before flying back in. He looked through his binoculars at the hotel, switching to infrared vision as he found the floor the Rufflet was in. There was the boy's body heat...he left the room...went up the stairs--

Stryker cursed, paws dropping in exasperation. I'm losin' him, I'm losin' my target, he's goin' up toward the fire-- He paused, thinking. Part of the briefing had been that the boy could supposedly raise magma...and either he was foolish, or brave, or he had a way of fighting the fire...the Zoroark brought the binoculars up again to watch the boy.

The night passed fitfully, with relief coming only as Stryker saw him leaving the hotel intact. "Not gonna be berated for watchin' without intervention," he muttered to himself.


Later, Jari walked down the crowded streets of Tokyo. His bike was beside him, but there wasn't enough space to ride it. In fact, at one moment, he was returning Blaze to his PokeBall, since it was too squished to have him walking. As he returned the Pokemon along the streets of Tokyo, one person shoved him with his shoulder pretty hard. He swiveled around, and that person gave no explanation, but glaring at Blaze's Pokeball being put away, he said...

"How do you know that your Pokemon are satisfied with their lives? How do you know that they're satisfied with taking orders from you, with fighting other Pokemon for your gain, with spending time in a dark cage when you don't need them? How, when instead they might be free to lead their own lives?"

Before he could reply, the mysterious stranger had disappeared into the crowd.

Stryker grinned to himself, slipping into an alley, keeping his disguise of a white human dressed in civilian clothing. That, at least, had gone well. He tapped into his tracking system, checking to make sure that his tracking bug had latched onto the boy's clothes. Of course it had; Stryker had been doing it for quite a while now. The question he'd posed, as a stranger, was something with RDM intentions.

As he walked further down the alley, looking for an easy way up to the roof, two figures landed on the ground, one in front of Stryker and the other behind. The Hitmonlee in front was glaring at him. Glancing around, Stryker confirmed that the other, a Hitmonchan, was glaring as well. "Long time, no see," he greeted, dropping his illusionary disguise.

The two Hitmons still glared. "The higher-ups need a report," the Hitmonlee snapped, "and they're not too happy that you didn't try to keep your target alive."

"Hey," Stryker's tone grew just as serious as he held up his paws, "orders to watch without interfering, Lee!" He knew their real names, but it was fun to call them Lee and Chan. "B'sides, they'd be interested in hearin' what I found out. That's what you're here as, right? Messengers? Ow!" He rubbed his arm from the harsh blow, turning to glare at Chan.

"I still remember Phoenix, kiddo," Chan stated flatly. "Report."

"Well, the boy's a Trainer," Stryker began, "but we knew that already. He took a plane here and went to the Tokyo Gym two days ago, but I didn't follow him inside. I'm pretty sure he didn't stick around long enough for a Gym battle. Yesterday, he acquired another Pokemon, a Rufflet. Last night, when the hotel caught on fire..." The Zoroark grinned. "The boy went up instead of down, into one of the burning floors. There were others on that floor, one of which was a Fire Pokemon. Thing is, when the boy left, he was no worse for walking into the fire."

The Hitmons were silent. Stryker's grin failed. "Hey, I'm not making a full report when the boy's still walking around, okay?"

"We know," Lee said. He didn't look happy. Prob'ly 'cause he doesn't get to beat me up. "Higher-ups have a few words for ye. If the target makes a big display of unnatural powers, secure him."
Thomas Elias Brown
Randy Greyson JR.
Sir Quincy Marley

The first of many: A time to battle!

"Arcino! This is your first real fight, be careful." Quincy said, smiling. The treecko scowled and helds his hands loosely at his side. Esper purred at the treecko and then looked at their enemies, a Gligar, a Growlithe, and a Grimer

"You ready Esper?" Thomas asked, smiling at the cat.

"Electrike! Use tacle on that Gligar!" Randy called.

"Heheheh," Quincy laughed to himself as the small puppy hit the gargoyle, making him take off into the air.

"What are you laughing at you trash!?" Randy snapped. Thomas blinked, confused. The Tackle was pretty strong, and Electrike was a powerful pokemon, what was the matter?

"Don't you see the problem? An electric type trying to battle a ground type, honestly." Quincy said. Types? Wah?

"Esper, confusion on that Grimer." Thomas said slowly, watching the cat fire a raingow colored beam at the big blob.

"Gligar, Dig!" the man said, and the gargoyle dove under the ground. Randy looked around and scowled.

"You don't know a thing about types... How sad. Trainers indeed. Each pokemon has one or two types they can be." Quincy said, adding "Double Team Arcino!"

"What does it matter? Electrike is way tougher than- ELECTRIKE! Get up you stupid mutt!" Randy shouted. Thomas scowled and turned his attention back to his own battle. Types... He already knew about them... But remembering what type beat what was tough. He knew that Esper's Psychic Type beat Poison and Fighting, but was beaten by Ghost, Bug, and Dark. But beyond that... Some were obvious, like Arcino was going to get hurt, because fire sets grass and wood ablaze. And lightning was very dangerous to flying because they had to fly in it... Gligar was clearly a Flying Type... So... Why did he know a Ground move? Wait... One or TWO types! Gligar must have two types!

"Simple really. Like that growlithe has an advantage over my Arcino, Gligar has one over Electrike!" Quincy said, smiling. The electric dog groaned and collapsed.

"W-what? One hit? ONE HIT!!" Randy said angrily. Esper yowled loudly as he was hit by a powerful Pound, snapping Thomas's attention back to his own battle.

"Arcino, be careful!" Quinxy said. Thomas needed to beat this guy and help Quincy!

"Pound Arcino!" Quincy said desperately, trying to keep his pokemon moving so he would not get hurt by the two pokemon with type advantages.

"Growlithe, Flame Wheel!" the lead grunt said with a smirk. Growlithe cloaked himself in fire and charged at Arcino, who rolled out of the way, the flames barely missing him.

"Esper! Time to end this! Psychic now!" Thomas cried. The espeon's gem glowed with power and the grimer clutched his head.

"GRI!" it cried, fainting.

"Good, Esper, Tackle that Growlithe now!" Thomas said. Esper darted forward with shocking agility and slammed into the dog, getting burned in the process by his Flame Wheel, but knocking him away from Arcino.

"Hm... Get him Gligar! Aerial Ace!" the second grunt said.

"Growlithe! Are you ok?" the first one said, concerned.

"Randy, you could learn a lot from this guy." Thomas commented. That was bad, when some whacko cared more about his pokemon than you did.

"Shut the hell up!" Randy said angrily. He had returned his pokemon and was standing next to Quincy and Thomas.

"Heh. indeed you could! Arcino, Pound attack!" Quincy said.

"Confusion Esper!" Thomas said, hoping Esper would focus on the same one Arcino did. Esper sent his agreement through their link... What, Esper read his mind? Weird... Oh well. The two attacks slammed into the already weakened Gligar one after another, and it fainted. The lead grunt recoiled, but his growlithe glared at them.

"Growlithe... Return." he said. "It seems I misjudged you trainers..."

"Hah! Wuss, you run as soon as the battle goes against you!" Randy said.

"Shut up Randy!" Thomas said exasperatedly. Sometimes his mouth ran too much.

"Hm... You ought to be ashamed. Both of you. Think what your pokemon want. Do they want to be treated like nothing Randy? Do they want to be coddled and held back Cliff? Of course not. Your pokemon are living breathing creatures. They have needs and desires too, and it is your obligation as their trainers to fulfill them." Quincy said.

"Bah, shut up." Randy said, scowling.

"How did you know my name? Never mind. Knight's, return! We go home!" the leader said, climbing into his car and driving away. Knights, huh? And Quincy... How did he know them? The boy was hiding a lot. And as for what he said... Was Esper happy with the life that had been chosen for him? Were they really doing the right thing? What other choice DID they have now?

The girl wasn't waking up.

...This was a bad thing wasn't it?

"Geez," grumbled the Buneary. "Humans are so fragile. Why are my kind so scared of you little idiots again?" He flexed a paw and sat down beside the girl, watching her chest rise and fall slowly, peacefully. What a strange kid... standing up to an Alakazam like that... must be suicidal or something. He wondered if all humans had a death wish.

One of his ears shifted up and he groaned quietly. Now who was bothering them? More importantly, why in Arceus' Plates was this bugger being so flipping quiet? Or attempting to anyway. Buneary had ears. They had really good ears. It was like trying not to be smelled by a Growlithe. Dude. Just dude. He opened a beady black eye, having been lounging next to Zoran's body. Edmund sat up slowly, appraising the Gabite with apparent disinterest. It was a freaker, definitely. Maybe if he broke a twig, it would jump.

It asked a question, one that made every single one of his furs stand on end. The RDM? Why would that be a conversation starter? Edmund yawned widely to cover himself, staring up at the large and threatening Pokemon. "Nah...," he replied in perfectly clear normal words. "I'm my own Pokemon as it were kid." Honestly, he didn't know how old the guy was. However, any Gabite who fidgeted like that was either once captured by a horrible person, had abusive Pokeparents, or was too young for their claws. I'm just killing time with Sleeping Beauty here." His voice dripped with some subtle sarcasm. "What's it to you?"


She floated further down the road well, practically flying. She was lucky that little rabbit or anyone had seen her. That could have been a real, real problem. Alakazam is out... she whispered to no ears. Have to hurry... have to get there right now...

Not for the first time, she wished she was actually capable of grabbing things. For all she knew, that person was busy, too busy to notice that crazy creature at her location. Theo... why now? Why did you wait so long? What's started?
Thomas Elias Brown
Randy Greyson Jr.
Sir Quincy Marley

Come sail away!

Thomas sighed and leaned against the railing. He and Randy were on the boat fine, but Quincy was detained. Apparently he wasn't an American citizen, so they had to re-examine all his paperwork. Like one British guy with a Treecko was a terrorist. Whatever. Oh well. Randy was complaining about something. Or boasting about something. Thomas didn't care. He had stopped paying attention. He reached down and absently scratched Esper's ears, making the cat purr.


Thomas looked around for the source of the soft growl, only to focus his attention on Elektrike. The dog thing was staring sadly at him and Esper, looking kind of jealous. Wait, could poemon have expressions? Well, Electrike certainly looked like he had a pained, jealous expression. Thomas knelt down and extended his hand to the pokemon, who sniffed it. He growled fiercely when Thomas moved to pet him, so Thomas moved his hand back.


Thomas jerked in shock and looked around, feeling Esper nuzzling his leg, rubbing happily, purring loudly. Who had said that? He looked At Randy, who was holding tight to the railing, looking queezy. Certainly not him. He looked at the psychic type, who's eyes were shining brightly... With emotion, of course. Intelligence? Yes, Esper was intelligent, but could he communicate?


"Huh? Esper... Are you... ?" Thomas asked. Esper purred louder and rubbed against his loose hand. How odd. Could Esper actually talk, despite the fact he was a pokemon? Really, was it possible?

"Hey, how are you gents?" Quin said, walking over and draping his hand on Thomas's.

"Uhg... I'm sick..." Randy groaned, gagging softly. Thomas grinned.

"I have an idea, how about a battle to take your mind off of it?" Thomas suggested quietly. Randy looked at him curiously and nodded slowly. Thomas smiled and gestured at the deck.
Apollo & Vlad
Apollo let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding. The Buneary was a bit sassy, not exactly the attitude he had expected from the little fuzzball. Then again, he hadn't expected it to be a "he" either. At least he gathered that the Buneary wasn't affiliated with the trainer in any tangible way, maybe his curiosity simply led him here? He didn't seem like it was his trainer.

Shifting uncomfortably, Apollo walked nearer to the slumbering human, an appraising eye running up and down its tiny form. What happened to it? These humans, they all looked the same. Apollo really didn't even know if it was a male or female. He leaned down and poked its cheek with one of his talons, checking to make sure it was really unconscious. No response so far.

"Well, uhm..." Apollo wasn't a good liar, he really had no idea what to say that might convince the Buneary to let him take the human. Maybe he didn't have to convince him? He could just take it and call for Vlad to come and scoop them up. Casting a glance over his shoulder, he spied the big, dopey Charizard standing on his haunches and watching him from afar. A sigh escaped his mouth as he turned to talk to the Buneary again. "I, uh, can help her if you want," he lied unconvincingly. "My friend over there," he pointed at Vlad, a subtle cue for the great Charizard to come on over and make an appearance, "he could fly the human to help."

Vlad flew to but a few feet away from where Apollo and the Buneary had been conversing. His great wings expanded and cast a shadow over the lot of them as he finished speaking. Bending down to sniff the Buneary, Vlad looked him square in the eye and tried to size up the little Pokemon. Size wise, there was no competition. "Hello, I iz Vlad," he spoke up cheery enough. "We take humanz now, okay?"

Apollo groaned inwardly at the Charizard's blunt manner. He certainly didn't beat around the bush. Flashing his best salesman's smile, he nodded to what his companion said and made it seem like they only had the best of intentions. Which of course, they did. Just not for the human.​

The girl slept on, even as the Gabite poked her in the cheek. Edmund thought that wasn't normal. Actually... that was a problem. Also... these bastards ruffled his fur every wrong way. However... while he knew he could take down big, fiery, and stupid, he could not take out both of them. That was asking for a death sentence. And the dopey lizard knew it too. So he smiled, a rather cute expression, and asked simply. "What are you going to do to her?"

He wasn't stupid. This guy lied as well as the lizard. These guys weren't right at all, not for the girl. Shoot, he didn't even know the girl's name. However, she hadn't caught him. She hadn't forced him to do anything except tell her his name and that got him a free ride. Rising to his feet, the rabbit scowled. "What are you going to do to her? You are some of those bastards who think humans are all nutters and monsters right? You're some of those nutters who think it's cool to be all "an eye for an eye" right?" He snorted. "I ain't a fan of humans at all. Buggers could rot for all I darn care. But..." His ears curled down. "She ain't done nothin' to me. She's stupid, weird. Whatever. An' all she's been is nice to my fluffy butt. She ain't lied or put me in one of those junkie trips. And her Pokemon got more sense than her!" Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her twitch. A smile broke out on her face and slowly, the girl opened her eyes.

She yawned widely. "Hey Edmund, what did I miss?"

Zoran Nishant

The Buneary snorted at her, glowering as she sat up. Zoran smiled happily and patted his head. She was vividly aware of the two Pokemon staring at her. She was even more aware of Sparx being wide awake and shifting around in her Pokeball like a Pokemon possessed. No killing Sparx. That's not your job.

Zoran licked her lips. "Well, hello there sweeties~" she chirped at the Pokemon. "Are you here for lil' ol' me?" In her head, something cracked. She had been asleep way too long for getting hit with an Energy Ball. Of course, by human standards, she was quite lucky she wasn't dead. Her shadows had taken care of it though. They usually did; the greedy nutcases. She giggled at the two Pokemon. "Well then, you two. I suppose we should get a move on, huh? Don't want to disappoint your higher-ups now would we?"

Edmund stared at her. "Girly are you nuts?"

Zora only laughed. "Of course I am! Now you come along too. You'll probably get the grand tour of the place. And..." She frowned. "You can make sure Doom and Sparx don't kill anyone. They have a lot of homicidal tendencies."
Thomas Elias Brown
Randy Greyson Jr.
Sir Quincy Marley

Battle on the big blue! Shark Attack!

"A battle? A capital idea, mate!" Quin said happily. Oh, so he was an Aussie now? Whatever. Randy had sent out his Elecktrike, and Esper had happily assumed his spot. Time to begin. Randy quickly ordered Elecktrike to use Spark. Thomas smirked and nodded.

"Esper, Confusion!" Thomas said. Esper purred and his gem gleamed, even as the dog charged, and Electrike yelped and hit the ground, his eyes dazed. He stood up and stumbled a bit.

"That's ******** you stupid bastard!" the younger boy shouted loudly. Thomas rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Watch your mouth, there's a child present." Thomas said, gesturing at Quin, who chuckled.

"Oh, hilarious. Say, you fancy a battle after this one? No, no, you would not be able to oppose Zeda, never mind." Quin said, still chuckling. He waved at some blonde haired man, who seemingly ignored his antics. So... Quin had a habit of waving at people... Nothing wrong with being friendly, Thomas supposed.

"**** you both! Elecktrike, Tackle!" Randy cried. Thomas rolled his eyes.

"Esper, Tackle too." Thomas said. Esper had a slightly annoyed look. What, he didn't like to get close to other pokemon. Still, he dashed at the dog and slammed into him, knocking him over and pinning him down. Bad move Esper...


"ESPEON!" Esper cried, his fur having little electrical pulses dancing all over it, shaking and backing up. He shuddered weakly as the elecktrike got back to his feet, snarling.

"ESPER!" Thomas shouted, but Esper seemed unharmed, though his movements were jerky and awkward. Thomas felt something touch his mind, and it sounded like someone was trying to speak through a staticky TV.

"O-, ---- -u--..."

"You're ok Esper, sorry... Confusion again!" Thomas said. Randy, sensing an opening, quickly ordered Elecktrike to strike. Well, ordered is the wrong word...

"Alright you dumb mutt, you got him on the ropes! Hit him with spark again you stupid ass mutt!"

Thomas wanted to throttle him Quin even looked displeased. This was not right. Esper snarled, his eyes gleaming. He didn't like Randy much, clearly. You just, didn't talk to a pokemon like that! Esper fired the attack while Elecktrike had turned and growled at Randy. He howled and hit the ground, knocked out cold. Randy growled and returned him, looking at the pokeball.

"What a worthless runt..." he scowled. Thomas walked over to Randy and sighed.

"No, you just treat him poorly and he hates you. You were winning until you started calling him names." Thomas said. Randy growled and backhanded the larger boy, actually making him trip over his own feet and fall to the ground.

"I've had enough of your preaching!" he shouted. Thomas glared up at him, his right hand balling into a fist his left still being limp.

"You son of a *****!" Thomas yelled. All of a sudden, that familiar rush of power, and everything seemed to slow down. In his mind, he heard the ticking of an old clock, and Randy's expression of anger turned to confusion and then loathing as Thomas got up and tackled him, all painfully in slow motion. The sound of the waves, Quin and Esper's cries of shock and pleading, the other poeple running towards the two boys as they wrestled near the railing, punching and kicking each other all seemed like it was moving slower. Thomas would have actually been getting beat up, because he was only using his right arm, had it not been for that.


"You feel it do you not? My power?"

"Wh- t-e ---- ar- --u?"


Esper cried out, his gem flashing a deep blue and he collapsed at the same time Thomas had hit Randy so hard he dropped the pokeball holding Elecktrike over the railing. Without an once of hesitation, Thomas jumped the rail and dove after the ball. He caught it and turned his body so he would land without hurting himself, making a big splash as the boat left him behind. He kicked his feet and put the ball in his pocket, beginning to swim, a current pushing him in different directions, making him completely lost. The link with Esper was weak, and Thomas could see past the guards, Esper's memories and emotions flooding into his mind. A young eevee baby with a girl. Falling in a hole and getting trapped. The girl making promises to come bac for him. Days passing. A broken paw. Esper finally having to climb out of the muddy pit imself. Fear. Anger. Hunger. Wandering for weeks, months, not knowing where he was. More fear. Seeing Thomas the first time.

"Th-thomas... Mine..."

Thomas was unsure if Esper had said that in his mind or if it was from a memory. But suddenly they shut off, and Thomas found himself washed up on a beach, laying in the sand, barely able to breath. Had... Esper saved him? Had he saved himself? Had D saved him?
Lars Viklund - Episode 2 * Part 1

In which we get to know of Lars' family

The light poured in through the window. Lars was lying on his back, with the bed-sheet up to his nose. He glanced at the window a second time before debating whether or not to go back to sleep. However his thoughts were interrupted by Morgan's cheery voice ringing in his mind.

"Gooooodd mooooorning sunshine!" The little pig said – or rather thought – with a giggle. Lars took one glance at the Psychic-type and then rolled over onto his stomach and pulled the bed-sheet over his head. Morgan gave off a displeased oink and started poking and prodding at his Trainer's back to get him out of the bed.

"I'm not in the mood for this Morgan…" Lars said tiredly, "I've had that strange dream again."

The Spoink got somewhat of a worried expression over his face, "The dream about that lizard-thing?" He asked.

"It's not a lizard!" Lars sat straight up in the bed, the tired expression on his face had now been switched for an annoyed one, "It's a DRAGON, a DRAGON, Morgan."

"Of course I know that it's a dragon! You told me like a thousand times at first!" The pig retorted.

"I didn't tell you a thousand times Morgan!" Lars said grumpily, "I told you around 20 times, maybe. At max 26 times."

"26?" Morgan queried, "Why would you ask me 26 times? That's such an awkward number."

"Well…" Lars began, "Maybe I like awkward numbers…"

"The entirety of you is awkward."

"Hey! That's not nice Morgan!"

"I was kidding, Lars."



After the conversation at hand had been taken care of, Lars and Morgan went out of their room and decided to go downstairs. Breakfast was probably done by now. Lars was kind of happy that his family had managed to get them an actual house to live in and not just a flat beside some obnoxious neighbor, or any neighbor at all for that matter. As they reached the stairs, Lars smiled. He had always liked how the stairs were shaped like a spiral; it reminded him of a Helix. The very thing one might use to describe evolution among any living being. The walls had light-red, wavy lines as they went along the stairs, and the lines also stopped where the stairs stopped. It almost felt like the lines were following you as you descended from the wooden planks situated in a spiral-structure. As the two reached the bottom floor, a familiar scent filled Lars' nostrils. It was the scent of pancakes, pancakes with butter, whipped cream and raspberry jam. Oh how he loved those…

"Morning, mom." Lars said as he entered the kitchen. His mother looked up at him from the frying pan which she was currently utilizing to create those sweet, golden-brown discs of pure yumminess. She was wearing her usual attire, a red shirt with long sleeves and a pair of blue slacks. Honestly, they were a bit ugly, even for someone with a fashion sense such as Lars'. Her feet were covered in big, white and wooly socks which had some kind of pattern on them. His mother claimed that it was supposed to resemble the antlers of a Stantler, but they looked more like jumbled mish-mash than anything else. She also wore an apron; it was one of her favorites. The apron itself was light turquoise, but the print on it depicted a woman lying down with a rather smug look on her face and the words "Queen of F*cking Everything" right under her. That apron in particular always entertained Lars a bit whenever he saw it. When he first laid eyes upon it, the teen found it to be strange. How can you be queen of everything? But later, when his mother had explained why in fact the apron was so hilarious, he started to get a bit more amused by it.

"Go-ood morning!" His mother said in a cheerful voice. Lars was taken aback a bit, his mother's usual response to anything during the mornings were mostly "Eeeerrrggghhhh…" or something along those lines. This was certainly an improvement, and Lars hoped that this wasn't just because of a special occasion. But somewhere in his mind, Lars knew that that was just the case. He quickly decided to stop with these silly thoughts and to just ask his mother.

"So mom," he said, "What's the special occasion?"

His mother looked back at him with an annoyed – or even hurt – look, "What?" She said and pouted a bit, "So you're telling me that I'm not usually this nice to my family?"

"Well… no." Lars said, "At least not when it comes to the mood you're in and the food you're currently making."

"Oh… Oh… What have I done to deserve such a hurtful child?" His mother said and put both her hands over her heart in an attempt to create a melodramatic scene. That was one thing about his mother that irked Lars, even though he'd been through this kind of thing many times. As stated before, she did this many times, sometimes as a joke and sometimes seriously to make either Lars or his father feel extra bad when they've done something wrong. And even if this rarely worked, that didn't discourage her from continuing on with said shenanigans.

"Mom…" Lars said. However it seemed like his mother was in some sort of an "acting-trance", some days he wondered why she never got a job at a theatre. "You do know that I don't really feel bad with you over-dramatizing? If anything, I feel a bit annoyed by it."

His mother looked up at him from the floor where she was currently doing… well, something and said: "Why are you always so mean to me Lah-lah?"

"Oh please don't call me Lah-lah…" Lars said, he really despised it when his mother did that. It was hard to explain why, but there was just something with that pronunciation that he couldn't stand, probably the over-emphasis on the 'H'.

Now she looked at him again, however a mischievous look came upon her face. This was a look that the black-haired teen knew all too well, and he was sure that he wasn't going to enjoy what would happen next.

"Oh, so you don't like it when I call you Lah-lah, Lah-lah?" She said with a smirk as she edged closer to Lars. Oh no, this wasn't going to be pleasant… "Well, if you don't like it when I call you Lah-lah, then I'll stop. But since you're so mean to me," she did a small pause and put her hands on her hips, "I'll have to be mean to you, so we can be even!"

"Please mom, don't do this…" Lars said as his face became more and more pale, sometimes he swore that out of the two of them, he was the most mature. His mother didn't listen, just as he had expected. The woman edged closer and closer with a devious smile reaching from ear to ear slowly appearing on her face. She raised both her hands until they were in height with Lars. The teen protested and tried to push his mother away from him, but it was useless. After a while of struggling to get in close to her son, Lars' mother quickly jabbed her fingers into the teen's sides. He moved back a bit, expressing his displeasure with a loud yelp. His mother just laughed, and so did Morgan, it seemed like they were having all the fun in the world right now.

"What's going on here?"

A tall and dark-haired man came down the stairs. He was garbed in a blue-and-white-striped pajama and had a tired look on his face; he probably hadn't quite woken up yet. The man ran a hand through his short hair, gave off a sigh and said:

"What are you two doing?"

"Dad!" Lars exclaimed, "Mom's poking my sides again! It kinda hurts, but mostly it's annoying!"

"But only because he's so mean to me!" The woman interrupted, trying to simulate an innocent look.

"What? No I'm not!" Lars exclaimed. His mother turned around and the two of them quickly initiated a conversation in the style of "Am too!" and "Am not!" arguments. The man sighed,

"I swear that you two are worse than toddlers sometimes," the man walked up to them, "But I guess that's one of the reasons why I love you both so much, it's good to be a child at heart." He continued and kissed his wife on the forehead while giving his son a loving pat on the head.

"Dad, watch the rubber bands!" Lars complained and quickly made sure that all of his reminders were still in their right places by looking in the mirror situated just by the end of the spiraling staircase. It was quite an old-fashioned mirror, or at least what was framing it in. The frame was wooden, and one could clearly tell that it was handcrafted by observing the small swirls and roses on the frame itself. Well, one could do that unless one was illiterate or just simply blind, the latter being something that Lars would rather choose over the former. He wasn't quite sure what kind of wood the frame was made in though, he had asked both his father and mother about it before, but they had no clue. Hell, he even gave asking Morgan a shot, but the psychic pig was just as clueless as anybody else about the mirror. He knew that his paternal grandfather had given it to them after he perished six years ago. Or technically he didn't give it to them personally, instead some people at the moving-industry or whatever gave it to them. Lars didn't remember too much regarding his grandfather's death as he wasn't so keen on dwelling too much on that particular subject. It made him sad, really, really sad. Lars truly loved his grandfather, even though the earliest memories the teen had of him were when the man was lying in a bed at a hospital, brittle and weak. However, that condition would never dampen his spirits. Sure, not being able to move away from your bed 24/7 might be a bummer to a lot of people, but Lars' grandfather always had that genuine smile on his lips whenever they visited, happily showing off his pearly whites, even though they became fewer and fewer by the years.

"Hey! How long are you going to doze off like that? Your breakfast is getting cold!"

Lars snapped out of his trance-like state when the shrill and annoyed tone that his mother would produce whenever something wasn't happening at her preferred speed reached his ears. The teen replied with a "Yes mom," and went into the kitchen as fast as he could.


"So, honestly, what is it with the special treatment? I mean mom not being a zombie during this time of day is a reward in itself but-" Lars began but he was quickly cut off by his mother protesting his claim. Not feeling in his arguing-mood, Lars took another pancake, sliced it up after putting some whipped cream and raspberry jam on it and ate it. After he was done chewing, the teen posed the question again, though he only included the first part of the question this time.

"Geez," his father said and rubbed his bearded chin, "Don't tell me that you've forgotten?"

"Forgotten what?" Lars said, his face showing nothing but pure cluelessness about the conversational subject at hand.

"Your Trainer's License? You know the one that makes you able to set off on a Pokémon journey? The thing we have argued about for the past two years, does that ring any bells?" His father said sarcastically.

Oh yes! The Trainer's License! Lars had completely forgotten! He had turned in the application for a license, taken the test to see if he was fit to go on a journey and finally gotten approved. He had already received the Trainer Card and packed the necessary things for a journey around the world, everything fit pretty neatly, not taking up too much space. The only thing left was to register at the closest Pokémon Center. Well that and buying some Poké Balls and some Potions and some other medication needed for this kind of journey. He had argued a lot with his parents to be able to leave. He understood their concern; he was their only child and had also a slight social disability. For him to make it in the "outside world" without coming to terms with his problem would be difficult, but you had got to start somewhere, right?

After finishing up his food, Lars went upstairs to put some clothes on. Even though he liked walking around in his white, stained T-shirt and the slightly baggy pants of a grey pajama, the teen knew that this wasn't a respectable behavior outside. However, the rubber bands in his hair remained right where they were. He had always thought that they were a nifty idea for remembering things. But how he had gotten the idea in the first place was a bit fuzzy to him, possibly it had just been one of his brighter ideas at that time.

Today, Lars decided to take on a more casual appearance, not because he was normally wearing fancy clothes but because he usually wore clothes that could be described as less-than-casual if you want to be nice. So, it became a pair of plain blue jeans that he hadn't used since last summer, this was evident due to a green stain situated on the knee which Lars hadn't bothered to wash away. Next up was an equally plain, light-purple T-shirt which Lars was very fond of, it reminded him of an Aipom, a Pokémon which he took a big interest in. Then there were some black socks and a pair of multicolored briefs and voila, he was ready to hit the town!

However, as he was about to go outside of the house after a small trek downstairs again, Lars was stopped by his mother.

"Lars," she said. Even though she was shorter than him, the teen felt like she was looking down at him rather than the other way around. There was just something about the tone of her voice. "Why haven't you washed your hair?" She asked.

"Oh come on mom," he answered, "Then I need to get the reminders out of my hair, that's just too tedious."

"Lars…" His mother said with a strict look on her face. Lars let out a sigh,

"Well at least let me go with dirty hair before I leave tomorrow, please? I don't want to deal with all that now…"

"Fine," now it was his mother's turn to sigh. "But just be home for dinner, you need to rest up for the journey you're about to begin tomorrow." She said, her voice easing up a bit. Lars looked her in the eyes for a moment, it seemed like she was feeling a bit blue about this whole journey-thing. It almost made him feel a little bit bad about it, but he had already gotten everything in order, it would seem silly if he just decided to not go through with it at this point. So he kissed his mother on the cheek and opened up the door, with Morgan steadily bouncing along.
Thomas Elias Brown
Oh no, I'm lost!!

Thomas groaned and rolled onto his back, staring at the sky. He panted hard, all too aware that he was all alone on an island, no pokemon at his side. Not even Randy's, as the ball had either washed up elsewhere, or not at all. Poor elecktrike... He hoped the pokemon was ok. He slowly sat up, panting softly and retreating to the shade of a tree. This was bad. His bag was on the ship, he had no pokemon, and he was totally out of his element.

"YEOW!!" he screamed as he collapsed, his ankle hurting greatly. And... he had apparently broken his ankle or something. Bah. He looked around. It was a small island. He vaguely was reminded of a movie he had seen... What was it called? Bah. Either way, why was he thinking about movies? He should be scared out of his mind!

"I can't panic. IfI get scared I'll probably die." he said softly to himself. He moved his leg and touched his ankle gingerly with his right hand, whincing with pain. Didn't seem broken, just sprained. Oh well. He tried to think of stuff he needed. He could sleep on the ground, as this was the tropical south, very warm this time of year. But what if he was stranded here days? Weeks? Months?

Fine. More time then. Maybe I'll figure out who D is finally.

Still, no reason to worry. He was a patient person. Time held no terror for him, never had. He could stay here years, and while he would be bored, he would be ok. Still, first things first. Water. Fresh water. Sea water dehydrated you more than it give back. So... He needed to find fresh water. He slowly got to his feet, limping into the trees.

Sir Quincy Marley
Randy Greyson Jr.
On a boat!

Quin looked around. The espeon was on the ground, mewling in pain, the stupid arrogant boy was leaning against the side of the boat, cradling his arm, and everyone was staring at them. Time to step in.

"Good show! A fine performance! Young man, come with me!" he said, picking up the espeon's pokeball and returning him, then taking Randy by the arm and roughly pulling him down the corridor into his magnificent room. He sat Randy down and gave him an annoyed look.

"What are you, an idiot? You are absolutely unbelievable!" he said, his accent pushing through in his annoyance. Randy snarled and swung his good arm at the older boy, who easily caught it and twisted it up behind his back. He took Randy's other arm, quicklyseeing it was broken and simply josteled it, causing the boy to cry out in pain.

"Do not think you can solve everything with violence. It won't assist you now. Idetest the thought of it, but if you continue to push me I shall use my own pokemon to restrain you. You have none left,and do not make the mistake of believing Arcino is my strongest pokemon` AGH!" he howled as theespeon burst from his pokeball, and used Psychic on him, dropping Quin to the ground.

"Oh like that? Good job Espeon." Randy said triumphantly. Esper hissed at him next.

Quin sat up and placed his hands on one o his own pokeballs, then looked at the espeon curiously.

"He knows that I'm his master now. That bastard stole Elecktrike from me, so now I own his pokemon." Randy said

"Oh, I get this one. An eye for an eye? Is this Babylon? Is that really how it works? Please. If anything then that espeon is free. Not yours, or mine. By all means, you are wlcome to try and capture him with the pokemon you don't have." Quin said, getting back to his feet. He felt weird... Something in his mind, trying to get his attention, but it was fading. Esper rolled his eyes ad blasted him again, harder. Quin gasped and fell to the ground, collapsing.

"I am sorry, but you are too hard headed. My human is still alive, stop talking as if he is not."

Quin gurgled, and lay limply, hurt from thepsychic attack, though it seemed to be his only way of communicating. Esper meowed apologetically, then looked at Randy as he stood over Quin and grabbed the ball, returning Esper.

"Humph, you know nothing. So shut the hell up!" he said, walking out of the room.
Apollo & Vlad
Apollo stared at the little human child in disbelief. Maybe they were making a mistake in trying to capture this one. It seemed....broken. Was broken the right word? Damaged, crazy, insane even. Why would someone know what they were getting into and willingly be abducted. It didn't seem right and it sent a long standing shiver down his spine. Not entirely dissimilar to the feeling when Glacia stared him down. He cursed himself silently when he remembered that Glacia was still waiting for his return. It mattered little how uncomfortable this human made him, he had to take the chance while he could.

"Y-yes, we are here for you," He answered the human uncomfortably. Apollo could hardly stand to look at her. How could this stuff be so easy for Glacia? Shifting his weight nervously, he turned his attention back to the Charizard who had been observing silently. "Vlad, what do you think? Can you carry all of us?"

The looming dragon let out another belly laugh, as if he thought the very suggestion to be insulting. "Little onez, you poze no problemz for me to carry," he boasted proudly. Vlad stood majestically on his hind legs, his wingspan casting them in shadow. "Now, we muzt get back."

"Uh, fine." Apollo climbed up the lizard's back, his former spot retaken. "Can you do me a favor Vlad?"


"Can you carry the human with your claws? I don't want it looking at me," He pleaded with the beast, a sense of sadness hidden in his tone. Vlad craned his neck and inspected his companion curiously. The already nervous pokemon had an even more peculiar attitude with the human around. He mumbled his words, his mannerisms jerky and almost childlike.

"Yez," was all he said. He could do his new friend this little favor. With speed one would think unnatural for such a creature, he scooped up the girl and the buneary with his claws, holding them tightly to his chest. Another moment and they were gone into the air, the rushing wind overcoming Apollo's senses once again.

Sticking his head over Vlad's side, he tried to spy if everything was okay down below. He had faith that it was, but he just wanted to make sure. It seemed like their passengers were securely tucked away, oriented so that their bodies were staring down at the Earth below. Apollo had to keep confirming in his mind that the humans deserved no better. They were filth that torture and manipulate. He situated himself securely on Vlad's back, tucking his legs to his chest and holding them comfortingly. "For my family, for my family, for my family," he whispered to himself, the wind carrying his prayer to the heavens.​
Zoran Nishant

There was nothing like being carried by a dragon to reorient your reality to things.

To Zoran, the height was great, but not fearsome. She had little concern with heights, having never seen them as much more than a hindrance.Unless the ground was... burning perhaps, she had no reason to worry, not a one to whine about. She smiled at the ground. Edmund, meanwhile, shook in her arms. He was a rabbit. The highest he went was mountains, not the air! Zoran patted his fluffy head, smiling.

"It's gonna be cool Eddy," she chirped. "Just wait and see. There's going to be a lot of friends for you and mine to hang out with."

Edmund glared at her through his shaking. "First off, it's Edmund, you twerp. Secondly, kid, you're going to a place that hates humans, especially ones that catch Pokemon and battle with them. They hate Trainers. Shouldn't you be worried?"

Zoran frowned. "No." She shrugged, snug in the embrace of the Charizard. "What's the worst they can do? Release my Pokemon? I tried that years ago. They came back. Make me hate myself? Can't make me do it any more than I already do."

"You could die kiddo," Edmund persisted.

She smiled. "Everyone does Eddy my pal." Sparx's Pokeball began to shake at its position and Zoran frowned. "Sparx, silly don't do that! What if you fall?" The Pokeball froze for only a moment, then began shaking again. "Sparx, stop. What will Zari say?" At this, the movement ended. "That's right. She would be very upset with both of us... mostly me. But that's okay. Just be patient you silly kitty." Zoran closed her eyes, relaxing into as comfortable a position as possible. "Why don't you sleep for a bit Eddy? They don't want to hurt you." With that she closed her eyes and proceeded to block out the rush from Vlad's wings and the dizzying height of the air. She really did have... nothing to be afraid of.

After all, if things really got bad, there was someone who would destroy the world to save her.


The New York sky was cloudy, dark with stormy rains and blurring streetlights. The rain fell through her soundlessly, not even acknowledging her ethereal form. She looked around this city, marveling at the vastness of it. Why had she settled here of all places, where there was nothing but noise and people? Then again, knowing her, it was probably why.

She didn't have much time, and she knew that. Who knew what had happened to Zora in all of this?
If Alakazam showed up... she was in trouble. The bugger knew it too.
Lars Viklund - Episode 2 * Part 2

In which Lars purchases everything needed for a journey

Lars grunted and held his hand up in front of his face. He thought that he was prepared for the sun's light after waking up with his blindfolds not covering his windows and thus letting in quite the amount of said particles. However, he was wrong. The light from the star that was closest to Earth blinded the teen when he first stepped out into it. It took a few minutes before he had adjusted his eyes to the light and could see properly again. At first he looked down on his hand and discovered that it was very pale in the sunlight, nothing surprising really since Lars wasn't known for going outside his house a lot. In fact, Lars wasn't really known for much except being "that weird guy" or "that quiet dude" by other people. Lars very much preferred the latter to the former, which was why he allowed himself to be called that by simply not speaking much.

As Lars took his first step down the small set of stairs situated under his front door he almost tripped over due to Morgan crashing into him. But he saved the situation by jumping – albeit a bit awkwardly – down on the ground. Shortly after, the little gray pig came bouncing and landed beside his feet. The teen looked at his Spoink with a less-than-happy expression and the Psychic-type simply responded with looking up at him, trying to make his beady black eyes as big and apologetic as possible. Lars sighed; he just couldn't stay mad at his Pokémon.

"Fine, fine, I forgive you. Now come on, let's go get some supplies." He said tiredly. Morgan just nodded with a happy look on his face and began bouncing after his trainer.

When he was walking, Lars very much liked to observe things. Seeing leaves dancing around in the wind, watching flocks of Bird-Pokémon flying by or even spectating the birches located all over the small city he lived in. It was better than talking to people at least. By simply looking and keeping quiet he wouldn't get ridiculed for not being able to speak properly. It made him a bit sad that people couldn't go by without picking on someone because they were different. It wasn't his fault that he had been born with his disorder! It wasn't like he had asked to be unable to form complete sentences without stammering or just going silent in the middle of a word. It wasn't his fault! Lars stomped the ground hard with his right foot out of frustration. A few people looked his way but they didn't say anything, however he thought that one of them may have been chuckling. This just made him even angrier. Morgan looked at Lars worriedly,

"Come on Lars, don't mind them. Please, just calm down…" He said through telepathy.

"I AM calm," Lars looked at Morgan sternly. The pig's worried expression didn't seem to faze him all that much. Bur after a while he just sighed and said, "Let's just go."

Morgan looked at Lars again and gave off a small sigh; he knew that it wasn't much use to argue now. So they continued their trek in silence.


After a while they arrived at the local supermarket, a perfect place for getting everything from Poké Balls to Potions and much more! Or, well, at least that's how it is according to the commercials. Morgan had always been skeptical to commercials in general, he had always claimed that they were just a bunch of baloney to sell the stud they were advertising better. While that was true, from Lars' experience it had always seemed like the supermarket really had what they advertised for. Literally, this specific supermarket deserved its name very much. It was really… super. Or at least super in the sense that it was full of pretty much anything you could ever want as a trainer and to a good price for that matter. After standing in front of the big building – just looking at it like an idiot – Lars was poked in the side by Morgan. The teen jumped to the side, but after he realized that it was just his psychic pig telling him to get on with it, he went in followed by his Spoink.

The automatic doors swished open quickly to reveal the insides of the store. It was like a completely different world had opened up before them. Literally anything could be found in there, or at least that's what other people claimed. But then again, that literally anything could be found in a store was very, very silly, wasn't it?

As they entered, Lars and Morgan were met with a man with a big smile on his lips. He wore a red vest and black pants and his head was balding. The teen inspected him quickly; he seemed to be in his fifties or so, a bit sad that he ended up working in a supermarket. Working in a supermarket was a place where Lars would not want to end up working. The people in that working-environment just seemed like they had pretty much failed at passing school or something like that. They seemed a bit like… failures. But despite that, the man smiled on and started talking to Lars.

"Hello, what can I help you with?" He said.

"N-Nuh." Lars responded and looked down into the ground.

"Excuse me?" The man said, his smile faltering a bit in confusion.

"I s-said," Lars began, "Nuh-Nothing."

"Oh," the man said, as if he was surprised that this boy was even able to talk. He looked a bit strange with all those rubber bands tied in his hair. "Are you sure that I can't help you?" He continued, maybe if he could get this person to buy some minor things he probably hadn't meant to buy in the first place, his salary would be a little bigger next time he received it.

"Lars," Morgan said telepathically, "Don't bother, he'll just sell you unnecessary stuff, y'know how big stores like these work. Let's go." And with that, the little pig grabbed ahold of Lars' hand and started to bounce forward, away from the man. The teen didn't protest, the idea of having to exchange any more words with the man seemed a bit unpleasant to him. That smile was anything but genuine, that was for sure. As the man saw the odd boy and his Spoink leave, he wanted to run after, but that would probably result in a cut salary rather than an increased one. So he just went back with a sigh, trying to find another customer.

"Well, I'm glad that's over." Lars said to Morgan, the pig nodded while skipping along to the teen's footsteps. Since Lars' memory was very good, he knew perfectly well what he was supposed to buy. It really paid off to have a "photographic memory" as some would call it. Lars was unsure what to call it since there were a lot of scientific sources claiming that there existed no such thing as "photographic memory" and he usually trusted what science told him. He didn't blindly follow or believe certain things just because scientists told him so, no; Morgan had influenced him to usually think critically of things regardless of what they were.

First on the list were Poké Balls and Lars knew exactly where to find these. "Trainer's Market, aisle one for convenience," as his mother had told him the day before. The teen steered towards the aisle, slouching a bit like he usually did. Eventually, he and Morgan reached their destination where another man in the same getup as the earlier one stood. However, this man seemed much less pleased with his job as he had some kind of frown on his face. But when he spotted Lars and Morgan, the man tried his best to smile but it didn't really work out well. What then greeted the two was a really awkward-half smile that made Lars cringe a bit on the inside. Before the man could speak up, Lars opened his mouth,

"Duh-Don't f-f-fake it." He managed to stammer out. The man tilted his head a bit the way a Lillipup or Growlithe would do when they didn't understand or hear what somebody told them. Lars sighed and tried again. "Y-Your smile," he began, and it seemed as if the man picked up on what he said, "It's f-fake. S-so s-top-p it."

The man's lips immediately went from making a strained smile to a seemingly more relaxed – and maybe even comfortable – frown.

"So, kid," he said, "Is there anything you're looking for?"

Lars nodded solemnly, but in his mind he cursed himself for getting into an unnecessary conversation. Morgan at that point interrupted his thoughts and claimed that a conversation or two would be good for him. Besides, the man didn't seem too bad.

"Then, what are you exactly looking for?" The man continued. Lars looked down into the ground a bit. He was getting a bit nervous which was never good, soon what he had thought of saying completely vanished and what was left was a nervous Lars thinking of what to say.

"Y-Y…" He quietly began.

"Yes?" The man queried.

"Y-You h-h-hate y-your jo-job, d-d-don't-t y-you?" Was what came out of his mouth. To Lars, it seemed pretty clear that this guy didn't like his job. There was just something about the first few seconds when the man spotted them, the strained smile he put on and the tired look on his face after seeing Lars and Morgan. It all seemed a bit obvious to him and he was sure that Morgan would agree. At this statement, the man seemed… surprised. Like this was the last thing he expected somebody to respond with.

"Yes," he said calmly with a sigh, "That is indeed the case."

Lars looked at him for a second, right now the man's expression wasn't strained or anything else. It was almost as if he was… sad. "Wh-Why do y-you h-hate it-t?" Lars asked.

"Because," the man answered. His voice became a bit quieter and he started to slump a bit. "Because I feel that I deserve better. I feel that I've worked too damn hard to end up in a place like this."

Lars was a bit surprised by the man's honesty. Why was he telling a person he just met something personal like this? Maybe he generally was trusting of people despite not looking like it, or maybe this was something he had possessed the urge to get off his chest for a long time? It all seemed a bit strange to Lars, he had never really experienced someone opening up to him in a manner such as this before. He felt a little desolate over the fact that he was unable to help the man with his problems. So because he couldn't help, Lars did the most logical thing to do, if you were him that was, which was to tell the man how silly his confession had been at a place and time like this.

"Y-You d-do re-re-realize that t-telling m-me so-something l-like this is a b-bit s-stupid?" Lars began, "Y-You sh-shouldn't b-be s-so f-frank abou-t s-stuff l-like that."

The man looked at Lars again, for a moment it seemed like he went over what he had just heard in his head, as if he would've misheard something due to the teen's speech impendent. But when he finally seemed to have recollected everything, the man gave off a snort. Not an angry one, but more like an amused one.

"You're telling me not to be frank?" He began, "You yourself seem pretty frank about things." The man finished with a slight chuckle.

"Y-Yeah, b-but t-that's only b-because-"

"Lars, the man was joking." Morgan interrupted telepathically. The teen turned his head at the little bouncing pig with sort of a "aha"-expression on his face. The man looked at Lars for a second, expecting him to finish his sentence.

"But that's only because, what?" He asked.

"Oh, n-nothing." Lars responded hastily.

"Say," the man said, "You don't seem as bad as the rest of the people going about this place, would you like any kind of help? You can be sure that I won't try to sell you any unnecessary crap like the others."

Lars was puzzled; this was somewhat of an unexpected turn of events. He didn't seem as bad as the other people in this place? The man talked about the supermarket as if it was some kind of prison. But then again, maybe he saw this whole place as a big prison. Going after what he had said earlier, Lars deduced that this was in fact the case. But should he let the man help him? He was unsure, so he turned to Morgan.

"Should I?" He asked.

"Sure, this guy doesn't seem as bad as the previous one. He might actually have some kind of dignity or individuality!" The pig chuckled. So it was decided, Lars let the man help him by saying all of the items he needed and then letting the man direct him where he would go. As they progressed through the list, Lars noticed that this man seemed to know a lot about different healing items, Pokémon and other things as he explained in detail about the items, saying things Lars had never even considered. Needless to say, the teen was glad that he had let the man help him; this would probably prove for some interesting conversations in the future.

After all of that was done, Lars followed the man to the counter where he was to pay for everything. The man slipped behind the glass-and-plastic structure and started cashing in the items. 20 Poké Balls, 10 Great Balls, 1 Ultra Ball, a few Potions, some Full Heals and some Berries later, Lars was ready to go on his Pokémon journey. Well, first he had to properly gear up and all that before he left tomorrow, but that wasn't the point right now.

"Hey," the man said. "Good luck on the League Challenge! Oh, and don't forget!" He held up a white Poké Ball with a red "belt" around it and the button, "This Premiere Ball comes as an added bonus whenever someone buys ten or more Poké Balls at once. But you know what?" Now he held up four more Premiere Balls, "Take these as well. Hope you come back after you've completed the League Challenge!"

"T-Thanks!" Lars exclaimed with a bit of excitement in his voice, "I-I-I'm g-gonna' c-come b-b-back f-for s-sure!" And with that, he was off on his way home, he had a big journey ahead of him tomorrow.



Closing time was drawing nearer and nearer. Edgar stared zombie-like at the clock, why couldn't they close already? There were no people there and most of the city's population had already gone back to their homes, eating dinner and soundly falling asleep. The only people roaming the streets at this point in time would be the drunks; Edgar swore they were like Rattata, climbing out of the sewers or their other hiding-places in search for food and whatnot. It was going to be a fun walk home, he was sure of that.

"Oh, Ed, why are you standing here looking all glum?"

Edgar turned around to find that it was Andrew talking to him. He never liked Andrew; the guy was mostly useless, seemingly having no spine of his own. Always sucking up to the customers and such... What made it worse was the fact that this wasn't a show the man put on either, he really was a suck-up-y person all the time. This was probably why he had gotten a high position in the store and an even higher salary as well.

"Don't call me Ed." Edgar responded sternly. This caused Andrew to step back a bit. Sure, the man was used to Edgar being somewhat hostile, but this time seemed different. Or did it? Then again, Andrew's mind had been playing a few tricks on him lately. Maybe he just imagined it? Whatever the case, Andrew decided to try his luck. After all, he was a rather lucky man to have gotten a well-paid position at the supermarket like this while everyone else were close to crawling in the dust like worms, almost begging for money. This was almost the case with Edgar as well, a thing which made reminding him of his poor salary all the more enjoyable.

"Oh, don't be like that Ed," Andrew began, "You can't be mad at little old me for simply having a slightly better position than you, now can you?"

Edgar's eyes narrowed. He swore that Andrew was just like a middle-school bully, always reminding you of how worthless you were compared to him. It was sickening. But Edgar decided not to let the fat prick get to him this time, instead he started walking away from him and towards the main entry, he was done for the day whether the supermarket was closing or not.

"Hey!" Andrew exclaimed, "Where are you going? It isn't closing time yet!"

"Really?" Edgar answered, his frown turning into a sly smile, "Well I thought that since you have a much better job-position than me, you must've gotten it from all of your hard work here. So then I thought that it would be for the better to leave the store in your hands since I'm just a lazy bum who can't be trusted with important tasks. Don't you agree?"

"Well, but, e…" Andrew said. He wasn't quite sure what to respond. Edgar then saw this as his chance and continued:

"Well, seems like you've made up your mind! I'll see ya' tomorrow then!" He merrily stated while simultaneously closing the door before Andrew had any room to protest.

Edgar stepped out on the sidewalk with a sigh. As he had predicted, the streets were slowly but surely filling up with men sporting ugly jackets, worn out shoes and red noses. Most of them were sitting down quietly or leaning on a tree or a house while others roamed the streets shouting incoherent blabber. Edgar slowly ran his hand through his hair, hoping that he wouldn't have to deal with any of these on the way home. Edgar's house was not too far away from his current work-place, which was convenient even though he hated it. It had begun getting dark enough for the lamp-posts to light up, making the atmosphere a bit… cozy as well as unsettling. Not that Edgar was afraid of any of the drunks; they couldn't hurt a fly even if they tried. No, there was something else about walking in darkness with only a few spots of light to guide you here and there. Most people would know that it wasn't quite that unsettling as Edgar described it, sigh, maybe he was just getting paranoid…

The door to the building opened up and Edgar stepped inside. The stairs were only lit dimly by a set of lamps for each set of stairs – some of these lamps weren't really in a functioning condition either. That didn't really set the mood to anything better. The man slowly walked up each step; he was in no hurry at all. These were the times when he liked to take it a bit slow. The supermarket could be hectic at times and thus a nice slow walk up to his apartment was a nice change of pace. Eventually, he reached the door he had been heading for ever since he left the supermarket for the day. Edgar lazily pulled down the handle, opened the door and went in.

Clothes on the floor, a bowl with some cutlery and a glass on the table, a few of Poké Balls on a low hanging shelf… just like always. Edgar was sitting and quietly eating the last meal for the day, this time it was some kind of soup? He didn't really pay attention to what the label had said; he'd just popped it in the microwave and waited for it to be done.

"Why did you tell that boy?"

Edgar looked back, but saw nothing. There wasn't anyone beside him, yet he heard the voice as clear as day.

"Hm? I thought you were asleep Peabody." He responded. A purple and black figure emerged from a room; its black pupils stared at Edgar with a tired expression.

"Well," it began, "Couldn't sleep very well. Thought I'd come and talk to you for a second."

"Fair enough," Edgar said, "Have a seat." He then proceeded to pull out a chair for the creature. Peabody's slightly thick body heaved itself up on the chair, a scene which Edgar chuckled lightly at.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want." Peabody sighed, "But my species happen to be built this way."

"That doesn't make it any less funny." Edgar laughed. Peabody just mumbled something as he got in the most comfortable place he could find on the wooden chair.

"Oh yes, before I forget," Peabody began, his snout wiggled a bit and the black pearls atop his head seemed to shine for a moment. "Why did you say what you did to the boy?"

"What boy?" Edgar queried.

"The one you talked to earlier today. You know… the one with the broken glasses and long hair." Peabody said.

"Oh yeah, what about him?"

"Why did you treat him so nicely? Why did you tell him about why you despise your work?"

"Oh, that," Edgar began. He chuckled lightly and looked down into his bowl, seemed like it was soup, Tomato-soup to be exact, "I don't know. There was just… something about him." He started fumbling around with the spoon for a while, "Something that reminded me of… myself. That look in his eyes, you know the one. It wasn't as noticeable as in other people of his age, but it was there. That look of excitement, knowing that you're about to start a journey of your own. Knowing that you're about to make new friends, enemies and other things along the way. Thinking of the stories you will tell once you get back. It's all so… marvelous."

"Now that you do mention it, some things are starting to come back to me…" Peabody sighed.

"Yeah." Edgar said, smiling weakly, "Do you remember when we started out journey on that day, all of those years ago? Geez, it feels like a really long time although it can't have been more than…"

"Seven years?" Peabody said.

"Yes," Edgar nodded, "It was here in the city, that tournament which was held here where the top three would get one of the Starter-Pokémon from the Unova region in America. I can't believe we actually won that… All those memories…" The man looked solemnly towards the shelf where a red and white sphere rested, containing a blue sea-lion-like monster with a white moustache.

"Y-Yeah…" Peabody looked down.

""Your very own Pokémon adventure is about to unfold. A world of dreams and adventures with Pokémon awaits, let's go." Heh, I still remember those words…" Edgar looked down into his soup again as a drop of some sort landed in it. "He's going to have one hell of a journey, that's for sure. Just pray that he doesn't end up like me."
Jari Hernandez

#6: Nerves of Steel?

(OOC: Sorry for the extremely prolonged period of inactivity. I apologize to everyone, especially to Garet, for not finishing this sooner.)

Jari looked ahead at the scene before him. A stage for him. Made for only the gym leader, and the challenger. Just made for a battle. And now, it was finally about to begin. The time he had been waiting for...
What the hell was he doing?! Just get into the gym, that's all he needed to do!
Jari chained his bicycle to a post, and entered the gym as subtly as he could. The thing is, though, it's impossible not to make noise in a gym with floors made of stainless steel and a silence so deep. The bleachers were lined with fans, who would normally be cheering but were silent, out of respect for the challenger and out of fear for what the gym leader could do. Some of them, of course, weren't scared of the gym leader at all, they just happened to be pretty respectful.

"Good afternoon, Jasmine." Jari's confidence swelled, but so did his nervousness, and his fiery emotion subsided to a slightly more conserved nature for only the moment before the battle.

"Hello, challenger. I believe we have met before. Were you not known as Jari?"

"I was known as that name, and of course I still am. I would like to-"

"Wait! Wait! You can't do that, Jasmine!" Clyde shouted as he ran up to her nervously.

"Why do you say that, Clyde?"

"Well," Clyde said, adjusting his glasses nervously, "there seems to be a group of oddly dressed
strangers waiting for you outside, and they want to speak." He shuffled his papers and began to
speak once again. "They seem to go by the name of..." he looked around then whispered in her ear, "the Knights of Valor."

"Villains?! I will not stop this battle for them! If they try to enter by force, you know what to do! This challenger deserves a shot at a challenge, not to be stopped by some stupid protest!"

"Y-y-yes ma'm. At all costs."

"Now, Jari, finish your sentence!"

"I like your authority, and your spirit. Although, I think a leader should say that to a challenger, no? Anyway, I would like to challenge you... in a gym battle!"

"So be it! I hope you're ready!"

"As ready as I'll ever be! Let's do this, Monferno!" Jari opened the Pokedex, scanning Monferno for any differences. It seems that he's stronger... Jari thought. Three levels, to be precise.

"You have no badges. Therefore, let's go, Klang!" A contraption of gears showed itself. Being a gym leader's Pokemon, it was already registered in the Pokedex app. Jari looked over. It was time to get this over with.

"I'll start! Blaze Kick!" The fire monkey was already administering the attack, making a small dent in the infrastructure of the Klang.

"Charge!" <She's saving up energy for something next turn,> Jari thought, <therefore...>

"Mach Punch!" Jari practically did the same action, but remembering to refrain from using his powers by accident. He didn't want to be some kind of science experiment. Launching the fighting attack at an extremely fast speed, the Klang had no time to attack.

"Shake it off! Thundershock!" Blaze was shocked with a strengthened current of electricity, making Jari wince. He didn't like where this was going at this point; he hoped that he could end the battle before it got too bad. Jasmine, on the other hand, had a mischievous look.

"Blaze! Ember, quick!" A flame came from the monkey's mouth, hitting the set of gears. It seemed to have taken quite a bit of damage there, almost knocked out but still clinging on to the battle.

"Klang! Gear Grind!" Two gears ran towards Blaze quickly, causing a few cuts to be inflicted on it. Jari winced once again. It was getting tired... he had to end this, pronto!

"End this! Blaze Kick!" Flame enveloped Blaze's leg, hitting the gears quickly and effectively. The attack connected, and the Klang was knocked out... but... what was that loud noise? Jasmine seemed to read his mind.

"Ignore it. Stay focused on the battle."

"But it sounds-Do you want a badge or are you going to wimp out because of some commotion outside?!"

"F-f-fine." He looked at Blaze... the Pokemon was tired, and if he used Ronin, when they got outside he would be nearly defenseless against what would come. But he had powers... yes, he had powers! If anything went wrong, he would have to deal with it by himself, but he had ways to defend himself! "You know what? I think you've had enough, Blaze. You should come back
and take a rest.

"Mon, mon mon mon!" The Pokemon wasn't taking any of that crap.

"Alright, fine. But if you get KO'd, it'll take a while to heal you. Understood?"


"Alright! Lets do this, Blaze!"
Tokyo Gym


Considering that he'd lost sight of the kid, Stryker had to use the rooftops in order to catch up with him. He didn't particularly like the fact that Chan accompanied him, albeit at a distance. Anyone who actually had the brains to look up at the rooftops might have wondered why a Hitmonchan and a Persian were running together, hence, the distance and separation. All the same, now Stryker had a fellow agent watching him, supposedly to help him should he need it. More like two pairs of eyes ready to report mistakes, the Zoroark grumbled mentally, slowing down as he looked down at the street parallel to him. I can't help that they were under humans' directions back in Phoenix.The Tokyo Gym was in sight again, and from the looks of it, the boy down below was biking in that direction.

The Persian made it to the end of the buildings before he got to the space between them and the Gym. Turning around, he easily made his way down into the alley between two of the buildings, then glanced around the corner. The boy was chaining his bicycle to a post. Really, why would Stryker's superiors believe that this human would have any special powers? Yes, he had seen with his own eyes that the boy could enter and leave a burning floor without obviously burning himself. Yet, the higher-ups had set him on this mission before the burning hotel. Why'd they believe it in the first place?

Unless they didn't. That was a possibility. Perhaps they had thought that this kid was worth watching, just to make sure of the initial reports. But, then, why capture the boy? Eh, that's easy. He has trapped Pokemon, and the higher-ups prob'ly wanna know how and why a human can have powers. Unless they had other reasons...

Stryker shook his head, watching as the boy entered the Gym. He'd have to get in, without attracting unnecessary attention. Obviously, a human could go in, but he was rather tired of how many places he'd had to go into lately as a human. Oh, well. The Persian turned back into the alley, stalking further in before Stryker changed his illusion into that of a human, a Tokyo teenager. He walked back out into the street...

...and found himself silently cursing the Knights of Valor who were gathering in front of the Gym. How they thought they were the best in the world, preaching Pokemon's release when they themselves held the creatures captive... Stryker shook his head. Either way, he needed to get into that Gym.

"We should teach them a lesson," Chan muttered as he appeared at Stryker's side, glaring at the congregation of Knights. "Hit them hard before they know what's coming."

"No," Stryker replied immediately, reaching a paw out to stop the Hitmonchan. "I agree with you, but we'd at least need to think it through. Just the two of us, against however many that they'd send out, with this much room in front of the Gym...I'd want a few more on our side first. 'Sides, I need t' get in and watch the kid." From what he could hear, distantly, the Knights wanted to talk with someone inside the Gym. "Do gather up anyone you can, though. The boy might display somethin' after all."

Ignoring the glare Chan directed at his back, Stryker took the time to pull something out of his backpack, then walked casually closer to the Gym, moving in an arc around the group of Knights, who were now arguing with a man in front of the Gym's doors. As he came to the front wall of the Gym, Stryker dropped the small ball in his hand, tossing it with enough force to roll it onto the ground near the Knights. Within moments, a cloud of thich smoke began spreading, enveloping the front of the Gym and the gathered Knights. Ignoring the confusion and chaos that began, the Tokyo teenager slipped through the door, sliding into the disguise of a Purrloin as he did so.

Edging toward the side of the large room for a better view, Stryker was in time to see the Monferno's Blaze Kick connect with a Klang. Sounds could be heard coming from outside the Gym; Stryker thought that the Knights might be trying to get in.

"Ignore it. Stay focused on the battle." The speaker was a woman, on the other side of the battlestage.

"But it sounds-" That was the boy.

"Do you want a badge or are you going to wimp out because of some commotion outside?!"

"F-f-fine." The boy looked at Blaze... Stryker wondered why the boy hesitated. Didn't humans normally send their Pokemon into battle without a second thought? "You know what? I think you've had enough, Blaze. You should come back and take a rest.

"Mon, mon mon mon!" The Monferno was arguing, which Stryker thought might have been pointless, if it weren't for the fact that 'Blaze', as he was called, actually wanted to keep fighting.

"Alright, fine. But if you get KO'd, it'll take a while to heal you. Understood?"


"Alright! Lets do this, Blaze!"

The Purrloin, hopefully unnoticed as he sat by the wall, cocked his head. The boy didn't actually care about Blaze...did he? He shook his head abruptly. Of course not! He's still having the Monferno fight for him! Don't let yourself be fooled! Things would get ugly if the Knights outside actually managed to get in and interfere...
Thomas Elias Brown
Volt the electrike

"I've got a lovely bunch of co~conuts! Dede dede! Here they are all sitting in a row~ Big ones! Small ones! Ones as big as your head!" Thomas found himself singing as he collected the large fruit? Vegetable? Whatever. He had found a pocket knife in his pocket, which he had forgotten about honestly.in addition, his Trainer ID and Pokedex were still there too. Not that either one would help him. He had fashioned a sort of crutch out of a piece of driftwood, though it hurt his arm to use. But a few palm leaves had fixed that. He smiled a bit. He was uncertain how they would help, but coconuts were pretty tasty. He got a tingling feeling in the back of his neck and turned around. The electrike was sitting behind him, the one that Randy had dropped in their battle, the one Thomas had leapt overboard to save.

"Hey, you made it buddy, I was wondering where you were." Thomas said with a smile. The electrike growled a bit, but he seemed unable to get to his feet. Thomas slowly approached him, and soon saw why. The poor guy looked like he had been through hell, all beat up ad bruised up.

"I'm not your buddy... Grr..." the electrike said. Wair, what? Since when did pokemon talk? Oh, when they had no pokeballs. Duh. So that meant the ball was gone

"Fine fine... Here, let me help you." Thomas said, pulling a large coconut over and beating it with the stick until it cracked open. "This sruff is pretty good for you, might help you feel better."

The electrike drank some of the coconut milk and ate a bit of it, slowly getting up, then collapsing. Thomas quickly sat down next to him and began petting him gently. The electrike growled, but really had no strength to fight back. However, he soon stopped growling when it stayed at petting, not hitting.

"What's your name?" Thomas asked.

"Before that... Person stole me, my last trainer called me Volt." Volt said with little interest, still drinking the cocnut milk.

"Mind if I call you that?" Thomas asked.

"Do as you please." Volt said with little interest.

She awoke slowly, still feeling the breeze in her hair. Boy, could this guy fly for ages, huh? She laughed a little to herself, tickling the top of Edmund's head. Thankfully the rabbit slept on, apparently having worn himself out. Zoran grinned, twisting herself slowly so she wasn't facing the ground. It was a good thing he was out right now. She really didn't think this would be a good idea. Of course, that was why she was trying it.

Her head was pounding a little and a gust of hot breath whooshed over her head. The Charizard's breath was really strong. How would you fare against Carrie, lizard-boy? More importantly, She giggled softly. How will you fare against this?

Closing her eyes, she thought back. She thought of a darkness, cold like space. She tried to recall being still and broken. In her mind, the voices picked up. They weren't murmuring placidly anymore. However, there was a loud giggling, high-pitched and playfully aware.

"Let's go, let's go!" she sang out. Making sure Edmund was firmly laying against her chest, Zoran placed her hands on Vlad's large and muscular chest. The hands began to flicker violet and glow, a blue tinge at the edges of her fingertips. It wasn't just going to hurt. Blood was going to chill; it might make it very hard to fly. She didn't know, considering she had only used this on humans.

"Drop me!" she called cheerfully. "Or we all fall! Go on, drop me!"
#7: Nerves of Steel (Pt. 2)

"Klink, that's enough; go, Steelix!" Jasmine wasn't backing down, which was fine, because neither was Jari.
"Alright Blaze... you don't have to battle... but... if you so desire, I'll let you!" Jari flipped open the PokeDex app once again, checking the Steelix entry. "So it's Ground-Steel...." He frowned. "You might not be too effective."
"Fine. If you say so..." Jari took the initiative to take the first move. "Use... Blaze Kick!" The monkey wasn't able to live up to the standards it had in the beginning of the battle; it was obvious it was low on energy. Barring that, however, the Pokemon which it was battling was pretty slow, making an easy target.
"Steelix, Earth-"
"Clyde, what do you want now?" Clyde fixed his flustered glasses, almost trembling as he spoke.
"T-t-the knights outside..."
"Speak up."
"T-the knights, t-t-they seem to have hostile intents. Some have left, b-b-but I've heard chit-chat from outside about them barging in and seizing the place... I s-s-suggest we try and talk with them before the match c-c-continues."
"Not yet. No. Let me finish this battle, Clyde. Tell them that I'll talk to them later."
"Y-y-yes ma'am."
"Now, Steelix, Earthquake!" Jari had been expecting this, and he called for Acrobatics immediately, and Blaze jumped on walls the earthquake whittled out. He then landed a sure kick (as a result of Acrobatics) on Steelix, and although it wasn't the most effective attack it had been the best way to avoid the quake that had gone on below.
"Mach Punch! Quickly!" Landing an attack first, it caused good damage. But as the Steelix looked down at the fire monkey and gave it a sinister look, Jari knew something was wrong.

Jari's Pokemon collapsed in front of the huge rock snake, and Jari ran across the arena, returning the Pokemon. "You did well..." he whispered to the Pokemon as he returned it to it's PokeBall. Jari looked back and grimaced. "I'm not out of this yet!" he yelled, grabbing his second, albeit his last, PokeBall. "Go, Ronin!" The small eagle materialized in front of him, ruffling his feathers as his name suggested and giving a carefree look. It squaked, which Jari was sure would've been a smart-arse remark but he declined to comment.

"A Rufflet, eh? Very speedy, but not the best candidate in this case. You're fighting a Steelix, not a fighting type."
"I know."
"Alright. Then proceed to show me all you got!" Jasmine's eyes lit up enthusiastically.
"Damn right I will!" Jari took of his sunglasses and put them in his pocket, then whispering to the Rufflet, "you know what to do."
"Remember the fire?" The Rufflet gave a look of recognition and nodded, then proceeding to look on. "Alright then. Go on!"
The Rufflet began it's frenzied search for grass. Without grass, it could not perform Grass Knot... but before it could, Jasmine was quick to call for an attack. "Rock Slide!"
It would take a bit before this attack was performed. "You know what... Double Team!" Jari yelled out to the Rufflet. Doing as it was told, multiple copies of Ronin appeared in the air as they all seemed to search for grass. At this point, the Rock Slide began, falling down but only hitting a small illusion from the Double Team which whittled away quickly.
"There's no grass anywhere... what am I going to do..." Jari began to look around quickly... until he finally saw some weeds growing out of the battle area. There! He could pull of a Grass Knot there! Jari made a covert signal (and by covert I mean literally a wave over at the grass when Jasmine wasn't noticing) to Ronin, where it quickly made a knot. Now to lure him... he would need to taunt him somehow. But Ronin was already on the job, running in and angering the large snake towards the trap. Steelix would come in and make attacks, repeatedly using Dragon Tail, as Ronin bounced back after each one, evading him well. The crowd in the stands, who had at first been quiet and now booming about the battle, seem to almost be applauding. But at the last attack, where the Steelix would've hit the trap, it backfired. The Steelix hit Ronin with a huge Dragon Tail, sending Ronin plummeting as the Steelix, in turn, fell over the knot and collapsed, exhausted from the attacks it had taken. The knot had been outrageously strong considering how heavy Steelix was.

"S-squak." Ronin shook it off, standing up, shaking itself. So did the Steelix... for a second. But afterward, the Steelix collapsed, exhausted.
"Steelix is n-not able to continue... Ronin wins... but..." Clyde, announcing the battle's outcome. "But... MISS JASMINE, PLEASE LISTEN!"
"What? Oh, the Knights. They'll have to wait until I get this kid his badge." Jasmine tossed it at him. "Here, you deserve it."
All of a sudden, a member of the audience jumped out of the audience. Chan. "Hmm, you seem to have mastered that Rufflet's skill. The one you poached off of me!"
"A wild Pokemon is anyone's catch! There's no poaching!"
"Whatever. Screw ethics, though, I challenge you to a Pokemon battle!"
"My Pokemon are low on HP. DO you still expect me to-" Jari had no time to finish his sentence as the front door blew open and the Knights quickly surrounded them, unleashing Pokemon straight away. The corwd had run away, except for a few stragglers who jumped out of windows near the top of the stands littered around the gym.

The leader stepped up as Chan, Jasmine, and Jari stood back to back. "Hello, Jasmine. We've been meaning to speak with you. It's a shame we must meet like this, with hostile intent." He circled the group, glaring. "I'm afraid the time to speak has gone, and the time to battle is now. And the future..." He held a fire in his eyes. "It shall be ours."

"Hell no!" Jari clenched his teeth. "You're going down!" He winced. All of his Pokemon were down on HP. It would be suicide to try and attack with Pokemon. Instead...
"I have... to... TRY!" The ground began to rumble with a fury that even he didn't know he could muster. "I have... to... stop... you... from doing anything! To anyone! You won't get away with blood on your hands! You're not leaving this building until you're fried from the inside out, dammit!"

The magma exploded out of the ground, crevices opening themselves up slowly and Knights flailing into the lava below. The Pokemon themselves, most of them fire types, either swam in the lava without harm or escaped the gym when no one was looking. Jari winced, wondering what would happen to those still in PokeBalls. They were heat resistant, though, so he was sure they'd be fine.
As the last one fell, the leader still stood in front of them, now with his mouth gaping wide. "U-uh-uh..."
"I think the word you're looking for his GOODBYE!" Jari yelled, enveloping his hand in stone and punching the man into the lava below. Then, quickly closing up the holes he had opened, he grinned. "Get... me... something to eat..." he whispered, collapsing.