So I was bored of Pokemon Emerald and my brother set me a challenge and I thought I would share it with you.
Currently Underway
Hall of Famer's + their team
So I was bored of Pokemon Emerald and my brother set me a challenge and I thought I would share it with you.
- You have to catch (or atleast try) the first pokemon you see until you have a full team of 6 (So your starter+5 you catch)
- You may not have the same pokemon multiple times ( For example if you play gold and you get a sentret you may not catch another one, this is the only time not attempting a catch is allowed)
- You can not release pokemon.
- The first 5 pokemon you catch MUST be your team the whole game.
- You may not run from a battle until you have a full team.
- You CAN catch pokemon if it is needed to progress in the game but it CAN NOT battle (Example, you need to teach a pokemon surf to get to the next island)
Currently Underway
Hall of Famer's + their team
ALegoNinja - Pokemon Emerald - Swampert, Mightyena, Beautifly, Linoone, Swellow, Gardevoir
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