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[Completed] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10


  • 317
    • Seen Jul 18, 2024
    The game has received a huge update! Version 10 is out now!

    Please note that if you had started playing on any version below v10, your saves won't be compatible. If, however, you had already finished Oak's part, and updated shortly after having started Red's part, you may use this save:


    It will start you right at the beginning of RJW. (v10 compatible)

    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10

    The First Journey: A Professor Oak Adventure

    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10
    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10

    A swan song to the older generations who started with the originals, and a novel, thrilling, emotional story for the newer generations!!

    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10
    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10
    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10

    Experience "Generation 0" where it all began - witness Professor Oak's first journey across the Kanto Region - and after you are done, follow Red's Journey to Johto, 40 years later, in search of a very important person!
    Two adventures in one! Instead of a traditional postgame, you'll get to experience a new story, throughout a challenging Johto, in the shoes of the (second) strongest Trainer in the world! Follow Red's Journey to redemption after a devastating and humiliating loss to Ethan (Gold). Witness his transformation through loneliness to maturity, as he traverses Johto together with a cast of familiar characters.

    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10
    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10
    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10
    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10

    It is the year 1957. Samuel Oak, a 20 year-old prodigy, has just returned back to his home country after spending three years in the world's best university. With him, he brings science, technology, and the true spirit of trainerhood. On a mission to establish the first ever League in the East, Oak will have to adjust to local battling traditions, overcome bureaucratic hurdles, and introduce local uneducated Tamers to the proper way of doing things.


    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10


    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10



    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10



    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10

    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10


    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10


    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10


    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10

    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10

    In Red's Journey West, you will be faced with harder (than usual) fights. If you are competent in competitive, they will be a walk in the park - otherwise, since they were designed to teach non-competitive players how to adapt to the scene, you will come out with greater confidence in your skills, as a result. So don't fret, and approach your choices with a tactical mind!

    Find out the truth about Red's missing brother, and the events that transpired between Red's loss and his arrival in the West, in this emotional journey about the process of coming of age, in a time when traditional family structures have started falling apart.

    On a fateful day, on the very peak of Mt. Silver, Red was dealt a decisive blow - a newcomer from Johto, with 16 badges, swept his team with ease. To someone like Red, who had never lost a battle before, it felt like the world had ended. After running away with his tail between his legs, he stumbled upon an old friend, who gave him a letter mentioning a potentially important person to Red. With purpose anew, our protagonist finally descends Route 26, and travels to Johto in search of him.

    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10



    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10


    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10


    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10


    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10




    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10



    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10


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    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10



    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10

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    [PokeCommunity.com] The First Journey & Red's Journey West v.10
    Last edited:
    Finished the game, and I can say it was a fresh breather from playing a vanilla style Pokémon game.
    It is expectedly short, which means it won't end up tiring, considering its mainly a story driven game, with the battles being for the most part uneventful (although I found a certain series of battles fun since they added resource management in the equation).
    I always find takes that create a parody of, and let you philosophize about the game's setting and even its very foundations as a whole. pretty interesting. Even more interesting is the fact that the way the story went, it could be attached to the main game's storyline without creating an alternate universe.
    This is also one of the few games that made me feel I want to to take the MC by the neck and slam him into a wall.
    I want to say there was good character development but I think in this cause I'd rather call it good character degeneration.
    If you haven't played PostScriptum, certain scenes will make you go like wtf is going on here. This will happen even if you have played it, but the number of said scenes might decrease slightly.

    Overall a short but interesting and fun experience that I would suggest to everyone to try out.
    This is sounding excellent! Nice way to expand on your larger narrative.

    Finished the game, and I can say it was a fresh breather from playing a vanilla style Pokémon game.
    It is expectedly short, which means it won't end up tiring, considering its mainly a story driven game, with the battles being for the most part uneventful (although I found a certain series of battles fun since they added resource management in the equation).
    I always find takes that create a parody of, and let you philosophize about the game's setting and even its very foundations as a whole. pretty interesting. Even more interesting is the fact that the way the story went, it could be attached to the main game's storyline without creating an alternate universe.
    This is also one of the few games that made me feel I want to to take the MC by the neck and slam him into a wall.
    I want to say there was good character development but I think in this cause I'd rather call it good character degeneration.
    If you haven't played PostScriptum, certain scenes will make you go like wtf is going on here. This will happen even if you have played it, but the number of said scenes might decrease slightly.

    Overall a short but interesting and fun experience that I would suggest to everyone to try out.

    Thank you both for your continued support, and that was a really good review!

    Proud to announce that TFJ v2.0 now has.... animated portraits! (credit to Mr. Gela and Golisopod User)

    We hope you like this new addition! See screenshots and top of thread. V2.0 also brings balancing changes (credit to Specific) and a lot of tile fixes. Shoutout to Sandy for testing persistence as well.

    As always your feedback is greatly appreciated, as is the case with reviews. If you've finished the game, why not leave a review? It's really important!

    Thank you for your support!
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    Finished the game, Pokemon first journey is now my favourite fangame. The graphics were excellent, the soundtrack was good, I loved the dialogues. There were many places where I wanted to beat up Oak or sympathise with john. This just shows that The First Journey is a very good game in both plot and the dialogues. My favourite part was riding the Lapras during the gameplay, the idea of letting the player ride on Lapras is brilliant. The ending scenes during the war was executed perfectly and what can I say, In my opinion, this is one of the best games available in Pokecommunity.

    ps- If there are any grammatical mistakes, please forgive me as English is not my first language

    I am Sricharan , I have started playing PS The First Journey, I absolutely loved the concept of the game , the battle mechanics , graphics and overall aesthetic of the game.

    Sadly , after going through rock tunnel , when the 4 main characters set up camp and start conversing inside it, then the game crashed saying "The script is taking too long.The game will restart" and the game got saved itself and said "save file was backed up". When the game got restarted , and i tried to continue from the save file, the game has freezed .

    Please kindly help me overcome the bug , i dont want to replay entire game from the start again.

    I am Sricharan , I have started playing PS The First Journey, I absolutely loved the concept of the game , the battle mechanics , graphics and overall aesthetic of the game.

    Sadly , after going through rock tunnel , when the 4 main characters set up camp and start conversing inside it, then the game crashed saying "The script is taking too long.The game will restart" and the game got saved itself and said "save file was backed up". When the game got restarted , and i tried to continue from the save file, the game has freezed .

    Please kindly help me overcome the bug , i dont want to replay entire game from the start again.

    Hey , on some devices , the game doesn't continue after you load the game during a cutscene . maybe send your save file to aenaon dusky ? You can find it in the folder in "saved games" then send the game.rxdata
    Thank you for responding..

    Yes I have contacted aenaon dusky regarding this , I am waiting for his reply
    Finished the game, Pokemon first journey is now my favourite fangame. The graphics were excellent, the soundtrack was good, I loved the dialogues. There were many places where I wanted to beat up Oak or sympathise with john. This just shows that The First Journey is a very good game in both plot and the dialogues. My favourite part was riding the Lapras during the gameplay, the idea of letting the player ride on Lapras is brilliant. The ending scenes during the war was executed perfectly and what can I say, In my opinion, this is one of the best games available in Pokecommunity.

    ps- If there are any grammatical mistakes, please forgive me as English is not my first language

    Thank you very much for your review and your kind words, glad you liked the game! We're humbled that you consider it one of the best (smiles sheepishly).
    The characters and their interactions were the big focus here, along with the plot - glad to hear we didn't miss the target with those.

    Yeah, not being able see your surfing mon's sprite was always a bit off-putting in the main games, right? Have you tried fishing while riding Lapras?

    Your English is fine!


    I am Sricharan , I have started playing PS The First Journey, I absolutely loved the concept of the game , the battle mechanics , graphics and overall aesthetic of the game.

    Sadly , after going through rock tunnel , when the 4 main characters set up camp and start conversing inside it, then the game crashed saying "The script is taking too long.The game will restart" and the game got saved itself and said "save file was backed up". When the game got restarted , and i tried to continue from the save file, the game has freezed .

    Please kindly help me overcome the bug , i dont want to replay entire game from the start again.

    Hello, I've sent you a DM, the "script hanging" error is usually related to older hardware, and is very rare. Unstucking you shouldn't be a problem.
    A small update, 2.1, is out!

    is there a speed up button?

    No, actually. According to feedback, most people found the pacing (coupled with whatever battles were necessary) satisfying enough without the need for a speedup button. Do you feel it'd be necessary (assuming you only use it for battles)? Still the game almost never requires grinding, apart, perhaps, from the first few routes.
    the game claims I dont have the fonts installed even though I made sure to install them at least twice.
    the game claims I dont have the fonts installed even though I made sure to install them at least twice.

    Oh, this must be related to the addition of unifont in preparation for future updates, can you get past the warning screen and into the game normally?
    yeah I can play the game without issue, imin lavender town now with a tauros, zubat and geodude
    I have completed the game and here is my review of it :

    Story & Concept : Firstly the story of tracing the journey of how professor Oak came to be "The Professor Oak" and the concept of playing as a young professor Oak on his quest to establish infrastructure of gyms and league structure is an immensely fresh and original idea. As the game progresses and gradually story develops the expectations of the player keeps on rising and by the time the game finishes and the story concludes , the build up created by the expectations is satisfactorily met. An original take on the back story of Professor Oak and the Kanto region that seamlessly fits in as prequel to the settings of official Kanto region pokemon games.

    Technicality & Aesthetic : This is one of the most smoothly run Pokemon Fangame I have ever played. The art work , the overall scene of the game is beautiful and perfectly complimented by the music. The background art work during battle animation is just a pure visual feast. The overall aesthetic of the game has a rich, vibrant , visually stunning feel and outlook. As it is a purely story driven game, the editing and the way the story is brought about by majestic cut scenes dancing back and forth between the past and present is pure class, giving the game a grand cinematic feel.

    Drawbacks : At an approximately 10 hrs of game play time, I felt it short compared to the potential the story had, when i finished the game , even though i was pretty satisfied and absolutely loved the game, i felt the story was rushed into conclusion. Especially during the climax , i felt the final events of the game could have been explored in much detailed way . Also some of the plot points went over my head and that might be because I haven't played the PostScriptum yet.

    Conclusion : Overall I think this is a terrific game , and as of now this makes my top 2 best pokemon fangames of this year. I feel this game is a hidden gem that is waiting to be found out. This game certainly deserves a wider exposure and popularity by all accounts. A fresh , original concept of a game charting the territory of the official Pokemon characters that has never been explored by any fangame (as of I know).
    yeah I can play the game without issue, imin lavender town now with a tauros, zubat and geodude

    Alright, it's fine then, I assume it hasn't shown up again, has it?

    I have completed the game and here is my review of it :

    Story & Concept : Firstly the story of tracing the journey of how professor Oak came to be "The Professor Oak" and the concept of playing as a young professor Oak on his quest to establish infrastructure of gyms and league structure is an immensely fresh and original idea. As the game progresses and gradually story develops the expectations of the player keeps on rising and by the time the game finishes and the story concludes , the build up created by the expectations is satisfactorily met. An original take on the back story of Professor Oak and the Kanto region that seamlessly fits in as prequel to the settings of official Kanto region pokemon games.

    Technicality & Aesthetic : This is one of the most smoothly run Pokemon Fangame I have ever played. The art work , the overall scene of the game is beautiful and perfectly complimented by the music. The background art work during battle animation is just a pure visual feast. The overall aesthetic of the game has a rich, vibrant , visually stunning feel and outlook. As it is a purely story driven game, the editing and the way the story is brought about by majestic cut scenes dancing back and forth between the past and present is pure class, giving the game a grand cinematic feel.

    Drawbacks : At an approximately 10 hrs of game play time, I felt it short compared to the potential the story had, when i finished the game , even though i was pretty satisfied and absolutely loved the game, i felt the story was rushed into conclusion. Especially during the climax , i felt the final events of the game could have been explored in much detailed way . Also some of the plot points went over my head and that might be because I haven't played the PostScriptum yet.

    Conclusion : Overall I think this is a terrific game , and as of now this makes my top 2 best pokemon fangames of this year. I feel this game is a hidden gem that is waiting to be found out. This game certainly deserves a wider exposure and popularity by all accounts. A fresh , original concept of a game charting the territory of the official Pokemon characters that has never been explored by any fangame (as of I know).

    We are really humbled by your insightful and well-articulated review, really. The game mainly focuses on the characters coupled with the aesthetic and a colorful sense of "memories of younger years", so I'm glad we managed to pull that off. Nice to hear the game runs smoothly, too.
    Yeah, late-game scenes had to be done under time constraints, although the basic sequences would have been the same either way - perhaps you'd have liked some more interactivity inbetween. Also, defining proper length is a difficult matter - most people found it just right, although I agree with you that it should have been slightly longer.

    Again, thank you very much for playing, this game was meant as a tribute to a friend, and it had to be beautiful in all sorts of ways by necessity.

    Also, Version 2.2 is now out, adding a speed up button for the more impatient players. The speedup button can't be activated during cutscenes. Please understand that the game relies on proper presentation, and since it already runs at a smooth framerate, along with its structured pacing, enabling that anywhere or anytime would simply go against the whole experience. Understandably, many people can't even play a game without a speedup button, so that's why we added it - although most of those players would already have used external tools to speed up the game. We'd suggest you refrain from using such tools as they are now unnecessary.
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    I just finished this game so far it was really great! i would recommend to anyone =).

    I'm starting fated epistle !