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The Five Kingdoms: OOC Thread


Pedigree Breeder
  • 447
    The Five Kingdoms

    Ah, welcome young traveler. I see that you have put many distances upon your feet. Come, sit down, lets talk for a while. What's that? You are new to this country? Well, that, just won't do. If you don't know about where you are, then you won't even make it to the next town. So, I guess that means I have to tell you everything, huh? Well, no matter, I was bored anyways.

    The Kingdoms


    This, here, is the map of this country, the stars are where the captial is and where the ruler will be. You should memorize it well, for it will help you find out where you are and what to expect. I will give you a quick run down of each kingdom, but you will have to found out more yourself. Though, I think that I should first tell you have things are run here:

    The Rulers

    Each of the Kingdoms are ruled by a king or queen. However, the king or queen is not decided by blood and relations like in other countries. No, here, it is decided by the gods. The Legendaries, who rule all things. Each of the kingdoms have a certain type of Legendaries, like water or fire, that watch over and selects the new ruler, which they often search for in their human form. Although, it should be said that they never go into fights between humans or Pokemon own by humans, though they can protect their ruler. It is rarely the same Legendary twice, though that has known to happen. When a Legendary has selected a new ruler, which can be anyone so long as they were born in that kingdom, they will bow and give their oath of loyality to that person. The new ruler will gain immortality and will be able to govern the land. Although, that is usually easier said then done...For if the ruler ever does anything that oppesses the people, start an unnesscary war, or slays even a single innocent, they will die right on the spot and the Legendary will vanish, not returning for many a century.

    But enough about that, lets get on to the kingdoms themselves shall we?


    Ah, yes, this kingdom to the north. A very quiet kingdom, usually keeps to itself and trades little, though it has much of the open sea. It is a great exporter of iron, tin and some bronze. But the most coveted prize is at the very tip of this reigon, where one can find the Nevermeltingice. This special ice can be used to make some of the most deadly of weapons, though it is hard and danergous to find. Not only that, but it can freeze the user as much as the coldest blizzard. Only a very few, the ruler included, can wield such a weapon. This, I have heard, has caused some contraversy with in that land. Talk grows of a hidden storage of the Nevermeltingice somewhere. The lords say that the peasants are hiding it for a revolt while the peasants say that the lords and ladies are keeping them away so that they may threaten the poorer. Tension is growing, and I don't quite know what will happen...Anyways, the water and ice Legendaries keep an eye on that kingdom.


    This kingdom lays to the east, with more moderate temperatures then Primoris. Though there is always a gust of wind blowing from somewhere. This has lead to the people studying new and different ways to harness this power, be it for supplying energy or to dance in the sky or to make fighters for the air. I hear that the ruler has the best flier of them all, that can go invisible or change shape. Really, their technology is second only to Quartus'. But that doesn't mean all is well in this land either. Recently, some of the windmills, which power at least half of the kingdom, have started to malfunction. No one knows the reason for this and the problem has been fixed most every time, but people are still worried...Flying Legendaries, naturally, call this place home.


    Let me give you a small tip; if you see a big, burly man, or woman sometimes, who's loud and likes to hit people, more likely then not that person is from Tertius. This hot land give all sorts of people you would expect from such a heated climate. Though not the smartest people around, what they lack for brain they more then make up with brawn. Honestly, if you ever get a Tertiusian mad at you, you better hope that your legs are faster then theirs, because the only way you'll get away is by out running them. Although, they are also known to be as loyal as an old dog if you can help them or get their trust. War is their game, and they will take any chance they have to prove that they are stronger then the person beside them. I even hear that the ruler has a sword that sparks flames and lighting! Of course, I think all of this loud talk and love of war and battle is finally reaching the breaking point. Civil War is now the main topic of discussion in that land...The Legendaries of Fire, including Groundon, watch over and act in that place.


    If I may give some advice: beware of Quartus. Though you certainly wouldn't know it from the look of the place, that kingdom is probably the most dangerous out there. While the Tertiusians are stupid and annoying, at least you know where you stand with them. But with a Quartian, silence and passiveness is their game. They'll drink with you in the morning then, for seemingly no reason, stab you as you sleep. Though, trust me, that's not to say that they are all souless killers or anything like that, though I have heard the best assassins come from there. There are a good many decent folk there, not to mention the brightest. If you want to know where the latest techno-gear is, then you have to go there. Their buildings even raise up higher then in Secundis, all made of metal. Though weak physically, they make up for it with these amplifier they have around their heads which increases their mind powers. I hear the ruler there as an amplifier that can allow them to communicate with the 'phychc energy', or something like that, of the land. Natrually, all this secretiveness will bite you in the but just as much as being loud and open will. I hear a kind of civil war is going on there, too. But, if you ask me, it's more like a stupid game of chess...Psychc Legendaries rule here.


    Last, but definately not least, is the kingdome of Diapente. This kingdom is a kind of jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none. Being in the very centre means that it has the best trade routes to every other kingdom and it has flourished under the amount of money it gets just from these merchants. Of course, this also means that they are the most under threat from the other kingdoms. Not that I think they would have too much of a problem holding onto their land. Their warriors are second only to Tertiusians and the same can be said about how smart they are compared to the Quartusians, though they don't spend a lot of that smarts on technology like them. They also have a huge supply of Dragon Scales, which they beat into their swords and armour, making them nearly unbreakable. The ruler is said to have a a set of armour made so perfectly, that though it has been around for thousands of years, not a single dent or bit of wear has shown on it. I hear this armour gives the ruler the speed and movement of a dragon themselves. Sadly, though in the past this kingdom has grown very well, the people had a very bad ruler who oppessed them for a long while until he finally died. Now a new ruler takes the throne, and there are some murmmers of people who may not trust the age old system anymore...Dragon Legendaries protect and guide this land.

    A Rumor

    Well, that's all I have to tell you about the Kingdoms. But...though I'm sure this information is false and you are free to dismiss it...I feel I should tell you one more thing. There is a rumor, not even a true rumor but a rumor of a rumor, of a Legendary not with any of the rulers that travels the land, as if searching for something. I don't know if this is true or not, for nothing like this has ever been heard of before. Since, as I have told you, Legendaries here only go searching like that when they are seeking a new ruler...

    In anycase, that's all I have to tell you, dear traveler. Good luck as you move about this land, you may need it.

    Additional Info

    "The Five Kingdoms" is a Pokemon RP where you play as a ruler of a kingdom with a Legendary Pokemon at your side, or this mysterious freelancer who also has a Legendary. This RP is pretty open ended, you can pretty much do whatever you want. Though there is an overall story for each person and some conflict to go along with it. I am the RP master and can control all of the NPCs along with throw situations at you. Don't worry, I'm not going to be evil and just throw one bad thing after another at you...yet. In anycase, rulers of the kingdoms can control anyone who lives in their kingdom, but not traveling merchants, doctors, musians, thieves etc. For the freelancer, it is the opposite, you can't control anyone who is with a kingdom, but those who travel the road. In fact, they seem quitie drawn to you...

    The Legendaries

    No matter what Legendary you chose, they can not fight in human vs human fights or Pokemon trainer battles. They can protect you from these fights, however. Though, each Legendary has a kind of Guardian with them, a fully evolved Pokemon that is the same type as they are. This Pokemon can fight in any kind of battle. If you want to get more Pokemon (they don't have to be the same type) then you will have to go out and 'recruit' them. This can be done by gaining their loyality or beating them into submisson. In either case, they must pledge their own loyality to your Legendary.

    Also, a reminder of what type of Legendary each person can have:

    Primoris- water types (including Articuno and Regice)
    Secundis- flying types (including Shaymin)
    Tertius- fire types (including Groundon)
    Quartus- psychc types
    Diapente- drargon types
    Freelancer- any (excluding Arceus)

    Important NPCs

    Though this is a pretty open RP, and you can create and get rid of NPCs as you see fit, there are some NPCs that will be important for your story/conflict:

    Primoris: Charles Icier- childhood best friend who can also wield the Nevermeltingice, commandard of your army.

    Gwen Serlin- influencial lady of the court, is the most suspecious of the peasant's possible revolt and hording of Nevermeltingice.

    The Chief- a mysterious person the peasants look up to, has thus only communicated through other people, telling the lords to share the Nevermeltingice they have.

    Secundis: John Freewind- top engineer of the windmills. He has been in contact with you for a good while, but recently he has been more and more quiet.

    Scareye- a sky pirate who has been causing the kingdom some distress for a while now.

    Tertius: Don "Blouder Crusher" Nelson- A man trying to recruit people to raise against the current ruler, though this seems to just be because he wants to prove he can.

    Sara "Fire Hands" Golding- the best smith in all of Tertius, likes to complain to you and insult you, but is also the most loyal.

    Fumble Feet- the court jestor.

    Quartus: Henry Handson- your second-in-command who has been showing some contempt towards you and your rule.

    Igore Insinga- the brightest sicentist in all of the kingdom. Very eccentric, no one knows where his mind is, or even where he is half the time.

    Diapente: Jean Willow- your advisor

    Tyler Oak- Head judge of the kingdom

    Alice- a simple maid you've been seeing around, but knows nothing about expect for her name.

    Freelancer: Shadow- a very strange man in black who seems very interested in you.


    1. No Godmoding, this means control of other people's characters or NPCs that you aren't allow to control. If you have any questions just ask me.
    2. Be nice to fellow RPers, faliure to do so will result in an immediate kick out.
    3. I'm not a grammer nazi, gods know my grammer isn't the best, but I do expect at least some decent grammer, no chat speak.
    4. At least one paragraph per post. This shouldn't be too hard since you have so many resources to pull on.
    5. Indicate what is in character and what isn't. Until I can get up an OOC thread, besure to indicate OOC comments in brackets. If you have a question on how the RP should be run, then VM or PM me.
    6. Relationships (including gay) are allowed, but keep it PG 13.
    7. I am the RP master and my say is final. If you think a ruling or something I did was wrong, please PM and we can talk about it..
    8. Have fun!
    9. Type "I swear never to desert my post before your throne, I swear never to disobey your orders" above your Sign-up.

    Sign-up Sheets

    I will say here that the freelancer position will not be a first-come first-served basis. Indicate that you want to be this at the top of your SU and, after a few days, I will look at all of the SUs for the freelancer and decide.

    Name: (simple enough, last and first, middle and nick-name optional)
    Gender: (male or female please)
    Age: (baring infants and extremely old people, you can be any age you want!)
    Kingdom: (which kingdom were you born in? This will indicate which one you rule, unless you are the freelancer)
    Appearance: (how you look, including the kind of clothes you usually wear. 2-3 paragraphs or a picture.)
    Personality: (what is your character like? Again 2-3 paragraphs.)
    History: (what was your character like before they ruled? What have they done since they ruled? How did you meet your Legendary? The freelancer doesn't have to answer the third as they will not meet their Legendary until the first or second post. At least three paragraphs.)
    Legendary: (which is it? Remember which types you can pick from. Also include what your Legendary looks like in human form, at least a paragraph or two. Again, you can just show me a picture if you want.)
    Guardian: (what guardian does your Legendary start out with? Remember it has to be the same type as the Legendary.)
    Weapons: (optional, you can include the ruling weapons I gave to some of the kingdoms, or just add more if you want.)
    Other: (what else do you think I should know about your character? Optional)

    Status of Kingdoms

    Primoris- Ike with Articuno- ComiTutle

    Secundis- Lysa with Ho-Oh- KillehKiwi

    Tertius- Katie with Entei- dragonite149

    Quartus- Link with Mewtwo- MasterLink742

    Diapente- Open!

    Freelancer Candidates- Jericho with Regirock- GrifSpark


    Kairi's Nobody
  • 2,243
    Hi. I don't mean to be a bother, I'm just not sure if I sent the pm to you. Um, anyways its concerning the Diapente spot. I was confused on if it was avalible or not. If it is I would like to try for it.

    And if this isn't where this goes I'm very sorry.


    Your personal livin' Pokedex
  • 629
    Now if only people would post in the actual thread...

    Indeed. If I remember correctly, I was the latest to post an actual post (and the lates to post in general, by making an opinion about whether to have you give more pointers to the RPrs.). So yeah, I do hope someone posts, since I kinda like Roleplaying Jericho, despite his occasional lack of humour...

    Tuxedo Clank

    So laid back he is horizontal
  • 186
    • Seen Oct 12, 2012
    I was wondering if the Diapente place is still available. I didn't see anyone in there on the RP section so I am assuming it is open. If so I would like to reserve it. I would happily get an SU up tomorrow. If not I will watch this RP interestedly. I would kneel before your throne but I haven't started an SU yet.

    EDIT: I just noticed the SU's are closed. I would be very grateful if you would open them up for me seeing as the character has not been taken. If you do I would happily swear never to desert my post.
    Last edited:


    Pedigree Breeder
  • 447
    The spot for Dipente is open for anyone who is interested in it. Maybe that would help kick start this RP again. Anyways, this will be a first come first served thing so be ready. Sorry for taking so long to reply.

    Tuxedo Clank

    So laid back he is horizontal
  • 186
    • Seen Oct 12, 2012
    I am interested in the part. I will edit my SU into this post in a while.

    [FONT=&quot]Name: Marcus Romulus[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Gender: Male[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Age: 24[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Kingdom: Diapente[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Appearance: [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]History: [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Legendary: [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Guardian: Flygon[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Weapons: Marcus has neither confirmed nor denied the existence of the kingdom's legendary armour and hasn't bothered to investigate it himself. He still carries his own dragonscale sword created by himself. It is a thin weapon and slightly curved with an invisibly thin edge.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Other: Marcus is new to the job and is fairly inexperienced from the ruling point of view. He is however competent in most combat traits and is a good blacksmith. He is still a rookie in ruling though and is likely to make those kinds of mistakes.[/FONT]
    Last edited:


    Your personal livin' Pokedex
  • 629
    I hope this RP gets a kickstart, it really deserves it. Maybe it would be useful if the RPrs met up with one of the others. That way, the characters would have another to communicate with (Other than your assigned Legendary, but the RPr themselves control them, so the conversation isn't hugely interesting). *Nods*, I hope this RP doesn't die :D.


    Pedigree Breeder
  • 447
    I do too, I put a lot of thought into this one. Also, I was thinking that the RPers could meet up, but I was hoping to save that for later. Of course, if you think that it would be better to do that now, then be my guest.

    Tuxedo Clank

    So laid back he is horizontal
  • 186
    • Seen Oct 12, 2012
    Posted my SU, I spoilered anything longer than a paragraph. If this is annoying I can deal with it.
    Now I feel like I forgot something...Ah yes.

    I swear never to desert my post before your throne, I swear never to disobey your orders


    Gazing at the sky...
  • 322
    Grifspark can't access for some reason the PC so he asked me to inform you about that , he'll try to get back as soon as possible
    Last edited:


    Gazing at the sky...
  • 322
    Hy , i just wanted to inform you that Grifspark has some problems with accessing the PC (again ) so he asked me to tell you about this. He'll get back as soon as he can.
  • 17
    • Seen Jul 14, 2016
    "I swear never to desert my post before your throne, I swear never to disobey your orders"

    Name: Adam Tanner

    Nickname: AJ

    Gender: Male

    Age: 25


    Past:Just standing at 5'9, Adam has charcoal black hair, which is kept fairly short and spiky, as any long hair tends to annoy him as he is constantly moving it.
    His eyes are a light brown, and although he doesn't know it, are his best features overall.
    He has a tanned face, with his face being covered in freckles, with a medium sized nose. However, he has a scar on his face due to an accident when he was younger.
    He likes to wear jeans which just baggy enough for him to walk around in, which are accompanied by trainers.
    He wears a hoodie, with a t-shirt(not shown) underneath it. Finally he wears a scarf around his neck at all times, with a pair of gloves in his backpack, which are only used in harsh, winter times

    Now: He now wears black jeans with black leather boots which are designed to be worn in all conditions. He wears a roll-en up shirt, which is accompanied by a black leather jacket. Adam still likes to keep his hair short and tidy, although he has lost all colour in his face.


    Born into a family which was surviving, Adams farther went on on his own quest to be a trainer when Adam was 3, which meant Adams Mum was left to look after him
    As being a shy boy, he was mostly found helping his mum with chores all the time, in between going to school of course.
    However, one day when he was going out to collect wood, he was attacked by a pokemon who thought Adam was invading in territory, which led to it scarring his face from a slash attack, as most people recognised him by this feature.
    From that moment, Adam was petrified to go into the outdoors any more. However as he got older, he was able to overcome his fears and started to work outdoors again.
    When he was 13, Adam saw his house on fire when coming back from his break. As much as he tried to get inside, he was held back by neighbours, telling him that there was nothing he could do.
    <Fast forward 7 years>
    Adam was now King in Diapente, as before the old king died, he decided to not let his only son take, but to hold a Tournament with one challenge:
    find the Nevermeltingice in Primoris. The person to find this would become king. Of course when Adam heard this he was rushing to go, but before he left he was stopped by a person, who had golden hair which looked like a crown. He told Adam to beware of the King's son. Due to this new knowledge, Adam was able to see the Princes traps. He was the first to arrive at the top and saw the prize, but before he could reach it, he was knocked and slid over the edge of the mountain. Adam managed to grab on to the ledge, but to his horror he saw the Prince reaching for the Nevermeltingice, when Giratina, in its origin form arrived to stop the prince from succeeding. The Prince, a true wuss, ran off in fright (never to be seen again). Giratina helped Adam up, only to reveal that he was the stranger that warned Adam before. Adam returned to the Kingdom, with the king making Adam the new king.


    It has been 5 years and Adam has made the kingdom more peaceful and open to people from the other regions.


    At a first meeting, Adam is seemed to be shy, preferring to look at his notes instead of making conservation.
    However, after getting to know him, Adam begins to open up and shows his true personality; he is fun loving and courageous, but instead of rushing into things, he will take a step back and analyse the situation, like he does with a Pokémon battle, and decides what to do next.
    He is a very loving person, and will stop to care for injured Pokémon and care for them, so this also makes him loving towards overs. He generally has a cool head on him, although when he sees or hears something which reminds him of his farther or his scar, he withdrawn and becomes aggravated if he is asked what is wrong.

    Legendary: Giratina origin form

    He has yellow hair which is shaped into the crown on his head. He has red eyes with a pale face. He wears a grey jacket and jeans, with a red + black striped shirt. He also wears yellow boots

    Guardian: Dragonite

    Weapon: Dragon wraith sabre- present from Giratina

    It has a purple blade with grey + red grip. It has an eye in the middle with a resemblance of Gitatina's crown. Also, it has something like giratina's wings hanging out from the sides

    "I swear never to desert my post before your throne, I swear never to disobey your orders"

    Name: Adam Tanner

    Nickname: AJ

    Gender: Male

    Age: 25


    Past:Just standing at 5'9, Adam has charcoal black hair, which is kept fairly short and spiky, as any long hair tends to annoy him as he is constantly moving it.
    His eyes are a light brown, and although he doesn't know it, are his best features overall.
    He has a tanned face, with his face being covered in freckles, with a medium sized nose. However, he has a scar on his face due to an accident when he was younger.
    He likes to wear jeans which just baggy enough for him to walk around in, which are accompanied by trainers.
    He wears a hoodie, with a t-shirt(not shown) underneath it. Finally he wears a scarf around his neck at all times, with a pair of gloves in his backpack, which are only used in harsh, winter times

    Now: He now wears black jeans with black leather boots which are designed to be worn in all conditions. He wears a roll-en up shirt, which is accompanied by a black leather jacket. Adam still likes to keep his hair short and tidy, although he has lost all colour in his face.


    Born into a family which was surviving, Adams farther went on on his own quest to be a trainer when Adam was 3, which meant Adams Mum was left to look after him
    As being a shy boy, he was mostly found helping his mum with chores all the time, in between going to school of course.
    However, one day when he was going out to collect wood, he was attacked by a pokemon who thought Adam was invading in territory, which led to it scarring his face from a slash attack, as most people recognised him by this feature.
    From that moment, Adam was petrified to go into the outdoors any more. However as he got older, he was able to overcome his fears and started to work outdoors again.
    When he was 13, Adam saw his house on fire when coming back from his break. As much as he tried to get inside, he was held back by neighbours, telling him that there was nothing he could do.
    <Fast forward 7 years>
    Adam was now King in Diapente, as before the old king died, he decided to not let his only son take, but to hold a Tournament with one challenge:
    find the Nevermeltingice in Primoris. The person to find this would become king. Of course when Adam heard this he was rushing to go, but before he left he was stopped by a person, who had golden hair which looked like a crown. He told Adam to beware of the King's son. Due to this new knowledge, Adam was able to see the Princes traps. He was the first to arrive at the top and saw the prize, but before he could reach it, he was knocked and slid over the edge of the mountain. Adam managed to grab on to the ledge, but to his horror he saw the Prince reaching for the Nevermeltingice, when Giratina, in its origin form arrived to stop the prince from succeeding. The Prince, a true wuss, ran off in fright (never to be seen again). Giratina helped Adam up, only to reveal that he was the stranger that warned Adam before. Adam returned to the Kingdom, with the king making Adam the new king.


    It has been 5 years and Adam has made the kingdom more peaceful and open to people from the other regions.


    At a first meeting, Adam is seemed to be shy, preferring to look at his notes instead of making conservation.
    However, after getting to know him, Adam begins to open up and shows his true personality; he is fun loving and courageous, but instead of rushing into things, he will take a step back and analyse the situation, like he does with a Pokémon battle, and decides what to do next.
    He is a very loving person, and will stop to care for injured Pokémon and care for them, so this also makes him loving towards overs. He generally has a cool head on him, although when he sees or hears something which reminds him of his farther or his scar, he withdrawn and becomes aggravated if he is asked what is wrong.

    Legendary: Giratina origin form

    He has yellow hair which is shaped into the crown on his head. He has red eyes with a pale face. He wears a grey jacket and jeans, with a red + black striped shirt. He also wears yellow boots

    Guardian: Dragonite

    Weapon: Dragon wraith sabre- present from Giratina

    It has a purple blade with grey + red grip. It has an eye in the middle with a resemblance of Gitatina's crown. Also, it has something like giratina's wings hanging out from the sides
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