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The Gen 9 Move Animation Project

  • 50
    This project is a successor to the discontinued Gen 8 Move Animation Project led by St. Cooler, which itself was an extension of Pokemon Reborn's animations (full credits at the bottom).
    However, this isn't just the Gen 8 project with Gen 9 moves added! The Gen 8 project had very little organization for how it ordered the move list, and since it was made for v18.1, some of the animations were broken when imported to more modern versions. Both of these have been fixed, with all moves grouped by generation and broken animations fixed so they work in versions 20.1 and 21.1 (yes, this project is compatible with both versions!).

    Download Link
    ~ Installation ~
    Spoiler: Installation instructions

    This project is incomplete. We've already made some great progress on Gen 9 moves, and the Gen 8 project left very few moves from Gens 1-8 without animations, but there's still a few left that need attention:
    Spoiler: High-priority moves

    Spoiler: Low-priority moves

    If you'd like to contribute, just choose one of the moves above and then post a comment with the required files attached; this means the .anm file and any required graphics/audio if you're not just using assets already included in the project.
    If you want to contribute but don't know how to make animations, please read the Essentials docs, make experiments by yourself to familiarize yourself with the tool before asking for help.

    Please include these credits when adding these animations to your game:

    Thanks to the Reborn team for letting people use their resources. You are awesome.
    Gen 8 Animation Project lead by StCooler, with additional contributions by DarrylBD99, WolfPP, ardicoozer, riddlemeree
    Thanks to BellBlitzKing for his Pokemon Sound Effects Pack: Gen 1 to Gen 7 - All Attacks SFX.
    Gen 9 Animation Project led by KRLW890 and Nut0066, with additional contributions by Toxillian, QuahogTheCreator, Lcorp, and Shashu-Greninja
    Last edited:
    This project is a successor to the discontinued Gen 8 Move Animation Project led by St. Cooler, which itself was an extension of Pokemon Reborn's animations (full credits at the bottom).
    However, this isn't just the Gen 8 project with Gen 9 moves added! The Gen 8 project had very little organization for how it ordered the move list, and since it was made for v18.1, some of the animations were broken when imported to more modern versions. Both of these have been fixed, with all moves grouped by generation and broken animations fixed so they work in versions 20.1 and 21.1 (yes, this project is compatible with both versions!).

    Download Link
    ~ Installation ~
    Spoiler: Installation instructions

    This project is incomplete. We've already made some great progress on Gen 9 moves, and the Gen 8 project left very few moves from Gens 1-8 without animations, but there's still a few left that need attention:
    Spoiler: High-priority moves

    Spoiler: Low-priority moves

    If you'd like to contribute, just choose one of the moves above and then post a comment with the required files attached; this means the .anm file and any required graphics/audio if you're not just using assets already included in the project.
    If you want to contribute but don't know how to make animations, please read the Essentials docs, make experiments by yourself to familiarize yourself with the tool before asking for help.

    Please include these credits when adding these animations to your game:

    Thanks to the Reborn team for letting people use their resources. You are awesome.
    Gen 8 Animation Project lead by StCooler, with additional contributions by DarryBD99, WolfPP, ardicoozer, riddlemeree
    Thanks to BellBlitzKing for his Pokemon Sound Effects Pack: Gen 1 to Gen 7 - All Attacks SFX.
    Gen 9 Animation Project led by KRLW890 and Nut0066, with additional contributions by Toxillian and QuahogTheCreator
    Btw, small nitpick but... StCooler made a mistake when crediting me. Its DarrylBD99 not DarryBD99
    Z-Move update

    Download link is updated with all the Z-Moves from Pokémon Reborn that this project was previously missing. And also Blood Moon.

    Spoiler: Added moves
    Hey! Thank you, the Reborn team, and everyone else who contributed for this incredible resource.

    From the most recent update, an error arises when using Tectonic Rage (Z-Ground) and Savage Spinout (Z-Bug): TypeError "nil can't be coerced into integer"
    Spoiler: Error Message
    Hey! Thank you, the Reborn team, and everyone else who contributed for this incredible resource.

    From the most recent update, an error arises when using Tectonic Rage (Z-Ground) and Savage Spinout (Z-Bug): TypeError "nil can't be coerced into integer"
    Spoiler: Error Message

    From the error message, I have an idea of what might be causing the issue, but I wasn't able to recreate the crash in v21. I'll try to fix what I think is causing it, though I won't be able to test it myself. Do the other newly added Z-Moves also have this issue or just those two?
    From the error message, I have an idea of what might be causing the issue, but I wasn't able to recreate the crash in v21. I'll try to fix what I think is causing it, though I won't be able to test it myself. Do the other newly added Z-Moves also have this issue or just those two?
    I've only tested Z-Rock, Z-Steel, Z-Poison and those two but no issues arose for the former. Only Tectonic Rage and Savage Spin-Out caused issues.
    I was able to replicate it on v21, just went straight to battle editor, loaded and played it and there it was.
    I don't know what fo[2] and fo[3] is supposed to hold but I added a next when they don't exist in the appropriate places and it got rid of the error while the move animation continued without any problem and seemingly okay.
    It seems it was just before that white glare in the ground z move and before the red glare in bug z move.
    Hello! First thank you for the ressource, it's a very useful one and I'm very thankful of everyone who worked on it.
    Just to let you know, I got the same error message with Clangorous Soulblaze.
    Also, I figured that Techno Blast didn't have the 4 type variations, only the base one in on the pack, it makes it so the wrong animation is playing when you use Techno Blast on a non Normal type.