I smerked and said, "I got two eggs, who about a trade? An articuno egg for a Kyogre egg." I showed him the two eggs. "Is it a trade? Hold up!" I said as the pokeball I used to catch Articuno in was jiggling. "What the..." The Articuno broke out and I said, "What are you doing out?" It screeched, and I continued, "I guess you want a rematch?" It shook it's head. "Fine let's do this outside." We stepped outside, and I yelled, "Go Charizard!" Charizard came out and smerked. It roared and then pumped it muscles trying to intimidate it. She ignored it and charged at Charizard. "Fly up! Come down with sky attack and then seismic toss!" I said as Charizard flew up and attacked Articuno and then seismic tossed it. As Articuno landed, a big cloud of dust covered it and then it shot an ice beam at charizard and hit him. "Charizard fire blast!" I yelled it missed articuno. "Charizard Fire spin!" This time Charizard made it as big as he could, it caught articuno and she couldn't break out. "Okay now wait." I said as the tornado of fire kept going. As it started to die down, " Charizard fan the fire with your wing so it doesn't get weak enough for Articuno to escape!" He did so and this contuned for a half hour. "Let die down now." Charizard now out of breath and if articuno survived that Charizard wouldn't be a match for her. Articuno got up out of breath and then collapsed as Charizard did the same thing. "No! Charizard, Articuno return." They both returned and I rushed in the Pokemon center and handed the both to Joy and turned back to Seph. "Ready for that trade?"