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The Monosize Challenge

Looks interesting.

Name: Disturb Not The Harmony
Game: Blue
Monosize Class: XS

Planned team:
Okay, finished.

Long story short: team worked as planned. Took a few retries on Rival, but went through all right.

Enemy PIKA (L40 Raichu) [TMs used: Thunderbolt]
Enemy MOTH (L43 Venomoth)
Enemy RAT (L42 Raticate) [TMs used: Water Gun, Blizzard]
Enemy MOLE (L46 Dugtrio) [TM used: Rock Slide]

+ Charmander (HM04), DUX (HM01, HM02), and Poliwag (HM03)

Fairly typical run. Venomoth took advantage of Lance's AI, and Raichu Bolted everything weak to Electric. Dugtrio annihilated everything, and Raticate acted as backup if that failed.

Fun little challenge. I find it amusing that I steamrolled the League with Pokemon less than a meter tall.