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The most EPIC game development engine list you'll find

Ho-oh 112

Advance Scripter
  • 311
    • Seen Mar 8, 2014
    I found that here: https://www.mangatutorials.com/foru...e-Ultimate-Indie-Game-Developer-Resource-List

    Free engines
    2d engines
    3d engines
    online engines
    blah blah blah

    If you don't want to click the link look in the spoiler....

    It's a pretty long list and that's ONLY THE ENGINES!

    Other sites with listings:

    Other engines:
    Gamebry0 mentioned by - Vociferocity
    https://www.scirra.com/ mentioned by - Help-14
    XNA - 4.0 mentioned by - dragonnite
    MonoGame mentioned by - dragonnite
    SDL mentioned by - dragonnite

    Last edited by a moderator:
    What do you think would be the best engine to use that could support something like Gen V Pokémon games and is free?
    your list is missing gamebryo and unity, two excellent engines for game development

    e: oh wait, I see you have unity in the misc section! it might be useful to point out that the languages it uses for scripting are c#, its own terrible language, and javascript. I think unity uses a slightly different version of js? I'm not sure, though! I've only ever used c# with it
    Last edited:
    your list is missing gamebryo and unity, two excellent engines for game development

    e: oh wait, I see you have unity in the misc section! it might be useful to point out that the languages it uses for scripting are c#, its own terrible language, and javascript. I think unity uses a slightly different version of js? I'm not sure, though! I've only ever used c# with it

    added gamebyro to the list.
    A have another amazing engine: Construct 2 (Construct 1 is in your list)
    Contruct 2 is a HTML 5 engine so you can play it in Windows, Mac, Linux, Iphone, ipad, Android, Windows Phone ... almost all pc and smartphone. https://www.scirra.com/
    your list is missing gamebryo and unity, two excellent engines for game development

    e: oh wait, I see you have unity in the misc section! it might be useful to point out that the languages it uses for scripting are c#, its own terrible language, and javascript. I think unity uses a slightly different version of js? I'm not sure, though! I've only ever used c# with it

    Thanks for this ^^.

    This is wrong however,
    its own terrible language
    Unity uses C#, Boo, and Javascript aka Unityscript. Boo is not unity's it is similar to Python and Unity only supports using Boo. The support is not good. I use Unity C# and/or Javascript(UnityScript). I will continue to use Unity to create my projects its a great engine for all platforms and all sort of projects.

    Also you got the Unreal Engine but I dont see the UDK(Unreal Development Kit).

    Also as much as i hate torque i also done see TGEA, Torque Game Engine Advanced. Last time I checked it was stull supported by them
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    Hey Ho-oh from which program I can make a good pokemon game and is free?
    what engine do you have that works for on Macs, is good for beginners, and can be used for RPGs?
    Um, Ho oh, can you tell me where are the game engines that require no programming, like RMXP, but are first person game makers?
    A solid and easy engine to use is called Stencyl. I've used it before, there is a community and tons of support. It is simple to get used to and allows you to do a lot. It is used to make iOS, Android*, Flash, HTML5*, Windows and Mac apps and games. I would recommend it to beginners. You can make anything from a platformer to a galaga style game to an rpg.

    Are any of these good to help teach how to code? I'm trying learn JS and have been using code academy. I was just wondering if there was anything I could practice on. Thanks!

    I'm looking for something free too. Just thougt that should be mentioned.
    May I suggest GameStudio? I'm using it to make an engine currently codenamed Project Vulpix.
    It Deviantart browsing, I found something that caught my attention.

    A user named DaSpirit, has created a Pokemon engine made in Game Maker Studio has released the source code.

    Here his description:

    Here is a link:

    Please take full advantage of this engine, I'm tired of various Pokemon fangames made with RPG Maker engine.
    Game Maker Studio 2 has been released, it's great but GML... not so much coming from a guy that loves game maker.

    Defold is essentially Game Maker with better tools, and uses Lua.
    You can view more at https://defold.com/
    all the engines in the original post are non-pokemon engines. as such, those engines do not belong on pokecommunity