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[PKMN OPEN] The Other Side: Ultra Sinnoh [M][OOC]


  • 4,594
    The Other Side: Ultra Sinnoh

    Welcome! The Other Side is a multiverse-centric, story-driven RP revolving around the appearance of massive tears in reality leading to Ultra Space or even other worlds. These tears can span miles and are thus quite disruptive, appearing around the world. When they don't go away on their own--adventurous, or brave trainers often enter to investigate them, perhaps not even recognizing the danger within. This RP will be primarily taking place in one such world, the version of Sinnoh where the Sinnoh protag failed to defeat Cyrus implied to exist by Ultra Sun and Moon's Dialogue, with the occasional break or intrusion from other worlds. There will be other arcs of this RP taking place primarily on other worlds, but they'll be held in other threads due to their focus on a different main storyline. All such threads will take place shortly after Pasio. So no big timeskips or anything like that.

    This thread is rated M because by it's nature, it will explore darker themes and challenge characters both physically and psychologically. Other worlds do not necessarily abide by the same rules that the main universe does, and are sometimes hostile to your expectations. They are also pretty dangerous. What happened to this world, and what can you do here to try and set things right? Whether you plan on righting the wrongs of this world or are researching the multiversal chaos causing these tears, or just happen to find yourself trapped after the tear closes with you on the wrong side of it and are now looking for an escape, you have a great challenge ahead of you.

    Ultra Sinnoh is especially eldritch and unstable compared to most of these universes. You will find yourself in a distorted version of Sinnoh where the passage of time has frozen, with different parts of the world in perpetual day, night, or twilight--often without any consistency. You might step into a new area only for the time of day to radically shift rather suddenly. Many of the natives seem to suffer from an inability to form long-term memories, going about their same routines day after day without any awareness of what's going on. Others have a hard time processing your presence at all. Not all are unaware of what is going on however. One thing's for sure, this world is broken and whatever broke it is still out there. Perhaps if you find Cyrus you'll get answers? Or maybe the secret lies elsewhere.

    Rules & Guidelines

    This is a back-and-forth roleplay that requires a non-negligable amount of handholding on my part. However certain things can be done mostly without my input, such as casual interaction amongst players and basic wild pokemon battles. I also may occasionally give you prompts, usually exploration, mystery or puzzle based, that are more open-ended and require less input on my part. The golden rule is that if we're dealing with significant environmental damage or need to know whether something involving your environment works as intended, such as say trying to unlock a door, you should ask me. It is recommended you join the Discord for faster communication, though not required. Try to use good judgement when determining whether a post would call for a reaction. The worst case scenario is that I have to flex my GM authority and contradict your post, which isn't ... that bad. I'm not going to punish you for it. But if it disrupts and effectively voids half your post it'll feel pretty bad. When in doubt, ask! GM posts may interrupt ongoing solo posts. You won't necessarily have unlimited time to hash things out on your own, though I won't drag you kicking and squealing toward the plot if you want to avoid it either. Just be aware that I might poke you and go "Oops! Stuff's happening. You should be aware."

    After 2 weeks I reserve the right to push forward if a lack of someone's post is holding things up. I'll attempt to find some excuse to separate them that leaves things semi-open for a potential return later. I don't consider this to be a punishment; it's just the show must go on, y'know? You will be allowed to rejoin if you want. Rejoining will usually involve briefly addressing a prompt I left for you when you were separated, usually involving the reason you were gone.

    Canon characters are allowed--encouraged even--whether you want to play one of your Sinnoh favorites exploring a distorted version of their homeland or you just have an itch to play another canon. If and only if you are the player of a canon, you are entitled to make headcanons about them. Canons must, however, abide by the same starting limitations of other trainers. That means they either started a new journey with new pokemon, had theirs stolen, they went missing--any excuse you see fit. For all I mind you can have them wake up with their pokemon missing and just force them to get by. OCs are allowed to have briefly met canon characters provided said canon character is only engaging in their typical occupational capacity. So you're allowed to have battled a gym leader or a protag as part of their normal daily routine for example, however the interaction should be otherwise uneventful enough that the canon character can have forgotten about it without it being a surprise to anyone to make it easy on the player.

    This is a powered trainer friendly roleplay. You are encouraged to explore the idea of your character having or awakening powers over the course of the RP, and you are more than welcome to explore the idea of those powers enabling them to defend themselves. Other worlds will test and perhaps bring out hidden strengths within you. As a limit though, trainer powers should max out as pokemon-adjacent in scale, meaning if a pokemon can do it you can do it--but you shouldn't necessarily be stronger than any given one of your pokemon. At best, you're another member of the team.

    Pokemon can have up to six moves and one ability. If your trainer is powered, they follow the same limits. Basic mundane fighting can be done without moves, but is weaker than performing a similar technique using a named move. (Ex: Tackle hits harder than a regular tackle)

    You are in control of when your pokemon learns moves and evolves, provided it does not require an item you do not have.

    No guns. Yeah I know, limitless multiversal potential but that's not the story I want to tell. ^^;

    Trainerless pokemon will be considered on a case by case basis. I want to keep the player-cast majority human, but I'll definitely try to make exceptions. As a rule of thumb, they should be able to talk with humans for ease of RP.

    Characters from other AUs will be considered, but I might advise you run an idea by me before you put a ton of effort into a character from an AU that could potentially conflict with my ideas for that world. I'll try to be flexible but--y'know.

    RPs die--it happens. If by some tragedy we aren't able to complete ours, the option to finish the story privately as a 1x1 will be offered to those still interested.

    Feel free to update your sign-up post as the RP goes on with new pokemon and such.

    Lore Clarifications

    We are based on game canon. That being said, Ash appeared on Pasio so who am I to say the anime universe isn't one of those tears out there? So anime characters are allowed--you'll just be two steps removed from your home world. There has been no major advancements in time since the games themselves, with the RP taking place vaguely after Pasio. That means the events of your game(s) happened and the events of Pasio happened. Now you're here.

    Infatuation Hotfix: Instead of being heteronormative and difficult to explain in-universe, infatuation will affect everyone--including genderless pokemon. However characters with a strong partner preference will have an easier time resisting its effects when afflicted by someone who doesn't fit that preference. How you want to portray that is up to you, but it should still remain an at least moderately useful move even when weakened. It is a mind-altering status that need not necessarily manifest as romantic interest. It could manifest as an obsessive fixation or an invasive thought urging you to protect someone instead of hurting them. It could also backfire hilariously and result in a Bowser-style kidnapping attempt. It's your character's mind; the other character can attempt to influence it, but you ultimately get to dictate how it bends in response to the pressure they exert.

    Pokeballs can be used to store items instead of Pokemon. Normal pokeballs are cheap devices that can only store one item. Specialized balls might be able to store more.

    Speaking of pokeballs, we will be operating under the lore that pokeballs are prevented from catching humans and other trainer-owned pokemon through simple security mechanisms. It is possible to modify pokeballs to disable these security mechanisms. The snag machine from Colosseum lets you do it on the fly more or less instantly, but you can do it manually if you have the time to tinker with the ball at the risk of damaging it if you fail. Criminal NPCs may also take advantage of this.

    You can capture fainted pokemon.

    Regular, non-pokemon animals will not exist. When references to real world animals are used, the in-universe explanation will be that these are scientific classifications and genuses and such describing a type of pokemon.

    Legendaries will not necessarily be treated as being super powerful here. Some of them will, but others will just be somewhat above the normal power curve. I'll let you know which is which if you get ahold of one.

    Custom regional pokemon will be available. These are basically type shifted versions of pre-existing pokemon from alternate worlds that may have partially different designs. If you've got an idea for one you want to encounter, feel free to let me know. Once I give it a check of approval, you can encounter it!

    Hisui pokemon will also be available via the standard fossil revival method.

    Sign-Up Sheet

    On stats:
    You can assign your stat points freely to whatever stats you want, even if they do not align with the in-game stats of a pokemon. Your stat point total should add up to 60 and no stat can start higher than 20. A canon character can start with a base stat total of 70 reflecting their previous experience. You are allowed to have a lower Base State Total if you want to handicap yourself. I will sometimes reference your stats when contemplating how difficult it would be for you or your pokemon to do something. You may also earn permanent increases to your stats, with this being easier for weaker characters to achieve. Other than that though, you don't really have to do anything with your stats after you're finished with character creation. Think of stats as a way of assigning strengths and weaknesses to your character rather than a formal game mechanic.

    Though you have no obligation to match stats up to their Pokemon equivalents, I have provided a closest equivalence below for your benefit if you decide to try, as well as some common things such a stat would apply to. An average human of no significant talent or training has stats in the 8-12 range. An average pokemon's knowledge is 4-6 due to their lack of an education, though certain psychic types would be notable exceptions to this. A stat cannot normally be 0, as this would reflect something fundamentally different about a character. However there is again an exception. Incorporeal ghosts often have a constitution stat of 0. A non-sentient robot with no actual consciousness would have a knowledge stat of 0, only able to repeat what it has been told or programmed with without abstract understanding--though do note that all robotic pokemon in-game demonstrate sentience beyond this.

    Strength (Attack) Most physical moves, athletics, lifting and carrying
    Dexterity (Speed or Defense) Physical moves that do not depend upon impact force, gymnastics, stealth, finesse, reflexes
    Constitution (HP or Defense) Endurance, stamina, ability to tolerate pain, injury, or fight off sickness
    Knowledge (Sp. Attack or Sp. Defense) The scale of your experience; your ability to reason and logic your way through problems, ability to discern truth
    Willpower (Sp. Attack or Sp. Defense) Force of personality; ability to endure mental and emotional distress, resistance to corrupting forces
    Intuition (Sp. Attack or Sp. Defense) Empathy; Persuasiveness, Deception, Intimidation, all rely on understanding who you're interacting with. The ability to see through a pokerface.

    Please copy/paste and fill out the below form in order to join. If you are not a trainer, feel free to replace the Trainer Header with Character and fill it out from there. If you are not a combat trainer, feel free to leave the moves section for your trainer blank. However, your trainer must still have stats. Please delete the notes in (brackets) while filling out the form. You may start with maximum of 2 unevolved pokemon and a minimum of 0.

    [b]Name:[/b] (If they do not have a proper name, you can list what they respond to)
    [b]Age:[/b] (Minimum of 5, Max of 80)
    [b]Stats:[/b] 10 Strength, 10 Dexterity, 10 Constitution, 10 Knowledge, 10 Willpower, 10 Intuition
    [b]Powerset:[/b] (Can either be already awakened, or awakened later. You're also allowed to PM me privately if you want it to be a secret to other players)
    [b]Ability:[/b] (If any, max 1)
    [b]Moves:[/b] (If any, Max 6)

    [b]Appearance:[/b] (An image or text-description will suffice. If you use an image, make sure it's uploaded somewhere it won't go poof down the line)

    [b]Headcanons:[/b] (Feel free to delete this field if you're not playing a canon)

    [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] (Feel free to go over any important details to your character's backstory. Aim for 4 sentence at minimum, though if you're playing a canon character simply stating that you're playing X character from Y game will suffice, just to make sure I know which version of the character you're going off of in instances where there are multiples.)

    [b]Personality:[/b] (What's your character like to be around? Do they get along easily with others? Do they have fears, worries, dreams, and aspirations? Do they have odd quirks or obsessions? Aim for 4 sentence at minimum. The details you give me inform me of what aspects of your character you find interesting, which I might use to cater to you from time to time.)

    [b]Inventory:[/b] (You get 10,000 pokedollars to start, with canons starting with 12,000 pokedollars to reflect that they're usually in unusual positions that would earn more. You can buy anything at its [url="https://www.angelfire.com/ga2/oaklab/ItemsUseCost.html"]listed in-game price[/url]. If you want to buy something that isn't listed in-game, feel free to look-up its price online--not-including shipping--and convert pokedollars to your currency to get a price for it, or ask me to do it for you! Likewise, if you need a price for an unpriced fictional thing, or something esoteric, feel free to just ask me. We will be operating under the assumption that 100 pokedollars = 1 USD, 1.014 Euros, 1.36 Canadian Dollars, 1.55 Australian Dollars, and 146 Yen. List any leftover money in your inventory.)

    [span="font-size:18px;"][u]Pokemon Team[/u][/span]
    [b]Age:[/b] (No min-max)
    [b]Stats:[/b] 10 Strength, 10 Dexterity, 10 Constitution, 10 Knowledge, 10 Willpower, 10 Intuition
    [b]Ability:[/b] (Max 1)
    [b]Moves:[/b] (Max 6)
    [b]Appearance:[/b] (If there's anything abnormal about their appearance, or you want to include a picture, feel free!)

    [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Optional

    [b]Personality:[/b] 1 sentence minimum.

    [div="border-top: 1px solid grey;"][/div]
    [b]Age:[/b] (No min-max)
    [b]Stats:[/b] 10 Strength, 10 Dexterity, 10 Constitution, 10 Knowledge, 10 Willpower, 10 Intuition
    [b]Ability:[/b] (Max 1)
    [b]Moves:[/b] (Max 6)
    [b]Appearance:[/b] (If there's anything abnormal about their appearance, or you want to include a picture, feel free!)

    [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Optional

    [b]Personality:[/b] 1 sentence minimum.

    Current Cast

    Last edited:
    Name: Fact Checking Gardevoir (FCG for short ^^)
    Age: 30
    Gender: Female
    Stats: 2 Strength, 10 Dexterity, 3 Constitution, 15 Knowledge, 15 Willpower, 15 Intuition
    Powerset: Can tell if one is lying if she looks at their eyes.
    Ability: Trace

    Moves: Psychic ; Moonblast ; Dazzling Gleam ; Calm Mind ; Thunder Punch ; Flash.

    Appearance: A regular looking Gardevoir, but taller than average (1.8m / 5'11").

    Brief Backstory: Mastered telepathy to speak with humans and pokémon alike. Working as journalist for TV, specialized in fact-checking and interviews. Exploring the world, chasing sayings and rumors. Currently investigating mysterious wormholes who have been appearing out of nowhere.

    Personality: Friendly and jolly. She has no trouble getting along with others.
    Fears : Being ignored, looking like a fool.
    Worries : Seeing lies and unfounded rumors reign over the truth.
    Dreams : Becoming the most famous Gardevoir in the world ; seeing truth and honesty triumph everywhere.
    Aspirations : Promoting equality between humans and Pokémon.
    Odd quirks / obsessions : She hasn't a lot of patience and tends to make poor decisions when there is a lack of progress. She also tends to play the fearless adventurer, always up to brave danger and dive into the unknown, so to speak.
    Additional note : With her job being about exploring the world, finding the truth, fact-checking various things like pokédex entries or Unown's origins, she has become especially physically fit for a Gardevoir.

    Inventory : 800 pokédollars
    - 5 Escape Ropes,
    - 1 Max Repel
    - 5 Full Heals
    - 2 Hyper Potions
    - 5 Fresh Water bottles

    - Pokédex
    - Town Map
    Tablet Computer w/ Paired Bluetooth Keyboard
    Tablet Tripod w/ Headtracking Functionality
    Ring Light w/ RGB color customization
    Lavalier Microphone

    Is that ok ? ^^
    Last edited:

    Is that ok ? ^^

    Yyyes! Congratulations on being the first to submit your sign-up! ^^ Given your backstory and the stats you've chosen, I'm going to say that you are something of a minor celebrity. People find the premise of a show starring a talking pokemon charming and it gets good ratings. You have a fandom, and there's a decent chance if you ask a random person on the road they'll know who the Fact Checking Gardevoir is. Though some are unconvinced that the talking isn't added in post by a human and would likely have their minds blown if they met you in person.

    Additionally, I am awarding you several bonus items related to your backstory. I am writing them off as being provided by your job as loaned equipment technically owned by the corporation you work for, but as a result you do not need to pay for them. Feel free to add them to your inventory:

    Tablet Computer w/ Paired Bluetooth Keyboard
    Tablet Tripod w/ Headtracking Functionality
    Ring Light w/ RGB color customization
    Lavalier Microphone
    Ok! I will add the additional equipment to my inventory right away.
    I look forward to see who will join this RP and how the characters will interact!
    Last edited:
    Name: Frederick "Eric" Damon III
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Stats: 7 Strength, 13 Dexterity, 8 Constitution, 12 Knowledge, 14 Willpower, 6 Intuition
    Powerset: "The Aura", which is pretty much his home dimension's equivalent to 'The Force' from Star Wars, with Order and Chaos being the equivalent to the Light Side and the Dark Side, and was awakened by a tragic event in his life.
    Ability: Berserk
    Moves: Aura Sphere, Snarl, Water Pulse, Zen Headbutt, Meteor Mash, Rage

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Other Side: Ultra Sinnoh [M][OOC]

    Headcanons: N/A

    Brief Backstory: Eric does not remember his birth parents, because they drowned in a boat accident. His baby basket was eventually found by a lone Dragonite. This Dragonite originally intended to bring the infant back to civilization, but realized the baby boy would most likely not survive the flight due to the distance. Instead, the benevolent Dragonite brought him to an island untouched by man for centuries, to be raised by local pride of Pyroar and Litleo. The lead male of the pride reluctantly agreed to raise the boy as his own, and taught him the pride's way of life. While the Pokémon on this island were initially afraid of him, Eric, who was given the nickname "Ujasiri", meaning "Courage" due to his apparent lack of fear, he made himself a circle of various Pokémon friends. He eventually heard horrible stories about the last humans that lived on the island using a mysterious, and how they used a device the Pokémon would call "The Round Berry" to take them away and brainwash them.

    Eventually, when Eric was roughly fourteen years old, a group of Pokémon Rangers stumbled upon the island during a rather brutal storm. One of the young Rangers was Peggy Owen, whom Eric quickly fell in love with. She was roughly a year or so older than he was. By the time help arrived to rescue the Rangers and bring them back home a few months later, Eric had begun to grasp human language pretty well, and Peggy's partner Pokémon, a Snivy, took a liking to Eric. Peggy lived with her Aunt Lenora and Uncle Hawes in Nacrene City, Unova, and insisted they take Eric in because he had nowhere else to go, and the two of them were quite frankly inseparable. However, it wasn't long until this "Wild Boy of Nacrene City" got the attention of Team Plasma's Ghetsis, who sent the Shadow Triads in attempt to capture Eric and use him as part of a back-up plan in case N, the King of Team Plasma, rebelled against Ghetsis. Eric's biological uncle, Connor Damon, and his Galarian butler Nigel, noticed what was happening, and with help from Lenora and her Gym Trainers, used their Pokémon to defeat the Shadow Triads and save Eric. This is when he realized his name wasn't actually "Ujasiri", but Frederick Damon III, the long-lost heir to the Unova 's Poké Ball fortune. Ujasiri didn't like the name "Frederick" for himself, and had it shortened to "Eric". Eric eventually received an apology from N, who did not condone Ghetsis's actions that day.

    He was eventually offered a life of luxury inside a penthouse in Castelia City once he turned 18, but he wanted Peggy to come live with him. Peggy wanted to focus on becoming a top-tier Pokémon Ranger, and Eric decided to travel the world with her. While stationed in Kanto, Eric encountered one of Peggy's colleagues, a young man by the name of Mordred. Eric had a feeling Mordred was up to no good, and told Peggy to avoid him at all costs. Eric and Peggy eventually found out that Mordred was a double agent working for Team Rocket.

    Less than a year ago, Eric was planning to propose to Peggy. And on that fateful day, tragedy would strike. Rocket Grunts intentionally started a stampede of wild Pokémon, in an attempt to permanently silence the young lovers. Peggy and her Snivy braved the stampede, saving Eric and a wild Cubone that got separated from its mother, but Peggy was mortally wounded in the process. This is when they both realized everything they thought about Mordred was spot-on! Peggy succumbed to her injuries a few hours later, with Eric, Snivy, and Cubone by her side. Eric soon learned that the Cubone's mother was also killed by Team Rocket during the stampede.

    With no other choice, Eric adopted Snivy and Cubone. Peggy's murder apparently awakened a great power that lay dormant inside Eric. The Aura! Why did it lay dormant for so long? If it awakened sooner he could have saved both the Cubone's mother AND his beloved Peggy. Eric began training his two Pokémon and himself, in order for all three of them to get their revenge on the traitorous Mordred.

    However, when portals to other dimensions began opening up, Mordred fled into one of them. Eric eventually found the exact same portal, but Mordred was not in the vicinity, but this was definitely the right wormhole.

    Personality: Eric is very smart, but can get temperamental, especially given that he now has PTSD as a result of Peggy's murder. He's usually kind and gentle, especially with children, the elderly, and Pokémon. Eric has a strong sense of justice, but has his own way of dealing with it.

    Inventory: $0 Poké Dollars, 20 Poké Balls, 20 Fresh Water, Pokédex, Town Map, Lucky Love Locket, Broken Ranger Styler (note that those last two are key items, the Locket has a picture of his now deceased girlfriend, and the Broken Styler was hers when she was alive)

    Pokemon Team
    Name: Snivy
    Species: Snivy
    Age: 12
    Gender: Female
    Stats: 8 Strength, 7 Dexterity, 9 Constitution, 9 Knowledge, 8 Willpower, 7 Intuition
    Ability: Overgrow
    Moves: Tackle, Vine Whip, Iron Tail, Twister, Pursuit, Giga Drain
    Appearance: (If there's anything abnormal about their appearance, or you want to include a picture, feel free!)

    Brief Backstory: Optional

    Personality: Snivy often comes out of her Poké Ball when Eric is having a panic/stress atack, and uses Vine Whip on his face to try and snap him out of it. This doesn't *always* work, and if that ends up being the case, Snivy gives a pep talk to her Trainer.

    Name: Cubone
    Species: Cubone
    Age: 3
    Gender: Male
    Stats: 6 Strength, 4 Dexterity, 5 Constitution, 7 Knowledge, 5 Willpower, 4 Intuition
    Ability: Rock Head
    Moves: , Bone Club, Headbutt, Ancient Power, Double Kick, Iron Head, Mud-Slap
    Appearance: (If there's anything abnormal about their appearance, or you want to include a picture, feel free!)

    Brief Backstory: Optional

    Personality: Shy, not very confident, becomes stressed more easily than his Trainer.
    Last edited:
    Name: Saturn
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Stats: 8 Strength, 12 Dexterity, 12 Constitution, 12 Knowledge, 14 Willpower, 6 Intuition
    Powerset: Distortion energy allows him to warp gravitational fields, moving objects with his mind. With practice, he has learned to move others and himself to a limited degree.
    Ability: Infiltrator
    Moves: Quick Attack, Telekinesis, Foresight, Aura Sphere, Kinesis, Fling

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Other Side: Ultra Sinnoh [M][OOC]

    Brief Backstory: Commander Saturn from the Diamond/Pearl timeline, specifically after Champion Cynthia defeated Cyrus at Spear Pillar (which he wasn't present for).

    Headcanons: In this timeline, Cyrus summoned Palkia and Dialga, but his plans were thwarted and he left Team Galactic behind, seeking his perfect world on his own. Saturn vowed to take Team Galactic in a new direction, as a benevolent energy provider for the world, seeking to undo the harm they had done. When he heard rumors of Cyrus appearing near Turnback Cave, he personally went to investigate, finding Cyrus in the presence of Giratina. Without a Red Chain or the Griseous Orb, Cyrus couldn't control Giratina, and the two men were taken to the Distortion World. Separated from Cyrus and Giratina, Saturn wandered the Distortion World until eventually finding an exit, but he finds himself in an unfamiliar Sinnoh, and with unfamiliar abilities.

    Personality: Saturn is always calm, no matter the situation, never raising his voice or getting emotional. It's a facade he worked hard to establish, and it gained him favor with Cyrus. He aims for that, gaining favor and making friends, and will subtly change bits of his personality to better get along with others. After all, it's better to make a new friend than a new enemy, even if he is slow to truly trust anyone anymore.

    In the past, his mission was to obtain money by whatever means necessary, a task he did without remorse or complaint. He truly believes that everyone has a spark of goodness in them, but that some (like Cyrus) have buried that spark so deep it will never shine. He hopes that he himself is not so far gone, though he has doubts he will ever fully be forgiven for his crimes. Mostly because at the end of the day, he's just too lazy to ever commit to anything. As a Commander, he had his Grunts and his Pokémon to do the heavy lifting for him, and he'd much rather be at base playing video games if he could. Even surviving as long as he did in the Distortion World didn't break him of this, it just made it worse.

    Inventory: None. Due to unfortunate circumstances, he was separated from his Pokémon and his gear, and only recently arrived in Sinnoh with only the clothes on his back and a newly hatched Riolu.

    Pokemon Team
    Name: Luke
    Species: Riolu
    Age: Newborn
    Gender: Male
    Stats: 14 Strength, 14 Dexterity, 14 Constitution, 2 Knowledge, 14 Willpower, 2 Intuition
    Ability: Prankster
    Moves: Quick Attack, Howl, Metal Claw, Counter, Work Up, Rock Smash

    Brief Backstory: Gifted to Saturn by Riley, who implied the two would have need of each other in the future. Hatched during Saturn's time in the Distortion World.

    Personality: Energetic, reckless, and wanting to have fun more than anything else, the only thing that excites Luke more than fighting and growing stronger is food (which was rare in the Distortion World). He often needs to be reigned in by Saturn, and has no concepts of politeness or social norms.

    Hmmm... Couple of interesting choices here. I think I can work with this! Because your use of aura is attached to a tragedy and spontaneously manifested in response to powerful emotions instead of the calm and practiced discipline of a typical ki master, it does make sense to me that your aura would manifest with a dark type twist. There's precedence for this in-game, and it does seem like something you were interested in with the Star Wars comparison yeah? So I say go for it and explore that angle. It should offer a nice contrast to the wealth of traditional aura users in the Sinnoh cast. :P


    I love it. I think the Saturn you've come up with is a perfect fit for this story. You're also approved!
    I have been thinking of another powerset which could fit FCG once landing in this other Sinnoh. How about the power to tell if one is lying if she can look at their eyes ?
    Wow this is beyond cool. I'm very tempted to join but I have to carefully consider whether I'd be able to consistently participate in the coming months (i'm trying to finish a PhD 😅)

    Otherwise I'll be reading it at least! Good luck to all of you :)
    I have been thinking of another powerset which could fit FCG once landing in this other Sinnoh. How about the power to tell if one is lying if she can look at their eyes ?

    That could be a real game changer if used right. Though since it fits what you're going for, I'd say... yes!

    Wow this is beyond cool. I'm very tempted to join but I have to carefully consider whether I'd be able to consistently participate in the coming months (i'm trying to finish a PhD 😅)

    Otherwise I'll be reading it at least! Good luck to all of you :)

    Understandable~ If you later find the time, I don't imagine I'll be closing sign-ups anytime soon. ^^
    I have just posted the IC thread and it is awaiting moderator approval! Hopefully that link'll work when it's approved. Gardevoir if you want to involve yourself with or be the interview crew mentioned in the first post feel free. Otherwise they'll be some NPC interviewers. I tried to leave their identities unspecified so you'd have that option. >.o If any of you have questions feel free to ask. I'm unsure how joint posting is done, but am open for a little bit of back and forth if anyone needs it.
    Here's my OC, I hope I wrote everything okay. if i missed anything or something is wrong, let me know!

    Name: Izadella 'Izzy'
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Stats: 5 Strength, 12 Dexterity, 13 Constitution, 10 Knowledge, 7 Willpower, 13 Intuition
    Powerset: Can create a pocket dimension -has once- and has created her own reality inside. As a sub-power, she can also store almost anything in a different space and re-summon it when needed. However, she requires a certain amount of energy when creating pocket dimensions, depending on the size and depth may take up little to too much energy. She also needs to be able to memorize all the items and things she has in the pocket dimension, not just the name, but how they look like as well. If she doesn't she won't be able to recall it and might require to enter the pocket dimension to look for it herself.
    Ability: Anticipation
    Moves: Heal Pulse, Aromatherapy, Protect, Psychic

    Appearance: Has chin length ash brown hair with a set of bangs framing her face and down to her collar bone, with some fringes covering most of her forehead. Her eyes are lime green colored and has a fair skin tone. She stands at a height of 5'2" and weights a bit less than the average young adult. Her outfit consists of: a gray sleeveless turtleneck shirt, a white hooded sweater, black short shorts, a gray-white-red pleated skirt, white leggings, brown knee-length boots, and brown fingerless gloves with flap. Around her waist is a waist pack that comes with a water bottle holder, where she used her power to create a small pocket dimension in the bag to hold her traveling items. The bag is turned to face behind her, so she has to reach behind her to open and grab something from her pack.

    Brief Backstory: Izzy was born to a happy family; but it didn't last. At five years old, her father gifted her with a female Eevee before he disappeared, causing her mother to slowly deteriorate. Her mother started to leave Izzy alone for long periods of time and have her do the chores when she was lazy. For a few years, Izzy endured her mother's harsh treatment while also caring and playing with her Pokémon partner, Nova the Eevee. Almost a year or two later, Izzy's mother started to get worse and would often punish Izzy for the slightest things, causing Nova to stay by her side at all times and do her best to keep the two apart. Izzy's fear of being touched started to form and only grew the more her mother abused her. Mysteriously, Izzy's wounds would heal themselves with a pink-ish glow while she's sleeping, and sometimes objects thrown towards her by her mother would get surrounded by a pink-purple-ish transparent aurora before vanishing, the item clattering to the ground. Her mother, due to her own emotions and rage, never noticed, but neither did Izzy. When her mother would often throw away unused food, Izzy tried to hoard as much as she could, accidentally awakening her power set by creating a small pocket dimension for the food she collected. After realizing, Izzy slowly put some of her more personal items in the pocket dimension where her mother couldn't find them. She even tried to put Nova in there once, but the Pokémon refused and gave Izzy a gentle paw-slap to the face for trying.
    At the ripe age of 10, her grandparents appeared at their doorstep and took Izzy and Nova away and with them to their home in Sinnoh. They gave her their own gift; a male Rookidee who she later named Rook. Even though she was taken from her mother, her fear of being touched never diminished; she tends to wear clothing that covers most of her skin, like hoodies, long sleeve shirts, leggings and/or pants. It took her five years to get close with her grandparents, but she still flinches whenever they make skin contact with her. She hasn't seen her mother yet, but has heard from her grandparents that her mother has already gone off to find another suitor, leaving a bad taste in Izzy's mouth. During her time with her grandparents, she debated whether getting a bag was with it, but didn't want to waste money when she could store her items in her pocket dimension. She did buy clothes and more personal items, but keeps them stored in her pocket dimension for safe keeping.
    A few years later, at the age of 19, Izzy started to notice the appearance of wormholes opening from news outlets, and got curious about what was on the other side.

    Personality: Izzy is a bubbly young adult, and due to her ability, is kind of an airhead at times. She will do her best to empathize and help others, but has a hard time saying 'no' when someone asks for help. However, she tends to hide her true feelings, especially her negative feelings, from others. She does have a couple fears, but the most prominent one is her fear of touch. She won't hesitate to shy away from others who are too close or in her personal space, but will play it off with a smile. She worries that her mother will return on day and find out about her awakened abilities, and also about overcoming her fear of being touched, but doubts the latter.

    Inventory: 2,000 Pokedollars
    5 Pokeballs
    2 Escape Rope
    10 Fresh Water
    4 Lemonade
    2 Revives
    Town Map

    Pokemon Team
    Name: Nova
    Species: Eevee
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Stats: 6 Strength, 8 Dexterity, 7 Constitution, 6 Knowledge, 7 Willpower, 9 Intuition
    Ability: Adaptability
    Moves: Helping Hand, Swift, Shadow Ball, Hyper Voice, Calm Mind, Dig
    Brief Backstory: Optional

    Personality: Cheerful and affectionate, tends to cuddle itself up to Izzy when it notices her stress rising from someone being too close. Prefers being out of its pokeball and in the vicinity of Izzy; she doesn't like leaving her trainer alone with other humans.

    Name: Rook
    Species: Rookidee
    Age: 5
    Gender: Male
    Stats: 6 Strength, 7 Dexterity, 8 Constitution, 7 Knowledge, 6 Willpower, 9 Intuition
    Ability: Keen Eye
    Moves: Hone Claws, Agility, Power Trip, Drill Peck, Swift, Reversal
    Brief Backstory: Optional

    Personality: Calm and observant, tends to stay out of its pokeball and perch itself on Izzy's shoulder. Protective and/or territorial of its trainer and won't hesitate to peck those that are too close.
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    Here's my OC, I hope I wrote everything okay. if i missed anything or something is wrong, let me know!


    Yo Sombre! Sorry, mondays are a bit of a waylay for me. >.o Had to get lots of chores done before I could properly finish reviewing your character. Hum... The pocket dimension is definitely interesting. Though, at a glance the mention of creating her own reality makes it sound as if she has some sort of creation power on top of that, possibly even able to create a new universe full of planets and people that she may even retain control over after its creation. Which would admittedly be crazy powerful. Would you be alright with clarifying what the limitations of these pocket dimensions?

    I can offer suggestions, but since I don't know their intended nature I have to do some guesswork. I'm sort of assuming it's meant to be a bag of holding type deal where the pocket dimension is a literal pocket style portal that you carry/summon with you that exists within the parent dimension you're in. Which is cool on its own.

    My first suggestion is that if you want to be able to create stuff beyond just making a simple, small featureless void pocket dimension you can store items in, it makes sense to me that the limiting factor would be energy. So you spend energy to create new pocket dimensions and then recover energy by eating and to a lesser extent resting. So if you want to create a simple pocket dimension that just makes your bag a lot bigger on the inside and the inside of the pocket dimension is just the inside of your bag but bigger, that's not very difficult it's just a spatial distortion effect. But if you want to custom build a pocket dimension that contains an empty room inside it that doesn't correspond to anything in the outside world, that might take a lot more energy and consequently time spent obtaining that energy. And furnishing it, more energy still. So you might not be able to do that instantly, or even overnight. And creating something living would be deceptively energy intensive. In theory this would give you the ability to create anything you wanted, still a very impressive power in clever hands, but it wouldn't be a snap your fingers and instantly solve problems by creating solutions out of thin air situation, y'know?

    Let me know if that works for you, or if you've got any other ideas you'd like to try.
    Sure! And the energy limitation would fit, she would need energy to open, close, summon, and de-summon the pocket dimensions and any items she wants to from them as well. The pocket dimensions may seem like they have no limit to how much it can carry, but it all depends on how much Izadella can recall, since she would require to remember everything she has in her pocket dimensions. So it could be a combo of requiring a certain amount of energy for what kind of pocket dimension and how much she can memorize, for how long as well since she needs to be able to recall how the pocket dimension she created and what is inside. If she forgets, it can still be there, but she won't be able to recall it unless she goes into the pocket dimension herself and looks for it.
    Is this okay? I love the energy limitation idea; and I wanted to add in another limitation, like she needs to have a mental archived of what she has or she may never recover it from the pocket dimension.
    That works! In that case, consider yourself approved! Feel free to join in on the intro~