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[Challenge] The Percentagelocke Challenge


Check my custom rulesets on my signature ^^ [PC Vi
  • 18
    • Seen Nov 11, 2023
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Percentagelocke Challenge

    The Percentagelocke Challenge is basically a Nuzlocke (regular or hardcore, your choice) with these added rules:

    -Each time you obtain a Pokémon, pick a number from 1 to 50 at random. The only exception is your starter, which will always have a number of 25.

    -Nickname that Pokémon however you want but you have to put that number at the end of its nickname.

    -At the end of every turn, check the HP percentage of your Pokémon, and if it ever goes lower than the number on its nickname, you have to place it forever on your PC once the battle ends (it can still finish the current battle).


    •In Gen 3 and 4, click "Start" on Double Battles to show the HP in numbers.

    •Only calc when you truly need to, the calc that you should do to know the HP percentage is:
    [Current HP] ÷ [Max HP] x 100

    •I strongly recommend playing easy games since depending on your luck this challenge can become extremely difficult.

    For a reminder, the regular Nuzlocke rules are:


    And the Hardcore Nuzlocke rules are:




    Hall of Fame:

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    I will personally attempt this challenge with the hardcore variant on Pokemon Sapphire, I'll try to post some updates.

    Name: Vaati
    Challenge Type: Hardcore Percentagelocke
    Game: Pokémon Sapphire
    Additional Clauses: Rare Candy Clause, Species Clause, Shiny Clause
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    I think I'll update every 2 gyms. Shroomish managed Roxanne and Taillow did the same with Brawly. My luck has been very good with the rng numbers, none surpassed 28. The next fight vs May should make things more difficult, will see how it goes.

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    New update! Originally I said that I was going to update every 2 gyms, but I changed my mind. I already defeated Winona and my next update is going to be when I beat or fail the challenge. My biggest lost was Swellow due to a crit that put it in ~25% of his max health, his number was 28 so it had to be put on the PC.

    Chimecho and Plusle teamed up to defeat Steven! I burned Skarmory with Banette, which allowed Plusle to set up a couple of Evasion boosts and an Agility boost to then Baton Pass it to Chimecho. Chimecho then finished the set up on Skarmory and proceeded to wipe Steven's team.
