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The Pokécommunity Pokedex Project [Read First Post!]


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    [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokécommunity Pokedex Project [Read First Post!]

    based on greek mythology

    Welcome to our first Pokédex project in a while! This one's based on Greek mythology and will consist of designs influenced by it. Since it's a community project, it revolves around the whole community coming together and designing the Pokemon that are to be included in it.
    So please, anyone and everyone is welcome into this project! I want all of A&D to be involved in this at some point. Just please post that you are interested in participating and jump right on it! And fret not, you don't necessarily need god-like art skills! You can choose to participate even by sharing your ideas regarding the Pokemon you have in your mind and one of our lovely artists will draw them for you! Things like coming up with names for these Pokemon, deciding their types and giving them movesets is also something which is a part of this Pokedex, after all. :]
    The project is currently being handled by Sunfished. Also, gotta thank the previous owners as well: Alexial and Jetstream9777!
    But first, the real stars of this project;
    artists & contributors

    quick links
    [alink id=bug]Bug[/alink id] | [alink id=dark]Dark[/alink id] | [alink id=dragon]Dragon[/alink id] | [alink id=electric]Electric[/alink id] | [alink id=fairy]Fairy[/alink id] | [alink id=fighting]Fighting[/alink id] | [alink id=fire]Fire[/alink id] | [alink id=flying]Flying[/alink id] | [alink id=ghost]Ghost[/alink id] | [alink id=grass]Grass[/alink id] | [alink id=ground]Ground[/alink id] | [alink id=ice]Ice[/alink id] | [alink id=normal]Normal[/alink id] | [alink id=poison]Poison[/alink id] | [alink id=psychic]Psychic[/alink id] | [alink id=rock]Rock[/alink id] | [alink id=steel]Steel[/alink id] | [alink id=water]Water[/alink id] | [alink id=legendary]Legendaries[/alink id] | [alink id=uncatalogued]Uncatalogued[/alink id] |
    [alink id=megas]Megas[/alink id] | [alink id=items]Items[/alink id]

    Before you submit something, please consider making types on the current type tally!
    Please aim for reviving the uncatolouged Pokemon or creating mammalian creatures also!
    Current Type Tally:

    Here's a list of Pokémon that our artists have made as of yet:

    Fire Starter // #1, #2, #3

    Water Starter // #4, #5, #6

    Grass Starter // #7, #8, #9


    [a id]fire[/a id]
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokécommunity Pokedex Project [Read First Post!]
    // Fire

    [a id]water[/a id]
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokécommunity Pokedex Project [Read First Post!]
    // Water

    [a id]grass[/a id]
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokécommunity Pokedex Project [Read First Post!]
    // Grass CLOSED

    [a id]normal[/a id]
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokécommunity Pokedex Project [Read First Post!]
    // Normal

    [a id]electric[/a id]
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokécommunity Pokedex Project [Read First Post!]
    // Electric

    [a id]rock[/a id]
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokécommunity Pokedex Project [Read First Post!]
    // Rock

    [a id]ground[/a id]
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokécommunity Pokedex Project [Read First Post!]
    // Ground

    [a id]psychic[/a id]
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokécommunity Pokedex Project [Read First Post!]
    // Psychic

    [a id]dark[/a id]
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokécommunity Pokedex Project [Read First Post!]
    // Dark CLOSED!

    [a id]flying[/a id]
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokécommunity Pokedex Project [Read First Post!]
    // Flying CLOSED

    see second post
    [alink id=next]↓[/alink id]​
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    [a id]next[/a id][a id]bug[/a id]
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokécommunity Pokedex Project [Read First Post!]
    // Bug

    [a id]ice[/a id]
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokécommunity Pokedex Project [Read First Post!]
    // Ice

    [a id]fighting[/a id]
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokécommunity Pokedex Project [Read First Post!]
    // Fighting

    [a id]steel[/a id]
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokécommunity Pokedex Project [Read First Post!]
    // Steel

    [a id]poison[/a id]
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokécommunity Pokedex Project [Read First Post!]
    // Poison

    [a id]ghost[/a id]
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokécommunity Pokedex Project [Read First Post!]
    // Ghost CLOSED!

    [a id]dragon[/a id]
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokécommunity Pokedex Project [Read First Post!]
    // Dragon

    [a id]fairy[/a id]
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokécommunity Pokedex Project [Read First Post!]
    // Fairy


    [a id]legendary[/a id]

    [a id]uncatalogued[/a id]
    Uncatalogued Pokemon -- Personal Pokemon

    [a id]megas[/a id]
    Mega Evolutions

    [a id]items[/a id]
    Pokedex Items

    Region Map
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokécommunity Pokedex Project [Read First Post!]


    **On hiatus until project needs more direction**
    The Official Individual Assignments

    Group Shoutouts
    - Lets talk about a region name and map!

    - Keep in mind everyone, if you use a reference for your drawings, please post it with your art!
    - The new Fairy type has been released! We will not be adding anymore types at this time.

    - Please keep all image sizes reasonable (nothing bigger than what's up already). If you know your image is going to be big, I am available for resizing.

    - Please keep all images of Fakemon separate. It's not demanded but recommended as per the new dex format. I can separate any pieces that have more than one Fakemon.

    - Anyone found stealing artwork and using it here will be infracted.

    MAJOR :

    • We're in need of Ground, Bug, and Poison,(Ground literally has one Fake!)
    • Ghost is overflowing! We should stop adding in there!
    • Alot of the fakes are objects! We need slightly more animals!
    • Uncatalogued Fakes should be utilized! If it's just the info, I can help make up random stuff for them!
    • 3-stage evos are extremely scarce! Like, there's probably only the starters and 4-5 families!
    MINOR :

    • Some of the uncatalogued Fakes look unfinished. Maybe we're allowed to go over them and spruce it up a bit?
    • If we're running out of ideas, maybe we can start designing the region a bit? Maybe when we have a good view of what the region has in topography and biomes we can have a good idea of what types of animals can inhabit it.

    Things To Consider...
    But I cna't draw!! WHY ALEXIAL? Why u do this to meeee??? Don't fret, my friend! For there are plenty of things to do around here! :3 Put some thought into these things :

    • Pokémon Design or Physique Description
    • Name
    • Type
    • Ability
      • You can use an existing ability or make one of your own. New abilities must include a brief explanation.
    • Classification
    • Gender Ratio:
      [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokécommunity Pokedex Project [Read First Post!]
      [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokécommunity Pokedex Project [Read First Post!]
    • Flavor Text
      • If you've opted to make an evolution or pre-evolution of an already existing Pokémon, please mention so here and for which Pokémon and at what stage of evolution it is.
    • Base Stats
      • HP:
      • Attack:
      • Defense:
      • Special Attack:
      • Special Defense:
      • Speed:
    special thanks to Aerilyn

    Also, feel free to search around this list of Greek mythological creatures to help us form ideas! For new or old members alike, we now have a list of fakemon resources donated by Magistrum!
    - https://fantasticfakemon.com/
    - https://www.smogon.com/cap/gallery/
    - https://fakemon-creators.deviantart.com/gallery/

    So don't ever be afraid to join in! <3

    Any and all relevant information should be posted in this thread where I will happily keep track of and catalog them.

    Thoughts, comments, and suggestions are appreciated! :)

    Thank you and have lots of fun!

    Oh, and look! Joeyhugg has been ever so awesome and made a Userbar!
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Pokécommunity Pokedex Project [Read First Post!]

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    It can be but doesn't have to. As in every other pokemon game the pokemon are not realistic for the region
    Allright. I know my fair share of greece mythology so Ill try bounce some ideas around. (I dont draw much so Ill leave it to others.)
    Few greece mythological beings that could be considered:
    A Manticore. Poison type pokemon perhaps?
    Hippokamp (not sure I spelled correctly.) A half horse half seahorse. Usualy poseidons mount. Water type?
    Medusa. poison/dark or something.
    Cerberus. Dark/fire. Hades's guard dog.
    Cyclops. Normal type fatty.
    Harpie/Harpuia/Harpy A flying/dark type perhaps.
    Pegasus. Flying type of course. Connected to zeus of course.
    Minotaur. Fighting type?
    Hydra. Grass or poison?
    Siren. A water deity.
    Scylla and Charybdis Twin water demons. Maybe water and other type for each?
    These are few I came up with. I hope they serve as some inspiration for you or others. Ill continue to post some ideas.
    I'm sorry, but we don't really allow request threads here. Check out the A&D Guidelines to know what sort of threads are and what sort are not allowed. If you're interested in gathering ideas and forming teams to work on pokedex projects like these, you can just PM/VM some people who're interested and ask for their help.

    Edit: Seems like the OP wants it to be a community pokedex. Not in it just for personal gain. Reopened.
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    Good ideas kriegstein I might put some in but not all as there needs to be varation but I love the bit about the Dog
    Yeah. Those ideas were just a basis. You know just to get the conversation and development started. :D It would be great if more people from the community would find their way here, since these kind of forum projects are a great way to boost the community "feeling". You know what I mean?
    You know what? I'm all in for a project like this. :)

    If everyone wants to participate and make a dex, cool. I'd love to get in on it.
    Awesome :) I love the fact everybody wants to make this a reality. The fact that this will be made into a hack is pretty awesome to.
    Anybody got any ideas for the fire and water starters. I was thinking a fire warrior tiger starter
    A fire tiger would be awesome. For the second type I would love to see Thunder. (Thunder and fire breathing tiger! What can be more awesome?) Although thats for others to decide. As for the water starter...what about a water serpent?
    Those sound like brilliant ideas :) Can we see if we can get more community awareness because i want to get everybody involved
    Hmm. The we would need some more spokesmen (or women) for us. Id say talking with Alexial357 would help. The best thing would be if we could get Derozio himself interested. As a mod I think his presence and interest would help this. Ill try talking to people I know if they would like to get involved and get more people here. Best thing would be that as many people as are interested to join. Hmmm. I also started wondering...why 151 pokemon? Is there something you thought about the number?
    Sounds like a good idea. 151 as that is the number in the original from Kanto and I need to replace 151 pokemon from the game to able to get the hack to work.
    So maybe you could expand this so that also the trainers and the whole thing would be a community thing? Although that would propably push this thread to rom hacking. Well I guess we should stick with first getting people to create the pokemon and jist after that when artwork and pokedex entries etc are done. The we can think about how to proceed. Your thoughts?
    EDIT: What would you...and anyone else think of the following? Peiple who participate in this could also have a trainer version of themselves. You know a little thing to add personal interest. This trainer could also be an npc in a hack if you or rather THE Community would decide to turn this into one. Your thoughts everyone.
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    XD Haha! I can totally see that. Actualy speaking of which I was thinking about the mods being gym leaders admins being E4 etc etc. But well...it all depends on how others see things and how active this thread becomes. :'D
    Sure thing :) My friend who is helping out and is not a member is an elite four as he will be designing fakemon. You can be the rival if u want
    This project will be eventually used for a hack I will be creating. This is based in Greece so the Three Legendaries will be Hades, Zeus and Poseidon.

    Ok, given that you have three main gods of Greek mythology, you could model them off of the Kami trio if you wanted, and make them humanoid. Or, you could just go by animals or concepts that the Gods themselves represent.

    Hades - Fire/Dark - Think the Balrog from the Lord of The Rings, The Three headed Dog Cerberus, or like a 'grim reaper' archetype.

    Zeus - Electric/Flying - Zeus often took the form of an eagle or bull, and was the Sky God who wielded the famous Lightning bolt. Tauros/Braviary + Zapdos?

    Poseidon - Water - Any kind of large fish or sea creature, really - Dolphins, especially. Could kind of conflict with Kyogre, though.