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based on greek mythology
Welcome to our first Pokédex project in a while! This one's based on Greek mythology and will consist of designs influenced by it. Since it's a community project, it revolves around the whole community coming together and designing the Pokemon that are to be included in it.
So please, anyone and everyone is welcome into this project! I want all of A&D to be involved in this at some point. Just please post that you are interested in participating and jump right on it! And fret not, you don't necessarily need god-like art skills! You can choose to participate even by sharing your ideas regarding the Pokemon you have in your mind and one of our lovely artists will draw them for you! Things like coming up with names for these Pokemon, deciding their types and giving them movesets is also something which is a part of this Pokedex, after all. :]
The project is currently being handled by Sunfished. Also, gotta thank the previous owners as well: Alexial and Jetstream9777!
But first, the real stars of this project;
artists & contributors
Mr. Mammoth
Derozio, maybe, probably, most likely. I don't know :P
You guys rock <3
Mr. Mammoth
Derozio, maybe, probably, most likely. I don't know :P
You guys rock <3
quick links
[alink id=bug]Bug[/alink id] | [alink id=dark]Dark[/alink id] | [alink id=dragon]Dragon[/alink id] | [alink id=electric]Electric[/alink id] | [alink id=fairy]Fairy[/alink id] | [alink id=fighting]Fighting[/alink id] | [alink id=fire]Fire[/alink id] | [alink id=flying]Flying[/alink id] | [alink id=ghost]Ghost[/alink id] | [alink id=grass]Grass[/alink id] | [alink id=ground]Ground[/alink id] | [alink id=ice]Ice[/alink id] | [alink id=normal]Normal[/alink id] | [alink id=poison]Poison[/alink id] | [alink id=psychic]Psychic[/alink id] | [alink id=rock]Rock[/alink id] | [alink id=steel]Steel[/alink id] | [alink id=water]Water[/alink id] | [alink id=legendary]Legendaries[/alink id] | [alink id=uncatalogued]Uncatalogued[/alink id] | [alink id=megas]Megas[/alink id] | [alink id=items]Items[/alink id]
Before you submit something, please consider making types on the current type tally!
Please aim for reviving the uncatolouged Pokemon or creating mammalian creatures also!
Current Type Tally:
Green = Done/Closed/Seriously it's enough
Red = REALLY low. Please consider using these types!
Orange = Kinda almost too high. Avoid trying to use these types
Electric: IIII IIII II
Fighting: IIII I
Psychic: IIII IIII
Poison: IIII
Steel: IIII I
Dragon: IIII
Here's a list of Pokémon that our artists have made as of yet:
Fire Starter // #1, #2, #3
- Firny
- Type - Fire
- Ability
- Blaze
- Classification: The Deceitful Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Base Stats
- HP: 44
- Attack: 50
- Defense: 44
- Special Attack: 65
- Special Defense: 44
- Speed: 62
- Flarney
- Type - Fire
- Ability
- Blaze
- Classification: The Two-Faced Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Base Stats
- HP: 60
- Attack: 70
- Defense: 57
- Special Attack: 85
- Special Defense: 58
- Speed: 75
- HP: 60
- Rabbiflare
- Type: Fire/Dark
- Ability
- Blaze
- Classification: Ulterior Motive Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Base Stats
- HP: 70
- Attack: 95
- Defense: 70
- Special Attack: 115
- Special Defense: 70
- Speed: 113
- HP: 70
Water Starter // #4, #5, #6
- Name : Aqualing
- Type : Water / Flying
- Ability : Torrent
- Classification : The Tiny Albatross Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Aqualing live on sheer, rocky coasts in groups numbering in the hundreds. Although they're too young to fly, they still attempt to spread their wings, risking falling from their cliff nests.
- Base Stats
- HP: 50
- Attack: 30
- Defense: 30
- Special Attack: 50
- Special Defense: 60
- Speed: 30
- HP: 50
- Name : Aquatross
- Type : Water / Flying
- Ability : Torrent
- Classification : The Alabatross Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Aquatross travel far and wide across the ocean feeding on Remoraid. Their wingspan can reach longer than a full grown human.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- A large Albatross
- Name : Albaking
- Type : Water / Flying
- Ability : Torrent
- Classification : The Flying Sea-King Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Albaking are the rulers of the sea and sky. They are often spotted escorting large. damaged ships to harbor.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
Grass Starter // #7, #8, #9
- Name : Quiptile
- Type : Grass
- Ability : Overgrow
- Classification : The Sapling Lizard Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Floratile camouflage themselves on large trees to defend against predators. The greenery on its back sways and moves with the wind.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name : Floratile
- Type : Grass / Ground
- Ability : Overgrow
- Classification : The Desert Grass Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- When Floratile evolve, they become ground dwelling and migrate to the desert. They plant their tail in the ground to absorb moisture from underground springs.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name : Dezitile
- Type : Grass / Ground
- Ability : Overgrow
- Classification : The Desert Lord Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Dezitile are lone Pkmn that roam the desert sands. Their bodies have become to calloused from the sandstorms, rock-like thorns began to calcify their bodies.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
[a id]fire[/a id]
- Name : Stalava
- Type : Fire
- Ability : Flash Fire / Run Away
- Classification : The Flame Stallion Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Ponyta will evolve into Stalava~
- Ponyta will evolve into Stalava~
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name : Fricety
- Type : Fire
- Ability : Limber / Flame Body
- Classification : The Spicy Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- While rather disgusting, a Fricety's mustache is actually a source of food. It will occasionally shed it's mustache and a new one grows in it's place.
- While rather disgusting, a Fricety's mustache is actually a source of food. It will occasionally shed it's mustache and a new one grows in it's place.
[*]The user will attack with a pepper-spray like attack if he is not holding a berry, at 70BP
If the User is holding a berry, he will instead "spicerize" it, increasing it's power to 100BP and will always burn the opponent.
[*]Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name: Chefiery
- Type: Fire
- Ability : Limber / Flame Body
- Classification : The Spicy Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Chefiery are renowned in the cooking world, as they have keen senses of flavor and style in food.
- Chefiery are renowned in the cooking world, as they have keen senses of flavor and style in food.
- Name: Cubruw
- Type: Fire/Ice
- Ability: Flame Body / Refigerate
- Classification : The Temperature Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- New Move: Mild Steam - A 60BP Fire/Ice type move that may lower the foe's accuracy.
- Flavor Text
- Cubruw are used by weatherman, alongside Castform, to help predict the weather and temperature. In the wild, they are normally not harmful, and rather lazy.
- Name: Normild
- Type: Fire/Ice
- Ability: Flame Body / Refigerate
- Classification : The Temperature Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- New Move: Mild Steam - A 60BP Fire/Ice type move that may lower the foe's accuracy.
- Flavor Text
- No matter the temperature, Normild can survive in even the most tempermental places. Unlike Cubruw, they are mostly territorial, but rarely only attack unless are threatened.
- No matter the temperature, Normild can survive in even the most tempermental places. Unlike Cubruw, they are mostly territorial, but rarely only attack unless are threatened.
- Name: Shivermelt
- Type: Fire/Ice
- Ability: Flame Body / Refigerate
- Classification : The Temperature Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- New Move: Hot Sauna - A move which treats all your Pokemon not in battle to a Hot Sauna, healing up to 1/4th of their Max HP at the cost of 1/4th of Shivermelt's Max HP.
- Flavor Text
- Shivermelt have a keen sense to find heat or cold sources, and are reverred among hikers for their ability to find hot saunas. They are unusually quiet, but can still display their anger or happiness through their body temperature.
- Shivermelt have a keen sense to find heat or cold sources, and are reverred among hikers for their ability to find hot saunas. They are unusually quiet, but can still display their anger or happiness through their body temperature.
[a id]water[/a id]
- Name: Hippopi
- Type: Water
- Ability
- Swift Swim, Hydration
- Classification: The Adapted Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Base Stats
- HP: 50
- Attack: 65
- Defense: 50
- Special Attack: 70
- Special Defense: 60
- Speed: 70
- HP: 50
- Name: Hippocampi
- Type: Water
- Ability: Swift Swim, Hydration
- Classification: The Hybrid Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Base Stats
- HP: 85
- Attack: 70
- Defense: 75
- Special Attack: 100
- Special Defense: 75
- Speed: 120
- HP: 85
- Name : Alpaqua (lmfao)
- Type : Water / Normal
- Ability
- Hydration
- Classification : The Water Alpaca Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Alpaqua sheds tufts of its wool all throughout the ocean. These tufts often get caught in boat propellers and cause massive damage to the water-based economy.
- Base Stats
- HP: 80
- Attack: 30
- Defense: 55
- Special Attack: 55
- Special Defense: 70
- Speed: 30
- HP: 80
- Name : Searaina
- Type : Water / Fire
- Ability
- Water Absorb, Flame Body
- Classification : The Fire Sponge Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Searaina live at the bottom of the ocean where volcanic ash and sediment fires from cracks in the earth's crust.
- Base Stats
- HP: 50
- Attack: 25
- Defense: 70
- Special Attack: 55
- Special Defense: 80
- Speed: 20
- HP: 50
- Name : Tuburn
- Type : Water / Fire
- Ability
- Water Absorb, Flame Body
- Classification : The Fire Tube Sponge Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- When many Searania climb atop one another, their bodies can fuse due to the very high temperature of the water. This fusion results in a Tuburn.
- Base Stats
- HP: 65
- Attack: 40
- Defense: 90
- Special Attack: 70
- Special Defense: 105
- Speed: 30
- HP: 65
- Name : Knifish
- Type : Water / Steel
- Ability
- Swift Swim, Sharp Body*
- *Sharp Body : Upon entering battle Attack its raised by one stage. If hit by physical move Attack decreases one stage.
- Classification : The Sword Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Knifish swims about menacingly, looking for other Pokemon to prod and annoy. If often instigates fights with Sharpedo, but will swim away when it feels too threatened.
- Knifish swims about menacingly, looking for other Pokemon to prod and annoy. If often instigates fights with Sharpedo, but will swim away when it feels too threatened.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- See top image smaller one upper right.
- Squiddle
- Water
- Swift Swim
- Cuttle Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- This Pokemon likes to ride on ocean currents. When threatened they settle on the floor of the ocean and blend in with its surroundings.
- Base Stats
- HP:25
- Attack:20
- Defense:45
- Special Attack:25
- Special Defense:20
- Speed:60
- See above, the larger one in the bottom left
- Hunquid
- Water/Ground
- Hyper Cutter
- Hunting Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Hiding on the ocean floor. This Pokemon waits for prey to swim by.
- Base Stats
- HP:90
- Attack:115
- Defense:85
- Special Attack:70
- Special Defense:100
- Speed:95
- Name:
- Type:
- Ability:
- Classification:
- Gender Ratio:
- Description:
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
[a id]grass[/a id]
- Name: Petaluer
- Type : Grass / Poison
- Ability:
- Leaf Guard, Poison Point
- Classification : The Bloom Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Petaluer bloom only during the daytime, and stay awake for only that long. As soon as it hits sunset, they will begin to fall asleep and continue the cycle the next day.
- Height: 0'6"
Weight: 1.1lbs
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name : Maltone
- Type : Grass / Poison
- Ability
- Blossom Forme : Leaf Guard, Solar Power
- Root Forme : Effect Spore, Poison Point
- Blossom Forme : Leaf Guard, Solar Power
- Classification : The Root Blossom Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Maltone has been compared to the mythical Moly Plant (Greek: μῶλυ, [môly]). It's strength is said to double when fighting for its friends.
- Height: 4'4"
Weight: 10lbs
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name : Umbrelily
- Type : Grass / Poison
- Ability
- Blossom Forme : Leaf Guard, Solar Power
- Root Forme : Effect Spore, Poison Point
- Blossom Forme : Leaf Guard, Solar Power
- Classification : The Overcast Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Umbrelily are known to cover weak Pokemon during harsh weather. In return, the weak Pokemon may help carry it far places, as it can only travel by the wind.
- Height: 6'3"
Weight: 9lbs
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name : (1st) Leatle
- Type : Grass / Bug
- Ability
- Compound Eyes, Battle Armor
- Classification : The Little Mantis Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Leatle can communicate to other Leatle by rubbing together their antenna. They live on a diet of young woods and saplings.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name (2nd) Scimantis
- Type : Grass / Bug
- Ability
- Compound Eyes, Battle Armor
- Classification : The Mantis Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Scimantis are a competitive Pokemon and often fight with one another to hone their skills. As their legs get longer, they get faster.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name : Mantinite
- Type : Grass / Bug
- Ability
- Battle Armor, Guts
- Classification : The Battle Mantis Pokemon
- Gender Ratio :
- Flavor Text
- Mantinite rule the ecosystem they live in and are constantly challenging one another for dominance.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name : Weide (German for "willow")
- Type : Grass
- Ability
- Natural Cure, Chlorophyll
- Classification : The Garden Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Hordes of Weide become mercy to the wind and adhere to other Pokemon. When they detach, they take root where ever they land.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name : Perchla
- Type : Grass / Flying
- Ability
- Keen Eye, Unnerve
- Classification : The Flower-Bird Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Despite its arboreal appearance, Perchla have become a domestic nuisance. They chirp loudly in an attempt to scare people into dropping their food.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name : Perchalla
- Type : Grass / Flying
- Ability
- Keen Eye, Unnerve
- Classification : The Flowering Hawk Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- These pesky Pokemon fly around towns and cities at all hours of the night crowing. Sometimes, their crows can hit over 80 decibels.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name :
- Type : Grass
- Ability
- Classification :
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name : Kridera
- Type : Grass / Fairy
- Ability : Keen Eye / Moxie
- Classification : The Golden Ram Pokemon
- Gender Ratio : ☿ genderless
- Flavor Text
- Kridera's horns will continue to grow throughout it's lifetime, eventually becoming larger than the Pokemon itself. They keep them short by fighting with other Kridera over territory.
- Height: 9'7"
Weight: 175lbs
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
Name: Multob
Type: Grass
Ability: Sap Sipper/Harvest
Classification: The Grass Pad Pokémon
Gender Ratio:
Flavour Text: Pokédex I - Multob are usually living below potted plants and grow on them. They are never found away from civilization.
Pokédex II - They tend to live close to towns and cities. They grow on the surface where plants are planted and feed on their nutrients.
Evolution: Multob -> Botanot (starting from level 23)-> Chrystany (via trade)
Base Stats: HP: 50
Attack: 40
Defense: 40
Special Attack: 60
Special Defense: 60
Speed: 30
Name: Botanot
Type: Grass/Water
Ability: Sap Sipper/Harvest
Classification: The Aqua Pot Pokémon
Gender Ratio:
Flavour Text: Pokédex I - They are often mistaken for potted plants. Flowers often bloom on their grassy surface.
Pokédex II - Often mistaken for potted plants, Botanot are sturdy Pokémon that grow up to the height of a human.
Evolution: Multob -> Botanot (starting from level 23)-> Chrystany (via trade)
Base Stats: HP: 100
Attack: 47
Defense: 63
Special Attack: 75
Special Defense: 100
Speed: 45
Name: Chrystany
Type: Grass/Water
Ability: Clear Body
Classification: The Hardy Pot Pokémon
Gender Ratio:
Flavour Text: Pokédex I - Often found to protect people, they are very sturdy and can withstand very strong forces.
Pokédex II - These Pokémon are known to protect people from falling off heights. They are very strong and protective.
Evolution: Multob -> Botanot (starting from level 23)-> Chrystany (via trade)
Base Stats: HP: 120
Attack: 60
Defense: 110
Special Attack: 80
Special Defense: 120
Speed: 60
[a id]normal[/a id]
- Name
- Type
- Ability
- You can use an existing ability or make one of your own. New abilities must include a brief explanation.
- Classification
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- If you've opted to make an evolution or pre-evolution of an already existing Pokémon, please mention so here and for which Pokémon and at what stage of evolution it is.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name : Regdab
- Type : Normal
- Ability
- Pick Up, Insomnia
- Classification : The Badger Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Regdab frolic in and around any terrain. They can make their homes in almost any environment and form close bonds with their neighboring Pokemon.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name : Melider (from Mustlidea, the name for omnivores of the weasel family)
- Type : Normal
- Ability
- Pick Up, Insomnia
- Classification
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Melider are the work force of the forest. They can lift three times their body weight with easy and love helping any Pokemon.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name : Caramelo (Spanish for "candy")
- Type : Normal
- Ability
- Cute Charm, Gluttony
- Classification : The Sweet Charm Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- This delicious looking Pokemon is often confused with their edible counterparts. It's considered good luck to catch one.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name : Algodee
- Type : Normal
- Ability
- Cute Charm, Gluttony
- Classification : The Cotton Candy Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Algodee uses its body to spray string-like, sweet tasting appendages at its enemies to tie them up.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name : Caradelo
- Type : Normal / Psychic
- Ability
- Levitate
- Classification : The Candy Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Caradelo floats around in abandoned factories looking for pieces of equipment it can add to itself.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name : Kakargo
- Type : Normal
- Ability
- Pick Up
- Classification : The Transport Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- This Pokemon is primarily used for the transport of goods and items. It runs along the lands carried parcels for those who have decided to travel by Lapras.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name : Laelab
- Type : Normal
- Ability
- Keen Eye, Moxie, Adaptability
- Keen Eye, Moxie, Adaptability
- Classification : The Sun Catcher Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Once this pokemon catches a scent, It's nose, paws and the Sun Dials begin to glow. The closer the pokemon gets to it's prey, the brighter they glow. It is said that nothing can escape this pokemon - it can catch anything the sunlight touches according to legend. This pokemon is very loyal to the trainer that catches it, and will always return with prey in its jaws.
- Base Stats
- HP: 70
- Attack: 85
- Defense: 70
- Special Attack: 85
- Special Defense: 70
- Speed: 120
- HP: 70
- Height - 5'7" | 170.18 cm
- Weight - 156 lbs | 70.75 kg
Name: Cheshmirk (Cheshire + smirk, as in to grin with evil)
Classification: Hamper Pokemon
Type: Normal/Dark
Ability: Unaware/Insomnia
Dex: "Whenever people get lost in the forest, a Cheshmirk is usually encountered. Most of the time it just sits and chuckles to itself."
Name: Nekomonsta (Nekomata, a sort of cat demon, + Monster)
Classification: Corrupt Pokemon
Type: Dragon or Normal/Dragon
Ability: Wonder Skin
Dex: "A Nekomonsta is only hatched as a result of a bad dragon's egg, and are notoriously vicious. But since dragon eggs are very looked and cared after, Nekomonsta are very hard to encounter in the field."
*image removed*
Name : Peramur
Type : Normal/Dark
Ability : Prankster, Incapacitate*
*When the Pokémon faints, it induces the sleep status problem on the foe. If there is more than one foe present, the ability selects a foe at random. Fails if the foe faints along with the user (in single battles), the foe targeted has Insomnia, Vital Spirit or already has a status problem.
Classification : The Spirit Guard Pokémon
Gender Ratio : 50% 50%
Flavour Text :
Pokédex I : This Pokémon lives around graveyards. It is said that it guards the fallen souls.
Pokédex II : This Pokémon lives around the souls in graveyards. It is said that a soul falls into deep sleep when it looks into this Pokémon's eyes.
Evolution : ??? (baby Pokémon) -> Peramur (via ???) -> ??? (via ???)
Base Stats :
HP : ???
Attack : ???
Defense : ???
Special Attack : ???
Special Defense : ???
Speed : ???
[a id]electric[/a id]
- Name : Mogra
- Type : Electric
- Ability
- Levitate
- Classification : The Electric Beam Pokemon
- Gender Ratio : ☿ genderless
- Flavor Text
- Mogra can materialize anywhere that emits an electric current. They are most present during lightning storms.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name : Dematter
- Type : Electric
- Ability
- Levitate
- Classification : The Pulse Pokemon
- Gender Ratio : ☿ genderless
- Flavor Text
- Dematter is a strong, resilient Pokemon that can disperse its body into many particles and reconstitute itself at any time.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name : Shockrun
- Type : Electric / Normal
- Ability
- Jolt Start **
- This ability lowers the Attack stat by one stage and boosts Speed by two.
- This ability lowers the Attack stat by one stage and boosts Speed by two.
- Jolt Start **
- Classification : The Thunder Goat Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Shockrun can focus its Electric power around its legs to make itself faster. It's known to leap entire mountains while running on lightning.
- Base Stats
- HP: 60
- Attack: 70
- Defense: 40
- Special Attack: 55
- Special Defense: 55
- Speed: 110
- HP: 60
- Name : (1st) Skivolt
- Type : Electric / Ghost
- Ability
- Analytic, Static
- Analytic, Static
- Classification : The Florescent Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Skivolt are naturally aggressive and will attack pokemon twice its size. Despite being small and fragile though, its electric attacks are enough to shatter rock.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name : (2nd) Voltaunt
- Type : Electric / Ghost
- Ability
- Analytic, Static
- Classification : The Discharge Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Voltaunt's innate power is sometimes too much for its own body, causing electrical dissruptences to occur in inanimate objects.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name : Poltivolt
- Type : Electric / Ghost
- Ability
- Static Omen
- The ability Static Omen will cause all wild Pokemon in the area to disappear.
- The ability Static Omen will cause all wild Pokemon in the area to disappear.
- Static Omen
- Classification : The High Voltage Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Pokemon trainers be warned, this pokemon will give you a static shock if you are within 10 ft of it. Because of its immense electrical current, Poltivolt can clear out an entire area of wild Pokemon.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name: Komyunni
- Type : Electric
- Ability
- Rally
- Raises adjacent teammates' Attack or Sp.Att by one stage 20% of the time at the end of every turn.
- Raises adjacent teammates' Attack or Sp.Att by one stage 20% of the time at the end of every turn.
- Rally
- Classification : Encourager Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Whenever it feels as if it's team is losing, it will discharge large amounts of electricity. The electricity it bolts out can rejuvenate energy.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name: Shynite
- Type : Electric
- Ability
- Illuminate
- Volt Absorb
- Classification : NightLight Pokemon
- Gender Ratio: No Gender
- Flavor Text
- Shynite are very beloved Pokemon because when there's a blackout they have enough energy to light up a town for a whole week.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name: Bulbright
- Type : Electric
- Ability
- Illuminate
- VoltAbsorb
- Classification : Lightbulb Pokemon
- Gender Ratio: No Gender
- Flavor Text
- Bulbright usually travel in groups, their yearly migrations are a real spectacle seen from the sky.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name: Elecnium
- Type: Electric/Psychic
- Ability
- Analytic
- VoltAbsorb
- Classification : Encourager Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:No Gender
- Flavor Text
- Elecnium are incredibly intelligent Pokemon that can convert electricity into psychic waves.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
[a id]rock[/a id]
- Centroc
- Type : Rock
- Ability
- Sturdy
- Classification : The Rock-Minotaur Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Centroc are a highly intelligent Pokemon, capable of advanced communication and reasoning. They build vast structures throughout their homelands.
- Base Stats
- HP: 70
- Attack: 110
- Defense: 70
- Special Attack: 75
- Special Defense: 85
- Speed: 105
- HP: 70
- Name : Pebbole
- Type : Rock / Ground
- Ability
- Rock Head, Battle Armos
- Classification : The Dig Deep Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Pebbole, while initially reluctant at first, tend to the needs of its owner in a mutual relationship. They usually require a form of pay in return for their work.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name : Moulder
- Type : Rock / Ground
- Ability
- Rock Head, Sand Veil
- Classification : The Excavator Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Deep in underground caves, Moulder can be seen directing traffic in tunnel systems for Ground Pokemon. In the most likely situations, they can also be seen assisting traffic guards on the surface.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name :
- Type : Rock / Fire
- Ability
- --
- Classification : --
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- --
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name :
- Type : Rock / Fire
- Ability
- --
- Classification : --
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- --
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name :
- Type : Rock / Fire
- Ability
- --
- Classification : --
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- --
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
[a id]ground[/a id]
- Type: Ground
- Ability
- Exfoliate: Antaeon gains 1/8 of HP back in sandstorm.
- Classification: Earth Healing Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Eevee will evolve into Antaeon at level 34 if Eevee is first in your party and has learned TM28 (Dig).
- Eevee will evolve into Antaeon at level 34 if Eevee is first in your party and has learned TM28 (Dig).
- Base Stats
- HP: 110
- Attack: 130
- Defense: 95
- Special Attack: 60
- Special Defense: 65
- Speed: 65
- HP: 110
- Name : Scordig (On the left)
- Type : Ground / Bug
- Ability
- Keen Eye
- Classification : The Scorpion Type Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- It has a drill for its stinger and claws. This Pokemon lives in deserts or warm caves deep underground. It digs holes with its drills. This Pokemon also eats rocks and metals.
- Base Stats
- HP: 70
- Attack: 50
- Defense: 45
- Special Attack: 40
- Special Defense: 32
- Speed: 60
- HP: 70
- Name : Drillion (On the right)
- Type : Ground / Bug
- Ability
- Sandstorm
- Classification : The Scorpion Drill Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- This Pokemon is very fierce and territorial. It marks its territory on cave walls and rocks with its drills. It can also control sand with its drills when it sticks it into the sand.
- Base Stats
- HP: 150
- Attack: 101
- Defense: 97
- Special Attack: 95
- Special Defense: 70
- Speed: 80
- HP: 150
- Name: Crabongo
- Type : Ground/Water
- Ability:
- Shell Armor
- Musician - Raises Sp.Def whenever hit by a Sound-based move
- Classification : Pom Pom Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Every sunset, many Crabongo gather and play harmoniously for all the beach Pokemon. Every so often will they evolve once they develop their best piece.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name: Conchacha
- Type : Ground/Water
- Ability:
- Shell Armor
- Musician - Raises Sp.Def whenever hit by a Sound-based move
- Classification : Pom Pom Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- No matter where they are, Conchacha boogie all day long. Along with Ludicolo, many trainers raise Conchacha for the contests they enter.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
[a id]psychic[/a id]
- Name : Peinyo [Original Forme]
- Type : Psychic
- Ability
- Unaware, Simple
- Classification : The Grey Spirit Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Changes to Sight Forme when holding Future Eye, and Bite Forme when holding Mystic Tooth.
- Base Stats
- HP: 100
- Attack: 100
- Defense: 100
- Special Attack: 100
- Special Defense: 100
- Speed: 100
- HP: 100
- Name : Peinyo [Sight Forme]
- Type : Psychic / Ghost
- Ability
- Unaware, Simple
- Classification : The Grey Spirit Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Changes to Sight Forme when holding Future Eye, and Bite Forme when holding Mystic Tooth.
- Base Stats
- HP: 80
- Attack: 100
- Defense: 80
- Special Attack: 130
- Special Defense: 80
- Speed: 130
- HP: 80
- Name : Peinyo [Original Forme]
- Type : Psychic
- Ability
- Unaware, Simple
- Classification : The Grey Spirit Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Changes to Sight Forme when holding Future Eye, and Bite Forme when holding Mystic Tooth.
- Base Stats
- HP: 80
- Attack: 130
- Defense: 130
- Special Attack: 80
- Special Defense: 100
- Speed: 80
- HP: 80
- Name : Delcrofet
- Type : Psychic / Poison
- Ability
- Effect Spore, Forewarn, White Smoke
- Classification : The Oracle Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Delcrofet are flighty pokémon by nature, spending most of their days stumbling around while experiencing vivid hallucinations. These hallucinations are brought on by the potent gas emitted from Delcrofet's body. In high concentrations, the gas has been known to cause various side effects, such as paralysis. Some believe that the visions produced from inhaling Delcrofet's toxins are glimpses of the future.
- 4'6" // 137.16 cm
- 90 lbs // 40.8 kg
- Base Stats
- HP: 70
- Attack: 50
- Defense: 60
- Special Attack: 120
- Special Defense: 100
- Speed: 80
- Name : Heirlo
- Type : Psychic / Fairy
- Ability
- Insomnia, Incapacitate*
*When the Pokémon faints, it induces the sleep status problem on the foe. If there is more than one foe present, the ability selects a foe at random. Fails if the foe faints along with the user (in single battles), the foe targeted has Insomnia, Vital Spirit or already has a status problem.
- Insomnia, Incapacitate*
- Classification : The Mirage Signal Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Pokédex I : This Pokémon is often believed to bring bad luck. It is sighted as a mirage near places of power.
- Pokédex II : Heirlo roam around the world, often sighted as a mirage at many power sources. The waves radiated through their tails are capable of lulling people to sleep.
Evolution : Does not evolve
- Base Stats
- HP: 112
- Attack: 64
- Defense: 124
- Special Attack: 125
- Special Defense: 125
- Speed: 50
- HP: 112
- Name :
- Type : Rock / Fire
- Ability
- --
- Classification : --
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- --
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
[a id]dark[/a id]
- Name : Necrymph
- Type : Dark / Bug
- Ability
- Run Away, Swarm
- Classification : The Tiny Cockroach Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Necrymph have hard exoskeletons dotted with sharp spines at the joints to defend against predators looking for good eats.
- Base Stats
- HP: 40
- Attack: 60
- Defense: 60
- Special Attack: 30
- Special Defense: 35
- Speed: 85
- HP: 40
- Name : Necroach
- Type : Dark / Bug
- Ability
- Intimidate, Swarm
- Classification : The Cockroach Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- The elongated eyes help Necroach see in near pitch black darkness. The bladed on its hands help it intimidate its attackers.
- Base Stats
- HP: 80
- Attack: 99
- Defense: 99
- Special Attack: 60
- Special Defense: 70
- Speed: 101
- HP: 80
- Name: Injolt
- Type: Electric
- Ability
- Motor Charge/Volt Abosorb
- Classification
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Their body has a unique fur-makeup, which allows it to store large amounts of electricity upon contact with electrical shocks. Evolves to Ampses using a Thunder Stone.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name: Ampses (Last Evo)
- Type: Electric
- Ability
- Motor Charge/Volt Absorb
- Classification
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- During high-altitudes, Ampses release an electric shock autonomously through their fur. This trait has given them the title of "The God of The Sky".
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name: Sorciel
- Type: Dark/Fairy
- Ability
- You can use an existing ability or make one of your own. New abilities must include a brief explanation.
- Classification
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- If you've opted to make an evolution or pre-evolution of an already existing Pokémon, please mention so here and for which Pokémon and at what stage of evolution it is.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
[a id]flying[/a id]
*image removed*
Just another Eeveelution.
Type: Flying
Ability: Cloud Nine
Gender Ratio:
Height: 3'5"
Weight: 49.6lbs
shiny variant(s) :
Name: Tapiscry (Tapistry + mimicry/"cry")
Classification: Cloth Pokemon
Type: Normal/Flying
Ability: Camouflage
Dex: "Because of the way their wing flaps are engineered, they tear very easily. One of its quirks, however, is that the wings regenerate quickly, and in the same design of nearby fabrics."
- Name: Bapye (The first form)
- Type: Normal/Flying
- Ability
- You can use an existing ability or make one of your own. New abilities must include a brief explanation.
- Classification
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- If you've opted to make an evolution or pre-evolution of an already existing Pokémon, please mention so here and for which Pokémon and at what stage of evolution it is.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name: Tufpye (The second form)
- Type: Normal/Flying
- Ability
- You can use an existing ability or make one of your own. New abilities must include a brief explanation.
- Classification
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- If you've opted to make an evolution or pre-evolution of an already existing Pokémon, please mention so here and for which Pokémon and at what stage of evolution it is.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name: Crespye (The final form)
- Type: Normal/Flying
- Ability
- You can use an existing ability or make one of your own. New abilities must include a brief explanation.
- Classification
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- If you've opted to make an evolution or pre-evolution of an already existing Pokémon, please mention so here and for which Pokémon and at what stage of evolution it is.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
Just another Eeveelution.
Type: Flying
Ability: Cloud Nine
Gender Ratio:
Height: 3'5"
Weight: 49.6lbs
- Name : Cirreon
- Type : Flying
- Ability
- Cloud Nine
- Classification : The Feather Light Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Eevee will evolve into Cirreon when it reaches level 36 equipped with the hold item Air Balloon
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Pre-evolved Ancient Bird
- Name
- Type
- Ability
- You can use an existing ability or make one of your own. New abilities must include a brief explanation.
- Classification
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- If you've opted to make an evolution or pre-evolution of an already existing Pokémon, please mention so here and for which Pokémon and at what stage of evolution it is.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name: Shnaughty
- Type: (something?)/Flying
- Ability
- Intimidate
- Classification:
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- They have one of the most prima-donna attitudes during the stone-age, often stealing many shiny fragments they might find.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
- Name : Necrow
- Type : Flying / Dark
- Ability
- Forewarn
- Classification : The Grim Pokemon
- Gender Ratio:
- Flavor Text
- Necrow are present in areas where a death has just recently occurred. Their numbers are proportional to the importance of the one who died.
- Base Stats
- HP:
- Attack:
- Defense:
- Special Attack:
- Special Defense:
- Speed:
Name: Tapiscry (Tapistry + mimicry/"cry")
Classification: Cloth Pokemon
Type: Normal/Flying
Ability: Camouflage
Dex: "Because of the way their wing flaps are engineered, they tear very easily. One of its quirks, however, is that the wings regenerate quickly, and in the same design of nearby fabrics."
see second post
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