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[PKMN OPEN] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

(OoC: So how many rare candy are we allowed to get?)

Kilik Chambers

"Okay! After this though, I need to hit the hay. Hopefully I can really look at my room before I fall asleep." It would be rude to intrude in someone's room without asking, let alone intruding in that person's personal room. Kilik wasn't interested in seeing her room though.

'I am really sorry. It's just, all of our team are females, so we don't really talk to many males. She does the same for Psy. Don't take it too hard okay?' Star explained to Yaibe. Oh, so she likes teasing her Pokemon like that. Heehee, that's cool.

Yaibe showed a grin to Star, though she wouldn't see it was a nervous smile. 'Right! I got it.'

They arrived to the Suicune Dorms. It actually seemed interesting. "Nice! There are teachers here. By the looks of it, they are giving out Rare Candies. Ooo! Different wrapper colors too." It was true. What luck actually. On the other subject, plenty of kids of the Suicune Dorm. Hard to believe Kilik, an Entei student, had met Kat, a Suicune student. Perhaps this was coincidence? Perhaps he's thinking too much. He should just enjoy the time of Halloween right now. "Well? Are you gonna stand there? Or are you gonna get some Rare Candies with me?" Kat got his attention. Rare candy will do wonders later on.

Kilik walked over to one of the teachers. He was wearing something similar to a werewolf. Not his best work. Anyway, Kilik got some candy & walked back to Kat. "I guess this Halloween is ok." He isn't that into Halloween very much, but costumes fit the bill.
Yaibe grinned at Star. 'Right! I got it.' Star laughed. She nudged Yaibe. 'See ya tomorrow!'

By the time Kilik returned, Kat was smiling at Star who was returning back frok a teacher dressed like a human Zubat. I giggled at his purple outfit. Star had a Rare Candy with a blue drip pattern wrapper. "Nice one Star!" Star grinned and dropped it on the ground for Kat. Kat now had a pile of candies. Six exactly. The teachers walked or flew back to their own houses. "Looks like Halloween is over." Kat yawned and stray he'd out her arms in from of her. Star stretched and walked to the girl's stairs.

"G'night Kilik. See you tomorrow!" Kat waved as she walked up the stairs. She found Star laying in front of their room door. Kat laughed and picked her up. "Let's go to bed." Kat unlocked her door and stumbled her way to the bed. She's layed Star on one side and quickly, blindly changed, then curled up under he sheets Psy brought. Kat practically passed out after that.
Halloween was far from over... it was only beginning infact! The ghosts of the abandoned dorm succesfully lifted the ship high enough into the air to be able to move it across the island safely while giving the students in the school a good scare. Mark and Snype were giving off a large smile, excited to see the look on everyones face when they see a flying ship above them. They were going to be scared out of their pants!

"Snype? Care to do the honors?" Mark said. Snype snickered uncontrollable and used the horn. It was loud enough for the rest of the academy to surely hear it... and bound to lead to a few rude awakenings as well. The boat began to float right over the academy, with its eerie blue light shining down upon them. Snype blew the horn once more when they were closer.

Kilik Chambers

Star nudged Yaibe playfully. She's pretty funny. 'See ya tomorrow!' She said to him before heading back to Kat's side. Kilik had already gotten 5 rare candies. He better save these for special occasions. Star was already stretching a bit since she was tired. Kilik didn't bother to look 'cause she was a girl who enjoys her priva-actually, he needed to stretch too. He did battle twice tonight, stretching his arms as he remembered his 2 battles. He will one day become the victor in his later battles.

"Looks like Halloween is over." Kat commented, still talking. "G'night Kilik. See you tomorrow!" She waved goodbye to Kilik before walking upstairs. Her room must be in the upper floor.

"Remember we train tomorrow. We meet here after class so we don't wound up looking for each other. Night!" The last thing he said before Kat disappeared into her room. An okay day, he thought.

With Yaibe back in his Pokeball, he headed his way to the Entai Dorms. When he got there he compared it to the Suicune Dorm. Suicune Dorm have it better, but the Entei Dorm was enough. Lucky Suicune students, even Kat. When he entered his dorm room, ground level, it looked pretty cozy. He wondered what the Suicune rooms look like? Maybe another time. Suddenly, he heard horns sound, then again. He looked outside to see a giant ship floating across the island. "What the?!" Was this really happening? Or was it part of the holiday? "Forget this! Let it be someone elses problem!" He wasn't scared one bit. Infact, it was pretty annoying considering it'll keep him up. He took off his costume & threw it aside, put his his regular clothes & hopped to bed. Tomorrow was a new day, full of adventure & intelligence. Pretty soon he snoozed off, not entirly due to the ship's loud noises.
Alice Crenshaw

Alice held on to Valorie tight. It was the first time she ever flew on a Pokémon, and that made her a little bit nervous. Her eyes were closed as soon as Valorie's Charizard took off, but when she opened them, the view impressed her. It was wonderful! She smiled again, looking at everything down there and giggling.

"Wow! This is awesome!" she exclaimed, "I wish Jello could see this!"

She loosened her grip on Valorie, becoming more comfortable with flying. However, she heard a horn that startled her and almost made her fall off Valorie's Charizard. Luckily she managed to hold on to Valorie tighter before that could happen.

"What was that?" she said.

She turned around and found the answer to her question. Over the academy was...a boat! And it had an odd blue aura around it! What was going on?

Jimmy Vincent

Jimmy finally arrived at the Entei Dorm after a long walk. On his way he saw two girls taking off on a Charizard, but didn't pay much attention to them because the Egg started to roar loudly again. And when he arrived at the Entei Dorm, not only it was roaring, but it was also shaking wildly. Jimmy had trouble trying to get it to stop.

"Hey, cut it out!" he barked, "Or do ya want me to drop you?"

He actually didn't mean that last part. If he dropped the Egg, there would be no dragon for him. But his voice tone and threat managed to calm the dragon inside the Egg down. He chuckled and smiled evilly as he looked at the red and blue egg. He bought it.

Then, all of a sudden, Jimmy heard a loud horn. He raised his eyebrow in response, and quickly turned his head to see where the noise came from. Up in the sky, he found the answer.

"What the hell?" Jimmy asked out loud, "Is that a boat? Why the hell is there a boat up in the sky? And why is it glowing blue?"

He didn't seem scared by the boat, but he seemed really irritated. Especially after he heard the horn again. If this kept going, he would not be able to sleep. And he had had a really tough day. The only thing he wanted to do at the moment was go to bed and call it a day.

"Humph, whatever." he growled, "That thing better keep it down, 'cause if I can't sleep, then I'm gonna find whoever's making this happen. And things will get really ugly."

The Egg and the flying boat made Jimmy forget completely about the Rare Candies. He stepped inside his dorm room, completely unaware of it, and lied down on his bed, his arms wrapped around the egg.
Chapter 2: A Dose of Sleep

A Dose of Sleep


Ooooooh! You got me! I have been knocked to the ground by your tremendous power!

Zo giggled at what he figured was an overly dramatic act, maybe with some sarcasm sprinkled in. He giggled and laughed jumping lightly up on top of Zoroark's belly, staring down at him with large beady purple eyes. His eyelids were about a quarter of the way shut, and he let out a small yawn, pretty much turning Zoroark into a bed by laying down on top of him. He had curled himself into a ball, his muzzle resting over his fluffy tail, his eyes blinking sleepily. I'm... Sleepy..... he managed to mumble before slowly drifting off to sleep nestled in Zoroark's fur.

After formal greetings, Gen and the group were sleepy, so so so sleepy. By their senses, it was about 9.30 Pm or so. "well people, 'bout time we slept, no?
They all nodded. Gen got his blankets and prepares to end his second night in the academy. He was nervous for no reason, he was excited to see what he would do tomorrow. He put his pokemons' pokeball on the nearby table and slept, soundly.
"Down a bit lower! I think we're a bit too high for anyone to get real scared." Mark said. The ghosts moved the boat down closer to the academy to cast a dark shadow over whatever it passed by. Snype gave off a sinister laugh over the intercom so that the rest of the school would notice the large boat flying above their heads. A few of the other ghosts were making a bit of noises as well. This was fantastic... If they weren't scaring everybody then Mark was at least putting on a good show. Unless they happened to recognize Snype's signature laugh, then he doubted anyone would know this was mostly his work.

Mark walked out to the deck to check out the view of the island. It was an interesting site late at night, especially with all the lights on in oak town.

N let out a small laugh as he saw Zo curl up onto Zoroark. It was adorable to see the young pokemon take such a liking to Zoroark. "I guess this means you have a new little brother."

Zoroark's head looked at N despite seeing everything in an upsidedown perspective and made a small grunt. Aww shush you!

"We should head to bed as well. It is getting rather late," N replied as he turned to head to his bedroom. He stopped when he was halfway through his turn and looked back to Zoroark. "Zo has taken quite a strong liking to you. Most children his age always have some figure they respect and look up to. Someone they hope they can rely on."

Why not you? he asked back.

"While he too has been abused by humans, from what I am able to tell, he would prefer to have someone of his similar species to interact with. I guess it could be somewhat of a pack mentality but. . . well you know," he said with a minor shrug.

I didn't need someone like that when I was growing up.

"That's because you didn't have the opportunity to have someone like that growing up. You had me and the others."

Zoroark gave this some thought and kept quiet.

"If you're planning on going to bed, I wouldn't try to place him in a separate bed or anything. It would disappoint him in the morning if he found himself to be sleeping in a separate bed from you. He'd think you were trying to avoid him."

Zoroark still stayed quiet about all this.

"It would be best to let him sleep with you on his first night here. At least to make him feel more comfortable," N finished.

Are you really going to have him teach Zo or Kiyoko how to use telepathy?

"As far as I can tell, he's the only one who would be able to teach it to him easily. I know you don't like using telepathy for whenever you talk, so I wouldn't ask it of you to teach him since it would make you uncomfortable."

Even if he does learn telepathy, he still has to learn how to control his illusionary powers to make it look like he's actually talking while he's using the telepathy just to keep his human disguise up.

"That is especially true, and as far as I can tell, you're going to have to be able to help with that as well."

. . . How come?

"You technically are a master of illusions, even by other Zoroark standards. You have years worth of experience just from your illusionary powers alone you can teach him that will help him survive, and even then you will need to help him out with some of the Dark Type moves he will learn later."

Alright, I get your point.

"Good. Until tomorrow then. Good night!"

N walked off to his room. Zoroark on the other hand, rather than get up and sleep in a bed of his own, figured he'd stay on the floor and let the little pokemon sleep on top of him for the evening. It won't bother him much, provided he won't have to roll over in his sleep.

Once N was changed and climbed into his bed, a thought came to his mind. It will take some time before Kiyoko/Zo's illusionary abilities are able to make others think of him as a human without having to suspect him of being a pokemon. When N goes to work on his next class tomorrow, should he have the little pokemon appear as a small child? Or should he try to encourage him to come with him in his actual form?

Both have their advantages and disadvantages.

For the human aspect, those who know N's past would wonder why he was taking care of a small boy.

For the Pokemon aspect, Kiyoko/Zo would be too scared to naturally appear in such a form.

In the human form Kiyoko/Zo wouldn't be sought after by others, let alone would they question his capabilities and powers.

In the Pokemon form though, if they saw Kiyoko/Zo with N, they would assume he was one of his pokemon and wouldn't try to steal him.

Whichever form Kiyoko/Zo chose to take tomorrow, N would still have to explain to others either A) Why he was taking care of a young human child or B) why Zo/Kiyoko had such a unique coloring.

And even then . . . N still had to introduce Kiyoko/Zo to his other friends too. Especially the one who he hoped would help the boy learn how to use Telepathy. . .

Daniel Sabrak​

"Actually, did you know that a Ledian's back lights up the more st-"

Daniel was interrupted in the middle of his chat with Austin as a loud fog-horn sounded. He turned his head left and right, trying to get an eye on the sound before looking up, his eyes widening and his jaw dropping. There, floating in the sky, across the academy, ghostly lights and with a loud laughter emitting from it, was a large yacht as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

As it slowly passed across the sky, Daniel looked down again, having forgotten everything he was talking about previously. Even Alexis had turned to look up, her eyes having widened in fear and curiosity.

"… Holy… was that a… boat?"

He shook his head slowly, lifting his hands to rub his eyes, letting out a little chuckle, still rather off-guard from what he'd just witnessed. He checked his watch and smiled up at both Byron and Austin.

"Either way, I think it's just about time we headed off to our room. We've got to get ready for classes and such tomorrow, right? I'll see you two around!"

He gave both of them a friendly pat on the shoulder, turning to wave with a bright smile as he headed off to his dorm, running slightly, with Alexis giving a little nod to the gathered Pokémon.

"Hope to see you around. Take care!" She then turned, rushing off on all four to keep up with Daniel.

As they both entered the common room, Daniel was surprised by the quality of the couches, carpets and generally, how amazing the room looked. He had no time to lose though, as he had to get a good night of sleep, not wanting to get up too late.

Him and Alexis rushed deeper into the dorm as he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, looking it over, trying to find his room number.
When he did, he smiled down at Alexis, grasping the handle. "Are you ready? This is gonna be our new home for the next couple of years." Alexis gave a firm nod and nuzzled her cheek against his leg.

He took in a deep breath and pushed down the handle, stepping into the large room, carpeted and with a rather large communication's screen on the wall. His eyes widened as he shut the door behind him, staring around the room.

"… Whoa… this is –amazing-. So this is what it's like to be on the top of the charts…?"

He kept looking around while taking off his backpack, placing it on the writing desk that was also in the room, moving over to sit down on the edge of the bed, glancing slightly downwards, a small frown lighting up his face.

… I don't deserve this though. I mean… I practically cheated to get in here… should I tell a teacher about what I did…?

He pressed his palms together, biting onto his lower lip while thinking. Alexis shuffled closer, sitting down in front of him while nudging his knee with her head. "Chhhuuu, rrai!"

He looked a little up at her, the frown being replaced with a smile as he ruffled the fur on her head. "You're right. Even if we're not among the best… technically, we'll –become- among the best. All we have to do is learn, right? Can't be all that hard!"

Uplifted by Alexis, he pulled off his jacket , tossing it on top of the chair next to his desk, tugging off his shoes as well, before crawling underneath the bedsheets, Alexis soon jumping up to curl up at the foot of the bed.

"Man… so many people here… so many amazing and different Pokémon than what we're used to… this place is going to be amazing, living in."

He smiled to himself, moving his arms behind his head, staring up into the ceiling of his room as he slowly drifted off to sleep, helped along by the thoughts of the adventures the two would have here.
" Well there was a kid and his Pokemon outnumbering me and the Pikachu ran in and helped me and after that we became best friends for ever " He said with a small smile on his face. Rafael remembered that day as if it was just yesterday that Pikachu helped him. He glanced at Pikachu and smiled at it and accidently made it crash into a tree and look knocked out. Then he looked at the other students getting candy and he wasn't.

" Hey wanna go see if they will give us candy " He said to Oscar as his Pikachu smiled and shocked itself to wake up a little bit. After he was awake he ran back around and saw that Arya had been distracted for a slight second. He looked over to where Arya looked and saw nothing out of the ordinary over there. He shrugged it off and looked at his trainer with a slight smile on his face and Rafael knew what was going to happen next.

Rafael returned the Pikachu to it's pokeball before it did anything stupid. He then walked around to all the teachers and collected all the rare candies from all the teachers. He then slowly made his way back to his dorm and slowly fell asleep not believing how great of a day he had. He then remembered the only bad time of the day which was when they tried to take Pikachu away and made him the three bullies forced him to fight. He was asleep throughout the night and slowly woke up with Pikachu on his lap.
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The boat continued to float above the island, soon passing oak town. He could imagine the surprised look on their faces after seeing this boat floating above their heads... Snype even looked extremely happy... The boat was almost over to the docks... all the ghosts had to do was land the boat there. But the ghosts didn't stop... they kept going a little farther out into the ocean.

"Um... I think we're far enough... you can land the boat now..." Mark said nervously. He quickly ran into the bridge of the ship along with Snype. The boat kept going though... Eventually once it made a bit of distance from the docks, the boat just stopped moving. Mark's heard was pounding and Snype was as cautious as ever.

All of a sudden the ghosts dropped the boat into the water! The impact caused a rather large splash in the distance. The impact of the ship caused Mark and Snype to tumble around the ship aimlessly, but once it finally landed, both Mark and Snype ended up blacking out... As if it were some kind of bad dream. The ghosts looked over Mark and Snype with sinister laughter. It was time for a prank of their own... it was only fair after all. Who were they to command wild Pokemon after all? Mark would find himself in for a rude awakening in the morning... he'd find that he was no longer on the boat anymore... perhaps this was the ghosts way of saying thanks? Or they were just looking forward to one last laugh before Halloween ended. Nonetheless, Mark was no longer on the ship, and neither was Snype.
Maxwell noticed the night getting even more dark, it must be really late... He looked at Genevieve, unfortunately it seemed too late to catch a Meowth. They did have classes the next day,

"Hey Genevieve I think it's getting a little too late. I'm going off to bed, now if you wanna catch the Meowth it's all fine and dandy. But I'm going to sleep!" he said with a smile and kissed Genevieve on her forehead, "Oh, take these!" he handed her back the flashlight and the empty chips bag that was now more related to a ball than anything else.

As Maxwell took a step towards his dorm a blue light struck his vision. The young boy looked up to find a ship flying in the air, enveloped in a blue aura. Maxwell smiled, he had gotten enough education from BOTH his father and Morty to know that this was the work of ghosts. It didn't frighten Maxwell the slightest, it amused him really.

"Well, I guess that I'll take this opportunity to wish you a good night my dear!" he laughed and looked at his girlfriend with a big grin on his lips. He then started to trek back with the intention of reaching the Entei Dorm. Which he easily did.

Maxwell opened the door to his room and walked in, he hadn't really been able to pay that much attention to it at first. But now he observed the features his room had been equipped with. It was nothing too fancy and nothing too shabby at all, well Maxwell was satisfyed with the room. It wasn't that big or that small either, granted it wasn't as big as the Suicune rooms probably were. He stopped for a moment, thinking about it, he'd probably be in the Suicune Dorm if he hadn't been too lazy to study... And then he'd probably have this huge room full of space... Well, whatever. Maxwell took out all of the Pokéballs in his pocket and let out Wilson, Quillie and Katam.

"Okay guys, it's bedtime!" he said and looked at his Pokémon that were currenty awake. Katam seemed to look around, wondering why he was out of his Pokéball. "Oh, right!" Maxwell eclaimed, "You're new to the team Katam, so I'll ask you something. Do you want to sleep outside or inside your Pokéball?" he said and held out the hand in which Katam's Pokéball rested. Maxwell watched as his Tympole thought carefully about it. Eventually, it walked up to him and smacked the Pokéball out of his hand.

"I guess that's an 'outside' then!" he chuckled and took off his clothes, leaving only the underwear on. He was a bit too tired to slip into the pyjamas his mother sent him before he left for the academy. Maxwell faceplanted into the bed with a soft thud while Quillie, Katam and Wilson made themselves comfortable on the throw rug in the room. Slackey, as always, laid on top of his trainer's head already sound asleep.

After a bit Rosalyn left the Pokemon center with her wrist in a small cast. A few weeks and it would be fine, until then she had to be careful with it. Good thing it wasn't her dominant hand. With a small sigh Rosalyn made quick work treating from the teachers putting the six rare candies in her bag "gonna save them for later" she muttered under her breath before heading back to the Entei dorms. She returned to her room and entered setting her bag on her bed, then calling out her four Pokemon glad her room wasn't the smallest. "do you guys wanna sleep out here or in your Pokeballs?" she asked them sitting at the chair on her desk. "alright then" she said receiving nods from the Pokemon. Rosalyn changed into her pj's and put her hair in a braid and climbed into bed turning the bedside lamp off and going to sleep.


Genevieve blushed as Maxwell kissed her forehead before walking away "good night Maxwell!" she called after him with a grin seeing the ghost ship in the sky. "so cool" she whispered to herself putting the flashlight and empty chip bag in her bag. Holding the basket with a sleeping Toto in it closer to her she went treating real quick and then returned to her dorm room exhausted from the long day. She called Sapphire out and set the Basket down on her desk petting Toto before retreating to the bathroom. Genevieve washed her face clear of makeup and changed from her Halloween Costume to her pj's going to bed falling asleep quickly.

Kilik Chambers

It only felt like yesterday he arrived to the island. Well actually, it was. The sun shines down the windows brightly, litting the room with light as it reaches the boy sleeping in bed. Teenager boy Kilik Chambers slumbers in bed from the harsh light striking his face, turning over & sitting up. It was a new day, but Kilik was feeling a little groggy. That's the effect of a sleep. It'll ware off. He looked over at his Samurott costume from the other night, which was on the floor. Not his best costume, so best to sell this one & get a Lucario costume when he gets the chance.

The first thing was to change, & so Kilik got up & switched his pj's with normal clothes. The red jacket was a good touch, even the color of the Entei students. He went to get some breakfast, not before brushing his teeth & washing his hair & taking a quick shower. The food was edible, something similar he used to eat back in Castelia City. Feeling refreshed, Kilik looked at his schedule for today. Today he had Community & Vigillante Service class. Must be an interesting class. But community...Kilik actually wanted to learn how to battle well. Well, beggers can't be choosers.

Finding his way around the campus, he finally stumbled upon the class he was looking for. Who was the teacher? Maybe he or she was nice. It seemed Kilik was the first to arrive. Regardless, he took a seat in the front, middle of the class. He might as well take a nap...nah. Maybe later.
Wow. On her first day, Kat has already fought two trainers with another person, made a new friend, and was given six, count 'em, six pieces of Rare Candy! Kat looked around for her schedule. Kat found it laying on her desk. Thank god Pay. Kat sighed, she would have had to search for it for hours if Psy didn't put it there. Star yawned and slipped on a colla. Kat didn't want some one to try to catch Star. Kat slipped on a purple long sleeve shirt and then her Dorm Jacket. She loves blue.

Star's collar is a lavender color with a blue swirl pattern. Kat looked at her paper and saw that she was in Self-Defence class today. "Hmm... Sounds interesting. Hey Star, I think I might let Psy accompany me to class today. You can explore the school okay?" Star sighed and nodded. I grabbed Star and looked around for the cafeteria. When we found it, I grabbed a fried egg, toast, and some ham. With it I made a sandwich. Star grabbed some bacon. I sat us in the corner, off from the other people. After eating, we headed to our class. I found it after a few minutes, and directions from a teacher. I was seemingly the first student there, so I bright out Psy and sent Star out to wander.
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Gen awoke to the sounds of the bird pokemon chirping around the school grounds. He looked at his clock and it was still rather early. So he decided to take a quick stroll in front of his dorm.

He thought to himself that most pokemon have abilities surpassing human's abilities and could beat a whole legion with a single attack, given the pokemon is strong enough. He continued to watch the beautiful sun rise before he changed into his daily attire. Mira and Hyper awoke and rubbed their eyes. The sun was bright for their eyes that had been temporarily used to the dark.

"Uwaaa! The sun's bright!" complained Mira.
"C'mon s'not that bad." replied Hyper.

Darrumel and Shock awoke soon after, with CupCream waking up last. Gen got ready to head out to class. He was eager to learn something new. "Man, I'm hungry, better something ta' eat before getting to class." , said Gen.
He stopped by the Cafeteria to get some food and drinks before heading to class.

"Man, I'm still sleepy, I shouldn't have woke up so soon..." complained Gen while rubbing his tired eyes. He saw the teacher in front of the class. He was a shaggy man with purple hair and ragged clothes. Nobody would expect somebody like him to be a teacher. "Ah well, I am studying mining and fossils today, so I guess it's just natural, huh?" thought Gen.
His team had returned to their respective pokeballs and sleeping again. The teacher was carrying a shovel, Gen wondered what for, he couldn't possibly be planning to dig a fossil in the school does he?
Mark was asleep... he didn't remember falling asleep in a bed or anything of the sort but he sure wasn't comfortable. He seemingly passed out earlier as far as he remembered. His head was driving him nuts though an he didn't really want to wake up... what he didn't know is that he was sleeping on a bench right in the middle of the school's courtyard, Along with Snype.

The catch was that he wasn't wearing his costume... his hair was rather messy as well. The other thing was he was in a T shirt an it was pretty darn cold out as well... yet he was still sleeping, unaware that he was still outside... he was pretty darn knocked out, along with Snype.
Daniel Sabrak​

A ray of light shone in from the window in front of the writing desk in the rather large room, moving over to hit Daniel straight in the face. This caused him to wrinkle his nose and grunt slightly, eyes fluttering open as he slowly sits up, lifting his hands to rub his eyes, the Raichu at the end of the bed still fast asleep.

"Mrrnh… morn'n' Alex'…"

He stretched out and yawned wildly, clambering out of bed, shuffling around the room as he found out that it had both its own bath and its own kitchen. He was amazed by the amount of luxury the Suicune dorm had access to, but was way too sleepy to make anything more than a 'Whoo..' sound.

He quickly got himself a shower and used the items inside of the fridge to make himself a sandwich, which he promptly gobbled up. Luckily, there was also some Pokémon food in one of the cupboards, which he used to feed Alex' who had just begun getting up and shaking herself off.

"Right, better get dressed and find out what class I'm having today!"

After having showered and eaten, his energy was slowly returning. He looked to the blue Suicune dorm jacket he had received and frowned somewhat.

"I wish I could wear my old, orange jacket… but I think I better dress up like a Suicune student, at least the first day…"

He let out a small sigh and shrugged, pulling on the jacket over his white T-shirt, zipping it up and getting himself completely dressed. He then found his schedule sitting on his desk and read it over quickly.

"Community and Vigilante..? Sounds… interesting. I was hoping I'd get some sort of tactics class, but eh. This'll probably be good as well!"

He smiled and tosses the schedule onto the desk as well, making sure he had everything (Which consisted only of his clothes, really), and gave Alex' a little wave. "Come on, let's get going! Might as go have a little run to get ourselves started."

Alexis jumped down from the bed, shaking her fur with a small yawn before darting after Daniel out the door. He shut and locked it behind him and they started heading outside. When they got into the large courtyard, holding the entrances to all of the dorms and the academy, he glanced down to the Raichu with a smile before setting off in a light jog at a decent pace, simply taking a few laps around the courtyard with Alexis running alongside him.

After having run for about twenty minutes to half an hour, he came to a stop, panting quietly while stretching out. "Ahh. Nothing like a morning run, eh Alex'?" He grinned down to her and gave her head a little ruffle. "Now come on, let's find our class!" "Chhhu!"

They then headed off at a lighter pace, trying to find where their class was located. After a short while of searching they found it, stepping into the room while glancing around. Looks like they were the first to arrive. Or…

Daniel spotted a boy sitting up at the front of the class. Smiling to himself, he stepped up closer and gave him a faint wave. "Hey there! Community and Vigilante, eh? What do you think it's about?"

At least Alexis and I aren't going to be alone until the class starts.

Meanwhile, Alexis was busy darting around the room, checking out the different nooks and crannies curiously, leaping lithely up onto tables and generally just moving about, her nose wriggling while she was sniffing out the place.
Ruby Destiny

When Ruby notices how late it is already she feels a little sad. 'I'm sorry...i guess it's too late for a battle now...i promise we will battle tomorrow okay?' She even looks sad while saying that to Vince, then she leaves. '(I hope he doesn't hate me now...)' She looks up in the sky and sees a ship flying in the air. 'What the?!?!' She looks at it for awhile and then walks futher to the eintei dorms. 'This island is SO weird...' She whispers to her pokemon when she enters her room. She pulls on her pj's and prepares her normal clothes for the next day. 'Good night my angels~' she hops into her bad. "Night!' Yuki jumps on her bed and lays down by her feet, Hikari lays down next to her pillow, her usual place, Kaede lays down on his own little bed. Not long later all of them fall asleep. The next morning Hikari is the first one awake and wakes up Ruby by jumping on her. '(Rubs! Wake upp!)' She shouts while doing that. '...morning guys...' Ruby comes out her bed and seems a little sleepy. "I want to accompany you to your classes!" Yuki says. 'I'm sorry Yuki, Hikari is the only one who refuses to go into her pokeball.' Ruby smiles and pets her head. "Awww..." Yuki says dissapointed. 'I promise you can come out after school okay?' Ruby promises her. Yuki nods. Ruby quickly pulls on her usual clothes (ooc: the outfit on my signature) 'see ya later guys.' She takes Kaede's and Yuki's pokeball and calls them back. '(Let's go Ruby.)' Hikari jumps on Ruby's shoulder and together they walk out the room.