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[PKMN OPEN] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

Alice sat in the back of the boat, with a serious expression on her pale face; it was cold in this boat. Even her wool coat didn't keep her warm here. Of course, it made no sense to blame the boat, as the mist and wind from the ocean contributed a great deal. Her arms were wrapped around her closest friend, a Vulpix called Jem. The small fox Pokémon's eyes scanned the area, as did Alice's. There was some brown haired boy with a Scyther. He looked excited for the new school they were just about to arrive at. Alice's eyes slowly shut, as she didn't get much sleep last night.

"We have now arrived at Oak Island!!!!" a man's voice confidently exclaimed over the intercom. Alice was startled awake again and she stood up, still carrying Jem. She got into line behind a girl with long red hair, who was accompanied by a Frosslass. She seemed happy. Too happy.

Alice turned and noticed a boy with tan skin. His partners were an Eevee and a Zorua. He seemed like the quiet and modest type. This guy obviously wasn't an overconfident airhead. Alice knew not to bother him, then. Maybe she would try to be his friend. The line continued forward, and Alice was handed a blue jacket for the Suicune dorm. The trainers here didn't look too shabby. Alice had to be able to make friends with at least one of them. "Vul!" Jem said happily. He liked traveling, and he was looking forward to meeting all the Pokémon and students here.

Alice hoped this academy would help her get better battling skills, and maybe, if she lucked out, there would be a class for Pokémon behavior. Pokémon are very mysterious, especially in the ways they think. Alice looked at Jem, wondering what he was thinking as he watched everyone shuffling around and getting things in order. Jem turned and abruptly licked Alice's face. She flinched, not expecting that sudden gesture.

"Aw c'mon, do you want me to smell like fox breath?" Alice laughed. She was eager to get her classes and begin the new school year. She really hoped she wouldn't have problems with any of the students, or she might be kicked from here, too. The only possible good thing about that was seeing her little sister, Erica, again. Although, Alice's parents were pretty stuck on the idea of sending her to bootcamp. The mere thought annoyed her. Alice saw several teachers, some who were former gym leaders, some even former Elite Four members. One in particular caught her eye. A chubby guy with a white mustache and white clothes. He was pretty humorous looking.
'Oh my gosh!', 'AWWW', 'Woo let's get 'em!' were all just some of the abnormally large noises Nathan heard as he quietly played with his piplup. "Pip" it squeaked as it blew a bubble right into Nathan's nose; popping with sparkles and glimmering vapor. "Haha, stop it cheeky." Nathan calmly said, faintly smiling. He lightly flicked piplup on the head and it smiled and swiftly darted back into his suit.

Nathan was excited, his feeling of amazement was beyond imaginable - though he didn't show it - he always was an trooper, also fought and worked to be the best and now it was time to prove that he can be. He glanced around for the first time after his oblivousness towards the other students. There were a diverse range of people; skinny, tall, short and plump, dark skinned, light skinned you name it all looking fierce but many scraggy. He particularly glanced at a interesting girl with a vulpix, it seemed well groomed - it's tails fluffy and bouncy. "Humph." Nathan moaned, with a smile on his face. As he continued to look around, he noticed that he and a few others were slightly overdressed, and were 'the odd ones out,' not long after did he realise that a few people were actually lookiung at him, as if he was an exhibit at the Viridian Museum. This, however, didn't make him unconfortable it actually made him feel slightly overjoyed.

" We have arrived at Pokemon Trainer Academy. Please recieve your dorm jackets as you leave the boat. Thankyou."

The announcement roared suddenly, echoing throughout the boat's deck.

Nathan reached for his pokeballs. He grabbed two; both in between each of his fingers and he gently threw them, as two small figures popped instantly infront of him. "Hi Guys!" Nathan happily greeted. "Tur, tur, char, chim, chim" his chimchar and turtwig bubbly replied. With an awkward expression on his face he opened his suit and piplup flung itself quickly onto turtwigs back. "Now guys," Nathan explained, "We've arrived at the Academy, we need to train hard and become the best. What I want you to do is observe everyone but not immediately, just when we fit in. I want to find out everything I can about my other dorm mates, if we want to win we need to be strategic, got it?" They all roared with determination and agreement. "Alright let's go." Turtwig and Chimchae decided to return tp their pokeballs. As they did so and turwig disappeared, piplup fell onto the deck making a hard thomp. A tear trickled down it's cheek. "Aww don't be sad piplup, you're a tough cookie. He picked up piplup and gently place her in his suit and collected his blue dorm jacket. "Ew." he muttered quietly to himself and he walked off the boat to meet the other trainers and his teahcers.

Xoxaa was, of course, taking a big nap in her room. Cuddling up tightly in her blankets, her pillow was dripping with saliva slowly leaking from her mouth. The loud stomping outside of her room of people walking by didn't seem to wake her in the slightest.

Then, the intercom blasted in her room.

"HWHAAH!?" Xoxaa jolted forward, awake and startled.

"We're here?" she looks around, almost in a panicked state. "****!"

She tosses her covers over the side of the bed and leaps out, running to her bag on her room's table. With no hesitation, she quickly dresses herself, looks into her bags to check her pokeballs, and then grabs the bag and bolts toward the door, slamming it shut as she leaves in a hurry. One could tell she rushed to dress herself, but only if they actually took a good look at her. Otherwise, she was dressed normally.

Making it out to the top deck, the girl glances around at all of the trainers around her. She notices their Pokemon, and begins to frown slightly, seeing them completely tame and obedient to their masters.

"I wish my Pokemon were like that..." she though to herself.

Though Xoxaa glanced briefly at much older passengers, she did not realize these were soon to be her instructors. Her head was kept down slightly, avoiding whatever eye contact she could as she made her way towards the exit of the boat. There she grabbed her dorm jacket, a yellow one for the Raikou dorm. Making it onto the pier, she glanced around at the facilities of the Pokemon Trainer Academy.

"Let's hope this works out... I need my Pokemon to respect me if I want to be a good trainer."

And so it begins. A new opportunity to become a great Pokemon trainer.
Ace was the first student who entered boat, that's why he was bored mostly and in the middle of the trip he fall asleep. Now it almost the end of the of the trip to the academy and Ice was a little annoyed cause Ace's fell asleep and Ice used fake out forcing Ace to wake up. "Hey! What's the problem?" Ace asked. "Sneasel..." Ice made a disspointed look at Ace. "Oh well.." Ace said. "I wonder if I finish Academy, I will really become better Pokemon trainer?" Ace asked. "Sneasel! Sneaasel!" Ice smiled. "Well..we will know the answer someday.." Ace said. Then suddenly He heard something very loud.

"We have arrived at Pokemon Trainer Academy. Also remember to recieve your dorm jackets as you leave the boat."

"Lets go Ice!" Ace said. He received a Blue Jacket, and left the boat with Ice. "Woah! There are so many of them, never thought that there will be so much students around here.." Ace was shocked. "Well this is beginning of the new adventure!" Ace said it happily and Ice cheered.
"Ah, a fresh start." Nathan said in a sighing manner. With his jacket hung from his arm and the chance of him wearing it slim he looked around again to glance back at the trainers still getting of the boat. "Humph, they're late." he said rudely. Of course, no one could hear him. "Now look at her," he muttered " She looks peculiar, quite untidy but they'res something to her, someting more than meets the eye." Nathan's sense of curiosity kicked in and he really wondered who that trainer was. She had a messy looking outift, like she had almost rushed to put it on and Nathan could've sworm he saw a stain on her sleeve, but he couldn't be too sure. "Now back to buisness he thought, I need to withdraw a pokemon, the boat wouldn't alow me to carry 4."

Nathan started to walk towards a nearby rock, attracted to it's largeness he leant against it firmly like a tree. His head moves from left to right with his hands in his pockets, observing all the trainers who passed by, of course, it's in his nature. He reached inside his suit, to fetch his pokedex, along with a bump on his finger which seemed to be a peck. "Piplup.." he groaned. "You must be hungry, some Pokemon Food is in there somewhere, go find it I'm sure you will." As soon as Nathan mentioned Pokemon food, turtwig and chimchar flew out of their pokeballs as quick as a furret on fire! "Calm down guys!" Nathan said firmly. "You can all have some." Oncew that problemw as resoved, his pokemon all happily eating on the rock behind him, he continued to do what he wanted to do. He waved his pokedex in the air.. "Come on, come on." he encouraged it, "Gimme a signal." Ding It connected.
"Perfect." Nathan said smugly. He dialed his mother 65438879.

"Um Hello? Who may this be?" his mother greeted.
"It's me mum."
"Oh Nathan hows things? Have you arrived yet?"
"Yes, indeed I have; hows things?"
"Good, good, soo do you need anything?"
Yes actually, I was wondering if you could send me my gibe, when I get in which will hopefully be soon."
"Of course my darling. your gible has been doing really well, it's astonishing."
"Really!? Thanks. What are it's moves?"
"If I can recall they are:
- Dragon rage
- Sandstorm
- Double Team
- Dragonbreath.
- Stealth Rock
- Slash."
"Woah, that's great. Thanks.
"No worries."
"Anyway mum, I have to go, I think I might battle a trainer, but I don't know which one.."
"Well good luck sweetie and take care."
"Okay mum, bye.

Nathan hung up the phone.

"Hmm," he thought, "Who shall I challenge?"
Kyle was sitting back in his room, cuddling the brand new Egg he had just received. He was very happy, this was a rare egg, found only in Unova. He had recently been there on a business trip, to check the Daycares and Egg care of several regions, and had luckily managed to arrive before the semester started. The Daycare man in Unova had thanked him for visiting them, and had presented him with a mysterious Egg. Kyle had politely accepted it, and was now just waiting for the day it would hatch.

"Hey, Kyle! The students are here!" A voice came from outside his room. Kyle was filled with a surge of excitement, and was excited to meet his new students.

He gently picked up the Egg, and took it with him outside, and stood near the rocks, looking at the excited students pick up their jackets. Kyle smiled at them.

He noticed some voices coming from the rock, and looked over to see a new student talking on his Pokedex.

...."Anyway mum, I have to go, I think I might battle a trainer, but I don't know which one.."
"Okay mum, bye"

Huh, so he was thinking about battling. He liked his attitude. It was his first day, and already ready for battles.

He walked up behind the student, and said, "So, you thinking about battling? I see your blue jacket. Suicune Dorm, eh? You must be pretty good."
Nathan turned around and heard a boy speaking to him. "Indeed, that is what I said." Nathan nodded as he replied. "So you want to battle? That'd be great. I see you're in the Rakiou Dorm, you seem to be the competitive type, perhaps we may start with a 2 on 2 battle or would you prefer something different?" Nathan was excited he really wanted to start battling, get warmed up and show off some of his techniques.
"Ice, we are finally here!" Ace said. "Sneasel, Sneasel!" Ice smiled and jumped on Ace's left shoulder.
Ace was very excited, he picked up his jacket and started to look at his new teachers, he also saw one teacher talking to one of the Suicune Dorm's student and suddenly he heard:

...."Anyway mum, I have to go, I think I might battle a trainer, but I don't know which one.."
"Okay mum, bye"
..."So, you thinking about battling? I see your blue jacket. Suicune Dorm, eh? You must be pretty good."

"Hmm? Who's the guy who wants to battle here?" Ace shouted.
Then he heard:

..."So you want to battle? That'd be great. I see you're in the Rakiou Dorm, you seem to be the competitive type, perhaps we may start with a 2 on 2 battle or would you prefer something different?"

"Hey there! I want to battle too, im not here to watch!" Ace shouted again.
"Steel has the highest defense in all types-" Eugene, or Green (his nickname), was studying a large book about Steel Pokemon in the teacher's room. His seat was in a little comfortable corner, away from other teachers and disturbing students. That didn't mean he wasn't disturbed often, though. Green flipped a page, and he jumped. There was a large web, a yellow one on page 64, and when he touched it, it had a little electric shock.

Green rolled his eyes and turned to the little corner of the room, staring at his Garvantula, "How many time did I tell you? Do not make webs in my book!"

Garvantula snorted and continued to cover his little corner with his yellow Electrowebs, ignoring his master.

"And the students are coming!" Green brightened up and grinned, "A whole new bunch of students to teach."

Garvantula looked uninterested and turned around, falling asleep in seconds. Sighing, Eugene got up from his seat and walked out of the teacher's room, glancing around to see if there was anybody who needed help. The corridor was rather quiet, but then he saw another teacher talking to a student from the Suicune dorms. It was Kyle, and he was a few years younger than him - the youngest teacher in school. Green was interested and stood at a side, listening to their conversations.
Nathan, amazed but the amount of people who heard him talking to his mum was happy to oblige. Hmm who shall I battle first. Well it seems you're more ready. He pointed to the trainer's sneasel. "Shall we battle 2 on 2 or something different?" Nathan asked.
..."Shall we battle 2 on 2 or something different?"

"Hmm.." Ace smiled. "Im going to use all of my pokemon, that means..let it be 3 on 3 battle!" Ace said and now he is thinking what pokemon he should choose first. "Ok then! Cotton I choose you!" Ace throwed Pokeball and Swablu came out. "So which pokemon are you going to use?" Ace asked.
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"Piplup." Nathan said. Piplup looked up to Nathan eagerly. Nathan winked and piplup jumped onto the battle field. "I accept your challenge, a 3 on 3 battle it is." Nathan smiled and made his first move.

Piplup jump and use Icy Wind.

"I'm always prepared." Nathan said sneakily. Nathan quickly glanced up towards the Acdemy windows, he had a feeling like someone was watching him. He was right, it seemed to be a teacher..
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(no one-liners, people. it's against the rules)

Suddenly the boy in the blue jacket pointed at a Sneazel owned by another boy and challenged him to a pokemon battle. Green smiled and nodded. He had confidence, and he was a little demanding too. Eugene wanted to join the battle, but his pokemon were too strong compared to theirs, as they were like 40 levels ahead of their pokemon.

"Let's see how this comes out." Eugene smiled and continued to watch. He didn't want to battle, but he did want to see if they had any potential or not. A teacher fighting a student. That was rather wrong, so he didn't say a word even though if they wanted a 2 on 2. They probably didn't know that he's a teacher either.

"Oh but they will. Soon." Eugene told himself, his Pokeballs in his pockets.
"Icy Wind!? Well that is unexpected!" Ace was shocked. "Well I can't just give up now!" Ace said it proudly, but he is not sure what move he should use and then he said:

"Cotton use your Agility and dodge Icy Wind with all of your speed!" When an Icy Wind is about to hit Swablu, it disappears and reappears behind the opponent.

"Heh.." Ace looks at Piplup who is about to land. "Cotton! Use Dragon Rush!" Ace said. Swablu's body becomes surrounded in a light blue orb with white streaks. It then slams into the opponent with full force.

While Ace's Cotton is about to hit Piplup, he looks at his opponent and sees that his not even looking at his Pokemon, but at some kind of window and then he sees that Teacher is watching at him but, 2 seconds later his looking at his Cotton again, ignoring everyone else except his opponent.
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"Tut tut tut, not too fast." Nathan said shaking his head sarcastically.
"Piplup use double team let him fall straight through into one of you, right into the ground!"
Piplup did what she was instructed, she swiflty mades doubles of herself. Now all that was left to do is for the swablu to charge straight through the fake on and into the ground.
"After that use Rain Dance, to make sure it's wings become wet! Without it's wings it's stuck!
"Hmm...Cotton won't be the only one who will be unable to move...Cotton Sing!" Swablu sings a soothing melody and transparent circles come out of its mouth. Piplup hears the song and is hit with the shockwave and instantly falls asleep while all of his fakes dissapear. "Heh, Im not so weak, you know.." Ace said, he looks at his Swablu who looks extremely tired and its still raining.
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(Ugh could we make it so the recevier can decide if it hits or not, because you're sorta god-modding.)

Therefore, Piplup fell asleep, thought it's rain dance came into affect. Nathan knew his Piplup was healthy but it was asleep. What could he do know? Nathan carefully looked at swablu, it was tired that was for sure, after all those moves, it was pretty worn out. "Go Ahead, attack." Nathan smartly snapped. He knew the rain was pouring and Swablu was tired. If swablu attacked piplup once more, the rain along with it's attack would wipe it out along with Piplup. "Go, why not, you can make her faint." Nathan repeated. He winked and smiled. "Your choice."
(Well somebody has to faint you know, and my Swablu is almost fainted, oh well.. *edits last post*)

"Hmm, Cotton use Roost!" Swablu glows brightly, recovering its health in the process. Swablu recovers alot of its HP, but its still a little injured.. "Hmph, now use your Hyper Voice!" Swablu releases multiple light blue rings from its mouth at the opponent. Ace looks at the and its still raining. "C'mon one more move and effect will fade.." He said it quietly,
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(True, but I thought it was too soon. Anyway. XD; )

The Hyper Voice hits but Piplup, but she holds on. "You're good but not good enough, I didn't get this jacket for no reason!" Nathan was angry, he hates it when his pokemon are vulnerable. Naturally by being hit with the hyper voice Piplup woke up. It's eye flickered, it was hurt, hit hyper voice was stong.

"Piplup, use icy wind to freeze the rain, next send the ice shards flying with bubblebeam!"
"Then quickly use Aqua Ring." he whispered.
"Perfect! 5 turns! That means..." Rain stops and its sunny again. Swablu flies up. "Now..Cotton! Agility once more!" When an attack is about to hit Swablu, it disappears and reappears behind the opponent dodging the move.

"Heh, now my Cotton is even faster, use Peck now!" Swablu pecks the opponent repeatedly with its beak. Ace smiles and thinks that its over for Piplup.