A lone Pawniard caught wind of something afoul on the ship, his right eye shifted through the crowd before he made his way towards a section of the deck, hopping up to get a better vantage at a certain battle that had took place. Pokemon without any Trainers battling? They couldn't have been wild, although stowaways weren't uncommon either. He had watched the battle between said Snivy and Mincinno take place, observing their moves and possibly motives for for the battle. It was a vicous one, he remarked silently to himself, sensing their own rage getting the better of them combatants. He was surprised to see the Sableye try and break up the fight, Seigmund didn't know whether to appreciate the Dark/Ghost hybrid's concern for his "friends". A battle was a battle, and between two destined souls it was not meant to be tampered with. Well, now that the battle was over, he decided to follow the injured Mincinno, apparently named Duster. He wouldn't reveal himself to her yet, he didn't want to help, even after observing her fall down said steps. Before long, he would observe her return to her Trainer, he'd observe the said few gathered around from some vantage point, perhaps out of line of sight, his single good eye unblinking and glued on them. His intentions? He may have just been a Pawniard, but he was more skilled and tactful than his teammates, gathering info about opponents before said battles ensue. His first impression was they were nice people, but got the feeling they were in a rank all in their own. He was sure someone would see him eventually while he was watching people, if he was spotted, he might attempt to introduce himself, or he could be anti-social and just walk off.
Meanwhile, said Pawniard's trainer was at the messhall... or was it food court. He got a little bit of everything, Gale and Zangya managing to get something in their bellies. Well... Cory was wondering where Saigmund was, he knew he liked to wander off sometimes, yet he'd prolly have to save some food for him later. As for now, he just munched absently on some food, and helping Gale by breaking smaller peices so she wont choke. Zangya on the other hand was going to town, shoveling her food into her mouth and going OMNOMNOMS rather rudely. She must have been more hungry than he thought.